I'm glad I'm not the only one.I would main Paul if I didn't suck at demo man.
I'm glad I'm not the only one.I would main Paul if I didn't suck at demo man.
original: Bryan/King
current: King/Ogre da gawd
also mess with
Craig "f1+4 and wakeup d2 until they die" Marmaduke
Un- "spam projectiles until they die" -beknownst
Armor "handspring elbow until they die" Kang
Jin- "ff3 and stomp until they die" -pikachu
Jacques "ff4, then uf3+4, then mash 1,2,1,2 until they die" VI
Alicia "uf3,2 until... well they're dead the first time" Boscov's
Ancient "GARBAGE" Blowgre, the worst character ever of all times
and alex "alex" alex.
Been playing for a year straight and I'm still turrible lol
I'm glad I'm not the only one.
You think you've lost motivation and drive to play and then you see yourself playing it again for hours. At least, that's the case with me.
Original team: Anna/Nina
Current team: Anna/Nina
I would main Paul if I didn't suck at demo man.
Yeah, Paul and Jinpachi would be next choices for a main team.
I messed around with JayCee and Ganryu today. Managed to beat someone I usually lose to with my main team... she is super cheap.
With Heihachi and Bryan he kinda broke the "number of moves in a juggle" rule because Bryan's b+3~f+4... and qcf+4 strings seemed to catch "flying away" opponent even after multiple hits - crazy wall carry.
original: Bryan/King
current: King/Ogre da gawd
also mess with
Craig "f1+4 and wakeup d2 until they die" Marmaduke
Un- "spam projectiles until they die" -beknownst
Armor "handspring elbow until they die" Kang
Jin- "ff3 and stomp until they die" -pikachu
Jacques "ff4, then uf3+4, then mash 1,2,1,2 until they die" VI
Alicia "uf3,2 until... well they're dead the first time" Boscov's
Ancient "GARBAGE" Blowgre, the worst character ever of all times
and alex "alex" alex.
Been playing for a year straight and I'm still turrible lol
I'm still pretty bad at this game, but I like it. It would probably be better if I fought more of you though. XD
Ah, that's not too far away! I look forward to it.I've also been meaning to ask you out of curiosity, why do you prefer Julia over Michelle?
I'm starting to get that itch to use one of the Changs again. Especially since my girlfriend recently cosplayed as T6 Julia.
I chose Julia just because she's newNamco put some effort updating her animations and giving her new moves so making use of all those new things along with her old style just made her so much fun.
But real talk, the wrestling moves she got are a huge advantage over Michelle:
-Her d/f+3+4 Hurracanrana is one of the best post Tag Assault wall combo enders in the game.
-Her Sweet Chin Music that transitions into backturned allows her a very damaging Tag Assault filler at the wall where she can return a b,f+1+2,4,1+2.
-Her Tag cancel is way better than Michelle's. Her f+3~3 can go under quite a few mids (but you have to know the move is -12). Michelle's f+3 can't do that. And if she wants to just play it safe she can straight away transition into the bridge stance which doesn't have the crush properties f+3~3 has but in case they are defending you don't risk a 12 fr punish. Michelle's best bet for a tag cancel I guess is qcf+2 which Julia has as well.
-Julia's f+3 has some pretty amazing follow ups, the 1 and 2 follow ups are both safe, and the 1 follow up is actually +1 on block so against people who don't know the matchup it's such an easy tool to destroy them with. Michelle can't compete with those.
- Another thing is that Julia's 13 fr punisher b+2,1+2 does more damage and is completely safe in case you screw up while Michelle's b+2,3 is -12 or -13 and does less damage.
I believe Michelle gets better okizeme on throws compared to Julia just because of the superior mad axes. But that's not enough for me to overlook Julia's advantages.
And there is also the fact she is the most beautiful female character in gaming![]()
I can play.anybody gonna be on tonight? I wanna try out my AK/Jinpachi team
they rose from the ashes of getting lit up by Gaf and now they're the same rank as my main team, wtf
Hm! You make her sound very intriguing. I'm going to check her out tomorrow! Seems easier to get information on her than Michelle anyway since I have the TTT2 book. It'll also be helpful when I go to Japan on my vacation. I want to get bodied. =D
Oh yeah, and does Julia have her old costume in this game? I know you can take the mask off, but...
