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Tech Support GAF Thread: No Case Too Big, No Case Too Small


ZombieFred said:
Once you can see your IPOD, open it up and then depending on your OS, do the following;

XP - Go to control panel, folder options, view hidden files.

Vista/Windows 7 - Press Alt to see the menu bar, go to tools and then folder options - view hidden files.

You'll se IPOD control, open this up and you can copy your music. However these are not named but all details are on the description (you have to type in the names manually this way) so just copy them onto your computer. I believe there's software out there that can do this automatically so just google it, but this is what I usually do if I want a selection of songs from my IPOD :)

DarkFlow83 said:

Thanks much! I'll give these a crack.


So I booted up my machine the other morning and I got some error booting windows about a missing sys file. I rebooted and everything was fine. Last couple of days though windows (xp) has been taking excessively long to start up, like 5-10 minutes. That's 5-10 for it to load into windows, load up all the apps in start up (steam, google talk etc) the actual loading into windows itself isn't too bad.

Now general windows usage is slow as shit, double clicking on a file takes forever for it to open, chrome is running sluggish. However playing portal 2 last night everything was fast and smooth, no issues whatsoever.
lastly I ran WD diagnostics on my drives, the primary 500Gb that has windows on it has a FAIL for SMART and it shits itself when it trys to run a quick diagnostic on it. My other much older 250GB passes SMART and all tests are fine.

So I'm assuming the HDD is dying...correct me if I'm wrong. I want to get a new PC within the next 6 months or so with a SSD as the primary windows drive and upgrade to windows 7. The problem is being able to afford a new PC right now, so now the main question is, is there any issues with me getting an SSD drive now and a copy of windows 7, installing it in my current PC and just whacking it in the new PC when I eventually get around to getting one?

EDIT> So the plot thickens, I ran a chkdsk on the HDD and it came up fine with no bad sectors, so I figure I'll delete a ton of stuff off it and do a defrag (which I will add I tried to do overnight but it only got as far as 24% when I checked it at about 10:30 this morning and it wasn't moving), I start deleting stuff and bam, blue screen of death.

I was actually writing this very post about the chkdisk coming up clear, while stuff was deleting in the background when it blue screened.


Unconfirmed Member
wetwired said:
So I booted up my machine the other morning and I got some error booting windows about a missing sys file. I rebooted and everything was fine. Last couple of days though windows (xp) has been taking excessively long to start up, like 5-10 minutes. That's 5-10 for it to load into windows, load up all the apps in start up (steam, google talk etc) the actual loading into windows itself isn't too bad.

Now general windows usage is slow as shit, double clicking on a file takes forever for it to open, chrome is running sluggish. However playing portal 2 last night everything was fast and smooth, no issues whatsoever.
lastly I ran WD diagnostics on my drives, the primary 500Gb that has windows on it has a FAIL for SMART and it shits itself when it trys to run a quick diagnostic on it. My other much older 250GB passes SMART and all tests are fine.

So I'm assuming the HDD is dying...correct me if I'm wrong. I want to get a new PC within the next 6 months or so with a SSD as the primary windows drive and upgrade to windows 7. The problem is being able to afford a new PC right now, so now the main question is, is there any issues with me getting an SSD drive now and a copy of windows 7, installing it in my current PC and just whacking it in the new PC when I eventually get around to getting one?

EDIT> So the plot thickens, I ran a chkdsk on the HDD and it came up fine with no bad sectors, so I figure I'll delete a ton of stuff off it and do a defrag (which I will add I tried to do overnight but it only got as far as 24% when I checked it at about 10:30 this morning and it wasn't moving), I start deleting stuff and bam, blue screen of death.

I was actually writing this very post about the chkdisk coming up clear, while stuff was deleting in the background when it blue screened.

Go to system log files on hardware (check control panel) and see what errors it have. Sounds like your HD is dying.


ZombieFred said:
Go to system log files on hardware (check control panel) and see what errors it have. Sounds like your HD is dying.

Yup sure is, this is what I found

The driver has detected that device \Device\Harddisk1\DR1 has predicted that it will fail. Immediately back up your data and replace your hard disk drive. A failure may be imminent.

For more information, see Help and Support Center at http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/events.asp.

