My observation was from the first match I joined on Steel. Mind you, our whole team couldn't get out of spawn, either. My biggest accomplishment was getting about 20 feet out of the spawn doors, over by the rocks near A.
The only time I scored any significant points or helped in any way during the night was when I went heavy (shock).
Oh you mean when I was heavy and messed up your whole team
Well...just bitch about heavies like crushed then or understand that...
1. You had a few dumbasses go for E. And one pyro use the A door exploit wherein I went to fill him with holes.
2. You had a sloppy push out of A. Coming one at a time or in tight spaces when I have a kritz medic is dumb. Staying there and trying to kill me is dumber. Only Artist was sniping...albeit piss sniper.
3. No spy or good spy to do any damage. I wasn't worried about my back.
4. No focus fire. Bitching about heavies comes when people don't work together to take heavies down. Wah wah wah 450 with regen health. It means two on one if you're alone so don't fight them. Two soldiers or a soldier and demo spamming can take a heavy medic combo down.