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Team Fortress 2 |OT4| Official Halo Thread of Polearms and High Fashion


All the old Jank maps should still have their own category and tag: its fun to play all the historical maps, and I personally enjoy them all (yes, even that one).

Mumble did end up stratifying the server. I like using it when we're roaming, but when we're on our own server with all-talk its just unnecessary and locks new players out of the loop.

The more fun maps and modes, the better. The Waiting Room was for a while completely overshadowing vanilla TF2.
When/if the new server goes up, someone should make a 'new server' announcement thread over on gaming to get some new blood in. Link them to the group too, and then everyone needs to stop spamming announcements. Need some new regulars to fill slots with.

I suggested we have a calendar of events, so people just automatically know if something's going on rather than just spamming events.



Goodbye, Jank. We'll miss you. ;_; Thanks again to Yeef for hosting it and putting up with us yahoos for so long.

A wild Spaceboy has appeared. :O

What do people like about the current TF2 server?

The people who frequented it and all-talk. The best times to be had weren't necessarily about close games or epic comebacks (though those are always cool), but the hilarious conversations between regulars or whenever we got silly... Server-wide Eyelander battles or testing out obscure game scenarios and such. I think people splitting up between Mumble and in-game chat, some of us not using our mics even if we obviously have them (me :S), and people more frequently try-harding hurt that fun, inclusive atmosphere. Maybe someone should take up Borgnine's torch and make disturbing sprays for regulars.

I'm ambivalent on stats. On the one hand, it's nice seeing your improvement and who are the most active players. On the other, it can discourage certain classes and make people to play more seriously.​

What do people dislike about the current TF2 server?

Lack of map variety. I remember playing all kinds of maps when I first joined (Pacman, all those PL maps from the contest, and lots of other customs) but it's basically become Harvest/Barnblitz/Hightower as of late. Some of that was because of Yeef's webhost being a butt about custom maps recently, but even before that the rotation has become pretty predictable.​

What would people like to see in a new TF2 server?

If we're still frequenting Mumble, let people in the server know that.

Force more variety in map types. The current server already disallows playing the same type in a row, but we never play 5cp. D:

More nights where crazy plugins/modes are run. Degroot, Prophunt, whatever. Anything to keep us from falling into serious mode too frequently.

Yeef's bi-weekly 9v9 PUG system was boss when it was running. Organized matches, or any scheduled event really, could go a long way towards keeping interest and activity up. We still talk about stuff that happened during those HL matches long, long ago. :p

...okay, that's all I got for now. /joins a jump server
I think I agree with most of this, but I thought 5-point-capture did get played relatively often, and would sometimes end up in 20-30 minute stalemates. I seem to have distinct memories of like, normal George, some other map, then 5-point-capture George.

We had so much George that day.

Then again, if 5-point-capture maps could automatically go into deathmatch after like 20 minutes that would be fun. And we can clearly disregard as a tryhard any who disagrees. :p
I like George.


What I enjoyed most about Jank over other servers (other than its charming populace who are smarter and more attractive than the average TF2 player) was its relatively rapid map circulation. Get a couple rounds in then onto the next map
unless we doomed ourselves to Hightower purgatory.


Perhaps a twenty minute timer on all maps would be better. Speed things up a bit, so you aren't on the same map for ages. On most maps, twenty minutes is enough for an attack/defense round.

It'd be interesting to try using stopwatch when we have a full house. People usually leave on map change so there wouldn't be a huge need for autobalance and no one really cares about silly team names. Stopwatch would speed pushes up and rotate maps faster. People would be motivated to push quickly to win the round.

For those who've never played with it, with Stopwatch in order to "win" the map you need to capture the same number or more of the points on offense faster than the other team did/will do.

It'd be interesting to at least get a feel for how games play out with it.


I'm sad to see the Jank go, though I had a feeling it was going to leave us soon since it's been so long since I've seen anyone on it.

I would agree that having a short map time was a good idea, spending too long on one map can be boring. Only having one attack and one defense round on the Jank was something I really liked.


The theory proved to be imprecise. Apparently the server was shut down a couple hours after I cancelled.

Also, if a new server does go up, I am always* available for technical support and other such things.

This is not true, I usually at work.


Neo Member
Regarding the potential new server.

