Tekken Tag Tournament 2 |OT| Awaiting the "Final Battle"

Does anyone truly dislike bound?

I don't really mind it. My feelings about bound are neutral. I can live with it or without it. It does add some more variety to combos. Since it basically disappeared in Revolution, it makes the combos feel more nostalgic or old school to me though.


Bob's shoryuken into unblockable bound feels amazing.

And dat thunderous sound when you bound into tag assault.
If the next Tekken doesn't have bound I'm not buying that shit.

Yo I missed this post! I could have sworn I saw this performance before but the one I saw had an Eddy that was legit doing Capoeira.

Also, looks like Devastator is gonna have a heart attack!

Post if you're all right!

<3 She came out perfect. If they make Angel next then I really will have a heart attack.


lol Sayah

ggs. :p

I'm seeing significant improvements. The pressure you are dishing out with Law/Miguel is amazing. You're good at interrupting strings. And you are punishing well. Didn't see that as much from you before.

It's going to be TTT2's 1 year console release anniversary soon. I think most of us regular players can say we definitely got very far in that time frame as far as improvements go. And the game is so damn addictive that I haven't really played anything else for that time frame, which I guess is both good and bad. So many other games I want to try but never got to.


Feng/Ganryu is such a trolly ass team.
Probably the most puzzled I have ever been playing anyone, I don't know what to do against Feng/Ganryu, most of my mids seem useless, and Ganryu seems to have no openings. I'll have to go into the lab.

ggs. :p

I'm seeing significant improvements. The pressure you are dishing out with Law/Miguel is amazing. You're good at interrupting strings. And you are punishing well. Didn't see that as much from you before.
It helped that you didn't pull any cheap shit as well.

Also, I welcome you to dropped combo city with boutdown as the mayor.
I do not hate bound, but the creativity it brings is deceiving. The damage of each strike is so low that the paths to reach max damage are lower than without bound. Whereas in pre-bound Tekken, there is more variety at high level. Because many paths were just a few points lower than the best path. Even if much lower, they provided okizeme or wall carry. With bound, that variety is lost and the same combo is repeated over and over.

On paper, one can say that the bound simplifies the combo system. However, that is not true. The amount hits for a proper combo and the absolute need to bound creates unwarrented complexity.

With past Tekken's making it reasonable to launch and hit the opponent once more for okay damage. Newer players with bound must learn 5 hit combos or more to even participate in the same game. Bound forced combos into being the first or second step to learning a character when it was the third or fourth step in the past.

So while I do not hate the bound system. It certainly has it's flaws.

Probably the most puzzled I have ever been playing anyone, I don't know what to do against Feng/Ganryu, most of my mids seem useless, and Ganryu seems to have no openings. I'll have to go into the lab.

Does Ganryu give you more trouble?

You should definitely go on the offensive if you block his b+2,1. I've eaten many hopkicks trying to press more buttons in that situation. Don't go too crazy with pokes because his headbutt is 10 frames and really hurts on counter hit with the follow up. Also, if you get hit by df 2+3, do the quick get up to avoid being sat on and then flattened. :lol

I think you were just a bit off. I got bodied last time we played.


It's way too soon to say that Revolution online is dying but lately I noticed matchmaking getting slower and slower, getting parried with the same guy on random matchmaking, less rooms.

In comparison I fired up Tag2 to try totally new team and in ranked matches where shot at me with the speed of machine gun. I literally waited 5 seconds between matches, Revo isn't anywhere close to that.

Maybe I'm loony but I got a feeling Tag2 is getting revitalized by cost of Revolution. Maybe Revolution players did buy Tag2 thanks to it, I fought many freshmen today with one funny encounter where player played Law like in Revo - "invincible" spam. :D

I'm not sad because of that, Tag2 deserves way more support then Revolution imo.

Btw I stared a new team Xiaoyu - Kuni. Before I start digging up Zaibatsu, I must ask you guys. Does anyone knows any good combos for those whacky girls?
From my testing they are pretty great individually with even decent damage combos but totally suck with tag actions.

