Tekken Tag Tournament 2 |OT| Awaiting the "Final Battle"

If anyone wants to casually spar with an average player on the PS3 (I currently plateau at about 7th dan in ranked, 50% win ratio) you can add me or invite me, UltraGODHAND. Im usually active during 6pm-11pm Eastern.

I'd love to play with some more GAF players.


If anyone wants to casually spar with an average player on the PS3 (I currently plateau at about 7th dan in ranked, 50% win ratio) you can add me or invite me, UltraGODHAND. Im usually active during 6pm-11pm Eastern.

I'd love to play with some more GAF players.

I don't have as much time as I used to but I'll add you and see if I can get some games in.

DEATH™;82071705 said:
ggs to sayah...

Too much wrong in my game...

ggs. You were spacing well and punishing well.
TFC had some of the best American TTT2 play I've seen from the game to date. Top 8 is worth a watch if you don't mind the slideshow.
The winner was Anakin over Naclam pretty convincingly.

I'll have to get to the archives.
Guess that makes me the worst player in TekkenGAF then.

No, that title belongs to:

J/K :p - No one here is really the worst or the best. Everybody's got their own strengths and weaknesses.


ggs. You were spacing well and punishing well.

Yeah, but I still got a bit of a problem with it. There are many instances where I miss the punish (King b+1+2 throw comes out instead of b+1,2, those things will destroy me), and many missed inputs, not to mention the only throwbreak I had is the time you used Jinpachi AP throw. (I am actually trying to practice throwbreaks, and it's incredibly frustrating when you know you pressed the right break but ended up "too late"). Thanksgiving can't come soon enough lol.

Also, ggs to Famicom last time and Degen on ranked.


I just got Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate on PS3, awesome game, I can kind of grasp the system but overall I'm still kind of button mashy when I come to that game. I know how to block/reverse strings and kind of punish stuff. Of course, we were playing tag mode, after a few hours I go to Tag 2 because my tag hunger needed to be fulfilled.

I got a buddy of mine on Tekken around a few months after TTT2 first came out. He would come over while I watched my replays. After watching some of my replays he decided to start playing. Nothing serious, he got beat left and right but he didn't care and still had fun. A few months later after I started to grasp the fundamentals of Tekken, he started playing with Asuka. I tried to explain to him how to do a combo, he could never do one.

He would say, "how do you do tag the other guy in while the first guy is in?", it was hard as hell to explain. I do it simply and it's a second thought, it's hard to actually map out what I'm doing. I tried to explain it to him and he still couldn't get it down. I explained to him what a bound was, and that, you cannot bound after low parries. He would do combos with Asuka, and then backroll catch and do another combo, for this reason he thought you could bound twice in one combo. I had to display that if the opponent does not backroll, that combo wouldn't work. His mind was blown.

He started to pick up Jun too because of their similarities. Whenever he would come over while I'm playing, he would play. He would consistently drop combos and whiff attacks. He knew how to do what he wanted to do, it was just hard for him to execute what he knew in an actual battle. I would go into practice mode with him and choose the same characters, and he says "you learned like 4 Asuka combos in 10 minutes, WTF", he was impressed with my ability to just go into practice mode and create like 3 60 DMG combos just by looking through the command list. Obviously this isn't really anything special since anyone who knows Tekken well enough can do this. I taught him to never backroll on get up unless the opponent is far away enough that, he or she can't backroll catch him. I did this one basic Asuka combo, with the default Jun tag filler and a running "Asuka kick ender", I don't know what the move is. He says, "damn", I think I can do that.

He tries this combo about 40 times, he still couldn't really grasp how to do tag assaults. Then he landed the running Asuka kick ender, and got extremely excited, he kept doing it over and over again. We played some matches and he landed that combo every single time. I remember one time I was just fucking around doing slideys with Law, then he beat me with that combo and I told him that was good shit. At this point, he went out and bought himself a copy of the game. He would text me through the week saying, "dude I just learned this new Asuka/Jun combo". We would have conversations about online matches. He started playing online ranked by himself and he would tell me stories about them. He would always tell me that, "your highest character is a Marauder? I thought you would be higher than that." So fast-forward a little later, he knows how to consistently do tag combos with Asuka/Jun, he's starting to punish launch punishable moves, he's not backrolling, a lot of essential things.