So what would you recommend out of the SSD's on the this link for around $200, it's the only place open tomorrow I can get a replacement


we all knew her
Quick question: I just setup a Ustream account on my Macbook (running Snow Leopard) and my first broadcast (in Google Chrome) using the iSight camera worked perfectly fine. I shut it down, then when I tried to broadcast again a few minutes later, I got an error that says: "It appears that you are using a version of Flash Player that has a known problem with displaying the picture of Mac webcams. To repair this problem please install the latest version of Flash Player." Chrome updates Flash automatically, so I tried downloading the newest version of Flash and broadcasting out of Firefox instead, but I am still getting the same error message. I didn't change any settings between when it worked and when it stopped working. The camera itself still works fine in stuff like Google Chat, Photo Booth, Skype, etc.

Any ideas?

EDIT: I tried installing the Ustream Producer software. My camera feed shows up just fine in the window of that program, but when I click the Broadcast button, I get an error message that says "Cannot connect to the RTMP/Flash server at given IP address. Verify the server is reachable at the given address. [-4018]"

EDIT 2: Ignore this post. I didn't figure out what was wrong, but after rebooting AGAIN and just using the Ustream Producer software without first trying to broadcast from my browser, everything started working fine. *shrugs*


Please help me, I have a huge problem with my pc. It keeps switching off. Sometimes it fails to start up at all and the fan goes In overdrive. I've sent it to dell three times now, they basically say I'm lying and there's nothing wrong with it. Pissing me off hard. Today I can hardly go on it for 3 minutes before it switches off. Even if I go in the bios it switches off on me


besiktas1 said:
Please help me, I have a huge problem with my pc. It keeps switching off. Sometimes it fails to start up at all and the fan goes In overdrive. I've sent it to dell three times now, they basically say I'm lying and there's nothing wrong with it. Pissing me off hard. Today I can hardly go on it for 3 minutes before it switches off. Even if I go in the bios it switches off on me

Do you get any errors, like a blue screen or such?
Could be a faulty PSU. Maybe something is overheating but it shouldn't after that short amount of time.


accx said:
Do you get any errors, like a blue screen or such?
Could be a faulty PSU. Maybe something is overheating but it shouldn't after that short amount of time.

I get no error messages, it just constantly restarts by itself for no reason & sometimes struggles to come on at all, it's come to the point where it is unusable.
Dell's customer service is rubbish so I have given up on them fixing it.
I don't think it's overheating as you said it doesn't stay on long enough to overheat. Plus the inside has been thoroughly cleaned out.


besiktas1 said:
Please help me, I have a huge problem with my pc. It keeps switching off. Sometimes it fails to start up at all and the fan goes In overdrive. I've sent it to dell three times now, they basically say I'm lying and there's nothing wrong with it. Pissing me off hard. Today I can hardly go on it for 3 minutes before it switches off. Even if I go in the bios it switches off on me

Which fan kicks into overdrive? CPU? GPU? Another?

Just turning off like that, is most likely PSU failure. It can also be lack of Wattage, if you upgraded your Graphics Card, or added harddisks, it might not have enough. Either way, a new PSU should fix it.

Usually when your CPU overheats, your PC would shut down as well. So, if you do get to windows, try Speedfan (http://www.almico.com/speedfan.php) and tell us your temperatures.


Insayne said:
Which fan kicks into overdrive? CPU? GPU? Another?

Just turning off like that, is most likely PSU failure. It can also be lack of Wattage, if you upgraded your Graphics Card, or added harddisks, it might not have enough. Either way, a new PSU should fix it.

Usually when your CPU overheats, your PC would shut down as well. So, if you do get to windows, try Speedfan (http://www.almico.com/speedfan.php) and tell us your temperatures.

speed fan results
Been banging my head against the wall all day because of this.

Just trying to pair my Galaxy S 2 with my Windows 7 (x64) laptop. But I get this issue with the driver.


So Windows thinks it's paired, but I can't send anything to the laptop (I can send to the phone though) and I've tried installing Vista drivers to make it think it's installed fine.

So because of this, I can't get Samsung's own syncing software to connect to the phone via Bluetooth, Jesus Samsung WTF!?

So any ideas?


So while watching a youtube clip yesterday i think i somehow fried my gpu, its a sapphire 4850, and i have an led d1601 critical temp protection enabled light on, on the video card board. I cant figure out how to get it to boot normally, the computer will turn on but wont put out a signal to the monitor. i tried placing it in a different slot and resetting the bios but nothing. so i guess its time to buy a new card?


besiktas1 said:
speed fan results

One fan is at 8000RPM - was your system running the fan loudly during the screenshot?

