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Team Fortress 2 |OT2| Free 2 Play Forever

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Javaman said:
I remember when valve used to make new official maps instead of cosmetic junk. Thems were the days.

Yeah :( Judging the last few pages there is a whole new group of incoming freshmen who don't care what once was. Good for Valve, I guess. Now where's my EP3?


Has no PEINS
So is there any way at all to remove the "Not Tradable" status from a hat? Or turn it into a hat that IS tradable?


kenta said:
So is there any way at all to remove the "Not Tradable" status from a hat? Or turn it into a hat that IS tradable?

There have been times in the past when untradable metal would revert to being tradable after a big update, but I'm pretty sure that was just a mistake on Valve's part. It's never happened with anything other than metal though, as far as I know.


That girl in the bunny hat
kenta said:
So is there any way at all to remove the "Not Tradable" status from a hat? Or turn it into a hat that IS tradable?

I'm pretty sure that's the point of gift wrap. Wrap it and it becomes tradeable.
I can't sleep, so I decided to play again.

:eek: :eek: :eek:

I finally made it to the hundreds in less than an hour, dominating 3 guys for almost all of the game.

:eek: :eek: :eek:


Let's see if I can finish blackwatchplad's christmas song parody.

Chests and nuts roasting on a open fire.

Jack Frost ripping at your clothes...

And though it's been sprayed, many times, many ways...

Merry Fistmas, to you.


Yasae said:
Let's see if I can finish blackwatchplad's christmas song parody.
It's beginning to look a lot like Dustbowl,
Sentries everywhere.
We are trapped, inside our spawn,
And we know, it won't be long...

(there's presumably a full version somewhere)


BloodySinner said:

Yes, at the same time. There is two barrels. Why is only one of them being put to use?
Played with this weapon for two hours yesterday and I have came to the conclusion that it is worse than the direct hit..


From someone I know:

I sold Bill's Hat and Earbuds (limited items) as well as all vintage Medic hats, and the three vintage hat towers. I never wear any of them, and while the Physician's Procedure Mask is hella expensive, I personally think it's hideous.

I still have my bunny hat, so no big loss either way. :D

Guy wants to buy my Scout and Pyro hats for another $60 in a few days, too. $140 for idling, bitches. OOOOH YEAH
Valve is helping some people out this Christmas season, I guess. :/ This is the guy who used to worry about collecting all items, I guess, but now he's just idling and trading to make the most money possible.

I think the direct hit is a pretty good weapon, so I don't really see how the demoman weapon couple be near as good unless it was so powerful it basically shot like the direct hit, or unless it had some other effect entirely, like maybe firing two pipe bombs at once. And of course we don't want overpowered demos again. :p
Blizzard said:
I think the direct hit is a pretty good weapon, so I don't really see how the demoman weapon couple be near as good unless it was so powerful it basically shot like the direct hit, or unless it had some other effect entirely, like maybe firing two pipe bombs at once. And of course we don't want overpowered demos again. :p
This seems like the option that makes the most sense. I mean, the weapon already has 2 barrels...
So yea, got Killing Floor yesterday during the sale, I haven't gotten my TF2 items yet. SPUF told me to contact support, so here I go!
I purchased Killing Floor Complete, two days ago during the Steam holiday sale. According to KF's website, the Twisted Christmas promotion, where I would get TF2 items for buying KF, is still active.

However, it has been a few days and I still don't have my two promotional Pyro items in TF2.

I'd like to know if I just have to patient, or if there was a problem on Steam's end.


I already have the tie (got it for a Steak :p), but I'd like the Gasmask, and the extra tradeable tie would be cool too.

Hopefully there isn't some stupid technicality like I bought "Killing Floor Complete" and not "Killing Floor" or something stupid like that.
balladofwindfishes said:

I really like the idea of being an assist Sniper, but if you're going to be hitting them with charged bodyshots anyway, it might as well kill them, or you're not really much of a help. Maybe they should've left the random crits after all, or added a mini Jarate AOE to heavily-charged shots or something.


balladofwindfishes said:
+ Direct hit
+ New demo launcher

Top five most useless weapons? Highly tempted to throw in the Scottish Resistance.

EDIT: Forgot Natascha also. Goddamn like half the update weapons suck compared to vanilla loadouts, smh

Frontier Justice borders on useless but its not all bad.

I want the next update to just be a redesign of all the useless weapons (stats and maybe looks also).


balladofwindfishes said:
Backburner rules. It rewards players for flanking and ambushing. Plus considering fire can be easily put out, the extra damage output is really useful. The lack of compression blast is major though since you can't do any of Pyro's support actions, so having every Pyro on the team as Backburner Pyros is a bad idea.

