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Tech Support GAF Thread: No Case Too Big, No Case Too Small


alien from planet Highscore
Second time this week that GAF gave me that 'unsafe site' screen in IE8. McAfee identified and removed"Generic Downloader.o' both times in kav4[1].htm. Just wondering if anyone else had this problem or not. Does it sound like a false alarm?

The first instance was on the 23rd in a random thread - I assumed it was an avatar or embedded image but it just happened again now on the main gaming forum page. I assume it's an ad causing it. Anyone?


I'm having some WiFi issues and would appreciate it if someone can assist. I've moved into a new house, and it has 3 levels, downstairs is general kitchen/living, 2nd floor is bedrooms, and 3rd floor is my room.

I've set up my Airport Extreme downstairs where the cable modem is, and set it to create a Wireless N only network, 5ghz, wide channels.

I've also plugged in a cheap TP-Link router to one of the Airport LAN ports, to create a G only network, disabled it's DHCP and all that jazz. So, everything works ok and I have 2 separate wireless networks in both N and G bands (my Airport is the one just prior to the dual band ones).

However, I'm getting some really shit performance upstairs on the 2nd floor. For starters, my MBP can see both networks, but it often says the G network is stronger ? How is that possible ? I'm getting like a 22% signal on the N network (from Air Stumbler) and slightly better on the G network. Still woeful performance though.

Also, I got an Asus PCE-N13 (Wireless N PCI Express card) for my Win7 PC, which can't see the Airport network at ALL when it's on the 5ghz band, but works if I switch it to 2.4ghz. I'll contact ASUS about that. But otherwise it performs like ass on both the N and G networks.

Is high speed wireless networking a pipe dream ? Am I going to have to pay for ethernet to be wired in ?


Beatbox said:
Second time this week that GAF gave me that 'unsafe site' screen in IE8. McAfee identified and removed"Generic Downloader.o' both times in kav4[1].htm. Just wondering if anyone else had this problem or not. Does it sound like a false alarm?

The first instance was on the 23rd in a random thread - I assumed it was an avatar or embedded image but it just happened again now on the main gaming forum page. I assume it's an ad causing it. Anyone?

Probably something in one of the ads.

I wouldn't worry too much.


Burger said:
I'm having some WiFi issues and would appreciate it if someone can assist. I've moved into a new house, and it has 3 levels, downstairs is general kitchen/living, 2nd floor is bedrooms, and 3rd floor is my room.

I've set up my Airport Extreme downstairs where the cable modem is, and set it to create a Wireless N only network, 5ghz, wide channels.

I've also plugged in a cheap TP-Link router to one of the Airport LAN ports, to create a G only network, disabled it's DHCP and all that jazz. So, everything works ok and I have 2 separate wireless networks in both N and G bands (my Airport is the one just prior to the dual band ones).

However, I'm getting some really shit performance upstairs on the 2nd floor. For starters, my MBP can see both networks, but it often says the G network is stronger ? How is that possible ? I'm getting like a 22% signal on the N network (from Air Stumbler) and slightly better on the G network. Still woeful performance though.

Also, I got an Asus PCE-N13 (Wireless N PCI Express card) for my Win7 PC, which can't see the Airport network at ALL when it's on the 5ghz band, but works if I switch it to 2.4ghz. I'll contact ASUS about that. But otherwise it performs like ass on both the N and G networks.

Is high speed wireless networking a pipe dream ? Am I going to have to pay for ethernet to be wired in ?

Not sure if the Airport supports it or not, but setup WDS (Wireless Distribution System). Have your main router downstairs, then have the second one on the 2nd (or 3rd) floor working as an access point. You would not need to wire the second router at all since it would work wirelessly with the one on the first floor. The second one would be set to accept clients and would grab DHCP addresses from the main router downstairs. This would increase your coverage quite a bit over the entire house (and then some).