Do you know what Temp 1 is? (63°C is quite... abnormal for most things - a CPU maybe, if its an older AMD, but we get your core readings, thus it must be the north/southbridge or another component, that should not be higher than usually say 35-40°C)

Weird as well is the -59°C (that must be a broken sensor. Which could be related to the fan going into 8000RPM. Very odd none-the-less)

Also, try out GPU-Z from here: http://www.techpowerup.com/gpuz/. Show the temperature of your GFX Card - That will tell me if that runs hot / Fan kicks to 100% :)

Current Diagnose: PSU is faulty, but completely unrelated to one FAN running too fast/noisy. We would need to look into that seperately. Also, since it is a DELL, you could provide model/name so I could get to know the components.

Thanks :)


Alright, I need to increase the space on one of the partitions on my external HDD (FAT32) by grabbing some free space from the other partition (NTFS). What's the best free software to do it cleanly and quickly?


Hello TechSupportGAF. I have a problem. My harddisk isn't being detected by my PC's BIOS. It's my secondary harddisk, where I keep my documents, so it's pretty bad. I do have a backup, thankfully, only a month old, too.

The drive not being found is a 4-year old 250GB SATA drive, can't remember the model. I've tried the usual fiddling with cables, and it doesn't seem like it's a cable problem. I've also tried installing it in my old PC, one that can't POST anymore, and it does spin up, but of course, a bustd PC that can't even reach BIOS is not a good testbed. Don't worry about that one, though, it's long since been replaced, I just didn't throw it out yet.

Anyway, is there a way to to make the PC find the SATA drive that I haven't thought of? I've tried setting the SATA settings to compatability mode already. I have a bad feeling about what the issue is. The HDD controller board is done for. Can that be replaced? Can I save my data still? I'll be taking it to the shop and see if they can get it running.


Dear Neogaf custom PC builders.

My PC tower makes a really annoying hum/vibration noise. If I press hard on the shell it quietens down. Opening the case and tying everything down etc has so far yielded no decrease in noise.

Any tips on annihilating this god dam hum?


Insayne said:
One fan is at 8000RPM - was your system running the fan loudly during the screenshot?

Do you know what Temp 1 is? (63°C is quite... abnormal for most things - a CPU maybe, if its an older AMD, but we get your core readings, thus it must be the north/southbridge or another component, that should not be higher than usually say 35-40°C)

Weird as well is the -59°C (that must be a broken sensor. Which could be related to the fan going into 8000RPM. Very odd none-the-less)

Also, try out GPU-Z from here: http://www.techpowerup.com/gpuz/. Show the temperature of your GFX Card - That will tell me if that runs hot / Fan kicks to 100% :)

Current Diagnose: PSU is faulty, but completely unrelated to one FAN running too fast/noisy. We would need to look into that seperately. Also, since it is a DELL, you could provide model/name so I could get to know the components.

Thanks :)

Screenshots of my GPU & updated speedfan results:

I don't know about the fan but at the moment it is making a bit of noise.

I checked the speedfan forums and they said temp1 was PSU

My computer is a Dell Studio XPS running windows vista.

I hope this helps


Well, I went and solved my HDD problem myself. Or rather I gave it to the shop where I bought it and they confirmed it was dead. However, it got resurrected, or reincarnated more likely. Cost me some money, but I got a bigger HDD with a clone of all my data on it. So as HDD failures go, this one wasn't too bad. Less than 24 hours from fail to fix is good.

Now, however, I'm kind of in the mood for a good backup solution, for some reason. Online, offline, either way. Got any recommendations?


Hey guys I really need some help!

Right for some reason my computer seems to crash/lock up every now and then. Its normally while I'm playing games, most recently Magicka is the culprit.

They were mainly Bsods so last night I decided to format windows on my SSD and start from scratch. All went well and got all the driver and stuff sorted. Loaded up Steam started Magicka and after 30-40mins of playing bam screen locks up and sound starts stuturing out.

I've flashed to latest Bios and as far as I know all drivers are up to date. Iam overclocking the CPU but its a modest OC with a Corsair H50 Water cooler on the CPU.

Prime seems to be stable left running over night with max temps reaching about 65-67c. They have never gone over that.

Also sometimes the monitor turns it self on and off. Well not off but it seems like its changing resolution then comes back on again.

