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Team Fortress 2 |OT2| Free 2 Play Forever

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hm the other team seems like rude people. better luck next time though!

are there sourcetvs to spec these games :D? not to add to the pressure or anything.

also tf2 uses targas (.tga) for screenshots.
Blizzard said:
If you're using the TF2 F5 button, I seem to recall that they can be saved as some odd format (TGA sounds right, thanks bacon), and you'd have to convert them with an image editor. Otherwise I don't know what could be the problem. I just use Fraps.
I had tried opening them in GIMP already, but that didn't work, but then after this post I decided to change the file extension back to .tga, so then I was able to open them and convert them and upload them. Thanks!


Man I'm just glad it's over. Competitive TF2 is the worst.

And no I don't give a FUCK that this isn't "real competitive play" or that Highlander is "stupid." So don't bother. I'm talking to you, Boonoo and pet. Mostly pet cause he takes it way too seriously YEAH YOU DO. U;

commissar said:
better luck next time though!
We're out of the tourney now.


Twig said:
Man I'm just glad it's over. Competitive TF2 is the worst.

And no I don't give a FUCK that this isn't "real competitive play" or that Highlander is "stupid." So don't bother. I'm talking to you, Boonoo and pet. Mostly pet cause he takes it way too seriously YEAH YOU DO. U;

We're out of the tourney now.

but it wasn't competitive :U
Competitive play is more or less by defenition serious.

Your bad feelings towards comp style play are misdirected, and that you base your feelings on a couple jerk-off 6v6es and some highlander is disingenuous at best.

If you don't like it because spies or whatever aren't very worthwhile you should be upset with valve for making it so half the classes are situational at best (during situations when you're actually trying to win) and only worth playing full time if you're forced to (like in a highlander).

Furthermore, there are reasons why a person wouldn't like tf2 6v6, but if you're going to dislike something you should do so based on its merits and not because some class doesn't get much play time. That's like disliking soccer because you can't play quarterback.


Hazaro said:
Get on 20 minutes after it starts, then NO PLAYING FOR ME.

I was even checking ETF2L sorta regularly alongside here.

Yeah, sorry about not catching you earlier. I had mentioned it sporadically in the thread, but without much enthusiasm. I've been busy with stuff.

It was a pretty bad match anyway. But! The upside is that highlander is done with, and we should all get our medals sometime next year when it finally wraps up. What an absolutely horribly run tournament. I expected better from the euros.


Boonoo said:
but it wasn't competitive :U
Competitive play is more or less by defenition serious.

Your bad feelings towards comp style play are misdirected, and that you base your feelings on a couple jerk-off 6v6es and some highlander is disingenuous at best.

If you don't like it because spies or whatever aren't very worthwhile you should be upset with valve for making it so half the classes are situational at best (during situations when you're actually trying to win) and only worth playing full time if you're forced to (like in a highlander).

Furthermore, there are reasons why a person wouldn't like tf2 6v6, but if you're going to dislike something you should do so based on its merits and not because some class doesn't get much play time. That's like disliking soccer because you can't play quarterback.
what did i say bohnoh WHAT DID I SAY
So don't bother.

ps spy is never situational in the rules around which the game was actually constructed, so i can hardly blame valve for not catering to a bunch of elitist manbabbys who hate playing with large groups of people, so they make up their own niggling rules that make no sense

edit: god there are so many things i could tear about in this little tirade of yours bohnoh



tagged by Blackace
So I'm wondering, what do you TF2 guys in here use to record all of your clips and screens? FRAPS for both? Been looking into making some TF2 gameplay videos.


Twig said:
ps spy is never situational in the rules around which the game was actually constructed[/i

Spy is the most situation class there is. Assuming you can play soldier/scout/demo then 9/10 out of ten it will be better to use one of them over a spy no matter the number of people playing.

What rules are changed in comp that magically make the spy such a bad general choice? Is it that people actually communicate? Because that's really not a rule.

so they make up their own niggling rules that make no sense

What are some of these niggling rules, and why don't they make sense?


Spy is the most situation class there is. Assuming you can play soldier/scout/demo then 9/10 out of ten it will be better to use one of them over a spy no matter the number of people playing.
How am I supposed to argue with someone who states nonfacts as if they were facts?

I'm not, that's how!

If you want to get all in the nitty-gritty, then every class is situational. Even soldier, scout, and demoman. Spy is no more or less situational than them in normal play. But in 6v6 (niggling), they're rendered virtually useless because there's no chaos in which they can thrive.

