Quick question about moving RAM:
So I have 2 colours for my RAM slots and I want to move the RAM over to the other colour so I can test to see if my motherboards ram slots are faulty. I've heard about this dual link thing? i think it's called, where the RAM runs better in that mode when they are in the same coloured slots, but you have to set it on in the BIOS. Will I have to go into the BIOS and change a setting if I move these things over?
You must have your ram operating on the same physical channels, that is what the color coding denotes, and the the slot order is not arbitrary, you must fill specific slots if not all slots are filled. For testing ram, you find out which slot is the first one you need to fill (google for your mobo's manual if you don't have it), and remove the stick from the other one, leaving just one stick in to test for faults, then swap that out with the other one to test.