Tier Whore
The point of the post is that people expected the game to play exactly the same after skipping 3 games in the series.
Oh I know... just saying
The point of the post is that people expected the game to play exactly the same after skipping 3 games in the series.
I guess those folks mean the last battle, I thought it was pretty difficult aswel, but then I practiced and practiced and did some online battles and became Tekken Lord offline. Morale of the story: practice makes perfect.
What dan is true tekken god?
Can't get enough of #TTT2? There will be a tournament at @SuperDojo today 5PM PDT streamed by @levelupseries http://www.twitch.tv/leveluplive
I feel like I'm playing an rpg. All this grinding.
240 wins 0 losses, 60 straight. I think 18 or 19th Dan. All for the sake of unlocking stuff. And I think I barely unlocked anything. Would take 5000+ matches at this point to unlock everything.
EWGF is so damn hard to do. At least I got the regular version down.
Oh the pain: http://wtf.tekken.com/playercard/view/psn/tomcatthelion
BTW do we have a Team going yet?
IS this better than Tekken 6? MY last tekken game was 5ark Resurrection.
Better than Tekken 6, but worse than Tekken 5DR.
DEATH;42472640 said:No...
I don't care for bound or rage. In terms of balance and design I think it's a much better game overall. Especially for its time. Which Tekken do you prefer?
IS this better than Tekken 6? MY last tekken game was 5ark Resurrection.
DEATH;42473619 said:Sorry, you gotta remove the nostalgia goggles off bro... Bound gave juggles more depth, and rage is an old mechanic (TTT1). The major critism in T6 is the movement nerf, which is back to DR level again. Everything good in DR, it's there, and the tier lists ain't that tight in DR compared to TTT2... None who played TTT2 on a good level can go back to DR.
So for you thinking DR is a better game overall is just nostalgia factor... The same way some people wanted everything to go back to T3 mechanics again (aka dumb down the game like 3S--->SF4)
Eh bounds just added more execution requirements for juggles to an already juggle heavy game. Rage just isn't a good mechanic, the game punishes you for using the tag system and reward the player for losing.
DR does have the nostalgia factor, but I also prefer Tekken without rage or bound. Not that TTT2 is bad, I enjoy it for what it is.
DR > TTT2 > > > > > > 6
It's the best Tekken ever made. Who cares about which versions of TK5 and TK6 were better- TTT2 is out.
DEATH;42474314 said:How is it hard to do a different juggle staple? Sheesh...
Execution requirements? Try doing King's iSW finish on DR, especially off a jab. Then try doing it after a bound... Which's easier?
Bound made many juggle stuff in DR WAAAY easier. Aside from that, it made the juggle more depth. The only consequence is different staples (which is the same difficulty, if not easier). If you think B! combos made the juggles harder, give example/s.
Rage punishes you for using tag system? You love spamming Tag Assaults do you? Rage doesn't punish you for anything, you can have rage too. Learn to use Rage/Netsu to your advantage. We've been doing that since TTT1.
This game did everything to be accessible to newbs. It's up to you to do the work... Do your homework bro
I feel like I'm playing an rpg. All this grinding.
240 wins 0 losses, 60 straight. I think 18 or 19th Dan. All for the sake of unlocking stuff. And I think I barely unlocked anything. Would take 5000+ matches at this point to unlock everything.
EWGF is so damn hard to do. At least I got the regular version down.
How do you do it, it's impossible.ending with DSS f+4 is so damn satisfying.
How do you do it, it's impossible.
How do you do it, it's impossible.
I'm talking DSS combos in general, been practicing since Tekken 6 and I cannot integrate DSS attacks into combos, specifically these kind: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hOqq8saiC6cit's very much possible, took me hours to get the timing down. Admittedly I haven't had much time with the game or taken it online. Make sure that when your partner tags in that he juggles your opponent at a decent enough height.
I listened for the audio cue for character switch to get a good idea of when to DSS, it's really important that you DSS on the first frame that you've gotten control back over Law.
Need help guys. This game froze while playing yesterday, and since then the game won't load during the initial boot up. I tried deleting the install data and that hasn't fixed it. Tried other games and this is the only one freezing. Any tips?
Need help guys. This game froze while playing yesterday, and since then the game won't load during the initial boot up. I tried deleting the install data and that hasn't fixed it. Tried other games and this is the only one freezing. Any tips?
DEATH™;42475212 said:What he's saying is DR is better than TTT2 because of bound... Which is pretty ridiculous if you ask me...