Damn, this post reminds me of the T6 days when you were grinding with Anna preparing for TTT2... damn those were bad daysAnd I never knew you liked Paul that much! You and your backsway characters....
So TTT2 has been out on console for a whole year. Thoughts and reflections? Post your original team and your current team. Should be interesting.
AAK have you ever played Speedkicks Hwo?
What is up with JayCee's 1,1,1 string and why do so many people get hit by df2,1 after it? I've been abusing it today and I'm not even sure why it works, lol.
It's a natural combo on counter hit and for a 10 frame move it's relatively common to see happen. The last hit causes a butt flop soon where you are at like +18 I think. D/f+2 and whatever follow-up is guaranteed after that. The opponent can escape that stun by tech rolling however. It's very easy to escape and you won't see it at high levels![]()
It's a natural combo on counter hit and for a 10 frame move it's relatively common to see happen. The last hit causes a butt flop soon where you are at like +18 I think. D/f+2 and whatever follow-up is guaranteed after that. The opponent can escape that stun by tech rolling however. It's very easy to escape and you won't see it at high levels![]()
Hey guys. Been awhile but i found something sad.
So my parents subscribed to this Chinese magazine and leave it on the floor near the bathroom. I cant read Chinese but I picked up the magazine and saw it was a late March issue.
I flipped and saw an article with pictures of people's text messages. The text messages are group messages in the Hong Kong tekken community. You can tell with the "HK tekken" and thumbnail being the Tag 2 boxart. A guy was writing in english that he killed his parents. Then I flipped the page and see head pics of an old man and lady and a knife. Theres also a pic of a guy wearing a bag over his face being escorted by what looks like the police.
However since I cant read the article, I dont know if my intuition is correct or this is just some usual Chinese "Games are making our kids murder!" article. Im googling around and cant find anything. Nevertheless, quite depressing![]()
Somebody's created their own Tekken CG apparently. That is pretty amazing work.
So TTT2 has been out on console for a whole year. Thoughts and reflections? Post your original team and your current team. Should be interesting.
Original: Alisa (Solo)
Current: Lars/Raven
Yay, I am a Duelist now.![]()
I'm a Fighter.
I just got Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate on PS3, awesome game, I can kind of grasp the system but overall I'm still kind of button mashy when I come to that game. I know how to block/reverse strings and kind of punish stuff. Of course, we were playing tag mode, after a few hours I go to Tag 2 because my tag hunger needed to be fulfilled.
I got a buddy of mine on Tekken around a few months after TTT2 first came out. He would come over while I watched my replays. After watching some of my replays he decided to start playing. Nothing serious, he got beat left and right but he didn't care and still had fun. A few months later after I started to grasp the fundamentals of Tekken, he started playing with Asuka. I tried to explain to him how to do a combo, he could never do one.
He would say, "how do you do tag the other guy in while the first guy is in?", it was hard as hell to explain. I do it simply and it's a second thought, it's hard to actually map out what I'm doing. I tried to explain it to him and he still couldn't get it down. I explained to him what a bound was, and that, you cannot bound after low parries. He would do combos with Asuka, and then backroll catch and do another combo, for this reason he thought you could bound twice in one combo. I had to display that if the opponent does not backroll, that combo wouldn't work. His mind was blown.
He started to pick up Jun too because of their similarities. Whenever he would come over while I'm playing, he would play. He would consistently drop combos and whiff attacks. He knew how to do what he wanted to do, it was just hard for him to execute what he knew in an actual battle. I would go into practice mode with him and choose the same characters, and he says "you learned like 4 Asuka combos in 10 minutes, WTF", he was impressed with my ability to just go into practice mode and create like 3 60 DMG combos just by looking through the command list. Obviously this isn't really anything special since anyone who knows Tekken well enough can do this. I taught him to never backroll on get up unless the opponent is far away enough that, he or she can't backroll catch him. I did this one basic Asuka combo, with the default Jun tag filler and a running "Asuka kick ender", I don't know what the move is. He says, "damn", I think I can do that.
