Tekken Tag Tournament 2 |OT| Awaiting the "Final Battle"


There is tiny number of Baek's in eu psn and about 5 that know what they're doing.

Hwoarang is everywhere.

No 1 is and always will be Law. Just countless.

Then Alisa, I have no idea why people play her, she sucks at everything. And why the hell 90% of players use that hover mode getting up shit? I have half an hour to push any button and she's in juggle state, free combo.

Lili - gets hit backturned more then anyone.

Kings, furry fan favorites.

Mishimas, Paul, Bryan, Hwoarang, Lee, Drag

I'm surprised at a number of JC. People like her. Very.

But seriously I fought more way Wangs then Baeks.

It's simple - he's decent to mucho sucko , depending who you fight.

You can out scrub scrubs but with which character you can't do that?
Once you fight someone decent you see that Baek is unsafe, has like 5 shitty natural combos and almost everything you do is at risk of being launched.

So yeah, at level above shit you must really sweat with every fla cancel and pray opponent guesses wrong to get that damage. You can only go anywhere on hit with him. Blocked Baek is dead Baek.

They nerfed his flamingo and basically everything beside fla f+3. They gave him ff+4,3 the "standarizer" punish, but they took away my most used move ff,n,4 - the stomp. I fucking used this for everything except launching of course. This was my shit and my playstyle and they took it out. :(

Btw even with comically nerfed flamingo sidestep I can get rage death combo - loltastic.

You just need raged Baek and opponent who does non(or weak) tracking move with decent forward movement (or something like fff+3).
Sidestep right, b+3 fla(double sidestep) and 3,4,4,4 ws+2,1 bound, tag, decent 2-3 hit filler and end with ff+4,3.

That's it. Whole bar.

But that's like Baek's last trick up his sleeve. Harada must hate him.


From my personal experience... the least played character is Roger. I actually do see a lot more Wangs, Baeks, and even Ganryu's. And that surprises me a lot considering how freiking cheap those animals are!

DEATH™;89075926 said:
BTW AAK, There is no way Mad Dog is gonna be in Tekken... Dude's too OP, especially in solo vs. tag... 500% health plus rage every time... Even item moves can't take him down...

Yo people would be bopped just by hearing this tune before he unleashes. But real talk, a Silat fighter in a videogame is loooong overdue. There should have been a Silat fighter after Merantau released at least.

And I was watching the archive of Fab's stream earlier... Good Lord is it scary how solid he is. I think he's already one rank away from being the highest on PSN.


Played some matches yesterday against boutdown. GG mate.

Wow one bar(sometimes 2bars blinked) I had instant Tekken 6 flashback. Dat lag.

I was amazed that you could hit even tag buffered juggles on point. You must've been used to that lag, I totally dropped my combos because the timing was something totally different then I'm used to with 3-4 bars. I felt like my character weights a tonne and moves like a tank so I decided to stay still and watch your movement( death combo in the back by trollbaek ). ;)

But connection was very stable. No slowdowns/chopping or dropped connection. Hope we'll play more then I'll get used to button input lag like I did in T6. Because now I had like 30 wrong inputs(f+3 instead of df+3,2,3 in juggles)(that sometimes hit anyway - wat)

I hate your Bob. I got hit by that ducking uppercut every time. No one uses this here. I was like "WTF this makes me whiff everything! What is this?!"

Strong Laws, Strong Bob.

Yo people would be bopped just by hearing this tune before he unleashes. But real talk, a Silat fighter in a videogame is loooong overdue. There should have been a Silat fighter after Merantau released at least.

Harada got many many tweets about Silat. If it's not in T7 I'd be really surprised. But please Harada enough shitty designs like Alisa. We want martial artists not robo maids.


Played some matches yesterday against boutdown. GG mate.

Wow one bar(sometimes 2bars blinked) I had instant Tekken 6 flashback. Dat lag.

I was amazed that you could hit even tag buffered juggles on point. You must've been used to that lag, I totally dropped my combos because the timing was something totally different then I'm used to with 3-4 bars. I felt like my character weights a tonne and moves like a tank so I decided to stay still and watch your movement( death combo in the back by trollbaek ). ;)

But connection was very stable. No slowdowns/chopping or dropped connection. Hope we'll play more then I'll get used to button input lag like I did in T6. Because now I had like 30 wrong inputs(f+3 instead of df+3,2,3 in juggles)(that sometimes hit anyway - wat)

I hate your Bob. I got hit by that ducking uppercut every time. No one uses this here. I was like "WTF this makes me whiff everything! What is this?!"