The thing that attracted me to the jank in the first place was the pre-round scramble and not allowing people to switch. One of the most frustrating things in mp games are steamrolls and stacked teams. Even if I was on the winning team I thought it sucked and it kills servers.

The one thing I thought really hurt the jank was the use of mumble. I understand what the benefits are but if everyone wants a full server mumble will not help that. It creates one more hoop for people to jump though to feel like they are a part of the group and stick around.

All the other ideas seem new and exciting but also maybe a lot of work. Spaceboy, if you end up doing this I would be willing to help. I know I'm not on all the time but I do have a little programming knowledge and I'm usually around my computer even if I'm not playing. So if you need some help please don't hesitate to ask. I would be happy to do what I can.
The theory proved to be imprecise. Apparently the server was shut down a couple hours after I cancelled.

Also, if a new server does go up, I am always* available for technical support and other such things.

This is not true, I usually at work.
I don't know whether it's funny or sad no one noticed.


Your server is set to be disabled on Monday, September 16th 2013, due to your subscription cancellation in Paypal. If you wish the server to be continued, you will need to resubscribe
Yesterday, that said September 1st. Maybe it was a glitch in the system.
When you guys go pubbing, do you hang out in a special mumble or just the general GAF mumble?

I'd love to join you while the new server is being figured out.

Usually it's impromptu pub stomping and not a whole lotta mumble going on, generally. That being said, we could generally do a night where we hop on mumble and pub stomp or something in the interim while the House of Paincakes gets up and running.

I finally quit WoW and free up some time right as the Jank vaporizes again? Maaaaaaan.

Lol, the Lions Den, Reddit (Dirty South and Chicago servers mostly) and Gibbed Gaming have turned into secondary GAF meet up points. Also sometimes STAR's east coast server.

Usually what happens is somebody sees someone playing and joins up and then a few more join up and then we slowly take over like some sort of amorphous Blob.

All while singing this song.


The Sega Genesis crushes my dream, Collete learns about herself, and we all learn how to properly use flavored condoms.

You guys are the best. <3


Say goodbye to The Jank.

"Goodbye Jank!"
Goodbye, sweet prince.

Alright, first time poster, long time listener...

Let's consider the House of Paincakes aka possible Jank 5.0.

  • What do people like about the current TF2 server?
  • What do people dislike about the current TF2 server?
  • What would people like to see in a new TF2 server?

  • What are some great chocolate cookie recipes that are gluten free?

Please, no gripes about specific people. Consider this a fresh start, new beginning, and a Miley Cyrus without the twerking.

Not touching this.


The Sega Genesis crushes my dream, Collete learns about herself, and we all learn how to properly use flavored condoms.

You guys are the best. <3

Let's never talk about it again, k? <3
Or <3 will turn into </3, k? <3
Very threatening, I know.
God I hate Badwater, I donate to no heroes and I swear its on that stupid map so much. Big ass boxy map, no choke points, not to mention the high ass ceiling allows for ezmode training weapon jumps to get to spawn.

I'd think less of a woman irl if she liked that map.


I think Badwater Basin is the best map in TF2, and probably the best multiplayer map ever made.

I'm not a woman though so you don't have to think less of me.


Badwater is one of three good payload maps. The others are upward and thunder mountain.

But Thunder Mountain is an event, so it feels wrong to count it.
God I hate Badwater, I donate to no heroes and I swear its on that stupid map so much. Big ass boxy map, no choke points, not to mention the high ass ceiling allows for ezmode training weapon jumps to get to spawn.

I'd think less of a woman irl if she liked that map.

Badwater is fantastic so shush you. Thunder Mountain on the otherhand is a chore. It's never ending.
The Sega Genesis crushes my dream, Collete learns about herself, and we all learn how to properly use flavored condoms.

You guys are the best. <3

Let's never talk about it again, k? <3
Or <3 will turn into </3, k? <3
Very threatening, I know.

I think my favorite moment was the Quote Round when everyone tried to guess how I lost my virginity.

The answer was excitingly enough, Consensual Sex

I bet he makes his cookies with gluten! Burn the witch!

I was placing money on deflowering the princess!

I should come back to Cards Against humanity one day.

Busy playing League of Legends if I'm not playing TF2.


I really enjoy Badwater, its probably my second favorite stock Payload map, with Upward as the best. It has some lovely open areas that are well designed and have good cover and health distribution.