A little more info on it:

I have this setup in my place. I have my main router in the bedroom and then a secondary router in the living room. I have my 360, Blu-Ray Player, WDTV Live and TV all connected to the router in the living room which communicates with the router in the bedroom. No wires, fantastic coverage, etc...etc... I wouldn't do this any other way.


mj1108 said:
Not sure if the Airport supports it or not, but setup WDS (Wireless Distribution System). Have your main router downstairs, then have the second one on the 2nd (or 3rd) floor working as an access point. You would not need to wire the second router at all since it would work wirelessly with the one on the first floor. The second one would be set to accept clients and would grab DHCP addresses from the main router downstairs. This would increase your coverage quite a bit over the entire house (and then some).

A little more info on it:

I have this setup in my place. I have my main router in the bedroom and then a secondary router in the living room. I have my 360, Blu-Ray Player, WDTV Live and TV all connected to the router in the living room which communicates with the router in the bedroom. No wires, fantastic coverage, etc...etc... I wouldn't do this any other way.

That means buying 1 more piece of equipment though if I am to retain a dual band network. I'm going to RMA the Asus card, it doesn't support 5ghz.

I'm not sure I want to spend another hundred dollars trying to replace a cheap (but messy) cable that I already have to create a network that is still flaky.

But your ideas intrigue me. I wonder how much of an improvement a 5ghz N network is over a 2.4ghz N network....


Would locking my connection make less likely to drop on devices I use it for? I use a netgear router and a linksys wireless expander and something makes it drop on my iPod touch sometimes.
yo GAF I need some help
I'm pretty good with computers, but this is something that even I can't figure out

Long story short, my friend is an idiot and got a virus on his computer because he forgot to install an antivirus then went on some shady sites. Neither of us knew about it until it was too late, and the specific virus spreads to anything connected to the computer. It spread to my flash drive.
I've scanned the flash drive repeatedly and gotten the virus off, but in the process of infecting my flash drive, the virus hid an autorun script somewhere which wasn't removed and wasn't detected.

When you try to access the drive through My Computer, it looks like a folder instead of the removable disk icon.

When you try to open the drive by double clicking, the autorun script tries to open the virus file and I get this error message (which is caused by it trying to open a nonexistant file):

I can still access the drive by right-clicking and hitting Open. All of my files are intact, and it seems to be working fine.

Only problem is, I can't find the autorun script. Anywhere.

My friend's flash drive was also infected (it was trying to open ADmIn.Exe) but he was able to find the autorun script in the root of his flash drive, and it was called autorun.ini. Deleting it fixed the problem on his drive.

There is no autorun.ini on my drive, and I've got hidden files and folders turned on so there's no way I've missed it.

None of my files appear to be out of the ordinary.

I've run several searches for ini files and I recognize all of the results that come up.

So, GAF, can you help me? Do you know how to find the rogue script that's causing the problem?


Some of the symptoms sound like the DownAdUp/Conficker worm. And it's usually autorun.inf, not .ini.

If there's a directory on the drive named "RECYCLED" (note: not "RECYCLER") then it's a good bet that the worm/virus is on that drive.

Here's an article about it and a tool to try and remove it:


You can check any external flash drive/usb drive to see if it's infected by doing dir /a in the command prompt. If you see a directory named RECYCLED or an autorun.inf that is quite large (we're talking more than 1k) then that's the payload.

Remember to hold down the shift key when inserting drives into your system so the autorun.inf isn't executed automatically.


Hey guys, got a problem with a computer I built. A few times now, maybe 2-3, my computer kind of "dies" but is still on. The video goes out, HDD activity light stops, and my fans get a bit louder (which I manually control to be quiet, so it seems like the programs crashed). It happened yesterday in the 15 minutes I was away from it out of nowhere. I could see a red light coming from inside my case which I am guessing is from the motherboard?

