DJ Crimson
Yes, the demo with stock weaponry is pretty much more powerful than any other class. Having something even more effective would be madness.The Demoman's stock weaponry are pretty much perfect and super powerful as it is, but that doesn't excuse it I guess. Doesn't stop them from releasing rocket launchers for nearly every update.
So the only downside to that new minigun is that it gobbles up more ammo to use? Ehhhh.
Nonsense, let's be reasonable. The way people talk, heavy is so powerful that there's no way it could be shut down by a mere heavy.Both teams have a heavy at all times. That's the entire point of highlander, both teams always have the same classes. So that just can't possibly make any sort of logical sense, or else both teams are always winning every game.
And no, the weapon is more of Valve's absolutely idiotic policy of giving classes soft-counters to the classes that are meant to counter them. Heavy is already overpowered, has been ever since he got some of the biggest straight-up buffs ever given to any class, now the one thing that heavy really needs to have, spatial awareness, is gone? No. Almost every new weapon that comes out is either worthless or changes something that has no good reason to be changed.
Wheres my Harpo wig and top hat? Character doesn't recite domination lines and all voice commands come out as honks.
What if you gift the game, who gets the items?nope
That's pretty badass! Your friend is SirKai? The Tumblr fanbase for TF2 is pretty tightly woven, and my girlfriend (who goes by the name Despondence or Des in that realm) is friends with both of them, I believe. She is at least acquaintances, lol.
You came up with an awesome scene and of course Minttu's a beast and pulled it off to perfection... your friend must've been thrilled to receive the piece! Dat lighting, dat foreshortening... so good.
And why wouldn't spies just go through the fire to stab the heavy? Even if the spy dies, it's worth the sacrifice to kill the target. Or is the on-fire sound so loud that the heavy would hear it over the sound of the gun firing?
Nonsense, let's be reasonable. The way people talk, heavy is so powerful that there's no way it could be shut down by a mere heavy.
And you play scout! Scout is pretty much one of the most annoying, hardest to hit classes! Everyone hates scouts! They're like the roaches of the TF2 world, and yet you probably want them to be effective!
Anyone thinking the heavy has no weaknesses is nuts and needs to play heavy for a few days. Good demos can destroy you. Good soldiers can destroy you. Pyros can destroy you. Good spies can destroy you. The GRU is terrible now since other heavies will destroy you, unless it's a long map in which case you should be taking a teleporter anyway. Headshots and backstabs both still work on heavy, and have always worked on heavy. Or, maybe none of these things work on heavy and I am just terrible (probably the correct answer).
You people are even more complainy than me, and surely we all believed that was impossible!
The person who you gifted to.What if you gift the game, who gets the items?
If you buy a game during the pre-order stage it will be specifically tagged as a pre-order version. The person who adds the game to their library should receive the items even if they only add it months later.
Oh snap, crazy update out of nowhere. I guess I have reasons to play TF2 again.
The new map looks like the secret Soho screenshots we've been shown. Soho is probably a secret CODE NAME.
And no one knows what Toho/Touhou is.
At this rate I wish every new pyro weapon was just an axtinguisher reskin, since the new sign looks awesome but is totally useless. Who the hell thought that letting the pyro, who sets people on FIRE, punish wet people was a good idea? Valve has to stop wasting great designs on weapons no one will ever use.
At this rate I wish every new pyro weapon was just an axtinguisher reskin, since the new sign looks awesome but is totally useless. Who the hell thought that letting the pyro, who sets people on FIRE, punish wet people was a good idea? Valve has to stop wasting great designs on weapons no one will ever use.
I can kinda see the idea behind it, that you get this upperhand as an enemy tries to put themself out. It's just too situational since friendly jarate/milk don't make them wet and closing the gap underwater is pretty dumb as a Pyro.
If you're a flaregun Pyro who likes to chase enemies underwater, it's good I guess?
I was assuming before that when a character comes out of water, and has the "water drops falling off of them" animation, they're considered wet. You get that same animation when you're covered by Milk or Jarate, just colored white or yellow instead of the light blue for water.I haven't used it, but if an ally hits you with jarate/milk, it doesn't make you wet right? Maybe I'm just derping here.
I can kinda see the idea behind it, that you get this upperhand as an enemy tries to put themself out. It's just too situational since friendly jarate/milk don't make them wet and closing the gap underwater is pretty dumb as a Pyro.
If you're a flaregun Pyro who likes to chase enemies underwater, it's good I guess?
Jarate and Milk doesn't count? This needs a buff.
Oh. Yes. Yes. Yes.
Vote for what you want to see in MLG. You get 10 votes, and can put up to 3 in one category.
I put 3 into TF2 6v6, 3 into TF2 Highlander, 3 into Guild Wars 2, and then I was stuck choosing the last point between Tribes Ascend and free HD streams. I ended up choosing Tribes as if two of the other three get in, then I'll pay for an HD stream and have some friends over to watch.
Anyway, go vote!
Oh. Yes. Yes. Yes.
Vote for what you want to see in MLG. You get 10 votes, and can put up to 3 in one category.
I put 3 into TF2 6v6, 3 into TF2 Highlander, 3 into Guild Wars 2, and then I was stuck choosing the last point between Tribes Ascend and free HD streams. I ended up choosing Tribes as if two of the other three get in, then I'll pay for an HD stream and have some friends over to watch.
Anyway, go vote!
A downgraded building will not have its health reduced to the lower level, and if upgraded afterwards will take on an additional health increase. For example, when downgrading a level 3 Sentry to level 1, it will keep the 216 HP from the level 3 state and will keep gaining max HP when upgrading it again.
Attaching a regular Sapper on a Sentry Gun affected by this glitch will result in a server crash
Other ones there too alien.
Who the hell thought that letting the pyro, who sets people on FIRE, punish wet people was a good idea? Valve has to stop wasting great designs on weapons no one will ever use.
Really tempted by these Sleeping Dogs items. Some looks cool as fuck. Also that new maps... Modders should get this chinatown / neon style into TF2 ! That's a really nice change of art.
Obviously, these items are too much of gameplay updates to stay exclusive too long? same for that new map right ?
Someone's bitter about reflected critrockets!To be fair it's kind of hard to create useful weapons for a useless class.
The new Sapper seems to deal more with Wrangler, which is a move I'm much in favor of. The added switch time means your sentry will probably be develed at least to a Level 2.
If you have the Wrangler and are in a good position its very easy to kill or force a retreat before Spies can even get in range. If you're using the dreaded Pomson its even easier to take out Spies: their Dead Ringer is useless.
Last night on Hoodoo Java was wrangling his Sentry while some other Engie spammed the Pomson. I think Snake got in range once, barely managing a delevel. We couldn't sustain an uber, and they easily held.
The new craft recipes are so bad.
Edit: fuck off winwood, engineer 4 lyfe. We deserve more stuff, not being shat upon.
It delevels the sentry, but doesn't decrease it's health. It'll do less damage, but it still will take forever go down.
The shield will last for a few second still. You should be able to smack the sapper off and switch back to the wrangler with, at most, one second of the shield not being on. And often without any downtime to the shield at all.
Right now the new sapper is glitched, discussion of its use it pointless until fixed. I traded away two name tags just so I could craft it and Solid and I could troll y'all yesterday. Panny didn't appreciate it, lol.
We all already know about your impotence. You don't need to shout it from the rooftops.I shot 40 direct hit rockets into that thing and it barely so much as dented it.