More Lee talk
I found out that I can wall carry with or without b+2~f,n, I can either do one b+2~f,n at the beginning or none at all. For me to wall carry, all I need to do is 1,2~f,n and then 3,4, it works every time.
I don't know how to actually fight with Lee. So far, his useful moves to me are back 1,1 or back 1,1~f.n, 2,2, df+1, and d+2. A lot of his other strings are duckable.
At the wall, after bound, what do I do? The only thing that I do that actually lands is uf+3,1.
Yeah, 1,2~f repeat is easiest wall carry.
How to fight with Lee. This is shit you abuse:
b+1,1,2 - this shit is duckable but not blockable. 5 people know this because guy on a stream said so. Abuse this shit. If you actually fight someone who knows this just b+1,1, 3+4 hitman stance shenanigans or b+1,1~f.n or b+1,1 uf+4 knee in the face, whatever works.
df+1 It's one of your main pokes. Crushes some highs, some jabs, but not everything. Still annoying as hell. Lee usually wins the poke wars with this. Abuse.
d+3 - One of my favorites. Mix it up close and with any mist step. Like say you go in 1,2~f,n, 1,2~f,n etc then d+3, you hit, you stay in full crouch and df+4 - another low. If ch opponent turns to the side you can risk d,df,d,df,3 the slide, third low.
Same situation, you hit with d+3, you can risk ws+2,3 or any ws move even somersault for max damage(d,u+4). You can d+3~4 for transition to hitman and annoy him. Just watch out, d+3~4 will get you fucked if blocked.
Same situation again. 1,2~f,n, , opponent is tired of your lows, so he ducks, knee him uf+4 or ,3,4 launcher, even df+1. He can be one of those: "Oh he'll not do this shit 3rd time in a row!" Oh yes you will!
Another note. Ch d+3 gives untechable knockdown. So ch d+3~4 (hitman) 4 is always guaranteed, and trust me, you'll hit ch d+3 many, many times. Big damage. d+3 range is also deceptive.
Side note, whenever you hit with hitman 4 you're in crouch, so try to do, slide df,d,df+3. People tend to stay down and get killed. Even more deadly close to wall.
What else...
Mist step - back sway (f,n,b,n) +4 - low sweep that gives combo on ch. Not much to say, it's good and one of those "forgot this exist" move.
fff+3,4 - people say it's like the best move eva, abusable and safe as shit, free bound too. I though so too until bunch of guys online showed me how linear it is. For every fff+3,4 attempt I got sidestepped
easily all the way to the back and got 60-70% combo in the spine as a reward. I stopped abusing it then. If you can do it at short range, do it. Worth the risk. If mid or long rage against opponent who likes sidesteping and sidewalking -avoid.
Hitman stance 2 - I love it. May not be safe but crushes high so great it's worth it. Launches up to the moon, so don't forget to quickly run up. Try 2,1~3+4,2 and 1,2,4~3,2
You will be surprised how it catches people who want to retaliate with jabs after your string.
Hitman uf+4 - Another one of my favorites. Do it at a range, gives guard stun so opponent can't do shit. On hit it splats opponent on the ground, on ch it bounces opponent for big combo. I do it always when opponent is down at every range besides close. If they think they are safe to get up from far away, they're wrong. I abuse the hell of it, ch galore.
Hitman, 1,4 great string, and by hitting ~3 you come back to hitman stance every time.
1,2,4 - natural combo for Lee. His close punish. Hold 4 for charged max mid that guard stuns and crumple stuns on hit. You can go to hitman by ~3 but remember every hitman transition is unsafe if any pre-hitman string was blocked.
2,2,3 - Natural counter hit combo. This is the shit that turns the tide for Lee. You gotta do it. Hard to hit confirm, but not impossible. The reward is huge damage, it wall stuns and gets opponent killed. The comeback tool.
There's an online trick too. Do 4,u+3 on purpose so opponent blocks it then instantly do 2,2,3 - most people will get counter hit by 2,2,3 trying to jab punish 4, u+3. It happens because the punish window of u+3 in 4,u+3 is actually earlier then it looks from the animation, it's even harder to judge online, so people get caught in this. Be dirty and do it with their back to the wall and you have a win. Don't abuse it, kinda 1 time on a fight trick.
f+4,3 is a move you'd like to abuse. But if the second kick get's blocked you'll get launched. Then again, you can delay it and on ch it bounces and on normal it forces crouch.
Simple trick of running up to grounded opponent and f+4 delayyyyy, 3 sometimes works. Same when you throw f+4 out of range on purpose to bait opponent. (Mixed feelings, this got me killed many times)
Mist step +3,4 - I love this launcher but it's little wonky. If opponent is on the side, during air move, off axis or you try to catch him back rolling it most likely wont work properly. Last kick is a high so if first whiffs the second will do nothing and get you punished. That's why Violet's T4 style f,n,3,4 is 5 times better, both kicks are mids, way better range, consistent launching on back rollers, off axis and wake up's, etc. It's just way better move.
Edit: Sometimes it's better to do just f,n,3 instead of both kicks. In above wonky situations f,n,3 then f+4,3 may connect on eg. low floating opponent.
uf+3,1 and uf+3,4 - good moves. Not to abuse but catches opponents off guard awaiting mist steps.
ff+3, super long range, wall stuns, fast.
f+3+4 - falling leaf. I see players abuse it a lot because of guard stun it causes. Often done on grounded opponents that are getting up. I be honest and tell you I almost never use it. For me it's too slow, gives shitty damage, on grounded hit does shit all. I don't know, people say frame advantage is worth it but for me it's meh move and I hate when it comes out accidentally.
db+3 and db+3+4 - good lows for mixups. db+3+4 has quite a range but it's easy to accidentally hit d,db+3+4 that results in Blazing Kick. db+3 to be extra safe.
d,db+4 Blazing Kick - the yolo launcher. Just do it, it's amazing. I love it, especially if it comes out accidentally while inputing db+3+4 and it hits!
uf+4 - The Knee. No need to explain. Nightmare for counter-happy Asukas etc.
3,3 - yet another of my favorites. Delayable, huge damage. Good round ender. 3~4 gives great hitman transition.
fc df+4 - very nice low. Not a big damage but great range and turns opponent to the side on ch allowing for slide threatening.
b+4 - watching GM this is the move you're supposed to abuse the most. But I don't know, there must be secret and precise setups, because I can't do magic with it. Generally at range you constantly sidestep and do b+4's, but yeah... Probably needs talent that I don't have.
I forgot tone of shit, but you asked about wall combo.
Usually just df3,2,3.
FightingGM does b+2~f,n,4,u+3 this is optimal, but yeah I dropped the combo so many times online

You often go not for wall damage but setups.
Ss b+4, ub+3 or b+4~3, 4
df+1, f+4,3 (untechable ground splat), d+3 and mixups from d+3
I'll give you all hitman transitions:
fc df+4~3
ss+3+4 (3_4) depending on the side
Hitman 1,4~3
These are all I think. Have fun.
Edited, added moves.