Not sure what I should do, help please


Ashhong said:
Hey guys, got a problem with a computer I built. A few times now, maybe 2-3, my computer kind of "dies" but is still on. The video goes out, HDD activity light stops, and my fans get a bit louder (which I manually control to be quiet, so it seems like the programs crashed). It happened yesterday in the 15 minutes I was away from it out of nowhere. I could see a red light coming from inside my case which I am guessing is from the motherboard?

Not sure what I should do, help please
Sounds like an overheating problem. Most likely your video card, which causes the entire system to lock up.


Schrade said:
Sounds like an overheating problem. Most likely your video card, which causes the entire system to lock up.

hm, this could be it. i forgot to put the fan control on auto while playing starcraft 2, and then when i tried to change it later the ATI Control Center froze up. i should probably vacuum the fan. if it keeps overheating is that cause for RMA or am i screwed? i have it slightly overclocked, but the temp never seems to go over say, 70. usually much lower if i remember to turn it on auto for gaming
Ok, 95% sure my 7950GT has run it's course at this point but thought I would check with you guys. I am running a dual monitor setup and it will occasionally just freeze up the screens, I will still get audio though. It will also just flicker to black and then back again, sometimes one screen at a time, sometimes together and it will take a couple of times before they are usable again.

Suggestions? I did update my driver to see if that changed anything but alas that was not the solution.


sounds like we got the same problem dude. my computer just locked up on me. i was just watching a video when my gpu fans kicked up, screen signal was lost, and audio still on. after like 5 seconds the audio went out too and i had to reset it. i have to remember to open it up today...probably just really dusty in the fan, its only like a year old..
Ashhong said:
sounds like we got the same problem dude. my computer just locked up on me. i was just watching a video when my gpu fans kicked up, screen signal was lost, and audio still on. after like 5 seconds the audio went out too and i had to reset it. i have to remember to open it up today...probably just really dusty in the fan, its only like a year old..

I did wonder if it was similar after reading your previous post. Anyway I just whipped the case off and gave it a good clean, damn it was dusty, didn't realize it had been that long since I did it. Guess I shall see how it goes now.


Black Canada Mafia
Halp! I decided to dust off this old printer that was given to me a while back (as I need a printer, and don't really wanna drop the duckies for a new one) and set it up. After a lot of hard work I got the drivers installed (Windows Vista drivers for this old ass printer, and I am running Windows 7) and after a few restarts, I got everything functioning... kind of normal? But if I actually try to print anything, it just pends for eternity. It kind of doesn't even seem like my computer and printer are communicating. It says I have the drivers all setup properly, and there are no errors that it can find in troubleshooting, but it will just... pend forever, without actually printing.


Edit: It has come to my attention that this printer on my desk may be one of three printers currently residing in my abode - and that this one may be the one that is unable to actually print, only scan. The other one was left in my roommates room. I will retrieve it and test it as soon as I can and get back to GAF with this. Currently he is trying to seduce a girl he's been flirting with for nearly two years, and he has her in the bedroom to listen to him play guitar - corny as fuck but it seems to be working.
I'd like to bump this to see if anyone can help me with my problem from a few posts ago, as it still isn't resolved.

Unfortunately, none of Schrade's advice worked. Anyone else think they can take a crack at it?


Vipershark said:
I'd like to bump this to see if anyone can help me with my problem from a few posts ago, as it still isn't resolved.

Unfortunately, none of Schrade's advice worked. Anyone else think they can take a crack at it?
Boot from the Linux live CD of your choice, then search for the ini file from there.

Alternatively, see here for some regfiles that can fix file association issues.


Hey guys, a followup to my crashing computer. It crashed again, i wasnt even near it, nothing major like a game or video was playing. Came back and remembered to open it up and see where the red lights were coming from, and they were from my GPU.