Any good fillers and enders? I only found one decent filler for Xiao - ssl f+2,1,4, then spinaroo with Kuni, there. But I can't find anything decent with Kuni's filler.
Everything apart of d+1+2,2,4 makes opponent fly into outer space and poor Xiao can barely follow up with anything.

Halp I need stronk combos!


Does Ganryu give you more trouble?

You should definitely go on the offensive if you block his b+2,1. I've eaten many hopkicks trying to press more buttons in that situation. Don't go too crazy with pokes because his headbutt is 10 frames and really hurts on counter hit with the follow up. Also, if you get hit by df 2+3, do the quick get up to avoid being sat on and then flattened. :lol

I think you were just a bit off. I got bodied last time we played.
How do I interrupt b+2,1 man? Crazy!


So I have two friends here who are trying to figure out how to do pair play(?) online as they want to play together against someone. I went through the game menu with them for a few minutes but I'm clueless on how they should start them. So can anyone here be kind enough to tell me how to play pair play online?

edit: nvm got it.


Yeah, I think TR boosted TTT2 online play. It's as active as it was a couple of months after launch

The possibility that people are migrating to TTT2 because of TR is pretty awesome
How do I interrupt b+2,1 man? Crazy!

You can't interrupt it (the second hit is steppable on block I think, but that's hard). It leaves me at -5 frames on block so if you do a 15 frame hop kick it should beat most of his options. A df+1 should beat everything. If you just stand there you'll have to deal with his crazy good full crouch mixups.

Someone correct me if I'm wrong about the frame stuff.
It's way too soon to say that Revolution online is dying but lately I noticed matchmaking getting slower and slower, getting parried with the same guy on random matchmaking, less rooms.

In comparison I fired up Tag2 to try totally new team and in ranked matches where shot at me with the speed of machine gun. I literally waited 5 seconds between matches, Revo isn't anywhere close to that.

Maybe I'm loony but I got a feeling Tag2 is getting revitalized by cost of Revolution. Maybe Revolution players did buy Tag2 thanks to it, I fought many freshmen today with one funny encounter where player played Law like in Revo - "invincible" spam. :D

I'm not sad because of that, Tag2 deserves way more support then Revolution imo.

Btw I stared a new team Xiaoyu - Kuni. Before I start digging up Zaibatsu, I must ask you guys. Does anyone knows any good combos for those whacky girls?
From my testing they are pretty great individually with even decent damage combos but totally suck with tag actions.

Any good fillers and enders? I only found one decent filler for Xiao - ssl f+2,1,4, then spinaroo with Kuni, there. But I can't find anything decent with Kuni's filler.
Everything apart of d+1+2,2,4 makes opponent fly into outer space and poor Xiao can barely follow up with anything.

Halp I need stronk combos!

I'm not too great with combos..Kuni's especially, but her best fillers are df 1,3 or b 3,4. (Or was it b 4,3?) Give those a shot. I'm not at home so I can't test it myself. I imagine with Kuni's df 1, 3 sending them up in the air, maybe Ling can do her BT stance and then California Roll? Hope this helps somehow!
Trying to teach a friend of mine proper Tekken. It's very hard erasing the decade plus of scrub mentality from him haha. I've known him forever and I doubt he will commit but it's a fun experience.

Hyun Sai

Yeah, I think TR boosted TTT2 online play. It's as active as it was a couple of months after launch

The possibility that people are migrating to TTT2 because of TR is pretty awesome

That's great news. I find the P2P model of Revolution atrocious, and the new stage musics are horrible IMO.

Revolution will also suffer of the comparison with the DOA5 Ultimate business model.


I'm not too great with combos..Kuni's especially, but her best fillers are df 1,3 or b 3,4. (Or was it b 4,3?) Give those a shot. I'm not at home so I can't test it myself. I imagine with Kuni's df 1, 3 sending them up in the air, maybe Ling can do her BT stance and then California Roll? Hope this helps somehow!

Thanks. I'm terrible with California Roll, but I'll cook some (lame) ender up.


^ wait a minute... that's the computer? lmaooooo

Good to see that Scenario Campaign's online multiplayer actually worked for someone at some point


I refuse to acknowledge that Ancient Ogre could possibly be a good character, let alone top 5

That's the first time I've seen a full combo off his Waning Moon though, so that's definitely... something


Yo That Jin did the exact same thing to me in T6 Scenario campaign! I ate like 7 of those EWHFs haha.