System specs are:
I5 2500k running at 4.2ghz
Asus P8P67 Pro
4GB Geil 1600 Ram
Palit 570GTX @ Stock
Corsair H50 CPU Cooler
Coolermaster GX 750w PSU
OCZ Vertex SSD

Its really getting me down as the system cost a fortune and I just want it to run properly.
Please help GAF!


taranatar said:
Hey guys I really need some help!

Right for some reason my computer seems to crash/lock up every now and then. Its normally while I'm playing games, most recently Magicka is the culprit.

They were mainly Bsods so last night I decided to format windows on my SSD and start from scratch. All went well and got all the driver and stuff sorted. Loaded up Steam started Magicka and after 30-40mins of playing bam screen locks up and sound starts stuturing out.

I've flashed to latest Bios and as far as I know all drivers are up to date. Iam overclocking the CPU but its a modest OC with a Corsair H50 Water cooler on the CPU.

Prime seems to be stable left running over night with max temps reaching about 65-67c. They have never gone over that.

Also sometimes the monitor turns it self on and off. Well not off but it seems like its changing resolution then comes back on again.

System specs are:
I5 2500k running at 4.2ghz
Asus P8P67 Pro
4GB Geil 1600 Ram
Palit 570GTX @ Stock
Corsair H50 CPU Cooler
Coolermaster GX 750w PSU
OCZ Vertex SSD

Its really getting me down as the system cost a fortune and I just want it to run properly.
Please help GAF!
Did you test your overclock with prime95 or some other system OC bench software to make sure it's stable? When you overclock, you can't blindly input some numbers and hope it works flawlessly without proper testing.

What happens when you run your computer on stock speeds?

McNum said:
Well, I went and solved my HDD problem myself. Or rather I gave it to the shop where I bought it and they confirmed it was dead. However, it got resurrected, or reincarnated more likely. Cost me some money, but I got a bigger HDD with a clone of all my data on it. So as HDD failures go, this one wasn't too bad. Less than 24 hours from fail to fix is good.

Now, however, I'm kind of in the mood for a good backup solution, for some reason. Online, offline, either way. Got any recommendations?

Do both.

If you have an old computer, you can easily make a home backup server to backup your stuff using Windows Home Server.

There are also backup solutions that you can buy a device that backups your network. I do not know any, but I am looking for a thread of recommendations as this has been asked before.


As for an off-site (online) solution, you can consider: http://www.crashplan.com/

besiktas1 said:
Screenshots of my GPU & updated speedfan results:


I don't know about the fan but at the moment it is making a bit of noise.

I checked the speedfan forums and they said temp1 was PSU

My computer is a Dell Studio XPS running windows vista.

I hope this helps

I'm going to say I will agree with the other poster's conclusion that your PSU sucks as the PSUs that Dell uses in their desktops are pretty bad in terms of efficiency and delivering proper voltages.


besiktas1 said:
Screenshots of my GPU & updated speedfan results:

I don't know about the fan but at the moment it is making a bit of noise.

I checked the speedfan forums and they said temp1 was PSU

My computer is a Dell Studio XPS running windows vista.

I hope this helps

Hello there :)

I would recommend you to get a same Wattage PSU as replacement if you are handy with Computers. (I hope you are!) A fairly decent one should run you for 100-150$. If the Temp1 is PSU indeed, it is running quite hot and the RPM could also be linked to that.

However, I warn you that this can be a gamble as well - as one sensor is definately broken ( Minus degrees dont happen on air cooling :p) and we will not be able to locate that properly (unless i had the machine here, but given that this is a forum, we gotta cope with that).

Most likely, when you replace the PSU the Noise should also vanish. If it does not, it should still be able to be configured in the bios whether a fan runs according to heat (or lack thereof) or static speed. So it is fixable, but it will cost you money.

In the worst case, your mainboard might be shorting itself, and thus create surges/power off. But that would be bad mounting of the mainboard - it would not get worse over time (however, a defective PSU would).

So my advice is, this is a hard one to determine. Do you have a friend with a spare PSU to test, or another computer? (Remember, it needs enough watt in order to run the machine! else you run into the same problem just with no noise).


claviertekky said:
Did you test your overclock with prime95 or some other system OC bench software to make sure it's stable? When you overclock, you can't blindly input some numbers and hope it works flawlessly without proper testing.

What happens when you run your computer on stock speeds?