I pop in Tekken 6 just for shits and giggles. He picks Asuka, and I was surprised when his knowledge of Tag 2 translated back to Tekken 6, it was amazing. When I turned on Tekken 6, he said, "this game looks like it was made 15 years go compared to Tag 2." I lol'd. To the normal guy this story is insignificant, but to good Tekken players like the ones in this thread, I thought it would be interesting. I'm a huge fighting game guy, people hate playing fighting games with me because I always win. Then TTT2 came out, and really used to think that I could just spam launchers and win that way. Thanks to the many fights with the people in this thread, and through watching videos on YouTube, my experience in Tekken has increased. Within one year I feel like I went through a Tekken Hyberbolic Time Chamber.

Back in the Tekken 6 days, back when I first came into the GAF scene, with Sayah, AAK, Degen, Dropkick, and SDBurton, I knew how to play Tekken and how to do combos, but I had no knowledge of punishing. When I look back, I can't believe that I used to play Tekken that way, I would always wonder why I was losing. There was a point where I would actually dislike playing against AAK and Sayah because I thought they were impossible to beat. The problem wasn't them, the problem was me. I don't remember when exactly I learned what "punishing was", but I leveled up extremely. Then I learned that, no matter how good the player, they can be punished. So, once I learned this, and starting winning against the people I just listed, I got a lot more confident. Not to mention my casual regulars, Famicom, Ricko Sauve, dropkick, Degen, Cookiepants, Downplay, SDBurton, CSX, MannyBiggz, ElzaWalker.

ElzaWalker, Ricko, Manny, Dropkick, Sayah, AAK used to piss me the fuck off, I might as well call them


I couldn't get away with shit while playing with these people, "Oh, you want to do launch punishable moves? BOOM, punish everytime bitch." ELZAWALKER, YOU PUNISH EVERYTHING, WTF. ElzaWalker leveled up my game, Manny leveled up my game, Ricko leveled up my game, AAK birthed me, he taught me almost everything I know, I owe a lot to him, good dude. Sayah taught me about patience, and that no matter how good the opponent, patience and poking can still work. Yoooo, Famicom, whenever I play you it seems like you got twice as better as the last time, you stop falling for me old mixups so I have to create new ones. Overall though, thanks Tekken GAF.

This is the greatest post in the thread... You know I was having a really really crummy day today and now I just can't stop smiling from this post. You're the man bro.

And damn, school is killing me. I have no time either to play right now :(


This is the greatest post in the thread... You know I was having a really really crummy day today and now I just can't stop smiling from this post. You're the man bro.

And damn, school is killing me. I have no time either to play right now :(

Tell me about it...

I'm here in my drafting class and I spend more time sharpening my pencil to the right point than actually getting some drafting homework done lol.

On the 9/22 part:


鉄拳 特殊メイクでなりきり!究極再現
BNG 原田 鉄拳プロジェクトディレクター


There will be a small "Tekken Special Make-up! Extreme reappearance" presentation with Harada up on the sub stage at TGS on the 22nd.




To me it sounds like Harada going on stage to do Tekken cosplay. haha. I see no reason to expect anything new for Tekken other than TR stuff.


Whenever I low parry some shit online, I feel like I won the whole match. Low parrying on reaction is probably one the most invigorating things about this game.

Especially because I actually practiced a few low parry combos, and I landed the whole low parry combo online, I felt like a master.


Whenever I low parry some shit online, I feel like I won the whole match. Low parrying on reaction is probably one the most invigorating things about this game.

Especially because I actually practiced a few low parry combos, and I landed the whole low parry combo online, I felt like a master.

Can't low parry for shit but I did it pretty well before it was bound. Earlier it looked natural, now the slapstick slip just confuses my brain.


