Tekken Tag Tournament 2 |OT| Awaiting the "Final Battle"


I would prefer some higher video quality, but I just can't complain.

Yeah you can't bro... dude don't sleep just to upload those things, and he ain't at fault if nico gives bad quality...


PS Found another King tech! You guys know JGS 2 against crouching gives a free crouch throw right? You can buffer df~DF+2+4 multi for a guaranteed 40 damage + followups! SO SICK!!!


I'm learning over and over again why I love this game so much and why it's really the only thing I've been playing for one year.

Decided to go into practice and try an unconventional team of Anna/Paul. My mind is still trying to sort out all the different possibilities of TA combos I came up with just from Anna's d/b+3. The creativity and experimentation possibilities are so vast and crazy, you're always bound to find stuff that no one else has before.


I'm learning over and over again why I love this game so much and why it's really the only thing I've been playing for one year.

Decided to go into practice and try an unconventional team of Anna/Paul. My mind is still trying to sort out all the different possibilities of TA combos I came up with just from Anna's d/b+3. The creativity and experimentation possibilities are so vast and crazy, you're always bound to find stuff that no one else has before.

Seriously me too. Special thanks to Doomshine for mentioning Raven's qcf+3 earlier in the thread and helped make me refine one of my older combo's. That move is PERFECT for realigning my opponent during Steve's b+2, f,f+2 TA filler. Was using d/f+3 instead earlier and it was a nightmare to work with haha.

BTW Sayah, you make a cameo in this video! :) Watched it earlier in the day, forgot the time stamp.


Currently watching this deathmatch between Knee and Secret:


This blows my mind how knowledgeable Knee is with so many characters and how he can manipulate the Tag Assault system to get what he wants whenever he wants. He doesn't even main this team and is pulling all the stuff above. But his opponent is super touch and I know Hwoarang vs Bob is super hard to deal with. Even then, watching matches like these and seeing how versatile the system is and what it enables people to accomplish once they fully grasp its mechanics wows me to no end. And then I do feel sad after... we are never going to get a fighting game as massive & impressive as this ever again. :'(


I honestly don't even want a sequel because I know they can never beat this. Let TTT2 be the final chapter and move the Tekken team to make a new 3D fighter IP... even in the same universe if they like. Regardless I am going to savor this game till the very end.


Seriously me too. Special thanks to Doomshine for mentioning Raven's qcf+3 earlier in the thread and helped make me refine one of my older combo's. That move is PERFECT for realigning my opponent during Steve's b+2, f,f+2 TA filler. Was using d/f+3 instead earlier and it was a nightmare to work with haha.

BTW Sayah, you make a cameo in this video:



Currently watching this deathmatch between Knee and Secret:


This blows my mind how knowledgeable Knee is with so many characters and how he can manipulate the Tag Assault system to get what he wants whenever he wants. He doesn't even use this team and is pulling all the stuff above. But his opponent is super touch and I know Hwoarang vs Bob is super hard to deal with.
I thought his brother played Law/Paul?


OH snap, that could be it LOL. Last time I played his bro, he was using Bears & Heihachi.
I was playing Sayah one day and he suddenly picks Law. I thought he was trolling. 10 minutes later he said he let his brother play for a second.


ggs boutdown and famicom...

I got frustrated many times... once people take away my spacing, I don't know how to deal with pressure then... resorted to panic spamming...

I wish I can play good under pressure...
I think I'm going back to J-stick. Tonight was my first time using it in months and my left hand felt so much less restricted while trying to execute. My half-ass wavedash and DU are back. K-stick has been a good experience though.


You're definitely the type of player I need to keep my space from. Can't get too up close and personal very often.

Bry/Bob also don't have twelve frame launchers so then I definite need to learn to back the hell up.
I'm starting to realize how brutal this game can be. Played some casuals with a friend, and he made sure that my whiffed moves did not go unpunished. Man did he make me pay in terms of damage. I really have to learn the ranges on my moves and make sure I don't whiff. Also have to learn how to punish accordingly.

Since I'm still a beginner, what aspects of the game do you guys think I should be focusing on? Movement, spacing, character, punishing, defense, and combos are things that come into mind to me, but what should I be paying attention to first?