He tries this combo about 40 times, he still couldn't really grasp how to do tag assaults. Then he landed the running Asuka kick ender, and got extremely excited, he kept doing it over and over again. We played some matches and he landed that combo every single time. I remember one time I was just fucking around doing slideys with Law, then he beat me with that combo and I told him that was good shit. At this point, he went out and bought himself a copy of the game. He would text me through the week saying, "dude I just learned this new Asuka/Jun combo". We would have conversations about online matches. He started playing online ranked by himself and he would tell me stories about them. He would always tell me that, "your highest character is a Marauder? I thought you would be higher than that." So fast-forward a little later, he knows how to consistently do tag combos with Asuka/Jun, he's starting to punish launch punishable moves, he's not backrolling, a lot of essential things.
I pop in Tekken 6 just for shits and giggles. He picks Asuka, and I was surprised when his knowledge of Tag 2 translated back to Tekken 6, it was amazing. When I turned on Tekken 6, he said, "this game looks like it was made 15 years go compared to Tag 2." I lol'd. To the normal guy this story is insignificant, but to good Tekken players like the ones in this thread, I thought it would be interesting. I'm a huge fighting game guy, people hate playing fighting games with me because I always win. Then TTT2 came out, and really used to think that I could just spam launchers and win that way. Thanks to the many fights with the people in this thread, and through watching videos on YouTube, my experience in Tekken has increased. Within one year I feel like I went through a Tekken Hyberbolic Time Chamber.
Back in the Tekken 6 days, back when I first came into the GAF scene, with Sayah, AAK, Degen, Dropkick, and SDBurton, I knew how to play Tekken and how to do combos, but I had no knowledge of punishing. When I look back, I can't believe that I used to play Tekken that way, I would always wonder why I was losing. There was a point where I would actually dislike playing against AAK and Sayah because I thought they were impossible to beat. The problem wasn't them, the problem was me. I don't remember when exactly I learned what "punishing was", but I leveled up extremely. Then I learned that, no matter how good the player, they can be punished. So, once I learned this, and starting winning against the people I just listed, I got a lot more confident. Not to mention my casual regulars, Famicom, Ricko Sauve, dropkick, Degen, Cookiepants, Downplay, SDBurton, CSX, MannyBiggz, ElzaWalker.
ElzaWalker, Ricko, Manny, Dropkick, Sayah, AAK used to piss me the fuck off, I might as well call them
I couldn't get away with shit while playing with these people, "Oh, you want to do launch punishable moves? BOOM, punish everytime bitch." ELZAWALKER, YOU PUNISH EVERYTHING, WTF. ElzaWalker leveled up my game, Manny leveled up my game, Ricko leveled up my game, AAK birthed me, he taught me almost everything I know, I owe a lot to him, good dude. Sayah taught me about patience, and that no matter how good the opponent, patience and poking can still work. Yoooo, Famicom, whenever I play you it seems like you got twice as better as the last time, you stop falling for me old mixups so I have to create new ones. Overall though, thanks Tekken GAF.
I'm a Fighter.
Darn, I should've waited before opening it so I could've returned it. No biggie, I'll just wait a little while and get it for PS3, I do have Tekken Revolution on that if that's similar though.Wish we got to you sooner. Most of us play on PS3. :\
Ok, well, I bought the game today. I got it for the 360, I'll go through the tutorial this week, read and watch tons of guides and matches, and learn some combos in training on Saturday. If anyone wouldn't mind answering any outlying questions or playing with me and/or explaining things to me over XBL on Saturday that'd be really cool. I really want to get into this game since the local fighting scene seems to be the largest for it.
I just got Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate on PS3, awesome game, I can kind of grasp the system but overall I'm still kind of button mashy when I come to that game. I know how to block/reverse strings and kind of punish stuff. Of course, we were playing tag mode, after a few hours I go to Tag 2 because my tag hunger needed to be fulfilled.
I got a buddy of mine on Tekken around a few months after TTT2 first came out. He would come over while I watched my replays. After watching some of my replays he decided to start playing. Nothing serious, he got beat left and right but he didn't care and still had fun. A few months later after I started to grasp the fundamentals of Tekken, he started playing with Asuka. I tried to explain to him how to do a combo, he could never do one.
He would say, "how do you do tag the other guy in while the first guy is in?", it was hard as hell to explain. I do it simply and it's a second thought, it's hard to actually map out what I'm doing. I tried to explain it to him and he still couldn't get it down. I explained to him what a bound was, and that, you cannot bound after low parries. He would do combos with Asuka, and then backroll catch and do another combo, for this reason he thought you could bound twice in one combo. I had to display that if the opponent does not backroll, that combo wouldn't work. His mind was blown.