2 small LEDs were lit red, right above one of the 2 power connectors on my ASUS 512mb 4870. I looked it up, and I THINK these are the meanings of each LED, but I dont know what it means if they are both on

D1601 - Red LED On, shows critical temperature fault

D1602 - Red LED On, shows External power connector A was removed

I have like a 550w Corsair that should be pretty good...and the connector didnt seem loose. I dont know how my temperature could have been going crazy, since it doesnt even reach critical levels when playing games. How should i test this? It seems that the problem is either my gpu or my psu. Should I just replace the GPU? maybe the PSU first? I probably wont even test, just get them RMA'd...thanks


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
I have an image file that's 3756 x 3612 pixels (52 inch x 50 inch), 72dpi.

I'm trying to make a 36 x 34 inch poster out of it, but the proofing people say some details become blurry. They recommend I send them a 200-300 dpi file.

I don't have access to such a file, I was wondering if I could shrink the original file while increasing the dpi, and whether that would preserve the original's quality somewhat.


EDIT: The image in question is: http://informationesthetics.org/documents/scienceMapPrintMockupEd2.jpg


I really don't know whats going on. This started recently. Itunes would freeze when I plugged up my IPod Touch 3g to it. At first it was syncing. Then, starting today it decided to not sync at all. I found a fix on the apple forums which worked accept for now its really sluggish when it syncs. It takes forever. That fix was to go into the preferences, devices and then delete the syncing history.


Hey I've been having crashes to desktop recently with TF2, so I reinstalled it, updated my drivers etc. but it's still been freezing every now and then.
But just in the last hour I've had the video go black for a few seconds before coming back on. My sounds/shooting input is still running away so the game hasn't frozen.

Because it happened quite a few times I'm concerned it may be my video card dying :(
does that sound like a memory error or something?

I'm running a 4850 with a 3.0 dual core, 4gb ram, Win764 and nothing has been overclocked. My room is quite cool, so it's shouldn't be a general heat issue.

It seems like my video card is dying, but I'd like a second opinion before I look into RMAing it.


Tisan said:
Hey I've been having crashes to desktop recently with TF2, so I reinstalled it, updated my drivers etc. but it's still been freezing every now and then.
But just in the last hour I've had the video go black for a few seconds before coming back on. My sounds/shooting input is still running away so the game hasn't frozen.

Because it happened quite a few times I'm concerned it may be my video card dying :(
does that sound like a memory error or something?

I'm running a 4850 with a 3.0 dual core, 4gb ram, Win764 and nothing has been overclocked. My room is quite cool, so it's shouldn't be a general heat issue.

It seems like my video card is dying, but I'd like a second opinion before I look into RMAing it.

try to look into the computer case when this happens. the video card has diagnostic LEDs similar to what i posted above about my problem. there should be red LEDs on if it crashed i think


343i Lead Esports Producer
GAF, is there a DIY way to repair or just salvage the content of a busted hard drive? I'm no expert so I don't know the ways in which it's broken. I can imagine that there are professional services that can do this but I'm wondering if there's anything I can do myself. This is a laptop hard drive by the way. I don't know if that makes a difference. There are some things I lost on an old drive that I really really want back.


I'm having some serious problem with Steam even after reformatting my PC today as a last effort to try to get it to work.

After reformatting my PC I updated my video driver (GTX 280). I'm running windows 7 64 bit. Installed Steam then downloaded L4D2, Borderlands, and Civ4.

L4D2: Started once, got to the loading screen of a single player game, crashed. Now it won't launch.

Borderlands : Same as L4D2 except it never got to any loading screen. I start the game, Steam says preparing to launch, nothing happens.

Civ4: "Failed to find Steam"

I did the defrag + verify game cache for all these games already. I've tried everything including reinstalling the game, reinstalling steam, and now reformatting. So yeah I'm out of ideas now....help me Gaf! :(


Intel Quad Q9650 3.00 ghz
Geforce GTX 280
8gb ram
OS X question. How do I view the system startup, like Windows msconfig? I keep having a HP printer installation popping up on each reboot and I want to take it out, and any other apps that are loading in the background.


