With the i7 930, the heatsink already had thermal paste applied to it, so I didn't touch that.
Schrade said:In that picture it looks like you have two separate applications of thermal paste.
Clean it all off of the CPU and the heatsink (use alcohol to get it all off) then get some new thermal paste, apply it to the CPU so that CPU has a thin, even layer over its entire surface except for maybe leave about a millimeter of blank space toward the edges of the die (to allow for oozing).
Then, snap your heatsink in place over it.
It looks like you have two different kinds of paste on there, a white and grey one. Don't mix them!
*** Hardware Malfunction
Call your hardware vendor for support
NMI: Parity Check / Memory Parity Error
*** The system has halted ***
Sebulon3k said:Made a thread cause I couldn't find this one.
Linking the post I made in case anyone can help me here.
Your RAM stick went bad.Great King Bowser said:Samsung NC10 running Windows 7 Home Premium
Keeps BSODing on me. Usually if I'm doing something involving multimedia e.g. listening to music or watching a video.
It's given me different error messages before, but that was the last one.
microATXKorey said:Anyone?
ChoklitReign said:My laptop has been plugged in for like 4 days now and the battery hasn't been charging. It's a Dell XPS M1530 and the battery is at 47% capacity (it lasts for 3-4 hours currently). It's 2 and a half years old now but the battery is more recent. Should I be concerned about its health and back up all my important data? I think I had this problem before and just ordered a new battery so maybe I don't have to worry about the HDD. Another concern is that I'm buying a desktop next month and I don't want to buy a new battery for a computer I won't be using much anymore. Should I restart a couple of times and buy a new battery if it isn't fixed?
Hmmm...dammit. Is the power supply/case MicroATX too? He has a similar older computer that's about the same size and I was able to swap his old power supply with a regular ATX one. I don't have access to his new computer right now but going to have him measure to see if the screws match.claviertekky said:microATX
Rarely any normal consumer builds ATX boards now because they're more expensive to build.
Judging from: and your given dimensions, a regular ATX power supply will fit.Korey said:Hmmm...dammit. Is the power supply/case MicroATX too? He has a similar older computer that's about the same size and I was able to swap his old power supply with a regular ATX one. I don't have access to his new computer right now but going to have him measure to see if the screws match.
You don't need the download device as you can use the second link when you're confirming your download.ChoklitReign said:God damn Dell. I can't download the newest BIOS because it requires me to download a DOWNLOAD DEVICE which can't find the BIOS exe because I CAN'T DOWNLOAD IT. Plus I can't find the AC outlet for my external HDD. Fucking great.
Thanks for your help and advice. That's what I think too, after kind of estimating measuring out that picture in photoshop.claviertekky said:Judging from: and your given dimensions, a regular ATX power supply will fit.
I have a mATX build as my desktop is my gaming machine, and it works just fine. I made sure it take standard ATX power supplies.
It might be a tight squeeze to get the old power supply out though. Just a warning.Korey said:Thanks for your help and advice. That's what I think too, after kind of estimating measuring out that picture in photoshop.
The browser download option is gone one you download the other thing. Forget the BIOS, I need to know where to find a replacement AC outlet for my hard drive (an Iomega Prestige 500GB HDD, it requires both a power supply and a USB cord). Do most HDDs use the same kind of power outlet? It kind of looks like a 3.5mm headphone adapter.claviertekky said:You don't need the download device as you can use the second link when you're confirming your download.
I think it's download via browser.
Does your external use a built-in power supply or does it use a brick?ChoklitReign said:The browser download option is gone one you download the other thing. Forget the BIOS, I need to know where to find a replacement AC outlet for my hard drive (an Iomega Prestige 500GB HDD, it requires both a power supply and a USB cord). Do most HDDs use the same kind of power outlet? It kind of looks like a 3.5mm headphone adapter.
zazrx said:I installed newest drivers for my graphics card and the problem has gone away for the past week now. Didn't think that would have been the problem.
davidpdong said:Hi Tech Support GAF, this is more of a networking question but maybe someone can still help.
My ADSL modem is constantly losing sync. About once every 1.5hrs itll drop and then reconnect but this means I can game nor stream movies.
I've tried isolating it (disconnected my router and plugged straight into modem, ive tried different wall jacks, I even bought a new modem) and it doesn't SEEM to be any of my own equipment.