I'm starting to realize how brutal this game can be. Played some casuals with a friend, and he made sure that my whiffed moves did not go unpunished. Man did he make me pay in terms of damage. I really have to learn the ranges on my moves and make sure I don't whiff. Also have to learn how to punish accordingly.

Since I'm still a beginner, what aspects of the game do you guys think I should be focusing on? Movement, spacing, character, punishing, defense, and combos are things that come into mind to me, but what should I be paying attention to first?
Figure out your character's best mids, they need to be fast and safe. Get used to using them to keep your opponent out.

Watch out for getting counter hit launched though. Learn matchups, if your opponent always fucks you up when you're far away, stay closer to him, but not so close that anything he throws out cannot be backdash evaded. Learn the range of your attacks, make sure your hits connect (even if they get blocked). Learn what moves are launch punishable, don't throw out launch punishable moves unless you are punishing/whiff punishing someone else with them. Unsafe mids are bad, they can be punished, and that damage adds up.

Watch out for raw tags, if you're gonna raw tag, tag safely, or you'll get launched or punished for it. Don't duck against the wall, don't duck on wake up.

Also learn that whiff punishes can also be punished with fast and powerful mids, not just launches.


I'm starting to realize how brutal this game can be. Played some casuals with a friend, and he made sure that my whiffed moves did not go unpunished. Man did he make me pay in terms of damage. I really have to learn the ranges on my moves and make sure I don't whiff. Also have to learn how to punish accordingly.

Since I'm still a beginner, what aspects of the game do you guys think I should be focusing on? Movement, spacing, character, punishing, defense, and combos are things that come into mind to me, but what should I be paying attention to first?

I would prefer you to learn movement and overall defense first, because it's something that you will have in whatever character you have.

Then just learn your punishers first, from 10 frames to launchers. I know you won't be able to know immeadiately which is punishable or not but you can always test it out mid match. If you aren't sure how punishable something is, just use your 10f punish, which is usually safe, then if it is punishable, try 12f punish, until you can confirm what max punisher you can do.

And just have fun!


GGs Famicom, those were some good matches. Loved your spacing with Miguel at the wall. I got caught with so many things from him there. But alas, my Steve still can't duck cancel to get a bound during a combo.... sigh.

I'm starting to realize how brutal this game can be. Played some casuals with a friend, and he made sure that my whiffed moves did not go unpunished. Man did he make me pay in terms of damage. I really have to learn the ranges on my moves and make sure I don't whiff. Also have to learn how to punish accordingly.

Since I'm still a beginner, what aspects of the game do you guys think I should be focusing on? Movement, spacing, character, punishing, defense, and combos are things that come into mind to me, but what should I be paying attention to first?

Quick question are you on PS3? If you are I definitely recommend trying out Tekken Revolution as a beginner. The move that shuts down a lot of gimmicks and things that cause people to push a lot of buttons does incline you to push less buttons and focus on defense. Try that game for a bit and then you'll automatically force yourself to learn the spacing game and how to optimize your moveset to get what you want. Only problem with that is Tekken Revolution is super expensive if you want to get better :( However I can safely say that even at my level I gained so much refinements to my playstyle by venturing into that game (I did end up forking money into it to achieve it though).

Anyways to answer your original question, it's really hard to tell you what thing to pay attention to first. Going back to when I was a beginner, looking back I think I wish I focused more on how to get up properly first. I wish I learned sooner that backrolling or get up kicking were not the best options for me after a knockdown. The second thing I guess would definitely be a combination of spacing, whiff punishing, and block punishing. All those lie under the defense category but those three things should all equally be in your mind when you're trying to defend. And since you are still a beginner don't bother memorizing frame data yet and just go by your instinct. If you feel something is unsafe just punish with something similar like jabs or whatever. And also have a launcher handy as well when your opponent does something pretty outrageous on block or whiffs which you know you can juggle them for. And again don't worry too much about the combo damage just focus on getting those punishers on point. Accomplishing that means you played the better Tekken. Getting the combo down is just a matter of getting it down in practice mode eventually.
Thank you all for the tips!

GGs Famicom, those were some good matches. Loved your spacing with Miguel at the wall. I got caught with so many things from him there. But alas, my Steve still can't duck cancel to get a bound during a combo.... sigh.