Strong Laws, Strong Bob.

Harada got many many tweets about Silat. If it's not in T7 I'd be really surprised. But please Harada enough shitty designs like Alisa. We want martial artists not robo maids.
That was probably my last Tekken session for a long while. I'll upload the matches to YouTube and pack the PS3 up today.


This is the last time I plan to play PS3 in awhile, making way for new consoles, that's it.

I see. I don't understand. There are almost no nextgen games, no fighting games, no Tekken.
I see but I don't understand.

I'm getting PS4 but launch is unappealing. Not sure if I get it now or wait until Infamous, Evil Within and Order 1886 come out. Even Dynasty Warriors 8 PS4 appeal to me more then what's on a plate now.

I trully await insane kickass action games made in Japan.

No fighting games on PS4 is a real clusterfuck.

I'll definitely keep playing my ps3 and Tekken until Tekken X Street Fighter on PS4 or, I don't know, Sega releases VF6 now, but MK10 is more probable.
It'll be a year at least until I grab a PS4. Maybe GGXrd will push me to it, but I may just get that on PS3 too if it is not gimped. Clinging to free online for as long as I can.


I don't see myself getting rid of the PS3 like ever.... So many games I still haven't played on that system alone. And as for fighting games, I have extreme reservations whether any fighting game will ever be as good as TTT2. Considering how much budget this game got relative to its sales, we won't be seeing any game like TTT2 again any time soon. My PS4 and WiiU purchase are looooooong ways off :p
I don't see myself getting rid of the PS3 like ever.... So many games I still haven't played on that system alone. And as for fighting games, I have extreme reservations whether any fighting game will ever be as good as TTT2. Considering how much budget this game got relative to its sales, we won't be seeing any game like TTT2 again any time soon. My PS4 and WiiU purchase are looooooong ways off :p

Well realistically no matter what fighting game you like, this gen may be as good as it gets. Since nothing is backwards compatible I can't see most of these companies doing renegotiations to get all or most of these games on the newer services, especially if they didn't make money the first time (Capcom is more at fault here than Namco though).


That's true, this gen had a lot of fighting game releases along with all the classics being re-released. The PS3 pretty much has everything including Tekkens 1-3, TTT, CvS2, SFAlpha series, Guilty Gear Series, VF5, MvC2/MvC3, ST, 3rdStrike, KOF13, and all the other PS1/PS2 classics. The only thing it really is missing is SNK greats like Last Blade, Samurai Showdown, etc.


Although there is one thing I wanna say about PS4, coming from someone who adores Braid, I think The Witness is the only game that truly salivates my appetite for a Next Gen experience.
That's true, this gen had a lot of fighting game releases along with all the classics being re-released. The PS3 pretty much has everything including Tekkens 1-3, TTT, CvS2, SFAlpha series, Guilty Gear Series, VF5, MvC2/MvC3, ST, 3rdStrike, KOF13, and all the other PS1/PS2 classics. The only thing it really is missing is SNK greats like Last Blade, Samurai Showdown, etc.


Although there is one thing I wanna say about PS4, coming from someone who adores Braid, I think The Witness is the only game that truly salivates my appetite for a Next Gen experience.

Pretty sure the PS4 will get similar HD re-releases of old classics.
(and i'm still salty that we didn't get Garou in NeoGeoStation)

As for tekken im sure Tekken 7 will rock again :D


And I was watching the archive of Fab's stream earlier... Good Lord is it scary how solid he is. I think he's already one rank away from being the highest on PSN.
You need to watch his latest stream, he denied like 3 promos, demoted people and promoted himself twice, got his Bob to Majin. He denied Inkognito's promotion too, hilarious stuff. Fab is seriously talented at this game. This dude's patience is unbelievable. To him it just seems effortless to just use patience to actually come all the way back in a round. Plus he's hilarious with his mannerisms and phrases. Half way through the stream he beat RIB for like the 2 second time, and he was angrily lecturing RIB on the fact that he lacked patience. Probably the best Tekken stream ever in terms of entertainment and quality.

He kept abusing Miguel's savage stance mixups to win rounds. Then he started eating rice and beans he said, "Yeah man I'm eatin that Miguel meal, that Savage meal, this is what Miguel eats during Savage stance", god damn it was funny.