Yes I did use Prime95 to stress test the over clock it ran fine over night. Which makes me think it isn't the over clock.


claviertekky said:
Do both.

If you have an old computer, you can easily make a home backup server to backup your stuff using Windows Home Server.

There are also backup solutions that you can buy a device that backups your network. I do not know any, but I am looking for a thread of recommendations as this has been asked before.


As for an off-site (online) solution, you can consider: http://www.crashplan.com/
I do have a couple of old PCs stored, but my last one is pretty much a lost cause, I think. I killed that one, used it until it was worn completely out. The failed HDD was originally from that one, too. I should have known better, really. But the PC from before that might be worth looking into. I have enough spare parts from old wrecks in the family to build something out of that, I think. I always wanted an excuse to put Linux on something, too. And Linux will run on anything.

For now, I'm thinking a quick stopgap solution is to buy a stack of DVD-Rs and go to work. I'll worry about adding another layer of redundancy when I've done that. Apparently I've got 25GBs of Microsoft's SkyDrive available, too. I know Word 2010 really likes that, so that might be a redundancy for Office documents.
taranatar said:
Hey guys I really need some help!

Right for some reason my computer seems to crash/lock up every now and then. Its normally while I'm playing games, most recently Magicka is the culprit.

They were mainly Bsods so last night I decided to format windows on my SSD and start from scratch. All went well and got all the driver and stuff sorted. Loaded up Steam started Magicka and after 30-40mins of playing bam screen locks up and sound starts stuturing out.

I've flashed to latest Bios and as far as I know all drivers are up to date. Iam overclocking the CPU but its a modest OC with a Corsair H50 Water cooler on the CPU.

Prime seems to be stable left running over night with max temps reaching about 65-67c. They have never gone over that.

Also sometimes the monitor turns it self on and off. Well not off but it seems like its changing resolution then comes back on again.

System specs are:
I5 2500k running at 4.2ghz
Asus P8P67 Pro
4GB Geil 1600 Ram
Palit 570GTX @ Stock
Corsair H50 CPU Cooler
Coolermaster GX 750w PSU
OCZ Vertex SSD

Its really getting me down as the system cost a fortune and I just want it to run properly.
Please help GAF!
It could be a graphics card issue.

You should download Bluescreen view and take a look at the latest Dump file it created since last BSOD.
Just a quick question.

If I use a wireless N pci card in my pc with a wireless g router, its only going to communiate with my computer using wireless g right? I'm not going to be getting the advantages of wireless N?

I recently got this new d-link wireless card but whenever I play some games, my ping will simply spike insanely and I don't know why. This never used to happen on my old card.


Insayne said:
Hello there :)

I would recommend you to get a same Wattage PSU as replacement if you are handy with Computers. (I hope you are!) A fairly decent one should run you for 100-150$. If the Temp1 is PSU indeed, it is running quite hot and the RPM could also be linked to that.

However, I warn you that this can be a gamble as well - as one sensor is definately broken ( Minus degrees dont happen on air cooling :p) and we will not be able to locate that properly (unless i had the machine here, but given that this is a forum, we gotta cope with that).

Most likely, when you replace the PSU the Noise should also vanish. If it does not, it should still be able to be configured in the bios whether a fan runs according to heat (or lack thereof) or static speed. So it is fixable, but it will cost you money.

In the worst case, your mainboard might be shorting itself, and thus create surges/power off. But that would be bad mounting of the mainboard - it would not get worse over time (however, a defective PSU would).

So my advice is, this is a hard one to determine. Do you have a friend with a spare PSU to test, or another computer? (Remember, it needs enough watt in order to run the machine! else you run into the same problem just with no noise).

It's a stupid question but how would I know the wattage of my PSU (P.S Not handy with comps as you can tell)
From what you wrote there (in my view) I see the mainboard shorting itself as the most plausible one, how could that be fixed?
by changing the PSU would it effectively stop my PC from restarting itself or is the broken sensor playing a part in it.

unfortunately I dont have a friend with a spare PSU, Is it worth buying one to test it out.

thanks for your help :)


besiktas1 said:
It's a stupid question but how would I know the wattage of my PSU (P.S Not handy with comps as you can tell)
From what you wrote there (in my view) I see the mainboard shorting itself as the most plausible one, how could that be fixed?
by changing the PSU would it effectively stop my PC from restarting itself or is the broken sensor playing a part in it.

unfortunately I dont have a friend with a spare PSU, Is it worth buying one to test it out.

thanks for your help :)

When you open the machine up, where all your electrcity cables come out of a box (the PSU), it has a label usually telling you how many Watt it has.

