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Teen Wolf (Season 5) |OT| Watch your (six) pack.


So does today's script just day "stiles breathes and occasional dialogue from others"? Because this is getting annoying.


Okay why are people hiding things from each other? They have been through so much shit together and suddenly "I'm just gonna be weird now and not say a thing". It's really bothering me.


Unconfirmed Member
Wait, how can Lydia pass through the mountain ash?

Okay why are people hiding things from each other? They have been through so much shit together and suddenly "I'm just gonna be weird now and not say a thing". It's really bothering me.

It's annoying and stupid.


Wait, how can Lydia pass through the mountain ash?

It's annoying and stupid.

Yeah it's so annoying seeing Stiles beat around the bush with Scott when of ALL people Scott would understand he had to defend himself. Then the Kira fox going insane and pointing on it's own like after the bullshit that happened LAST SEASON with possesion why the hell wouldnt he take steps to prevent that early or ATLEAST go talk to Kira's mom. I just..


Considering Scott and Kira had a random "Stiles was all about Lydia when he was younger" scene. I wonder if they are really going full Parrish, Lydia,Styles. Love triangle then ship Malia/Theo. I'm not liking that at all.


Unconfirmed Member
Considering Scott and Kira had a random "Stiles was all about Lydia when he was younger" scene. I wonder if they are really going full Parrish, Lydia,Styles. Love triangle then ship Malia/Theo. I'm not liking that at all.

Yeah, it was kinda strange. I don't like the idea of a triangle nor Malia with evil Theo. I've wanted Stiles and Lydia forever but I'm not sure I like how they are going about it, if that is what they are doing.
Stiles did kill Donovan... damn :0

Anyway if there's anyone who would give Stiles shit for killing Donovan in self-defense it's Scott and we'll see that this season.


Kind of a slow episode, the first of the season that sort of dragged for me.

However, it wasn't a total waste, because beautiful trustworthy Theo proved yet again how helpful he is. He saved Malia's life! I know I speak for everyone when I say his heroism and perfect face were truly inspiring.

Malia confused me in this episode. When someone like Theo asks you if you want a ride, the correct response is to climb him like a redwood and find a stable perch on his broad shoulders. After a while you should probably say something, like "Oh, OK. If it's not too much trouble." But you definitely need to indicate your enthusiasm, ideally in a way that rips his clothes a little bit.

You know, after some reflection it did occur to me that Theo helping out Donovan and the Dread Doctors might have been counter to the interests of Scott's pack. I experienced a flicker of doubt, similar to the time I realized that even hunks probably poop. Fortunately, this episode gave me plenty of opportunities to look at Theo's head and neck area, and to take note of the way his t-shirt clung to his brawny frame. I saw these things, and I knew that I could trust him.

I was worried by the absence of Liam worrying.

Nobody made sex or did nudity in this episode. I find this offensive. I'm thinking about composing a strongly worded letter.

Okay why are people hiding things from each other? They have been through so much shit together and suddenly "I'm just gonna be weird now and not say a thing". It's really bothering me.

Yep, I agree. Come up with a new way to create drama, writers! Don't make the heroes look like dummies.


I've been watching Comic-Con interviews. Cody and Tyler have this weird way of being almost more gorgeous outside the show. Tyler can't seem to stop touchin' on Cody's bod and it's a little much for my delicate constitution. These boys are overthrowing my morals.

Also, Sprayberry stahp. I for one disapprove of real life teens being cast for Teen Wolf. Highly inappropriate.

P.S. Kevin Smith is a great panel moderator.
I for one disapprove of real life teens being cast for Teen Wolf. Highly inappropriate.


Considering that the pack dynamic is perhaps one of the stronger parts of the show (I mean, seriously, it doesn't exactly have masterful plotting) it seems a little dumb that this season is going to be all about tearing it to bits.


Kevin Smith's interviews with Holland/Colton, Tyler/Jeff, and Dylan about halfway through Season 1 in 2011 were great.
Oh, I'll have to look those up!

Considering that the pack dynamic is perhaps one of the stronger parts of the show (I mean, seriously, it doesn't exactly have masterful plotting) it seems a little dumb that this season is going to be all about tearing it to bits.
I hope it's just a story thing meant to stir up some drama before everyone's bonds of friendship are reforged stronger than ever, and Theo joins the pack and is really sorry for his mischief and then he makes out with Parrish and Lydia at the same time for important plot reasons.

You know, I'm practically a writer for this show. Jeff Davis should call me and make it official.
How do you redeem the person who made Donovan go after Stiles and thus is the reason why Stiles had to kill someone?

You don't. Fuck Theo Raeken.