He also landed Bob's crouch dash 2, UNDER Bryan's Mach Kick and he turned the whole match around, too clutch.
You need to watch his latest stream, he denied like 3 promos, demoted people and promoted himself twice, got his Bob to Majin. He denied Inkognito's promotion too, hilarious stuff. Fab is seriously talented at this game. This dude's patience is unbelievable. To him it just seems effortless to just use patience to actually come all the way back in a round. Plus he's hilarious with his mannerisms and phrases. Half way through the stream he beat RIB for like the 2 second time, and he was angrily lecturing RIB on the fact that he lacked patience. Probably the best Tekken stream ever in terms of entertainment and quality.

I guess you missed out on Anakin streaming himself playing online pair play...by himself, with a pad and stick. And not losing.

Fab is a funny dude though.


Meanwhile in Korea...

Dammit. See, this is why I can't play Kaz even tho I want too. I can never land that first ewgf. Same reason I don't play Nina. Can't do iWS 1's.


Why stress out over one frame links? There are some character execution things I can understand not wanting to play a character for, but CH df2 into PEGWF isn't one of them lol.
Why stress out over one frame links? There are some character execution things I can understand not wanting to play a character for, but CH df2 into PEGWF isn't one of them lol.
It's about knowing you'll never play the character to its fullest potential. It's not a major issue, but it becomes one less option for you and one less thing for the opponent to fear. Go big or go home IMO.
It's about knowing you'll never play the character to its fullest potential. It's not a major issue, but it becomes one less option for you and one less thing for the opponent to fear. Go big or go home IMO.

Don't fret. CH df+2 into PEWGF requires insane reactions and precision. I can't even do it. There are easier and less risky ways to combo off of the counter hit anyway.

Now EWGFs and PEWGFs are not that hard themselves, you just need to find out the input timing, practice it and develop the muscle memory.

It is not impossible, I assure you!

For example, earlier this year I had trouble doing single EWGF combos consistently, but now after much experience I can occasionally do triple EWGFs!


It's about knowing you'll never play the character to its fullest potential. It's not a major issue, but it becomes one less option for you and one less thing for the opponent to fear. Go big or go home IMO.

Yo Cosmic it's been a while! But man, playing a Tekken character to its full potential is no joke... and you being a Yoshi player epitomizes it! Even watching Help Me's Yoshi tech on taktak's channel it's mind boggling how much you can do with that character especially with the tag assault.

On that topic I don't use Hwoarang to his full potential at all. I look at T6 era MDJ, UK's Starscream, and more recently: Marimo from Australia and damn they can move with Hwoarang at frightening speeds. Even though this is one of Hwoarang's most powerful tools, I don't use it... getting the just frame 2,b+4 off of a LFS d/f+3 on a crouching opponent. I really should practice it more (sigh).


Ggs to famicom and bout... im a choker till d end...

at least I can proudly wear the "I got a game against kevin" and "I RDC'ed kevin" badge lololol

I also need to consider buying a replacement stick and buttons since mine is worn...


Meanwhile in Korea...



I don't see myself getting rid of the PS3 like ever.... So many games I still haven't played on that system alone. And as for fighting games, I have extreme reservations whether any fighting game will ever be as good as TTT2. Considering how much budget this game got relative to its sales, we won't be seeing any game like TTT2 again any time soon. My PS4 and WiiU purchase are looooooong ways off :p

Smash 4 is way too tempting for me to skip out on Wii U.
But yeah, in general, I don't foresee a game like TTT2 anytime soon. Over one year later and I still can't get over how good this game is.

DEATH™;88968795 said:
Nah I'm not thinking of that sorry... It's about they cannot talk about other games without bashing them and try to put/request things that they want without care or thought about the future, acting like bunch of armchair developers. Yeah you're right in part that instead of playing the game, they just pull out this reasons that's more emotions based more than anything. This is the same mentality from scrubs in TZ before, but for some reason, since they play other fighting games, they got a bit more "merit".

The problem IMO is they are basing their opinions on perspective of a guy who plays SF and/or Marvel (which is unavoidable and understandable). Most of their complaints are coming off from a guy who trained some skills and became good at one fighting game but when you go to another game requiring different sets of skills, they expect to be good just as quick just because they are good at their game. Now they try to propose changes that wants to change the game completely.

Sorry I'm just frustrated... because in that thread, the only time they are gonna talk about Tekken is how horrible it is and it needs to change. Same thing with other games. I wish there will be a time where we can just all accept that a specific FG is just the way it is and enjoy the fact that we have a wide variety of FGs that we can play instead of one same game with just different brands.
I'm not sure if there was a specific conversation that occurred relating to this topic. But I do know, in general, people ask for the series to change in ways that would make the whole depth and everything I love about the game be shattered.

