I need to learn what quick pokes Yoshi has to get him out of pressure that's safe on block (edit: the opponent's hits are I mean in case it isn't clear). I'm still in the d/f+4 mindset but that doesn't seem to be the quickest option anymore and I keep eating hits whenever players are in my face.
I'm too lazy for practice mode.
Hope I'm not answering too late. And that I'm not going too deep but...
Going strictly by frame data, the only thing faster than DF4 are jabs, and of course flash.
i6 - 1+4 (Sword Flash)
i8 - 1+4 (NSS stance Flash)
i11 - NSS db+1 (low jab)
i10 - 1 or 2 jab
i12 - DF4 or 3 (high)
i13 - DF1
i14 - B22 or CD2 (f,n,d,df+2) or Rage Drive (f,n,d,df+1+2)
i15 - DF2 or UF3 or WS21 (1SS)
The safest of these on block is 1 jab (+1) and next up is DF1 (-4).
DF4 is -9 on block. So technically it's safe, but you lose momentum.
Your best bet for a poke that doesn't set you back is DF1. Seeing as how it's -4 (as well as the followup hit, DF1,2), it actually functions as decent
Flash bait. It's only one less frame on startup than the DF4 and about same range.
Any of Yoshis moves that leave you around -4 or -5 or better on block set the opponent up for eating the Flash if they press buttons:
- More than one B1 (Be warned, these dont jail on block, you can be duck punished. Also, only use this setup with NSS, as multiple B1 spins push them out of range of the 1SS Flash)
- B1 (a single spin is very good on block)
0 to +2
- UF3+4, B1, 3+4 (Poison wind to Steel Fist)
-1 to 0
- UF3+4, B1 (first 2 hits of poison wind string)
-4 (Trades with jabs, interrupts i11 or faster)
- DF1
- DF1,2
- F2
- F2,DB2 (Remember, Yoshi can Flash from crouch now, with WS+1+4)
-5 (Loses to jabs, trades with i12 moves, interrupts i13 or faster)
- DB2 (and any variation of, like DF1,2,DB2 / BT 2,DB2 / WS1,2,DB2)
- FF3
- NSS WS 2 (This indeed sets up Back-Turned Flash! Loses to jabs, trades with i12, beats anything slower)
- DF3 (use at wall only due to pushback)
Sorry. Didn't mean to go into a flash bait list. But once you start talking about pokes and frames, and Yoshi, it becomes relevant.