The Mainboard shorting itself would be down to bad grounding (Missing screws) or a true failure of its circuitry (dead component on the board) which would be hard to track, and worse to fix (even for a professional).

Edit: I rule it (the mainboard) out as the behaviour has become worse over time - that would not happen with bad grounding - it would be pretty regular/static on how your machine behaves. But as you said, the problem has become worse, well your PSU falls right into that category. That component does decrease in reliability and fits the behaviour. In case it would be your mainboard, it would be almost irrepairable; Hence why the manufacturer would replace it :)

The restarting most likely comes from your PSU being broken imho. Your temperatures are normal, except for the PSU. The Noise you hear could easily be a fan hitting against something of the case (Did the box ever get a kick from you? Was it dropped?, etc) which would not go away.

If your machine is under warranty, I would tell dell to verify the machine. I know you ran into issues with them before. However, now you have new information to tell them. "My PSU is at 63°C+", "One of my temperature sensors is stuck on -59°C which is impossible", "The machine turns off on its own" and lastly "One fan has become very loud". I would give it a try before spending money - even though its the solution you hate the most it seems - it would be your cheapest route.

It is always good to have a spare PSU in case yours breaks or to test a machine. Do you know how to uninstall your current one, and install a new one ? If not, I can give you a few instructions on that as well. I can help you either way you go about this :)


wetwired said:
So as a follow up to my post, I got a new Ssd and a 1tb hdd, now I need the rest of the computer.

I'm not looking to spend a lot. This was one setup recommended to me

Intel S1155 Core i7 2600 3.4GHz Quad Core CPU Bundle Price* $289
Gigabyte S1155 GA-P67A-UD3RB3 Motherboard B3 Stepping $165
NVIDIA GTX560 1GB Gigabyte PCIe Video Card $249
Antec Three Hundred Mid ATX Case (No PS) $79
Thermaltake 675 Watt Toughpower XT ATX Power Supply $159
Antec 120mm SmartCool Case Fan $29
This is aud$
Main uses are net surfing. Photoshop. Occasional Maya use. And a little gaming, mainly just want something reasonable forbf3 when it comes out.

Note on the Maya use, my current home and work pcs are lower spec than the above and are perfectly fine, so don't mistake Maya use for me needing a top of the line beefy machine.

BF3 is going to be quite demanding, but that should do it. I always get confused when people say "a little gaming" and then list a demanding game. You´ll still need the same power even if you play it for 15mins :p


I haaate printers.

I have to print something from my mother´s laptop with W7 (without SP1, I´ll have to DL that later) using her HP 1200 series all-in-one printer.

Earlier tonight a doc (open office word or PP, I dunno, that was my brother) got stuck in the eternal paused/is getting stopped loop that doesn´t react to anything (I wish I knew what the printer would say in English, the system language is German, so IDK). Laptop was turned off for the night. I managed to delete that file, but it still won´t print my new document/order/whateveritscalled (print out three pages from a website for an uni application).

I tried everything I know of, I set it to offline/not offline, I tried to print via spooler/print directly, restarted the printer several times, checked the black ink container etc.

When I hit the copy button it copies without any delay, but it won´t print. It simply sits there

I´d rather not start the laptop, because I don´t know how the website will handle that. Resubmitting everything would be quite the hassle, at the very least.

Halp, it´s quite important.


I now know what killed my old PC. It's the same thing that took down my new PC for two days. Long story short, I now have new power supply installed and a brand new surge protector. Power spikes are nasty, but they won't get the chance to fry a 3rd power supply. Not again.

Ah well, lesson learned the hard way. (Which seems to be a theme for me this week...): Buy and install a surge protector.
So do the 570 cards have a high failure rate? A second card within a month has went bad on me. It's not overclocked, good cooling, temps are not high at all, current drivers. Maybe I'm just having bad luck.


LastWindow said:
So do the 570 cards have a high failure rate? A second card within a month has went bad on me. It's not overclocked, good cooling, temps are not high at all, current drivers. Maybe I'm just having bad luck.
Could be the manufacturer's quality control.

What kind of heatsink does it use?
claviertekky said:
Could be the manufacturer's quality control.