But yeah, the Dalokohs bar is pretty terrible and only useful in extremely rare situations. I've only seen one person actually use it ever. The Sydney Sleeper also seems to take away one of the sniper's key features: one hit kills. If you use it, you're basically saying, "Yeah, I COULD have just killed him right then and there, but how about I just weaken him a bit so you can finish him off?" Uh, thanks for the assist I guess.

And while we're talking about useless stuff, how about the Gunboats? It stuns me that it was the ultimate reward for a major update.

[edit] Oh and Loch and Load is also terrible right now, I don't know why so many people are using it. It would be much better if the pipe bombs exploded when they hit a surface as opposed to bouncing around like a normal bomb would. Maybe they think this would be too close to the rocket laucher though.
BloodySinner said:
What's so bad about The Backburner? It's not like normal pyro players use compression blast.

Are you joking? They practically forced most Pyro players to become good at it when they nerfed the damage output of the flame (and lowered the cost to airblast). And now you can't play Soldier without a Pyro jumping in front of the crowd and, as someone else put it, "lol return to sender".


tagged by Blackace
BloodySinner said:
What's so bad about The Backburner? It's not like normal pyro players use compression blast.
Wow. "Normal pyros" must be shit then. Airblast puts out teammates on fire, can blast people off maps and return rockets and demoman grenades. It's one DAMN useful feature, and if your not taking advantage of it, your missing out on a huge part of playing Pyro.


Wolf Akela said:
What? Frontier Justice is awesome specially if you're good at aiming with it.
Um, it aims just like the shotgun iirc?

BloodySinner said:
What's so bad about The Backburner? It's not like normal pyro players use compression blast.
Not sure if you're being serious. If you are then this is the reason why it is general consensus among TF2 players that the Pyro is a bad player class along with the backburner being a bad player's weapon of choice ~_~
enzo_gt said:
Wow. "Normal pyros" must be shit then. Airblast puts out teammates on fire, can blast people off maps and return rockets and demoman grenades. It's one DAMN useful feature, and if your not taking advantage of it, your missing out on a huge part of playing Pyro.

That was the whole my point in my original statement. They DON'T use it to aid their team members.


I would actually say that the amount of smart pyros using blast has actually gone up quite a bit since the redesign of the basic flame thrower.
I like Gunboats, personally. It gives me a lot more mobility and less reasons to go find health/Medics, so I can remain a one-man army longer. 3 rockets is enough to kill anything not tagged by a Medic. I just love pushing forward, like on a PL map once we break an enemy line I'll push forward to wreck Engie nests while they're still weak.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
I like that the backburner encourages ambushes and sneaking up behind the opponent, but the lack of compression blast kills it. If you're not compression blasting, you're missing out on an important part of Pyro play.
Sounds to me like a lot of people don't understand the original purpose of the Pyro class - that is an ambush class that causes mayhem who can also do some double duty as a defensive class.

Airblast pyros are a completely fine way to play, if you want to mostly play support and defense. It is hardly the only way, and anyone who is attempting to be an offensive pyro with the original flamethrower is not doing it right.

I play both, but I find being an ambushing backburner pyro is more effective for getting things done.


Corporate Apologist
Backbuner was great for ambushing a group, but Shotgun + Degreaser + Axtinguisher is gret to pick of people one at a time.
EatChildren said:
I like that the backburner encourages ambushes and sneaking up behind the opponent, but the lack of compression blast kills it. If you're not compression blasting, you're missing out on an important part of Pyro play.

That's the trade off, though. None of the extra weapons are ever supposed to be "better" than the originals.
according to Facepunch, Valve is very interested in accepting community taunts and weapon animations.

After the holiday when everyone gets back, they are going to work on a formal way to accept community content that isn't weapons or hats.

So that means the floodgates would open, and we'd probably get super high quality weapon animations, taunts and random stuff like sounds and kill icons. And they'd be able to accept them faster than the current method.

Edit: Also, Valve gave me my KF items. I don't know why I didn't get them when I bought the game, but Valve got back to me in <24 hours and I now have my 2 items. :)


The_Technomancer said:
It does, I think his point was that if you don't waste your criticals by missing then the Frontier Justice can be very powerful.
Well every body misses on occasion. It's not a very good weapon though. You're giving up three rounds of your shotgun to rely on your sentry kills. It isn't a horrible weapon but if your sentry doesn't have a single kill you're fucked if it gets destroyed. It is a weapon that relies on circumstance just like the scottish resistance and a couple other update weapons.

Captain N. Tenneal said:
Sounds to me like a lot of people don't understand the original purpose of the Pyro class - that is an ambush class that causes mayhem who can also do some double duty as a defensive class.

Airblast pyros are a completely fine way to play, if you want to mostly play support and defense. It is hardly the only way, and anyone who is attempting to be an offensive pyro with the original flamethrower is not doing it right.

