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Tekken |OT2| Pulse of the Regionally Discriminated Knuckleheads

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If we get one American in Top 8 for Tekken 7 I will be surprised. There are like 10 Japanese players coming over. Also an all japan Top 8 will not do any favors for a hype finals.
Patch Notes are out for tomorrows patch. Claudio's b+1 nerfed. Lots of Jack 7 nerfs. Electrics more recovery on wiff. Josie Nerfs, Shaheen nerfs. Other shit.

Claudio's b+1 now his more recovery on block and on wiff according to the change log. Move might no longer be useful. If it's punishable now it's no longer going to be used anymore. People will just keep using f+3 in its place.


Balance Patch change list:

From Google Translate:

"Kazumi" command input reception time of 2 shot eyes "back旋空Kiha" of.
· You have changed the behavior of when you hit one shot eyes of the "double tornado" of the "jack 7".
- And rigid time of "period shooter" of the "jack 7", we have changed the amount of damage.
- Of "Jack 7" and "Upper Rush R · Yes" it was easy to command input.
· You have changed the behavior of when you hit the air of 2 shot eyes "Yumbo" of the "jack 7".
· I have changed the amount of damage "sledge Hammer" of the "jack 7".
· I have changed the amount of damage "rocket kick" of the "jack 7".
· I have changed the amount of damage "megaton sweep" of the "jack 7".
· I have changed the amount of damage "megaton punch" of the "jack 7".
· You have changed the behavior of when you hit one shot Eyes "Quick hammer Rush High" in "Jack 7".
- "Jack 7" of the "swing R knuckle-high" I was easy to command input.
· I have changed the amount of damage "catapult throw" of the "jack 7".
· I have changed the amount of damage "catapult throw plus" in "Jack 7".
· I have changed the amount of damage "pile driver" of the "jack 7".
· I have changed the amount of damage "pyramid driver" of the "jack 7".
· You have changed the behavior at the time of guard of "Iron break" in the "Gigasu".
- We changed one shot first attack hit a range of "crazy knuckle combo" of "Gigasu".
- Of "Gigasu" we changed the rigid time of "Quick header".
· You have changed the behavior of when you hit the "Grand hammer" of the "Gigasu".
· I have changed the rigid time of "thin Breaker" in "Gigasu".
· I have changed the attack hit a range of "killer impact" of the "Gigasu".
- And rigid time of missed swing and when the guard at the time of the "jolt elbow" of the "Josie", I have changed the amount of damage.
· I have changed the one-shot eyes and two shots eye damage amount of the "River blow ~ jolt combination" of "Josie".
- And the behavior at the time of guard of "pane Whip" in "Josie", was changed the amount of damage.
· I have changed the rigid time when whiff of "Fujin fist" of "Devil Jin".
- And rigid time of missed swing and when the guard at the time of "storm vanish" in "Claudio", has changed the behavior of when you guard.
· I have changed the amount of damage "short tail" of the "Catalina".
· I have changed the amount of damage "Surprise hop" of the "lucky Chloe".
· I have changed the rigid time of "point L ~ C · up lock clap" of the "lucky Chloe".
· I have changed the rigid time of "C · up lock clap" of the "lucky Chloe".
· You have changed the behavior of when you guard of 1 shot eyes "Harukusukikku-Arugenibu" of the "Shaheen".
· I have changed the attack hit a range of "Crescent cleave" of the "Shaheen".
- And the behavior of when you hit the "Kage-sei-mon" in "Heihachi", was changed the amount of damage.
· I have changed the attack hit a range of "Funkei backfist" of "Heihachi".
· I have changed the rigid time when whiff of "Fujin fist" of the "Heihachi".
· I have changed the rigid time when whiff of "Fujin fist" of "eighteen".
· You have changed the one-shot eyes and a 2-shot eyes behavior when you hit the "logic bomb" of "Alisa".
· I have changed the rigid time of "Nagu-mentenohira" of the "fen".
· You have changed the behavior of when you guard of 1 shot eyes of "spin kick combo" of "wax".
· We have changed the rate of evolution of "dragon tail" of the "low".
· You have changed the behavior of when you counter hit "Kuresshento hook" of the "Steve".
- We changed one shot first attack hit a range of "Eagle Claw" of the "Steve".
· You have changed the behavior of when you hit the "跪膝" of the "Leo".
· I have changed the amount of damage "Hatchet kick" of the "Brian".
Other, Fixed a bug in the system part. Inconvenience to the customer, we apologize for the inconvenience. Thank you the "TEKKEN-NET" in the future.