Whenever I low parry some shit online, I feel like I won the whole match. Low parrying on reaction is probably one the most invigorating things about this game.

Especially because I actually practiced a few low parry combos, and I landed the whole low parry combo online, I felt like a master.

lololol, tonight during my online session with a friend I landed low parry, df+4, 3, f1, isw with King for the first time and that's exactly how I felt.


Low parries are indeed satisfying to land. But CAT stance is even more satisfying as you get a full combo from countering lows.


so Namco totally gave on this game huh ?...At least drop a patch to fix the horrendous clinging that randomly occurs when tagging out.I fail to understand how they see such a random and often counter productive element in the game is ok in the final version.

oh fix the faulty walls plz


so Namco totally gave on this game huh ?...At least drop a patch to fix the horrendous clinging that randomly occurs when tagging out.I fail to understand how they see such a random and often counter productive element in the game is ok in the final version.

oh fix the faulty walls plz

What do you mean by "clinging"? And what's the problem with walls? Please enlighten me


so Namco totally gave on this game huh ?...At least drop a patch to fix the horrendous clinging that randomly occurs when tagging out.I fail to understand how they see such a random and often counter productive element in the game is ok in the final version.

oh fix the faulty walls plz

Clinging and faulty walls?


DEATH™;83078453 said:
What do you mean by "clinging"? And what's the problem with walls? Please enlighten me

Clinging and faulty walls?

I don't even know what is the name for it...its basically a very random moment that happens when you tag occasionally.A character gets stuck with the out going character while the incoming character comes in for free.Its mostly random.

watch 00:36 at this video.Its awful.You are supposed to either stay in or go out.

Walls fuck up angels way too often in this game.if you haven't experienced that idk what to tell you other than that.


I don't even know what is the name for it...its basically a very random moment that happens when you tag occasionally.A character gets stuck with the out going character while the incoming character comes in for free.Its mostly random.

watch 00:36 at this video.Its awful.You are supposed to either stay in or go out.

Walls fuck up angels way too often in this game.if you haven't experienced that idk what to tell you other than that.

Its not random. When you are tagging out, you outgoing character can still get hit when going out, hence he gets "clipped". Knowing this, there are alot of possibilities. Some People use this to bait someone, like you press tag when getting pressured then your incoming character does a hopkick (use this for your advantage). On the opposite end, that's a good opportunity to spam strings and even launch both of them for a halloween/happy birthday combo...

Also, you gotta know your off axis combos. It's like that even in T5. You can even take advantage of getting multiple wallsplats for a better combo...


DEATH™;83082449 said:
Its not random. When you are tagging out, you outgoing character can still get hit when going out, hence he gets "clipped". Knowing this, there are alot of possibilities. Some People use this to bait someone, like you press tag when getting pressured then your incoming character does a hopkick (use this for your advantage). On the opposite end, that's a good opportunity to spam strings and even launch both of them for a halloween/happy birthday combo...

well its far from reliable...The timing is often too unpredictable and occurs randomly because the timing is ultra precise...Knee is playing in this match..I am sure he didn't want his bryan to clip so the other player can come in and boom! df+2 with jack..

Its something that needs to be out of the game imo..Its not like tagging is simple with it.Its an extra layer that adds nothing to the game but a fear of randomness.


well its far from reliable...The timing is often too unpredictable and occurs randomly because the timing is ultra precise...Knee is playing in this match..I am sure he didn't want his bryan to clip so the other player can come in and boom! df+2 with jack..

Its something that needs to be out of the game imo..Its not like tagging is simple with it.Its an extra layer that adds nothing to the game but a fear of randomness.

Again it's not random. Tagging is already launch punishablecso a wrong tag especially near wall is a disaster if executed improperly...


DEATH™;83083209 said:
Again it's not random. Tagging is already launch punishablecso a wrong tag especially near wall is a disaster if executed improperly...

My point is..You can guess right , punish your opponent but ops you are 1 milisecond late.You gotta pay for it! That's a very poor layer in my opinion.either tag out and make your opponent whiff, CH bait them and then tag out (launcher or KD or throw etc) or eat the launcher CLEANLY.

