Teabaggin ya'll
On da rocks!
Quote for future reference.
Also: Snacks reminded me.

Teabaggin ya'll
On da rocks!
Jus fo lyn i throo dat dum skank on top of a mineTeabaggin ya'll
On da rocks!
Halo thread?so much rage in here
What do you mean? That guy only has two posts, and it's not like the other one ......
Is that you?
Please don't be.
What do you mean? That guy only has two posts, and it's not like the other one ...
D: what you went and did
Reminder: Today is the last day to sign up for Janklander (or withdraw if you're already signed up).
I'm still waiting for my thank you card.Quote for future reference.
Also: Snacks reminded me.
Adult Swim is running a promo on its site teasing a collaboration with Valve for something Team Fortress 2-related. If you remember, Valve released video profiles for all of its Team Fortress 2 classes except for the Pyro. If you click over to the newsletter sign up page, the Pyro is prominently featured, making it seem like the announcement next week may be an extended version of a Meet The Pyro installment.
Because Valve likes teasing upcoming announcements with strange promotions, a few weird items have started appearing in Team Fortress 2 as of late, including bananas and pocket lint. Possible tie-in? Just a one-time Adult Swim-related video, or a sign of an actual series?
According to Adult Swim, “To learn how their video game peanut butter will be getting in our network’s chocolate, come back next week.” Ok, sure thing.
UGC said:Highlander Season 7 Week 4 Reminder: Vitalism is played first to 10 intel captures within two 20 minute match rounds!
posted by [UGC] Kumori @ 11:33AM on June 24, 2012
The winning team is the first to reach 10 intel captures or the highest TOTAL score after two 20 minute match rounds.
Scores carry over between the first and second match rounds. For example, if your team captures the intel 5 times in the first match round and 3 in the second match round, then your score for the game is 8 intel captures.
If a team reaches 10 intel captures in the first match round, then the second match round is not played. The team who captured the 10 intels first in the first match round wins the match.
If both teams' scores are tied after two 20 minute match rounds but with under 10 intel caps scored, then a Sudden Death Overtime round is played, where the first team to capture the intel wins the match.
You must keep track of your team's total score manually each round.
Remember to execute the correct config for this match: ugc_hl_ctf.cfg
Nope just soldier weapons.wouldn't meet the pyro bring pyro weapons instead of scoot and medic?
wouldn't meet the pyro bring pyro weapons instead of scoot and medic?
Nope just soldier weapons.
It's pretty likely it's going to be like the Uber Update where most of the classes will get new weapons. The Scout and Medic Weta items are a pretty good bet for this update since final versions of the cosmetic stuff has been uploaded to the workshop.
Thursday is a pretty big night for adult swim (second only to Sunday). And valve always likes their Thursday patches.There will be an update tomorrow, but it won't be THE update. They will probably do a lead up week like they usually do. Full update will probably hit closer to the weekend. For one thing, that's more Valve's style. For another, Adult Swim's biggest night is on the weekend, and any premiere they'd do would either run for the entire week or start on Sat/Sun.
What I'm more curious about is if tomorrow will be a continuization of the ARG or if learning the two pages of the senate hearing transcript was the end of it.
I like though that the rockets that were landing are tied to Poopy Joe. He lives on in our hearts.
What loadout are people using for the spy?
Man, I wish.I double dog dare GAF to go one night with out playing Hightower on the server!
After the last update the game is buggy as fuck now. Not only did the control point part of the UI was stuck on the top right for some reason, but I changed my resolution to 1080p and this shit happens :
Fuck the what!?
That teleporter part was priceless.
The clip with the pause of disbelief seeing your team comprised of 80% spies hits me too close to home.hahaha good stuff!
but that looks like EVERY SINGLE TIME I LOG ON TF2
Oh man, I laughed so hard at the Demopan cap. The direction and music makes this video.
It's past midnight, so today, THIS DAY, we will get Day One of the next major update.
I can't tell if this is actually related to [as]'s promo or if it's just a fan capitalizing on both all the hype and the fact he lives nearby Turner Broadcasting.