Bakphoon said:Woooooooow, so many people are buying keys for 2.33 ref since the update :O
Archie said:Newly unboxed unusuals have Halloween effects so there is a much higher demand. It seems like the market has pushed keys up to ~2.44-2.66 refined for the time being. Hopefully they come back down after the event.
fallengorn said:I got 2 Steel Pipes for other Halloween stuff.
Looking for the other Soldier stuff if you have it, but looking for anything else I'm missing.
ZekeThePlumber said:I've got a spare Shoestring budget. Trade?
Zel3 said:anyone want my pyro tail?
i don't care about the Halloween costumes.
Grimm Fandango said:Whatcha want for it?
fallengorn said:Still have 2 steel pipes up for trade.
Looking for:
Idiot Box
Wrap Battler
Blazing Bull
Fallen Angel
Tail From the Crypt
Hair of the Dog
Scottish Snarl
Pickled Paws
Buzz Killer
Frontier Flyboy
Dr. Gogglestache
Silver Bullets
Griffin's Gog
Cripes, I still got a ways to go to complete everything.
I'll trade you a Scottish Snarl.fallengorn said:Still have 2 steel pipes up for trade.
Looking for:
Idiot Box
Wrap Battler
Blazing Bull
Fallen Angel
Tail From the Crypt
Hair of the Dog
Scottish Snarl
Pickled Paws
Buzz Killer
Frontier Flyboy
Dr. Gogglestache
Silver Bullets
Griffin's Gog
Cripes, I still got a ways to go to complete everything. said:I can trade a spare pair of Paws for the Steel Pipes.
Jagxyz said:Trading these hats
Black Bill's Hat
Defiant Spartan
Tough Guy Toque
Pyromancer mask
any items from my backpack (however many you think is fair).
- can melt weapons into more metal if you want.
For - $20 PSN card.
thanks, message on GAF if interested.
I'll trade it for a haunted scout item.Roy G. Biv said:Looking for a regular or haunted Scottish Snarl. I have other halloween items (some haunted) to trade for it.
Haunted or no?NSQuote said:I'll trade it for a haunted scout item.
Or one rec.
Which other non-haunted items do you have?Roy G. Biv said:Looking for a regular or haunted Scottish Snarl. I have other halloween items (some haunted) to trade for it.
divisionbyzorro said:Please, somebody offer me something for my 40 crates.
Heavy arms and head, engi wings, pyro wings, and demo feet.mojiimbo said:Which other non-haunted items do you have?
Pandoracell said:I just found crate series #31.
Is/was that the rare one? Seem to remember reading there was a certain crate recently that people were going after.
fallengorn said:Thanks for all the trades guys!
Still looking for:
Looking for:
Idiot Box
Wrap Battler
Blazing Bull
Fallen Angel
Hair of the Dog
Buzz Killer
Frontier Flyboy
Dr. Gogglestache
Now I have an emerald jarate in addition to a steel pipes for trade.
Just the emerald jarate and the pipes are up for trade.Grimm Fandango said:Got one, whatcha got? Any Pyro items?
Sent!Hazaro said:got idiot box pm me
Let me know if you'd like the regular werewolf mask for the pyro wings.Roy G. Biv said:Heavy arms and head, engi wings, pyro wings, and demo feet.
Zel3 said:put me in for a scrap
Deal. My steam name is :HIT: EmptyCanO'wupassmojiimbo said:Let me know if you'd like the regular werewolf mask for the pyro wings.
fallengorn said:Just the emerald jarate and the pipes are up for trade.