Goodbye, Jank. We'll miss you. ;_; Thanks again to Yeef for hosting it and putting up with us yahoos for so long.
A wild Spaceboy has appeared. :O
What do people like about the current TF2 server?
The people who frequented it and all-talk. The best times to be had weren't necessarily about close games or epic comebacks (though those are always cool), but the hilarious conversations between regulars or whenever we got silly... Server-wide Eyelander battles or testing out obscure game scenarios and such. I think people splitting up between Mumble and in-game chat, some of us not using our mics even if we obviously have them (me :S), and people more frequently try-harding hurt that fun, inclusive atmosphere. Maybe someone should take up Borgnine's torch and make disturbing sprays for regulars.
I'm ambivalent on stats. On the one hand, it's nice seeing your improvement and who are the most active players. On the other, it can discourage certain classes and make people to play more seriously.
What do people dislike about the current TF2 server?
Lack of map variety. I remember playing all kinds of maps when I first joined (Pacman, all those PL maps from the contest, and lots of other customs) but it's basically become Harvest/Barnblitz/Hightower as of late. Some of that was because of Yeef's webhost being a butt about custom maps recently, but even before that the rotation has become pretty predictable.
What would people like to see in a new TF2 server?
If we're still frequenting Mumble, let people in the server know that.
Force more variety in map types. The current server already disallows playing the same type in a row, but we never play 5cp. D:
More nights where crazy plugins/modes are run. Degroot, Prophunt, whatever. Anything to keep us from falling into serious mode too frequently.
Yeef's bi-weekly 9v9 PUG system was boss when it was running. Organized matches, or any scheduled event really, could go a long way towards keeping interest and activity up. We still talk about stuff that happened during those HL matches long, long ago.
...okay, that's all I got for now. /joins a jump server