Watching Tekken just makes me want to play it.

Yes, exactly this.


Watched old kung fu flick "The Hot,The Cool And The Vicious" and check out it's what TTT is based on.

Special Tag Throw:


Tag Assault Combo:


Hwoarang and Baek Strings:


Jack's throw into megaton punch:



Sorry for gfx errors couldn't be helped(dynamic res :D)


My ex-coworker that I got into Tekken told me that he has been playing Tekken 6 on his Vita for a month. He then told me that Tekken Tag is harder than Tekken 6 because of the tag assaults. Then we played Tekken 6 matches for about an hour and he is really nailing his Asuka combos.

lol at me trying to land Bob combos in Tekken 6 when his movelist is like 10% different so it was fucking me up for a little while.
My ex-coworker that I got into Tekken told me that he has been playing Tekken 6 on his Vita for a month. He then told me that Tekken Tag is harder than Tekken 6 because of the tag assaults. Then we played Tekken 6 matches for about an hour and he is really nailing his Asuka combos.

lol at me trying to land Bob combos in Tekken 6 when his movelist is like 10% different so it was fucking me up for a little while.

Tag Assaults definitely complicate things when starting out. I try to tell people not to worry about them and you get the hang of them with time. Took me a couple months to actually nail the main TA combo I practiced all the time in an actual match. I was so hype, I had only played one game but that was enough for the night lol. The allure to do picture perfect combos out of the gate is too strong though...


Tag Assaults definitely complicate things when starting out. I try to tell people not to worry about them and you get the hang of them with time. Took me a couple months to actually nail the main TA combo I practiced all the time in an actual match. I was so hype, I had only played one game but that was enough for the night lol. The allure to do picture perfect combos out of the gate is too strong though...
There is no way that I'm doing Miguel's savage stance like 3 times in a tag assault like you do brother.
There is no way that I'm doing Miguel's savage stance like 3 times in a tag assault like you do brother.

Earlier in the thread Cosmic Forge was saying he'd never play Kaz because he can't do CH df2 into EGWF. Well I'd never play Miguel if I couldn't do savage stance stuff. I consider it his most useful utility in the team aspect of the game. Learn that, and every character you partner with him becomes super simple. Bound on four hits or less, let Miguel do all the work, and finish. Usually does more damage than a character's staple combo into a regular 2 or 3 hit TA filler.

Just tonight I was working on df1~f, SAV cancel into f+4,2 as wall TA filler (btw not worth it, about an extra 2 damage over a regular f+4,2). Started doing 2,1~f SAV 1,2,1 as TA filler too lately (fairly tight link, extra 3 damage over df4,1~f SAV cancel df4,1,1). To me, savage stance is one of the easier character "gimmicks" to learn in the game. I've spent far more time practicing Drag's WR2 combo and crouch cancels and Bruce's WS2,1 dash d+3,4 combo (PAIN IN THE ASS).


I keep finding weird properties for some moves.

Like Lee's ss(l?r?) +3+4 can crush some lows. It went right through Hei's hellsweeps couple of times.

I accidentally did Paul's f+3(oldschool spin kick) against Jun's f+2 and I scored ch though she was in the middle of ducking in f+2 animation o_O.
I'm trying to learn Jin because of his superior poking. I'm having trouble doing efficient juggles with him and hei and kaz. It seems like his combos are really inconsistent.


I'm trying to learn Jin because of his superior poking. I'm having trouble doing efficient juggles with him and hei and kaz. It seems like his combos are really inconsistent.

I don't play him at the minute and I forget shit in an instant but with Jin you usually start juggling with:

Launcher 3,1, 1,3~3 bound
L b,f+2,1, 1,3~3 bound
L 1,2,3 bound
L b+3~f1, 1,3~3 bound

That's for cd+1, ws+2, d+3+4, ch uf+4, ch df+2

Usual tag fillers with Kaz: cd+4,1, b+4,1, 1,2,4,3

Hei's : cd+4,4,1, 1,b+2,1, ss, 3,4

Finishing with Jin is usually running behind floating opponent and wall carry him with 1,2,4, b+2,1, 2,4, ewhf, fff+3 at least depending on number of previous combo hits.

Jin's best Tag filler is sidestep and 1,2,4.