How do you redeem the person who made Donovan go after Stiles and thus is the reason why Stiles had to kill someone?

You don't. Fuck Theo Raeken.
The same way you redeem Willow Rosenberg, who skinned a man alive and was about five seconds away from destroying the whole world when her friend stepped in.

Also, let's not pretend it's a tragedy that Donovan the murderous asshole died during attempted murder. Stiles didn't slit his throat while he was sleeping. He fled for his life and tried to stave off his pursuer by dropping some junk on him. The result wasn't calculated.

We should all thank Theo for helping to rid the world of the dangerous unpredictable hoodlum named Donovan, who had a history of rage issues and had made credible death threats even before the Dread Doctors got ahold of him.


I hope Stiles goes all Old Yeller/Cujo on his motherfucking ass.

Theo is beautiful and helpful, and much more loyal than a dog. He'll definitely live forever.


Unconfirmed Member
Photo Recap!

For Monocle:


and lol


If you thought it might be funny to make a joke about how having a mouth-hand will make it difficult for Donovan to masturbate, then go back to the playground because that is just immature. I mean, come on. Let's elevate this convo, k?


Yes, I meant to change the day of the week but forgot to. You'll no doubt enjoy the third one, particularly.
I'm already halfway through the second one. They're wonderful so far. I love Teen Wolf's cast so much, and Kevin Smith is just as engaging as he was on the panel.


I'd let him take me anywhere.

Price made a good point about the implications of third eye guy's book helping the characters to remember past encounters with the Dread Doctors. That is indeed a creepy concept that could lead to some very interesting places. It's an opportunity for a bit of revisionism in the characters' history, or at least some additional background crammed between past events. Now I'm much more excited to see what this season has in store.


I'm already halfway through the second one. They're wonderful so far. I love Teen Wolf's cast so much, and Kevin Smith is just as engaging as he was on the panel.

I preferred the interviews. They're not as PG as the panel, and they have better anecdotes. And Colton and Holland have great chemistry in theirs. "You're Swimfan!"


I preferred the interviews. They're not as PG as the panel, and they have better anecdotes. And Colton and Holland have great chemistry in theirs. "You're Swimfan!"
That's true. And yes, Colton and Holland are so great together. Just adorable. I'd like to think they'll reunite on the show sometime, as amicable exes if nothing else.

Selfishly, I want Jackson to have an experimental college phase in Season 6, or better yet, to come out as bisexual. He had a gay best friend in Danny and he was sort of up in Isaac's business in that one rave scene, so it could totally maybe happen! Also, he's everyone's type.

Only in your heart
spank bank
I don't understand the difference.
Thoroughly enjoyed the last episode. Did not drag for me, actually went by very quickly. Also I got full body goosebumps when dude with a third eye said, "And you let them in."

I hope Stiles goes all Old Yeller/Cujo on his motherfucking ass.


It wouldn't surprise me if Stiles tried to hurt Theo. Stiles is a murderer, after all. A psychopath. I'm just surprised he didn't claim a trophy from Donovan. He is sick and needs locked up.

Who has Theo killed?

Nobody. He's just been helpful. He finds bodies and carries them away like the kind, thoughtful young man he is. He understands that Stiles is a no good burgeoning serial killer, so he's trying to protect everyone from him. Especially Malia. Poor, innocent coyote girl. She needs Theo's help the most.

Well, next to Monocle.

But that's besides the point.

What I'm really getting at is Theo is helpful. I think that's the big takeaway from this season so far.
It wouldn't surprise me if Stiles tried to hurt Theo. Stiles is a murderer, after all. A psychopath. I'm just surprised he didn't claim a trophy from Donovan. He is sick and needs locked up.

Who has Theo killed?

Nobody. He's just been helpful. He finds bodies and carries them away like the kind, thoughtful young man he is. He understands that Stiles is a no good burgeoning serial killer, so he's trying to protect everyone from him. Especially Malia. Poor, innocent coyote girl. She needs Theo's help the most.

Well, next to Monocle.

But that's besides the point.

What I'm really getting at is Theo is helpful. I think that's the big takeaway from this season so far.

You've all fallen under his siren's call


Thoroughly enjoyed the last episode. Did not drag for me, actually went by very quickly. Also I got full body goosebumps when dude with a third eye said, "And you let them in."
Once again, Price put it best when he noted that the last episode feels more like a section than a full episode. Which is fine. That's just a little less satisfying than a meatier, somewhat self-contained hour when there's a week's gap between each one.

It wouldn't surprise me if Stiles tried to hurt Theo. Stiles is a murderer, after all. A psychopath. I'm just surprised he didn't claim a trophy from Donovan. He is sick and needs locked up.