And even a well-ordered team would be chaotic in normal play, so don't give me that bullshit, either.

EDIT: Except heavy is probably the worst class in every situation, so there's that, if you want to talk about worthless classes.


Twig said:
If you want to get all in the nitty-gritty, then every class is situational. Even soldier, scout, and demoman.
The difference is that some classes are more situational than others. There are plenty of times in 6v6 when someone will jump from a standard class to a situational one.

Spy is no more or less situational than them in normal play.
I don't think that's true. A spy is rendered useless by good spy checking. There's a reason that in 12v12 teams with 3 or 4 spies lose when teams with 3 or 4 soldiers or demos don't. Scouts, admittedly, are more situational than soldiers/demos which is why it's generally the scouts that switch out in 6v6.

But in 6v6 (niggling), they're rendered virtually useless because there's no chaos in which they can thrive.
I don't see how you can call changing the amount of players a niggling rule. It's pretty substantial. Also, I think you go too far with "virtually useless." A well placed backstab can really help change a match. The trick is that it's hard to pull off twice in a row, so you go spy then switch back after you've made the pick. With good communication it should be that way no matter the number of players. The worse the other team is the better the spy becomes.


Niggling does not mean what I thought it meant (annoying).

Allow me to correct myself: shitty fucking shit cans full of fucking shit in a pile of cock shit.

As to the rest: like I said.

nonfacts as facts
Boonoo said:
What rules are changed in comp that magically make the spy such a bad general choice? Is it that people actually communicate? Because that's really not a rule.

Technically the game is designed so the dead can't talk to the living, only other dead, so they can't call out Spy positions or warnings the moment they're stabbed. Organized play using Mumble or the like sidesteps this.


Kulock said:
Technically the game is designed so the dead can't talk to the living, only other dead, so they can't call out Spy positions or warnings the moment they're stabbed. Organized play using Mumble or the like sidesteps this.
That's kind of a good point, actually.


marked forever
GhettoGamer said:
Looking to trade towering pillar of hats and a name tag for the attendant.

Username is Jayblack85 and i am online right now

I have an attendant, but I'm looking for a milkman.

*edit* Also I don't really enjoy more "serious" play because I just can't take the game serious. If you guys do another highlander, I'll sit out and let someone else hop in.


Kulock said:
Technically the game is designed so the dead can't talk to the living, only other dead, so they can't call out Spy positions or warnings the moment they're stabbed. Organized play using Mumble or the like sidesteps this.
That's kind of a good point, actually.

While the default talk setting is team/alive only, team/alive or dead is included, so you really don't need to go to a third party for full team team chat.

And team/alive only impacts quite a bit more than the spy. The game as a whole gives you boodles of information when you die--exact enemy health and position for example.

Gravetalk allows for much more cohesive team play (since you can relay all sorts of information and plan strategies etc when you're dead), and it negatively impacts all variety of sneaky actions. It hurts snipers and flanking scouts almost as much as it does spies, but with it on you can actually play as a team, so overall I think it's a good change.

It's also a strange thing to call 6v6 out on. In my experience servers running default chat settings are in a pretty clear minority.

So what other rules are "shitty fucking shit cans full of fucking shit in a pile of cock shit."

Here's a list of the changes off the top of my head.

Player limit (6 per team)
Class limits (1 med, 1 demo, 2 of everything else)
No random crits
No damage spread
Even pellet spread
A number of banned weapons

There really aren't that many.


Twig said:
Man I'm just glad it's over. Competitive TF2 is the worst.

And no I don't give a FUCK that this isn't "real competitive play" or that Highlander is "stupid." So don't bother. I'm talking to you, Boonoo and pet. Mostly pet cause he takes it way too seriously YEAH YOU DO. U;

i take it seriously when someone starts bashing competitive tf2 when they've never even played a competitive game of tf2 in their life and really have no idea what they're talking about.

i love competitive 6v6 tf2. it's honestly the most fun i've ever had playing a videogame, ever, and i wish more people would try it and get into it... it certainly doesn't help when someone starts ranting at length about how terrible it is for no real reason!


