Thanks. I think I can go higher considering that I had a constant win-streak (8 wins) until my first promo and Leo's promo isn't far away either. Hitting orange ranks with Hwo/Steve would be cool, but I need to step up my game before I can accomplish that (more lows and throws for example!).
I try to do something with Paul-Kaz team but it's hard. Took me 5 fights to demote them and next 30 to rank up where I was before. Not exactly encouraging. But I'll try.
You can do it if you concentrate on them.
Or to rephrase it... If I got to yellows, you can do it as well!
By the way, TMM was having a "Subscriber FT3" stream a few days ago, so I thought I should try playing him... but that was basically impossible.
I like TMM. He's a very good player and fun to watch. He was really nice to me outside of streams and people tell me he's also nice in person. I don't get the "hype" surrounding him though. I do understand that his streams get a lot of viewers because he's entertaining, but his fanbase is really weird and full of fanboys.