Quick question are you on PS3? If you are I definitely recommend trying out Tekken Revolution as a beginner. The move that shuts down a lot of gimmicks and things that cause people to push a lot of buttons does incline you to push less buttons and focus on defense. Try that game for a bit and then you'll automatically force yourself to learn the spacing game and how to optimize your moveset to get what you want. Only problem with that is Tekken Revolution is super expensive if you want to get better :( However I can safely say that even at my level I gained so much refinements to my playstyle by venturing into that game (I did end up forking money into it to achieve it though).

Anyways to answer your original question, it's really hard to tell you what thing to pay attention to first. Going back to when I was a beginner, looking back I think I wish I focused more on how to get up properly first. I wish I learned sooner that backrolling or get up kicking were not the best options for me after a knockdown. The second thing I guess would definitely be a combination of spacing, whiff punishing, and block punishing. All those lie under the defense category but those three things should all equally be in your mind when you're trying to defend. And since you are still a beginner don't bother memorizing frame data yet and just go by your instinct. If you feel something is unsafe just punish with something similar like jabs or whatever. And also have a launcher handy as well when your opponent does something pretty outrageous on block or whiffs which you know you can juggle them for. And again don't worry too much about the combo damage just focus on getting those punishers on point. Accomplishing that means you played the better Tekken. Getting the combo down is just a matter of getting it down in practice mode eventually.

I do have Revolution on PS3, but I have avoided playing it because I just wanted to focus on Tag 2 in my spare time. I will give it a try though from what you have mentioned, it's just that I don't know if I'll be able to take all the invincible move spamming lol.
GGs Famicom, those were some good matches. Loved your spacing with Miguel at the wall. I got caught with so many things from him there. But alas, my Steve still can't duck cancel to get a bound during a combo.... sigh.

Fab's use of b+4 at the wall impresses me enough to want to imitate it, but I'm not as good with it as he is. I'm much more comfortable with d+1+2 even though it's unsafe. I've tried to reprogram it out of my repertoire but I can't let it go haha.

Since I'm still a beginner, what aspects of the game do you guys think I should be focusing on? Movement, spacing, character, punishing, defense, and combos are things that come into mind to me, but what should I be paying attention to first?

It's a pain in the ass but my suggestion would be defense first. Once you know how to block/duck/evade certain things the rest of the game opens up for you. If there are characters you play against a lot, practice against them first.

Holy shit, I just got 10 Lucky Boxes at once. :eek:

After a certain amount of playing I can't remember the last time I didn't get a Lucky Box. Game just gives them to you forever after playing online for a fair bit. I have over 700 million bucks atm.


14th of Feb 2014 for the Arcade Operator's Union expo event. I guess if there was a time to reveal something new this isn't a bad place to do it.

Harada did say he'd have a new project to show around New Years.


I don't know how but I played Tag2 today after a Revolution break and somehow I could combo into Wildman. (Steve, uf+2, df1,2~1, f2,1B, f+3,db, ws1,2), I tried this for months. Nothing. Zero. Stopped playing tag, played revo for month, came back and did it.

I don't know how you work - brain.

Oh and Revo, thanks I guess.



It's a slow but safe wallsplatting move, but he manages to land it reliably and keep people locked down with it. His timing and spacing are really great.

It's not that slow, it's actually a few frames faster than d+1+2. The move is fantastic at the wall: safe, tons of pushback on top of that, great range... combined with d+1+2 you really don't want to whiff anything against Miguel with your wall to your back. F+4 keeps people from stepping and hurts like hell if you visually hit confirm the follow-up.


I don't know how but I played Tag2 today after a Revolution break and somehow I could combo into Wildman. (Steve, uf+2, df1,2~1, f2,1B, f,db, ws1,2), I tried this for months. Nothing. Zero. Stopped playing tag, played revo for month, came back and did it.
I don't know how you work - brain.

Wait, you don't cancel the FLK from f+2,1 into the extended Duck? You go directly into the FLK cancel into WS+1,2???? Damn, have I been wasting my time trying to fit an extended duck into that juggle all this time?