If we get one American in Top 8 for Tekken 7 I will be surprised. There are like 10 Japanese players coming over. Also an all japan Top 8 will not do any favors for a hype finals.

I searched, I couldn't find Majin, Bronson, Anakin, SpeedKicks, Fab, Kodee, Obscure, GM, or JFJ.

Only guys who have a hope are Inkog and Mr. Naps.


Murray confirmed this updated version will be used at Evo. NRS not the only company that patches games right before a major!

In this instance, it's good.

Maybe it'll throw off some Japanese players and we can get an American in top 8.

Still good to realize Jack-7 is rightfully being nerfed.
boutdown, av, and I were watching last year's USA vs Japan 5v5 earlier. Starts here:


Man, that 5 v 5 was such a goldmine of entertainment. Probably one of my favorite displays of American Tekken after this year's Northwest Majors.

I remember seeing this live. Although the strongest memory I have of it is them running way over time by playing the wrong format and pissing off another community by eating up the stream time at the MadCatz booth. :)


Something that could help against an all Japanese top 8 maybe.

I still think the likes of JFJ, Rip, and Kane Maybe? have a chance. Rip really did not perform as well with TTT2 as he did with T6 but going back to 1v1 might help him.

For $1 per game online only!

Namco recouping that 30k donation to Yuu/Nobi/Ao and company

I dare Namco to go that far.

I'll still pay to play it. :lol

I'll jump on the hype train for this!!!

Can't wait for bitter disappointment.

All I know is, it better not be another Tekken movie.

But then this would be the official confirmation/announcement of the console versions of Tekken 7. Would of been better at E3 I think :p

Well, they don't have to say anything about a console release. Everyone knows Tekken is going to come to consoles at some point.


I still think the likes of JFJ, Rip, and Kane Maybe? have a chance. Rip really did not perform as well with TTT2 as he did with T6 but going back to 1v1 might help him.
A well balanced top 8 would be amazing but the points are stacked against them, but this only means that it could be super entertaining if they break through the japanese wall.
Wonkey correct me if I'm wrong but Shaheen can not combo off of just a CH 4 right? He needs to do CH 41 to get a combo right? If so this Shaheen nerf is too much. You basically took his CH magic 4 and made it launch punishable. Correct answer was to make the 1 like -7 on block so he has to take a mix up.


A well balanced top 8 would be amazing but the points are stacked against them, but this only means that it could be super entertaining if they break through the japanese wall.

It'll be way more entertaining if they can break through that wall. They are already skilled players but it would prove their ability to adapt rather quickly to different circumstances.
Well b+1 is -12 and is official useless for Claudio. No point in ever using that move now. Might as well just hopkick. Is that all they want Claudio players to do is just hopkick? Feels like it.


b+1 has good pushback. It could be like Hwoarang's JFSR from RFF where only a few characters like Bob and Jack can punish it.
b+1 has good pushback. It could be like Hwoarang's JFSR from RFF where only a few characters like Bob and Jack can punish it.

It really doesn't. It's not worth the risk. The move does like 20 damage on hit. They already nerfed it's combo ability so it would only work at point blank range for f+3 or b+1 screws. Now they made it -12. It's an i18 move. There is no reason to use it. Just use f+3, or f+3+4 which KD on normal hit. Move is useless. What good is a slow CH only launcher move that's -12?
Did I call that shit? Or Did I FUCKING CALL THAT SHIT!

I have a feeling it's not going to be be super big news. I'm betting it is another announcement of something that is like kinda good but poorly executed. My feeling is a Tekken Pro Tour thing like Capcom but poorly executed. Like they'll be like "This year starting in September around the world Tekken 7: Pro Tour" with the game not even out on consoles and they will be like "Come to events like SummerJam and compete and earn points" but it's on the arcade boards and that is it. With a "Final in Japan in December" or some shit. Something that is like "Oh that's cool...except we DON'T HAVE THE FUCKING GAME" So we send over 3 Americans to get butt slammed by Japan and Korea.