AT&T wont do shit, they keep telling me everything is fine and the tech they sent over said as much. As if I'm making this up.
Anyone cans h4lp?
My modems ive tried are a speedstream 4100 and an att brand westelle.
I know a lot about home networking stuff. I've had DSL for 7 years of my life from high school to post college, and I know a lot about cable and FiOS as well. Been through all the hassles and gripes about these sort of things.davidpdong said:Hi Tech Support GAF, this is more of a networking question but maybe someone can still help.
My ADSL modem is constantly losing sync. About once every 1.5hrs itll drop and then reconnect but this means I can game nor stream movies.
I've tried isolating it (disconnected my router and plugged straight into modem, ive tried different wall jacks, I even bought a new modem) and it doesn't SEEM to be any of my own equipment.
AT&T wont do shit, they keep telling me everything is fine and the tech they sent over said as much. As if I'm making this up.
Anyone cans h4lp?
My modems ive tried are a speedstream 4100 and an att brand westelle.
zazrx said:![]()
God damn it, I thought I had fixed the issue but it just started doing it again today!!! Jesus Christ what does it take for the computer to tell me what is going on?! I'm thinking of doing a format and just starting fresh... It's just such a hassle to deal with all the backing up and getting drivers...
zazrx said:God damn it, I thought I had fixed the issue but it just started doing it again today!!! Jesus Christ what does it take for the computer to tell me what is going on?! I'm thinking of doing a format and just starting fresh... It's just such a hassle to deal with all the backing up and getting drivers...
Yeah works perfect, it'll run hours and hours with no hiccups. The problem is only there when booting up, if it gets past that, I'm golden.chuckddd said:The computer will run better all around after a fresh install. May I suggest either partitioning your drive or getting a secondary? That way you can put all of your needed stuff there and be ready to go as soon the o/s is reloaded. I have a dedicated folder for all of my drivers and downloaded programs.
Also, if your computer boots, does it work fine after? Does it shutdown ok?
Use VLC.Trent Strong said:I have a few videos that are 1440 by 1080. When I play these videos on my desktop PC with Windows Media Player, it stretches them to fit my 16:9 720p screen, but when I play them on my laptop, which is also a 720p screen, it will only play them in 4:3. I want to play them in 16:9 on the laptop too. Does anyone know how I can get them to stretch to fit the screen on the laptop? Both the desktop and the laptop have windows 7.
claviertekky said:Use VLC.
Doesn't mess with the OS although do note the file associations during installation. Compiled for the big three operating systems out there. Has a lot of nice features. No need to download codec packs as everything is built-in.
You can change how the picture is zoomed.
CCleaner, erase old profile and make a new one, uninstall all the shit that's still in the new profile. Make sure it's an Admin.AcciDante said:A parent of one of my dad's students (elementary school) gave him an old pc laptop that he might be able to use in class. I don't have any XP install discs that I can wipe it out with, so I was wondering what the best steps to take where to clean it out as best I can were.
You didn't mount your new CPU correctly. Did you clean the old thermal paste off the heatsink and apply a new layer?BlazeDSM said:I installed a new processor and before my fan speed was quiet-ish, now after the installation it's loud as can be...what do you suggest GAF. I tried to use SpeedFan but didn't really have any instructions on how to lower the settings.
claviertekky said:You didn't mount your new CPU correctly. Did you clean the old thermal paste off the heatsink and apply a new layer? said:I didn't think it was a graphics card problem to begin.
I thought it might be hard drive or motherboard related, so your computer freezes after a full boot?
Grab a copy of speedfan:
Run the program as administrator.
Go to the S.M.A.R.T. tab. Select your hard drive and press "Perform an in-depth online analysis of this hard disk." It'll take you to a website.
There's a link you need to copy and paste from the text on that website: "The link to get back and see a new report about this hard disk in the future is this. Consider that new hard disks and new checks are added over time." Copy the hyperlink linked from the bolded "this." The hyperlink includes ReportCode and ReportVerification numbers.
Reply with the hyperlink here or just screenshot the page. I prefer the hyperlink.
Thanks for the update. Your hard drive tests out great.zazrx said:
There it is. I just reformatted my computer last night and this morning I turn on my PC and it freezes on the windows logo... I wish I knew what is wrong so I can just go and buy a new part.