Wait, you don't cancel the FLK from f+2,1 into the extended Duck? You go directly into the FLK cancel into WS+1,2???? Damn, have I been wasting my time trying to fit an extended duck into that juggle all this time?

No, you have to cancel flicker with f+3 of course. My bad with the notation.


I don't know how but I played Tag2 today after a Revolution break and somehow I could combo into Wildman. (Steve, uf+2, df1,2~1, f2,1B, f+3,db, ws1,2), I tried this for months. Nothing. Zero. Stopped playing tag, played revo for month, came back and did it.

I don't know how you work - brain.

Oh and Revo, thanks I guess.


This is what I was going to talk about long time ago with Aris initially hating on TTT2, but forgot about it. There is some weird thing happening in our brain where our approach makes you do some things and get stuck at something... I want you guys to try this to see it...


(this is the same puzzle AAK tried to solve before... try it before highlighting the spoiler please...)

If you tried to solve part the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd, you will have a hard time solving the 4th one just because your brain thinks you need to solve it the way the 3rd puzzle was solved. This "mindset" makes/screws up alot of things and happens in almost every single thing that you want to do. The only way to get out of a particular mindset is to stay away to the thing you got mental block with and try something else that require a different way of thinking/mindset.

It's a pretty good reason why it's always recommended to skip a question in a test or an artist trying something new to get "inspiration". And in our case, trying different games. Mental Blocks happen...


DEATH™;76781363 said:
This is what I was going to talk about long time ago with Aris initially hating on TTT2, but forgot about it. There is some weird thing happening in our brain where our approach makes you do some things and get stuck at something... I want you guys to try this to see it...


(this is the same puzzle AAK tried to solve before... try it before highlighting the spoiler please...)

If you tried to solve part the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd, you will have a hard time solving the 4th one just because your brain thinks you need to solve it the way the 3rd puzzle was solved. This "mindset" makes/screws up alot of things and happens in almost every single thing that you want to do. The only way to get out of a particular mindset is to stay away to the thing you got mental block with and try something else that require a different way of thinking/mindset.

It's a pretty good reason why it's always recommended to skip a question in a test or an artist trying something new to get "inspiration". And in our case, trying different games. Mental Blocks happen...

Can't do this technically. What was the point?


Sorry I had to go early AAK. Don't get enough time to play nowadays and it's only going to get worse. Going to be a full-time student and a full-time worker soon. I will still try to be active in video games but don't think I'll be playing nearly as enough as before. :(

Nice. Thanks for uploads. Will try to watch when I can.
Also, you changed your youtube?


Sorry I had to go early AAK. Don't get enough time to play nowadays and it's only going to get worse. Going to be a full-time student and a full-time worker soon. I will still try to be active in video games but don't think I'll be playing nearly as enough as before. :(

Nice. Thanks for uploads. Will try to watch when I can.
Also, you changed your youtube?
I got dinged for copyright and they took away my ability to upload videos longer than 15 minutes.


Sorry I had to go early AAK. Don't get enough time to play nowadays and it's only going to get worse. Going to be a full-time student and a full-time worker soon. I will still try to be active in video games but don't think I'll be playing nearly as enough as before. :(

Good luck bro. GG's regardless.

Also, those boutdown matches are fascinating. thanks for the upload :)


I need that Bryan/Bob practice, best place for that is GAF where I'm gonna get punished. I'm coming along with Bryan, I just don't have a lot of good and fast mids. I've been keeping my eye on Inkognito for tips.


I need that Bryan/Bob practice, best place for that is GAF where I'm gonna get punished. I'm coming along with Bryan, I just don't have a lot of good and fast mids. I've been keeping my eye on Inkognito for tips.

While d/f2,1 was nerfed, it's still his go to fast mid outside of the d/f1 series (assuming that you can hit confirm it).


While d/f2,1 was nerfed, it's still his go to fast mid outside of the d/f1 series (assuming that you can hit confirm it).

Just df+2 on its own is pretty good, but I have yet to see anyone duck and launch the second hit.

Regular 3 is actually a decent keepout mid as well. 3,2,1 is not a terrible string to throw out once in a while either considering it's NCC.


If I recall correctly, I think f+3 is a close range tracking move that's 0 on block. I wouldn't call it a poke, but you can find a place to fit it.
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