That's what I'm expecting. Something like that. Namco has a history of doing dumb shit like that. Remember the like $40,000 they gave away at ComiCon a few years ago for Tag 2 when it wasn't out in the US. "Come compete in 16 man a Tag 2 tournaments for big money!" It was a joke.



Remind me to never get hyped for a Tekken announcement again. No matter how big they make it sound.


I'm usually pretty positive, but this is super wack. At this point I wouldn't be surprised if all this money they're throwing around is the money they made from T7 arcade. Fuck a console version


This is an arcade game. Expecting anything meant for console was a waste of time and energy. Even though we have internet and know it exists as much as namco would like us not so that they can control their weak marketing.


Christ, the amount of people that can actually appreciate this is so miniscule, this is the sort of thing you do when the game is actually available to the rest of the world.


Sigh. Namco doing things entirely the wrong way. They shouldn't be surprised when loyal fans slowly abandon them because they have the courage to announce international tourneys and Namco Cups or whatever without even giving access to the game to the majority chunk of their fanbase. Why are we hyping up people and making them stay up late at night with a "Big Announcement" that really only benefits Japanese/Korean gamers that can play the game?

One of the only franchises left for me that I care about in gaming world and I am seeing it slowly go down the gutter. It's so sad to see. The harder I try to not be negative about this franchise, the harder it becomes.

This is an arcade game. Expecting anything meant for console was a waste of time and energy. Even though we have internet and know it exists as much as namco would like us not so that they can control their weak marketing.

There was still hope for character announcements and stuff. Wouldn't have minded to see Nina in action.


There was still hope for character announcements and stuff. Wouldn't have minded to see Nina in action.

Even that would have been nice. Announcing an announcement incoming in a week and have it be this was just not cool. Maybe the tournament being this year gives us hope that the game has a remote chance of releasing this year even though it has alot of Asian compass directions (meaning arcade) in that trailer.


He touched the black heart of a mod


Namco Namco Namco...


Via Markman's stream...

-Like the rest of us, Speedkicks is understandably salty about tournament being in 2016 (in chat)

-If the King of Iron Fist Tournament does well, it will likely be back next year in time for the console release. This first tournament is like a test run...


Why are they spending $100 k on tourney prizes when this money could be better spent on the actual game development ?

Its not like this game recycles tons of assets....oh wait


Such a big announcement that Wonkey was utterly stunned and forgot to make a thread for it. :lololololol
Even that would have been nice. Announcing an announcement incoming in a week and have it be this was just not cool. Maybe the tournament being this year gives us hope that the game has a remote chance of releasing this year even though it has alot of Asian compass directions (meaning arcade) in that trailer.

Yeah, when I see "big" announcement, I think system mechanic changes and new character announcements. Maybe add a new mechanic or change an existing one in a significant way. Show off a few characters. You know.

I don't expect a 80k tourney that a Japanese or Korean is going to win.

I've said this before but it's 2015 and you absolutely can no longer market a game to one region and completely turn a blind eye to the rest of the world.

I am one of those fans getting towards the edge of just not giving a f*** anymore. If T7 comes out any later than 2016, I'm probably just not going to even bother buying it at that point and move on to do other things in life. Because at that point, you're hyping up a 20th Anniversary and releasing this on the 22nd Anniversary. You can screw right off. No thanks. More and more it seems like Namco will bleed people's wallets in arcades before they run dry and then have no other option but to release it on consoles for more profit.



Thought Famicom was being sarcastic, lol.

Edit: I have to find another apartment soon. Won't find anything cheap near 42nd street but I'm gonna look anyway.

Edit 2: I take back everything said above. Sorry for the people that can't play it still. But I can now so I can't be mad. :) :) :) :)

Edit 3: I am totally right. Tekken 7 is making me bipolar.

Edit 4: It's a location test but I imagine they will keep the arcade cabs there if it's successful.
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