My complaints with Badwater stem more with how its played. Defending teams never utilize the third point properly, usually because they either get wiped at roof or want to turtle last. It may be a more enclosed space, but it has interesting structures and can be a choke that balances ease to defend and ease to push. Once offense steamrolls over three, they have far too long to push through the awkward choke into last (which I've dubbed The Line for its division of third and fourth) and into the valley of sentries. I'm not a huge fan of Badwater last, but the fact that you usually have ten minutes to push last and offensive teams rarely push until the three minute remaining mark. I think Badwater is one of the maps that would benefit most from stopwatch.

On the subject of Thunder Mountain, could we split the three stages into three maps? A stage at a time, Thunder Mountain is pretty good, but having an offense and defense round of all three stages takes upwards of forty-five minutes.


God I hate Badwater, I donate to no heroes and I swear its on that stupid map so much. Big ass boxy map, no choke points, not to mention the high ass ceiling allows for ezmode training weapon jumps to get to spawn.

no choke points
You consider this a bad thing? This is usually what people LIKE about maps, so they aren't spamming/being spammed at down a corridor for 15 minutes(ex. dustbowl stage 3)

Also there are plenty of choke points, but the map is extremely well built so that a team doesn't get stuck at a choke point because of, even chokier, side paths.

Point 1 choke: tunnel
Point 2 choke: the cart path from 1->2 is a narrow hallway. It doesn't get much more dustbowl than that.
Point 3 choke: Cart path funnels under a bridge/house. The house itself is a choke point and the boiler room is a narrow hallway.
Point 4 choke: The cart path and tire-side path are both have tight pathways before they meet up onto the down ramp to the final point.

Most people consider Badwater the best payload map, hands down. It has areas that easily cater to every class' abilities while making no single class "overpowered".


Neo Member
Looking into various server options, along with pictures of lolcats on the interwebs:

I'm thinking next weekend (to take advantage of a free trial period with a server) to do some stress testing. It shouldn't take long, maybe play a couple of maps, and do some crazy things (like have everyone go engineer and build up stuff to see how it handles).

Which day/time slot would most people(s) be available for? (Eastern times only, sorry!)

(9/6) Friday evening
(9/7) Saturday afternoon
(9/7) Saturday evening
(9/8) Sunday evening

I'm just going to assume you're all social extroverts that are pillars of your own respective communities, who accidentally happen to have nothing planned at those particular times. After we can decide on a time, I can send out an event announcement to let everyone know when and where to jump on in.

I'm also going to reserve the right to change those times, if something comes up (spontaneous bar mitzvahs, quinceañera parties, and the like). I'll keep everyone posted if this changes.

--SpaceB0y (sent from my Nintendo DS Lite that is low on batteries)


Saturday afternoon/evening would be best for me.



This is pretty much the one part of Badwater that I dislike, and its more with how people approach it then the design itself. There's a distinct divide between where the third point ends and the route to the fourth begins, and that always seems to be "The Line" when you get to Badwater last. Usually teams neglect or only half-heartedly hold third, so there's already a pretty strong defense with at least a Sniper and some sticky traps, maybe an extra sentry away from the nests down below.

That gap is usually full of spam, and neither team really likes to cross the line. All the routes converge to that point, making it obnoxious to sneak to the flank. It's probably the lack of motivation, with ten minutes to push Blue doesn't really commit to taking the ground, especially with spawns so far away.

An offensive level 3 Engie really feels necessary here to push back Red, either on the balcony or the little opening overlooking the line. With healing from your dispenser, firepower from your sentry, and a tele bringing spawners to the frontlines, you can finally claim the alley and safe access to the tires and map room. Of course, if you're on Red, this blocks off your flanking almost entirely, as all your flanks empty out into the gap.

tl;dr: Badwater is great, but sometimes people are slowpokes and ruin the pacing with awkward standoffs until time almost runs out and shit gets real.

Badwater is great, but it can also be the most frustrating map, cause of it's sheer size where engys build teles in teh back roaming soldiers hiding scoots that come up and destroy teles and then disappear... I still like it alot, but obviously the fun can be completely ruined if team's are terribly stacked and you have a bunch of idiots running in a straight line picked off by snipers or 6 sentries on opposition or nobody wants to push....then it can become incredibly painful to play.
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