I've seen plenty of videos of 6v6 stuff and, while I'm happy for the people that like it, it doesn't appeal to me at all. As far as I'm concerned it strips out a lot of what makes TF2 appealing to me. I'm sure there are other people in the same boat.


rar said:
i take it seriously when someone starts bashing competitive tf2 when they've never even played a competitive game of tf2 in their life and really have no idea what they're talking about.

i love competitive 6v6 tf2. it's honestly the most fun i've ever had playing a videogame, ever, and i wish more people would try it and get into it... it certainly doesn't help when someone starts ranting at length about how terrible it is for no real reason!
I have reasons. It is stupid and dumb and I've explained my reasons for thinking it's stupid and dumb. You don't agree with me, that's fine. I ain't be currrrrin'. Opinions are opinions.

P.S., you take this way too seriously. I don't give nearly as much of a fuck as you do. Why should you care if some scrub ain't be up in yo' jive with the comp? Answer: you shouldn't. Calm down, Sparky.

Also there's absolutely no reason I should have to play "real competitive play" to know that I won't like "real competitive play." There are plenty of things I know I wouldn't like. Eating shit, for example. Don't knock it 'til you've tried it!

Boonoo: I've been trying to tell you for several posts now... I am not interested in going into this with you. We've done it multiple times in the past. I've only been trying to be humorous about the argument (whether or not I'm succeeding is another matter entirely) and you're getting all SRS BSNS every post you make. It's really bringing me down, maaaan. ):

But argh I'm going to anyway...

It's also a strange thing to call 6v6 out on. In my experience servers running default chat settings are in a pretty clear minority.
It is a strange thing, I agree. But it is still a good point. If deadtalk was not allowed, spy would be far more effective than it already is.

And don't bring up "servers" because you know damn well 99% of those servers are set up for casual friendly play, not serious competitive play. If we're talking about purely default settings compared to competitive settings, then it is very much true that the default settings make spy a less useless class.
Player limit (6 per team)
As I've explained before, this is my biggest, ahem, niggle.

I, as a player, thrive in the chaos that 12v12 provides. It is a more enjoyable experience by far. Next you'll tell me that reducing the team size to 6v6 allows for more cohesive teamplay. I don't give a fuck. Chaos is one of the many things that I love about the game and hate when it's not happening.

I can't fucking stand playing anything below 8v8 if I actually want to be serious. In fact, I actually play significantly worse the fewer players there are. Next you'll blame my skill. I don't give a fuck. This is not about my skill; this is about my enjoyment of the game.

ALSO: For the record, my reasons for hating this highlander thing are completely different from my reasons for hating 6v6. It was just too fucking disorganized and took seventy years and I got impatient and bored with TF2 over the span of how long the tournament took and I just wanted to get it over with. And now I am going on a TF2 break for a month or two, as I often do. (I hope the current server survives, though. I think a lot of people are bored, and the new server is suffering for it. ;_;)

I do apologize if I was annoying during the actual match yesterday, though. Sometimes when I try to be funny and listen to myself later (while recording videos or whatever) I realize my sarcasm/facetiousness is filtered out through the magic of the internet and I just sound like a whiny bitch. U:


tbh you can't understand how fun competitive play is before you try it with a team you really like working with. Being in a clan you like, and one which shares the same gaming attitudes as you makes any game infinitely more fun. You wouldn't really expect it though, so most people don't ever find a clan, and then miss out on the best thing about online gaming.


The very core of the typical TF2 competitive setup is what I don't like - not competitive play itself. I just say "competitive" because 6v6 is the only real competitive setup for TF2. Nobody does anything else. They don't even take highlander seriously (whether or not that is for valid reasons is - I don't give a fuck).

Too is your logic flawed because it's entirely possible and valid to judge things without trying them first. There are some things that you simply know you wouldn't enjoy. I don't buy games I know I won't like, and I don't try 6v6 extensively because I know I won't like it. It's not for me.

Jesus this ridiculous "YOU HAVE TO TRY IT OR YOU CAN'T SAY SHIT" attitude is ridiculous.
Just butting in real quick to point this out:


So besides the fact people can get Poker Night (and the TF2 unlocks) for cheaper, there are hats tied to this sale. Complete 5 objectives, get a Bounty Hat. 15 nets you a Treasure Hat. Finally, there's the Hat of Undeniable Wealth and Respect. That one requires all 28 objectives completed, which of course requires you own every single game they set objectives for. There's one for R.U.S.E. today, for example, which is on sale for $33 if you didn't already own it.