Who has Theo killed?

Nobody. He's just been helpful. He finds bodies and carries them away like the kind, thoughtful young man he is. He understands that Stiles is a no good burgeoning serial killer, so he's trying to protect everyone from him. Especially Malia. Poor, innocent coyote girl. She needs Theo's help the most.

Well, next to Monocle.

But that's besides the point.

What I'm really getting at is Theo is helpful. I think that's the big takeaway from this season so far.
At last, a post full of wisdom and sound judgment of character.

It's become increasingly clear to me that Theo's deeply moral pattern of behavior makes some viewers uncomfortable. I admit, it can be easy to misinterpret help for harm without the right perspective. But the simple fact is that sometimes we don't know what's best for ourselves, or others. We are not infallible. We are not Theo.

I invite everyone who harbors doubts about Theo's intentions to gaze into his face. Look upon that golden inscription of divine symmetry. Let his glory melt away your primitive notions of right and wrong, and replace them with something greater. See, and understand. Accept Theo, as he accepts you.

I'm certain that a shirtless scene will bring Theo's righteousness into even sharper focus.

You've all fallen under his siren's call
What an apt description. Traditionally, sirens are creatures of such irresistible beauty that sailors dash their vessels upon the rocks to join them beneath the waves, and be devoured. Nonsense, of course. Distortions spread by people of a jealous and petty tendency. I personally have never witnessed a single waterlogged body bearing the marks of a siren attack. But I have observed Theo—a man whose ravishing visage is unmarked by the rigors of time—offer medical aid to Lydia, save Malia from being smooshed by a speeding vehicle, and grin winningly at the camera with a set of remarkably even teeth.

The obvious conclusion is that sirens are helpful and trustworthy creatures, and so is Theo.


World's #1 One Direction Fan: Everyone else in the room can see it, everyone else but you~~~
The recap makes a valid point
Does mountain ash not work on Banshees? Or are we now expecting Lydia to be a chimera


special needs, sexual needs
Biggest complaint is the severe lack of Parrish. Yes, we see him this episode, but what do we get? A fully clothed Parrish?! What the hell is this? He's supposed to be nude while taking the bodies. He wasn't and I'm writing Jeff Davis immediately to correct this gross injustice to Parrish's character.

In the meantime I'll just go back to looking at this



The recap makes a valid point
Does mountain ash not work on Banshees? Or are we now expecting Lydia to be a chimera
Hmm, seems possible. Has there ever been any indication that Lydia is actually a supernatural person? I can't remember. It would be interesting if she was the first chimera in the series, and the Dread Doctors had been up to their monkey business as early as Season 3.

Biggest complaint is the severe lack of Parrish. Yes, we see him this episode, but what do we get? A fully clothed Parrish?! What the hell is this? He's supposed to be nude while taking the bodies. He wasn't and I'm writing Jeff Davis immediately to correct this gross injustice to Parrish's character.

In the meantime I'll just go back to looking at this

Watch where you point that thing! I mean Ryan's whole torso region. It causes explosive reactions that I won't explain further, because frankly the state of what used to be my pants is none of your business.

I was as dismayed and disgusted as you were by the presence of Parrish's clothing in the last episode. That was a clear violation of established protocol for carrying dead creatures to magic tree stumps and burning them with your hotness. Very disappointed with him at that moment. Naughty hunk. Theo should probably teach him a lesson by demonstrating proper form, or putting his mouth on Parrish's mouth. I don't know, I have no idea how these things work. I'm not a parascientist OK?

Yes, I meant to change the day of the week but forgot to. You'll no doubt enjoy the third one, particularly.
Alright, I just finished the third one. Dylan is great! Such a chill, humble kid.

That innuendo at around 1:54:00, OMG. "We also live together, so we'll come home, and have so much fun at home. ...Like a lot of wholesome fun." With the girls squeeing in the background. I believe one of them managed to gasp "I can't," which was basically my situation at the time.

My dream is for Dylan to do a whole skit in that voice.

Thanks again for recommending those interviews!
So... Lydia was made a banshee by the Dread Doctors? Hopefully they don't go there :v
I think she is a natural Banshee, (it is part of her family heritage), but the docs might of done something to her that made it so she could cross the mountain ash. (Though she did so without any comment, so maybe Banshees are just different and not really classified the same as other supes.)
I think she is a natural Banshee, (it is part of her family heritage), but the docs might of done something to her that made it so she could cross the mountain ash. (Though she did so without any comment, so maybe Banshees are just different and not really classified the same as other supes.)
Maybe they messed with her power levels and that's why she has super powers in the premiere? lol

I'm thinking that it'll have something to do with the Nemeton and maybe Parrish.
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