I play both, but I find being an ambushing backburner pyro is more effective for getting things done.
Nobody has forgotten actually. It sounds to me like some people have forgot how effective you can be with just the basic flame thrower. I have been saying this since I first started playing. The normal flame thrower does enough damage already. Backburner gives up airblast which is 50% of the class thus making you only half the team player. An effective ninja sneak attack (which is rare on most maps against decent teams) doesn't outweigh being able to blow back ubers and put out burning team mates. You can still even preform these effective ambushes with the basic thrower. Just try to stay alive a couple seconds longer. Flame thrower equipped while preforming an ambush makes you a better player plus more effective. Airblast is great for escaping after burning several enemies.


Captain N. Tenneal said:
Sounds to me like a lot of people don't understand the original purpose of the Pyro class - that is an ambush class that causes mayhem who can also do some double duty as a defensive class.
Obviously by "a lot of people" you mean Valve. The way the Pyro is now just about every class can match or beat his close range DPS and his long range game is virtually non-existent. Afterburn is mostly worthless too since there are a billion and one ways to put it out. The airblast is also, as far as I know, the only attack in the game that isn't affected by lag compensation, so if your ping sucks it's nearly impossible to use. The mechanics of the flame from the flamethrower also don't play nice with lag. The flame particles you see on your screen have no correlation to the actual damage particles, so you get great stuff like scouts running right into your attack and someone not getting hit.

Pyro is great at picking off stragglers (but I'd argue scout is better) and great for defending engineer nests (and defending in general), but for a class designated as "offensive" he's pretty awful on the front lines.

(._.) said:
Well every body misses on occasion. It's not a very good weapon though. You're giving up three rounds of your shotgun to rely on your sentry kills. It isn't a horrible weapon but if your sentry doesn't have a single kill you're fucked if it gets destroyed. It is a weapon that relies on circumstance just like the scottish resistance and a couple other update weapons.
Except you still get 3 shots which is enough to take out most classes. If not, they're wounded enough to finish off with your pistol. If you're using the Wrangler I'd recommend against the Frontier Justice, but otherwise I'd say it's pretty well-balanced with the basic shotgun. As an Engineer you should always be near your sentry either repairing it or helping it kill, so racking up kills and assists for crits shouldn't be a problem.

Nobody has forgotten actually. It sounds to me like some people have forgot how effective you can be with just the basic flame thrower. I have been saying this since I first started playing. The normal flame thrower does enough damage already. Backburner gives up airblast which is 50% of the class thus making you only half the team player. An effective ninja sneak attack (which is rare on most maps against decent teams) doesn't outweigh being able to blow back ubers and put out burning team mates. You can still even preform these effective ambushes with the basic thrower. Just try to stay alive a couple seconds longer. Flame thrower equipped while preforming an ambush makes you a better player plus more effective. Airblast is great for escaping after burning several enemies.
The other thing to keep in mind is that the back burner does less now than the default flamethrower did at launch. They severely nerfed the flamethrower damage compared to what it used to be.


Yeah pistol is the way to go with it over the wrangler. I would take the regular+pistol over it though when I'm playing gunslinger engy.

They did some nerf/buffing some months back but for the most part it is fine. Just as effective as the backburner for ambushes.
Considering Spy and Sniper are the only two classes that can't heal themselves somehow (and Spy has the DR, and Sniper has the Danger Sheild, so they can increase their health), I really don't see how Valve's original intent of the classes is still relevent to the modern game.

If you want an ambush class, Cloak and Dagger Spy works better than Pyro. A smaller body (without the long flamethrower), the ability to stay invisible forever, and an instant kill attack.

If you opt for a higher health option, sticky traps are more effective forms of ambushing, and the Demoman has more uses than just ambushing.
The reason backburner is better for ambushes are those (albeit glitchy) crits you can get when behind someone. It's very possible to come up behind a team that's focusing forward and wipe them nearly entirely out. By the time they figure out what's going on, half of their team is dead and the other half is panicking and on fire, letting the rest of the team push back. It really depends on the map though - sometimes airblast pyro is the way to go.

But those criticals can make a major difference, I've seen and personally have done complete team dominance reversals from some effective pyro ambushing with the backburner.

A pyro's role is disorientation and confusion while dealing damage and letting other heavy hitters take advantage of said confusion and scattering.
Haha, remember when I complained to support that I didn't get my KF items yet?

So I got into TF2 today after a week or so of not getting int and got not just a Foster's Facade and the Scarf...

I got another set of Foster's Facade and the Scarf!

So now I have 3 scarves and 2 facades. I guess I wasn't patient enough, and they gave me a set on top of the promotional set.

I'm going to hold onto them until they're worth an unusual or something
or I'll try and get earbuds for the whole set

Edit: !!!!
They're random leveled!
All other KF items are level 1
I'm sitting on a gold mine!
haha, not really, but it's still cool
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