He started to pick up Jun too because of their similarities. Whenever he would come over while I'm playing, he would play. He would consistently drop combos and whiff attacks. He knew how to do what he wanted to do, it was just hard for him to execute what he knew in an actual battle. I would go into practice mode with him and choose the same characters, and he says "you learned like 4 Asuka combos in 10 minutes, WTF", he was impressed with my ability to just go into practice mode and create like 3 60 DMG combos just by looking through the command list. Obviously this isn't really anything special since anyone who knows Tekken well enough can do this. I taught him to never backroll on get up unless the opponent is far away enough that, he or she can't backroll catch him. I did this one basic Asuka combo, with the default Jun tag filler and a running "Asuka kick ender", I don't know what the move is. He says, "damn", I think I can do that.
He tries this combo about 40 times, he still couldn't really grasp how to do tag assaults. Then he landed the running Asuka kick ender, and got extremely excited, he kept doing it over and over again. We played some matches and he landed that combo every single time. I remember one time I was just fucking around doing slideys with Law, then he beat me with that combo and I told him that was good shit. At this point, he went out and bought himself a copy of the game. He would text me through the week saying, "dude I just learned this new Asuka/Jun combo". We would have conversations about online matches. He started playing online ranked by himself and he would tell me stories about them. He would always tell me that, "your highest character is a Marauder? I thought you would be higher than that." So fast-forward a little later, he knows how to consistently do tag combos with Asuka/Jun, he's starting to punish launch punishable moves, he's not backrolling, a lot of essential things.
I pop in Tekken 6 just for shits and giggles. He picks Asuka, and I was surprised when his knowledge of Tag 2 translated back to Tekken 6, it was amazing. When I turned on Tekken 6, he said, "this game looks like it was made 15 years go compared to Tag 2." I lol'd. To the normal guy this story is insignificant, but to good Tekken players like the ones in this thread, I thought it would be interesting. I'm a huge fighting game guy, people hate playing fighting games with me because I always win. Then TTT2 came out, and really used to think that I could just spam launchers and win that way. Thanks to the many fights with the people in this thread, and through watching videos on YouTube, my experience in Tekken has increased. Within one year I feel like I went through a Tekken Hyberbolic Time Chamber.
Back in the Tekken 6 days, back when I first came into the GAF scene, with Sayah, AAK, Degen, Dropkick, and SDBurton, I knew how to play Tekken and how to do combos, but I had no knowledge of punishing. When I look back, I can't believe that I used to play Tekken that way, I would always wonder why I was losing. There was a point where I would actually dislike playing against AAK and Sayah because I thought they were impossible to beat. The problem wasn't them, the problem was me. I don't remember when exactly I learned what "punishing was", but I leveled up extremely. Then I learned that, no matter how good the player, they can be punished. So, once I learned this, and starting winning against the people I just listed, I got a lot more confident. Not to mention my casual regulars, Famicom, Ricko Sauve, dropkick, Degen, Cookiepants, Downplay, SDBurton, CSX, MannyBiggz, ElzaWalker.
ElzaWalker, Ricko, Manny, Dropkick, Sayah, AAK used to piss me the fuck off, I might as well call them
I couldn't get away with shit while playing with these people, "Oh, you want to do launch punishable moves? BOOM, punish everytime bitch." ELZAWALKER, YOU PUNISH EVERYTHING, WTF. ElzaWalker leveled up my game, Manny leveled up my game, Ricko leveled up my game, AAK birthed me, he taught me almost everything I know, I owe a lot to him, good dude. Sayah taught me about patience, and that no matter how good the opponent, patience and poking can still work. Yoooo, Famicom, whenever I play you it seems like you got twice as better as the last time, you stop falling for me old mixups so I have to create new ones. Overall though, thanks Tekken GAF.
Bah. Most people are on PS3.Ok, well, I bought the game today. I got it for the 360, I'll go through the tutorial this week, read and watch tons of guides and matches, and learn some combos in training on Saturday. If anyone wouldn't mind answering any outlying questions or playing with me and/or explaining things to me over XBL on Saturday that'd be really cool. I really want to get into this game since the local fighting scene seems to be the largest for it.
Darn, I should've waited before opening it so I could've returned it. No biggie, I'll just wait a little while and get it for PS3, I do have Tekken Revolution on that if that's similar though.