Twig said:
The very core of the typical TF2 competitive setup is what I don't like - not competitive play itself. I just say "competitive" because 6v6 is the only real competitive setup for TF2. Nobody does anything else. They don't even take highlander seriously (whether or not that is for valid reasons is - I don't give a fuck).

Too is your logic flawed because it's entirely possible and valid to judge things without trying them first. There are some things that you simply know you wouldn't enjoy. I don't buy games I know I won't like, and I don't try 6v6 extensively because I know I won't like it. It's not for me.

Jesus this ridiculous "YOU HAVE TO TRY IT OR YOU CAN'T SAY SHIT" attitude is ridiculous.

I think the trouble is that instead of saying "I don't like comp tf2 because I really like to play spy, and in general I prefer playing tf2 pretty casually" you say all sorts of mean things D:

And because I'm super cereal, and because I've found that I really enjoy the way comp tf2 works, I stick up for the principle and potentials of the game as a competitive platform. There's a lot of slander thrown towards tf2 as a cartoon baby game (especially contrasted against the other big FPSes out there), and that it has, I believe, more competitive potential than something like COD, makes me want to highlight what you can do with it outside of fun and chaotic pub games.

So I guess I feel that there are perfectly valid reasons for shying away from it even if you haven't tried it. If you love playing some heavy or you really like building engie forts maybe it's not for you. But that doesn't mean that its a bad game.


Boonoo said:
I think the trouble is that instead of saying "I don't like comp tf2 because I really like to play spy, and in general I prefer playing tf2 pretty casually" you say all sorts of mean things D:
I've never said any mean things about you or anyone who plays competitive TF2. In fact, you should know from playing with me that any means things PERIOD are utterly meaningless.

Also I don't care about the "casual" part. I am an extremely competitive person and would love to play competitive TF2 if the setup didn't remove the things I love about the game. Blame the game, not the player.
And because I'm super cereal, and because I've found that I really enjoy the way comp tf2 works, I stick up for the principle and potentials of the game as a competitive platform. There's a lot of slander thrown towards tf2 as a cartoon baby game (especially contrasted against the other big FPSes out there), and that it has, I believe, more competitive potential than something like COD, makes me want to highlight what you can do with it outside of fun and chaotic pub games.
I have never said anything to the contrary. Everything I've said has been opinion.

So I guess I feel that there are perfectly valid reasons for shying away from it even if you haven't tried it. If you love playing some heavy or you really like building engie forts maybe it's not for you. But that doesn't mean that its a bad game.
I have stated my perfectly valid reasons many times over and you keep telling me are not valid, which is objectively untrue. So this is all your fault!


So uh, I tried competitive play with Boonoo and I don't think I liked it. Maybe I should try it again so I could not like it more. >.>

I like playing me some heavy, though, so at least Boonoo gave me a way out. :lol


Twig said:
Niggling does not mean what I thought it meant (annoying).

Allow me to correct myself: shitty fucking shit cans full of fucking shit in a pile of cock shit.

As to the rest: like I said.
shitty fucking shit
cans full of fucking shit
in a pile of cock shit.
(Yesterday, 11:17 PM)
Reply | Quote

Now that would be perfect.

*cough* *nudge nudge*


Bitches love smiley faces
Kulock said:
Just butting in real quick to point this out:


So besides the fact people can get Poker Night (and the TF2 unlocks) for cheaper, there are hats tied to this sale. Complete 5 objectives, get a Bounty Hat. 15 nets you a Treasure Hat. Finally, there's the Hat of Undeniable Wealth and Respect. That one requires all 28 objectives completed, which of course requires you own every single game they set objectives for. There's one for R.U.S.E. today, for example, which is on sale for $33 if you didn't already own it.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Yeef said:
Chime is easily worth it.

Don't act like you don't already have Poker Night and all the unlocks from it.
godamnit...I was going to go to bed...I think I'm going to stay up and play Chime now...love that game...

EDIT: Oh hey, already completed the Chime objective. Sweet.


Corporate Apologist
Yeef said:
Chime is easily worth it.

Don't act like you don't already have Poker Night and all the unlocks from it.
Yes, but I don't want ruse, I am still upset Ubisoft didn't honor my $1 preorder!


Anyone wearing the 28 objective hat will be ridiculed anyway. The 10 objective hat is what all the cool people wear.


I wish they would do this but make the cheesemints tailored toward the individual's owned games.

Yeah, I know, how would they sell games like that! But it'd be more fun. \:
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