MarkMclovin said:
OS X question. How do I view the system startup, like Windows msconfig? I keep having a HP printer installation popping up on each reboot and I want to take it out, and any other apps that are loading in the background.

my friend had a similar problem with a brother printer. check your startup items? in system preferences, users, login items or something like that.
Help me GAF... you're my only hope....

My search engines results are being hijacked and I'm being sent to malware sites and crappy search engines :(

Also my computer is randomly freezing while I'm running AVG :(

I ran Hijack This and removed some suspicious lines and I'm trying to run Spybot but it's taking foreveeer...


Sad Rocket Punch is sad :(

Damn torrents...


Rocket Punch said:
Help me GAF... you're my only hope....

My search engines results are being hijacked and I'm being sent to malware sites and crappy search engines :(

Also my computer is randomly freezing while I'm running AVG :(

I ran Hijack This and removed some suspicious lines and I'm trying to run Spybot but it's taking foreveeer...


Sad Rocket Punch is sad :(

Damn torrents...
Try MBAM first:


If it's still bad, use Combofix:

http://www.bleepingcomputer.com/combofix/how-to-use-combofix (down right now, try later)

If that doesn't fix it you're reinstalling Windows, then buying real security software. ;) AVG is pretty bad.

Suggest disabling AVG before running MBAM. It'll just get in the way.
The trackpad and the mouse buttons nest to it on my laptop dont work. I use a mouse so i rarely use them so it took me awhile to notice. No idea what the problem is.

ANy tips?


Gamer @ Heart said:
The trackpad and the mouse buttons nest to it on my laptop dont work. I use a mouse so i rarely use them so it took me awhile to notice. No idea what the problem is.

ANy tips?

It once happened to me except the other way. My hand was always touching the pad when typing so I disabled it. Maybe check in Device Manager to reactivate it?

Win7 64-bit

Whenever I try to rename a folder, it prompts that box. "Could not find this item. This is no longer located in C:\Users\My_User\Desktop. Verify that the item's location and try again."

I don't have any problem renaming microsoft word/video file/photoshop file.

All current existing folders on the computer will be prompt when it's being rename/move.



Gamer @ Heart said:
The trackpad and the mouse buttons nest to it on my laptop dont work. I use a mouse so i rarely use them so it took me awhile to notice. No idea what the problem is.

ANy tips?

What laptop is it? Check the F# keys and see if there is an icon of a rectanble with a finger pointing on it. If there is that's the trackpad toggle. Fn+that key will enable/disable trackpad.

On my Acer it's F7.

suikodan said:
Win7 64-bit

Whenever I try to rename a folder, it prompts that box. "Could not find this item. This is no longer located in C:\Users\My_User\Desktop. Verify that the item's location and try again."

I don't have any problem renaming microsoft word/video file/photoshop file.

All current existing folders on the computer will be prompt when it's being rename/move.


Remove these registry keys





Restart/Log Off

Sauce with file to automagically remove your registry keys: http://www.sevenforums.com/general-...-unable-rename-move-folders-2.html#post711908


suikodan said:

Will try it ASAP back from work. Thanks!!!

Only result I got when I googled: "Could not find this item. This is no longer located in C:\Users\My_User\Desktop. Verify that the item's location and try again."

All right GAF, I am having a really weird hardware issue and I'm baffled. I'd like a solution, but I'll settle for knowing the real cause.

I have a USB Saturn gamepad that I want to use. It's plug an play and installs as a generic HID-compliant gamepad, no drivers needed.

On my laptop, a Dell Vostro 1700, it works like a charm. I'm running Windows 7 Pro 64-bit and never have an issue, I can plug it in any time and it's fine.

On my new desktop, which has an ASUS M4A79XTD EVO motherboard and is ALSO running 7 Pro 64-bit, plugging in the controller (in ANY port, front or back) gives me a "device cannot start (code 10) error. But the weirdest thing is that if I plug it into a hub (I used a crappy no-name usb 1.1 hub I got from work) it works fine. What the FUCK is going on here? My research has found a couple people with this problem but no solutions thus far.