What kind of heatsink does it use?

Well the first one was from Zotac and this current was is from EVGA. How can I find out what kind of heatsink it uses? As far as I know it's all stock.

Also, I was getting a lot of artifacts in games and some crashes, but I restarted and now everything is fine, lol.


May contain jokes =>
Got myself another problem...

I can't upload anything. I noticed it trying to put a photo on Facebook and confirmed it at speedtest.net. The Upload stage just doesn't finish connecting. I tried turning off MSE and Windows Firewall, and tried it with IE instead of Chrome. No help there. Help?


Can anyone help me with this problem.

I'm dual-booting Windows 7 on my MBP. The problem I'm running into is that I can't clear or delete anything to recycle bin since somehow (I have no idea how), the recycle.bin folder is on my OS X partition (how the fuck it got there I have no idea).

Since Windows can't write to the OS X partition with bootcamp drivers, I'm pretty much screwed.

I'm going to try deleting it from OS X and see if Windows will restore it back to the C: Drive where it belongs.

Nope, that did work. This is really pissing me off. I have no idea how the recycle bin is being directed to a drive that it can't write to.

I wonder if the trial for MacDrive will fix it. I'm able to delete new files I put in there, just can't clear out this one file.

Ha, it worked. Now to remove MacDrive.


I'm having a problem with my laptop right now. This morning I played some Sanctum and it ran great (everything set to max), but tonight when I fired it up again the game started running like crap. I'm talking about 5 fps at the menu screen!

I tried some other games and it's the same deal (Divinity 2, Mass Effect, Borderlands, etc)

I upgraded my video card driver and did some system update (I didn't have service pack 1 installed!) since that was the first thing that came to my mind even though I had no idea how everything could run fine in the morning and go the other way at night.

After all that, it was still the same poor performance for all my games. So what could be the problem? Help me GAF!


Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit
8gb ram
Intel i7 Q840@1.87ghz (8 CPU)
Nvidia Geforce GTX 460M


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
Ok, so I've been having a problem that arose in the last few days, and its confusing as hell. Mainly because I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong.

So in the last few days, my laptop has been having limited or connectivity issues, and when I try to repair my connection, I get met with the error "Windows could not finish repairing the problem because the following action could not be completed: renewing your ip address"

The connection is fine, due to the fact that my phone and other devices connect to it, so I simply can't figure out what's going wrong. Can someone help me with this?


G***n S**n*bi
Need help my External HDD.

I was recently transferring files from my 1tb Mybook to a USB flashdrive on my desktop and one of the cords was accidentally disconnected in the process. An error message popped up and said all my data had been corrupted. I then rebooted my computer and was unable to access my Mybook. After unplugging and replugging the MyBook It started working again(somewhat).

I had completely filled the Drive to capacity(1TB) and it is now telling me that I have used 0% of the drive...

So Is there anyway to recover my lost data? Or do I have to start from scratch all over again? I had some extremely valuable files on there, many of which I will not be able to get back through other means. =(
Okay this is a weird one, but bear with me.

I've been working in the helpdesk industry for a while now. Pretty much I would do Windows and hardware troubleshooting, malware removal, etc.

Anyway, I've been unemployed for a while. I found an opening at a web hosting company that uses Linux servers and provides dedicated servers, shared hosting, VPS, etc. The job is Tier 1 and doesn't pay much. I'd be assisting customers with their issues operating their sites.

I know next to nothing about web stuff, but I'm a quick learner and I want to try to get a decent grasp of of the foundations to get me in the door for the training class.

To quote a friend of mine who works there, the requirements are "no coding... just how to function shit in cpanel."

She pointed me to this site where I can look at example admin panels: http://cpanel.net/products/cpanelwhm/try-demo.html

Does anyone know a good "linux servers/cpanel for dummies" type of resource for me to study as a crash course, so that I can understand the fundamentals and be able to answer the type of questions they might ask me? Looking at the menus on that link is nice but it doesn't give me an intrinsic understanding of anything.
Earlier today I booted up SC2 and my computer froze, with vertical lines appearing on the screen. I restarted the computer and the lines were still there, and I was not able to get into "regular" mode until I pushed F8 and chose the "load last option that worked" selection. I've deleted and re-installed drivers for my graphics card (Radeon HD 3870) but the lines remain. Initially I couldn't get into 32-bit mode, and was regulated to either 6-bit or 16-bit but that has been resolved. Yet the lines persist. Is there anything I can do to fix this, or is my card fucked?