This inbetween moment is uncalled for.


My point is..You can guess right , punish your opponent but ops you are 1 milisecond late.You gotta pay for it! That's a very poor layer in my opinion.either tag out and make your opponent whiff, CH bait them and then tag out (launcher or KD or throw etc) or eat the launcher CLEANLY.

This inbetween moment is uncalled for.

This is why you need to anticipate it. You need to know when is the time your opponent wants to tag, which is one aspect of the game. For example, Nin is playing against aris in wnf and Aris is knd and in a pinch lying down. He got the opportunity and then Nin just spammed safe strings continuing to hit the OUTGOING char while not letting the incoming char a chance to attack. There's also things you can do where you space them in a right way that you can punish them when they tag.I mean as much as you think its random, theres alot of ways you can deal with it and it's up to you to do the reads and execute.

That simple thing adds a lot of yomi in tagging mechanics alone. I'm not even talking about tag cancels and running cross dives/slides.
They purposely added that to the game, it's not a horrendous bug that needs fixing. It was an additional layer of depth added to the game when they conceived the idea of a tag based game with walls.

It was also one of the new things discovered in the game back when the TTT2 was having location tests, the ability to time your tag out in a way so that it starts your character running out while your incoming character comes in during the recovery period of an opponent's attack. Since you can't obviously run in near the wall, your partner character gets in there quicker since he 'jumps in' giving your partner character a chance to attack.

Like Death mentioned, it requires anticipation of what the opponent will do at that situation since it's all based on the move the opponent is doing (if it has long recovery on whiff like say Drag's wr+2) and the moment you hit the tag button while down.

You can see this better usually in Tag Crash setups.
If anyone wants to casually spar with an average player on the PS3 (I currently plateau at about 7th dan in ranked, 50% win ratio) you can add me or invite me, UltraGODHAND. Im usually active during 6pm-11pm Eastern.

I'd love to play with some more GAF players.

I'd be happy to play sometime too. Haven't played in months, I'm about average, maybe slightly above. leechaolan is my PSN.


I don't even know what is the name for it...its basically a very random moment that happens when you tag occasionally.A character gets stuck with the out going character while the incoming character comes in for free.Its mostly random.

watch 00:36 at this video.Its awful.You are supposed to either stay in or go out.

Walls fuck up angels way too often in this game.if you haven't experienced that idk what to tell you other than that.

Yeah, I'm pretty sure that's not a glitch and they purposefully left it that way.
And we wouldn't have happy b-days without the "clinging." It's an extra layer and I'm all for it.

And you are often going to get angled hits at walls as well as generally in combos. That actually is a positive as well. It makes you rethink and reevaluate your situation and respond accordingly instead of relying on the same combo. People often use angled wall hits to their advantage and do creative things. Tekken is a 3D game so it takes into account the third dimensional space. If an opponent gets launched from behind or from an angle or gets wall splated from an angle, combos will also have to be redeveloped and re-situated.



(But yeah, they just posted it online just yesterday, nobody's gonna buy old issues of mags so yeah...)


Sup Boys!!! I'm finally unbanned! Some douche narc'd on me a couple months ago for being "mean". So yeah....

Sayah just 3-1 my ass. FUUUUUUUUUCCKK!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just saw Sayah 3-0 Aris lol. That rage damage.

I don't look at PSN names and don't usually realize I might be facing someone I know until later. I had to look up the recording and see Aris's reaction to that match, though, haha. "WWTTTTFFF." lol

Sayah needs a serious nerf in T7

I'm not that great. :p

My defense is lacking.


I need to remember Miguel, every since I picked up Bob I've been forgetting moves.
Try playing like ten characters lol

I go for AK's handspring and get jaguar step. I land AK's ss3+4 and look at the damage and just get annoyed. And Ogre is literally the only reason I throw out AO's db2 so much

The next character on the list is probably Nina, so Alisa/Unknown gots ta GO
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