My top 5 (I take execution into account)

1. Lars
2. Bruce
3. Jinpachi
4. Heihachi
5. Bob

But damn, Mr. Naps usage of AO is genius. None of those combos work with True Ogre :(
So TTT2 has been out on console for a whole year. Thoughts and reflections? Post your original team and your current team. Should be interesting.

Original: Alisa (Solo)
Current: Lars/Raven
So TTT2 has been out on console for a whole year. Thoughts and reflections? Post your original team and your current team. Should be interesting.

Original: Alisa (Solo)
Current: Lars/Raven

Original: Lili/Dragunov
Current: Armor King/Miguel

Still fun, although I'm disappointed WTF is inactive and have strangely lost some motivation to play. First Tekken game I've plunged real time into, grinding my way from a 15% super scrub to a 48% player, which is about where I plateau in every fighting game online. Took A LOT longer though, I swear there are more real killers that play TTT2 online than any other fighter I've ever played. Being the last of the prominent 3D fighters that I've put my hands on, it pretty much cemented my liking of 3D fighters over 2D.


Original: Lili/Dragunov
Current: Armor King/Miguel

Still fun, although I'm disappointed WTF is inactive and have strangely lost some motivation to play. First Tekken game I've plunged real time into, grinding my way from a 15% super scrub to a 48% player, which is about where I plateau in every fighting game online. Took A LOT longer though, I swear there are more real killers that play TTT2 online than any other fighter I've ever played. Being the last of the prominent 3D fighters that I've put my hands on, it pretty much cemented my liking of 3D fighters over 2D.

You think you've lost motivation and drive to play and then you see yourself playing it again for hours. At least, that's the case with me.

Original team: Anna/Nina
Current team: Anna/Nina

I would main Paul if I didn't suck at demo man.

Yeah, Paul and Jinpachi would be next choices for a main team.


Business Teams:
Original: Armor King/Julia
Current: Hwoarang/Julia

Fun Teams:
Devil Jin/Christie
Heihachi/Armor King
True Ogre/Roger Jr.

I have never studied & trained for a game as much as TTT2. And I struggle to even comprehend how they can even improve on this for future installments. As I play this more and more, the more and more I enjoy it. I doubt I'll ever invest so much in another videogame ever again but we'll see. I honestly feel TTT2 is the penultimate magnus opus Harada's team have created after years 20 years of trial and error.

I would love more than anything for TTT2 to be the final game of the saga and for the Tekken team to make a new 3D fighting game series.



Everyone mixed, now I'm trying out Kuni-Xiaoyu

My strongest teams were Kazuya-Jin and Heihachi-Bryan.

If you did ss 1,2,4 filler as Jin and ended with Kazuya's cd+3 most often you wall splatted opponent from crazy wall carry and got free df+3,2,1 or other wall combo - damage on insane level.

With Heihachi and Bryan he kinda broke the "number of moves in a juggle" rule because Bryan's b+3~f+4... and qcf+4 strings seemed to catch "flying away" opponent even after multiple hits - crazy wall carry.
Anna/Nina I guess was my first serious team. Currently Feng/Ganryu or Leo.

I messed around with JayCee and Ganryu today. Managed to beat someone I usually lose to with my main team... she is super cheap.


original: Bryan/King
current: King/Ogre da gawd

also mess with

Craig "f1+4 and wakeup d2 until they die" Marmaduke
Un- "spam projectiles until they die" -beknownst
Armor "handspring elbow until they die" Kang
Jin- "ff3 and stomp until they die" -pikachu
Jacques "ff4, then uf3+4, then mash 1,2,1,2 until they die" VI
Alicia "uf3,2 until... well they're dead the first time" Boscov's
Ancient "GARBAGE" Blowgre, the worst character ever of all times
and alex "alex" alex.

Been playing for a year straight and I'm still turrible lol
Original: Xiaoyu/Miharu
Now: Kunimitsu/Jun, with occasional itches of wanting to try Michelle again

I'm still pretty bad at this game, but I like it. It would probably be better if I fought more of you though. XD
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