Every time I restart, I get a message saying the drivers are missing or there's a problem. Then I look at device manager and see the drivers are dated wrong, in this case August 2010 when it should be 6-15-11 (the latest for my card)

I'm running Windows XP pro (32)


Looking at this thread, it looks like all queries are going unanswered these days, but I thought I'd at least ask.

I had to sent my computer in for some work at our local computer shop - long story - and along with fixing the original problems, they also upgraded me to Firefox 5.0.1, and I've been having problems.

There are a couple of sites I use heavily that won't work now: bungie.net and Twitter. I haven't done a lot of surfing since I got it back a few days ago, but I wouldn't be surprised if I had more issues.

On the b.net front, this is what I see:

Here's what I see in the corner of b.net:


When I click the sign in button, I get a white screen with this:


That redirects me back to the front page of b.net, exactly as before, not signed in.

I am signed into xbox.com:


I was going to turn to Twitter to ask for help, but I hit two problems. First, the page refreshes when I'm about halfway through composing a tweet, deleting it. And when I do manage to post, this happens:


I can't post at all.

So far I have:

  • Deleted all cookies.
  • Cleared cache.
  • Installed fresh copy of Firefox 5.0.1.
  • Signed in and out of each site a hajillion times.

No progress. Other people on the same browser report no issues. Does anyone have any ideas what could be going on or what I should try?

I tried logging into b.net using IE, and it works. But I like Firefox and would like to stick with it, so I'm not looking for a new browser.
Is there a quick and/or easy way to get an LCD LED backlight working again?

My screen is still under warranty, but the process to get a new one is a hassle, and also means I wouldn't have a computer for weeks.

Basically, I have video, but it's really dark. And I didn't change any settings or anything like that. Just turned it on today, and have no backlight.

I tried unplugging it and plugging it back in. I also tried reconnecting it to the computer. Neither one of those worked...


Hey guys.

Click ere to see the image

If it helps, this is what the topic is MEANT to look like

Basically, everywhere on the screen that's black becomes this weird red flowy colour. Right now, as I type this, all of NeoGAF is flashing red, where it's more pronounced on the blue headers on the board.

I've got a laptop that I've had for a little over a year now, and it's continually having this problem. The first time it happened, it was repaired and fixed. The second time it seemed to happen again but then after an hour or two I opened my laptop and it just disappeared.

Now, the problem has returned again. I fear that my laptop is out of warranty but with so many reoccurences of this problem, surely I could still be covered? I'm so confused as to WHY this is happening, the laptop stays with me permanently at a desk and only leaves the house once every three months or so.

Anyone got any ideas? Can I fight for this to be repaired for free? Anyone know what the fuck causes this problem? I'm assuming it's a connector between the screen and the mobo, but no idea otherwise. It is so strange it just HAPPENS randomly. =/
On a Win7 64 bit.

I bought an internal HP 1260i dvd writer last month, and it's been working fine up until yesterday. Now it only reads cds. It won't acknowledge any dvd I put in. Have tried regular movie dvds (Breaking Bad and BSG), data dvdrs and blank dvdrs, and it acts like there's nothing in there.

I read that I might have to download drivers for it if the drivers are corrupt, but I can't find what drivers those might be. I did the driver update and it said I have the best driver already but then calls it a "CD rom." Also if the drivers had been corrupt, why did it work up till now?

I tried uninstalling the drivers, shutting down, physically disconnecting the writer, then restarting, then restarting again with the writer reconnected and then reinstalling the drivers. Still nothing.

Fiddled with various settings and whatnot in the writer properties but I have no idea what I'm doing or looking for.

Any ideas?


Question for Tech-GAF.

I have a process that's starting at each startup. It's called The_world.exe which seems to be a barebone browser. I can kill the process and erase the files located on c:\ but they will come back.

At first, those files were located in a Templates folder but after some registry editing, they moved to the root of my C driver and changed names from TheWorld.exe to The_World.exe

I figured out that it affects only my main user profile. I know I could recreate it but I don't want to look for that solution now.

Why I want it gone is because it will minimize my games to desktop each 5 minutes. I managed a batch file to kill the process and delete the files automatically but I want that shit gone.

Of course, I tried virus/malware scans but found nothing.

Anyone could help?
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