I'll assume those are download syncs. Nothing for upload? Can you post a picture?davidpdong said:So these are my stats.
SN Margin (dB) 13.5 -
Line Attenuation (dB) 45.5 -
look ok?
claviertekky said:I'll assume those are download syncs. Nothing for upload? Can you post a picture?
If you don't know, the PrtScn button on your keyboard puts a snapshop of your current computer screen. Simply paste this screen into Paint (Ctrl V or Edit -> Paste) and upload that to a website like If you have Windows Vista or 7, you can use the Snipping Tool application to assist you in that as well.
From that small quote it seem all right. You have an OK signal judging from the SNR at 13.5 dB as the modem needs 6 dB to hold a sync. I would really like a picture though.
Is your ADSL with a phone service or without phone service (dry-loop)? If you don't understand, do you have a landline in your house and make phone calls from there?
davidpdong said:Here is a pic:
its a dry loop (no phone service).
My roommate just set our PPP location on the modem instead of bridge mode in hopes this will fix the issue.
Also, thanks 100 million.
Ran it, I stayed and the text didn't change, it was always No Hardware Problems detected. After it booted to Windows the balloon said No memory errors detected. So I'm guessing the RAM is ok.claviertekky said:Thanks for the update. Your hard drive tests out great.
Test your RAM now. I had a similar problem that you're describing, and it ended up that I had two bad RAM sticks out of four I had installed.
To test your RAM, use the built-in Windows Memory Diagnostic utility. You can run this in three ways:
1. Can boot to desktop.
Click on the start button (Windows icon button) and type in: Windows Memory Diagnostic. Restart now and check for problems.
2. Can't boot Windows.
Load your Windows 7 installation DVD and instead of hitting install on the first screen to move your mouse, hit repair. Included is the same Windows Memory Diagnostic utility.
3. F8 before the "Starting Windows" Logo. Supposedly you can launch the memory diagnostic utility there as well as it is listed in your Safe Mode/Last Known Configuration menu.
I've only seen this once, but my memory is fuzzy here.
Anyway, once testing begins, you can leave your computer now or if you have time you can stare at the progress bars until they finish.
1. If you stay:
There is a yellow text line that indicates the status of your memory. The system will run the test twice by default.
If through the entire test that "No Hardware Problems" text does not change, your RAM is fine.
If something is wrong with your memory, you will see it after one complete test run. The yellow text will change to "Hardware problems detected. Please consult a computer manufacturer for repair" or something like that.
2. If you don't stay:
Upon a successful bootup to desktop, Windows will tell you if your memory checks out ok from a small notification bar. From my experience, a balloon notification will say your RAM is OK. A straight-up application window will tell you your RAM is bad.
Ok now this is a curveball at me. :lolzazrx said:Ran it, I stayed and the text didn't change, it was always No Hardware Problems detected. After it booted to Windows the balloon said No memory errors detected. So I'm guessing the RAM is ok.
claviertekky said:Ok now this is a curveball at me. :lol
Thanks for the update.
It's not the hard drive. It's not the RAM. I suppose we have three factors left to consider:
1. Drivers
2. Power Supply
3. Motherboard (+ Overclocking)
It'll help if you listed out the specs of your machine with the manufacturer + model.
So this only happens on startup correct? Never during playing a game or editing a movie?
Since you just did a fresh install:
Where did you get these? Also do you have any securtiy software (i.e. antivirus) installed? Did you remember to install the chipset driver?
I honestly didn't install any drivers except for the video card ones which I got from the nVidia website. Since everything else seems to be working I didn't bother with anything else. I did not install any chipset drivers.
Do you know if you have a friend who has an extra power supply sitting around you can borrow for a month?
Sadly, no.
Do you overclock?
I do not overclock.
All right you're doing it right. The X58 chipset has all the drivers from Windows 7 directly although it won't hurt to run the Intel INF program to check the chipset is installed correctly: said:My computer's specs are:
Processor: i7
PSU: 850W
Video card: GTX260
My computer only freezes during boot up. Sometimes it happens during the black screens/windows logos while other times it happens after the computer gets to the desktop and its loading everything like live messenger and Avast. I haven't had it freeze during any other time.
By the way, thanks a lot for your help so far claviertekky!
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