Help me out GAF, I just installed Street Fighter IV and want to play it with my Saturn Pad goodness :(

EDIT: Updated to the latest BIOS and chipset drivers, still no joy. Somebody HALP


Ok, another followup. I need GAFs opinion on what to replace here. I have narrowed my PC crashing problem to the video card. Now its something related to the power connectors on it. The problem is it could either be my PSU or my GPU. The GPU is either not getting enough power, or the connectors have failed.

I have a 550watt Corsair powering

  • E7400
    512mb 4870 OC to 825/1000
    2 harddrives, maybe 5400, cant remember
    8gb XMS2 DDR2-800 ram
    DVD drive
    Wireless PCI card

The corsair should be enough shouldnt it? I checked those websites that calculate power usage, and one site says like only 350-400 needed, while another says 500 minimum...
A Corsair with 550w should be enough for that but that is assuming that the unit isn't malfunctioning and that the voltage is stable.


WickedAngel said:
A Corsair with 550w should be enough for that but that is assuming that the unit isn't malfunctioning and that the voltage is stable.

any way to test that? i figured it should be good enough. i at first had a raidmax 600watt but then read that corsair is more reliable and that it doesnt waste as much power, so bumped it down to 550w..


relies on auto-aim
Go in bios and check if the voltage are near 3.3,5,and 12

It should be within 5%(or 8%) of those values.

Foxix Von

I was writing something up in a works word document a few days ago and my computer just decided to close the document.

There's no way to recover that is there?


Foxix said:
I was writing something up in a works word document a few days ago and my computer just decided to close the document.

There's no way to recover that is there?
I thought Word had auto recovery for ages now. What version are you using?


Hazaro said:
Go in bios and check if the voltage are near 3.3,5,and 12

It should be within 5%(or 8%) of those values.

Went into the Power menu, and they are


so yea, they are pretty close. My crashing seems to happen randomly though, would this bios reading help me? i dont know much about PSU, is it possible that it is only sometimes failing?

Foxix Von

Lkr said:
I thought Word had auto recovery for ages now. What version are you using?

Hell if I know... It's not actually "Word" it's part of some microsoft works bundle that came preinstalled on my dinosaur.

Oh just checked looks like it's Works version 7.0


relies on auto-aim
Ashhong said:
Went into the Power menu, and they are


so yea, they are pretty close. My crashing seems to happen randomly though, would this bios reading help me? i dont know much about PSU, is it possible that it is only sometimes failing?
Ideally you would use a multimeter to check the voltages under load, but since they are pretty close I wouldn't worry about it.

Did you lower your GPU overclock by a tad and run memtest on your memory yet?


Hazaro said:
Ideally you would use a multimeter to check the voltages under load, but since they are pretty close I wouldn't worry about it.

Did you lower your GPU overclock by a tad and run memtest on your memory yet?

negative, dont know what that is. will google and check that out, thanks for the advice

i think im doing it wrong...i have 8gigs so i open 4 copies of the program and tell each one to test 2gb of ram. after i start the last 2 gigs of testing, my computer freezes....


Vox-Pop said:
Can I use a fat32 external hardrive to transfer songs from my mac to pc?


So Haz, ran memtest and no errors...although not sure if i tested all of it since i have 8gb worth. Now what? =( I'm really hoping its just my PSU...maybe I should just RMA both of them? I just dont want this to happen again


Contains Sucralose
Ashhong said:

So Haz, ran memtest and no errors...although not sure if i tested all of it since i have 8gb worth. Now what? =( I'm really hoping its just my PSU...maybe I should just RMA both of them? I just dont want this to happen again
thank you, I have to get my pc out of the garage now.

I wanna lick your avatar.
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