Finish with Kaz cd+3 and you'll be scoring big damage because Kaz's cd+3 wall caries on huge distance then at the wall you get at least df+3,2,1

Other good tag filler is b+3~f+1+2 for high floating opponent.
b+3~f+4 for small sandwitch combo.
b+1, 1+2 - 2 hit high floater
df+1,4 or 2,4 for quick close in damage

Other notes on juggles:
After cd+4
b+2,1, db+2,2,4 - oldschool
b+2,1, b,f+2,1 delay ,2
b+2,1, b,f+2,3,f,4

Where ,f, there's the "mental alertness or shit like that" stance :)

Non ch hopkick uf+4 follow up with b+2,1 for combos

ch db+4 or 3,1,ch4 is also launcher.

df+1, ch4~4 gives crumple stun for juggle.

ff+3 great launcher - start juggle with bf+2,1, 3,1 or b+2,1 in panic mode.

ch b+3 gets a similar juggle like cd+4 but you must follow up with b+2,1

ch EWHF(CD+2) is the hardest launcher for Jin. The point is to dash as quickly as possible after ewhf

the easiest follow up's are dash forward cancel with b+2,1 and 1,3~3 for bound

or run forward then df+1 close

^These work after non electric ch WHF too.

If you're very very quick you can do dash and bf+2,1 or 3,1 etc I think dash ewhf then 1 also work.

That's from top of my head for Jin.

Abuse that cd+4 and pick up everyone from the ground with b+2,1 ;).
I don't play him at the minute and I forget shit in an instant but with Jin you usually start juggling with:

Launcher 3,1, 1,3~3 bound
L b,f+2,1, 1,3~3 bound
L 1,2,3 bound
L b+3~f1, 1,3~3 bound

That's for cd+1, ws+2, d+3+4, ch uf+4, ch df+2

Usual tag fillers with Kaz: cd+4,1, b+4,1, 1,2,4,3

Hei's : cd+4,4,1, 1,b+2,1, ss, 3,4

Finishing with Jin is usually running behind floating opponent and wall carry him with 1,2,4, b+2,1, 2,4, ewhf, fff+3 at least depending on number of previous combo hits.

Jin's best Tag filler is sidestep and 1,2,4.

Finish with Kaz cd+3 and you'll be scoring big damage because Kaz's cd+3 wall caries on huge distance then at the wall you get at least df+3,2,1

Other good tag filler is b+3~f+1+2 for high floating opponent.
b+3~f+4 for small sandwitch combo.
b+1, 1+2 - 2 hit high floater
df+1,4 or 2,4 for quick close in damage

Other notes on juggles:
After cd+4
b+2,1, db+2,2,4 - oldschool
b+2,1, b,f+2,1 delay ,2
b+2,1, b,f+2,3,f,4

Where ,f, there's the "mental alertness or shit like that" stance :)

Non ch hopkick uf+4 follow up with b+2,1 for combos

ch db+4 or 3,1,ch4 is also launcher.

df+1, ch4~4 gives crumple stun for juggle.

ff+3 great launcher - start juggle with bf+2,1, 3,1 or b+2,1 in panic mode.

ch b+3 gets a similar juggle like cd+4 but you must follow up with b+2,1

ch EWHF(CD+2) is the hardest launcher for Jin. The point is to dash as quickly as possible after ewhf

the easiest follow up's are dash forward cancel with b+2,1 and 1,3~3 for bound

or run forward then df+1 close

^These work after non electric ch WHF too.

If you're very very quick you can do dash and bf+2,1 or 3,1 etc I think dash ewhf then 1 also work.

That's from top of my head for Jin.

Abuse that cd+4 and pick up everyone from the ground with b+2,1 ;).

Holy crap, thanks! I am looking forward to playing Jin. I need to level up my poking game.


I made a team of Michelle/Dragunov..................the amount of damage this team is capable of is insane. Combos look flashy as hell too.


I finally had one day off and took time to watch the raid. Yeah, mad dog is quite the villain. Very bold movie. Lots of intense scenes.


Fun fact, the actor that plays Mad Dog Yayan Ruhian is also one of the lead choreographers in the movie. Badass man.

Also showing how boss these guys are, here's the breathing regime they learned from their silat training to avoid using any padding during the scenes of the films:


(comes after the warmup portion & turn on closed captioning)

Also, I see some Jin/Kaz discussion. This reminds me of one of my favorite sets in this game:

Dinosaur (King/Bryan) vs Punisher (Jin/Kaz)

Love me some European Tekken :)

But yeah, GrayFox's posts are boss as well.


I know what's happening... and it won't work guys... I'm not gonna play Jin for a long while... he's boring to play as... KINGS FTW
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