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Tekken Tag Tournament 2 |OT| Awaiting the "Final Battle"


DEATH™;99728699 said:
1. The question is, who's providing the frame data? It's the folks at ina-tekken, rbnorway/OffinBed, noodalls and testers all around the world. They are discussing this stuff, making new ways to discovering them and correcting each other. Basically, it's a community work, and we support them by giving them clicks or downloading their apps. As the developer, don't you want this? It's basically giving other people a chance to shine in the community.

2. Actually, I find Hit Analysis to be the tool for that. I think it's far more valuable than raw frame data in a sense. Not only it promotes "playing by feel", but also because it actually treat block stuns and recovery frames as separate entities. Example is Yoshi b+2,2. It's -14, but frame data doesn't tell you that it got a pretty long block stun that if you input a move a bit too early, it might not come out (EWGF) or the move might get a different input (King b+1,2). There's other moves like many of Miguel's moves that exhibit this same thing. That's why in the end people gotta practice...

This is why I think people are gonna get overwhelmed when Namco decides to include frame data. It's not just -14 like we make it out to be, it's sum of block stun and recovery stun, and recovery stun also varies too, when you consider moves with active frames, crush properties, hurtboxes and status (technically jumping/crouching/standing).

3. Ask noodals lol. But seriously whether people like it or not, we are talking about it. Look, Harada's right that it kills the discovery period of the game. If we got frame data readily available INGAME, then would a newbie asking Rip in a session/stream of how punishable a move is, happen? They can even test the thing out right there and then. Would a guy like me not download Tekken Chicken due to it? How about the people who find ina-tekken inaccurate?

Believe it or not, those little things aren't just frame data discussion. They are social experiences. And those social experiences add to the game experience. We are talking to another person, not the computer. Giving things away like this in game deprives us of the times where we shout "WTF Feng is cheap" in front of our friends, or searching something up and finally punishing a move you got trouble with. Those ecstacy/frustration/experiences becomes associated with Tekken, and in part, makes Tekken, well, Tekken...

This is why I applaud Harada. Can't expect anything less from a psychology major.

Responses in bold

- Hit analysis is fine when it works, but it breaks for a lot of moves.

- Communities are built around a solid game, not hiding basic information about game mechanics.

- Block stun is exactly the kind of thing that falls under the discovery process that can still exist even with proper frame data. You seem to assume that people are asking for them to just throw up a spreadsheet somewhere. Have you seen Virtua Fighter's training mode? All people want is a little window that shows some basic move properties for when you use them. The discovery process of how/when to use moves is still there. Everything is gained by adding it, but nothing of value is lost. People will just have to deal with a far less frustrating and far more fun learning process with this simple addition.

- Anyone that just sees "oh this move is -14 so I just throw this 14f move out in this situation" without actually hitting up the practice mode to get the timing down is training wrong anyway. This is something that happens both with and without official frame data. Besides, like I said above, if they implement it properly, then people will still have to actually use the training mode to actually have access to it anyway.

- I'm sorry, but this notion that hiding something like frame data adding to the community is absolute garbage. Look at league of Legends. For a very long time, they hid a lot of the numbers and mechanics, but eventually added them due to the community outcry. They wanted to be taken seriously as a competitive game and took this step to allow their competitive community to grow. Tekken is obviously a microcosm compared to League of Legends, but just because you would only be pleasing people on a much smaller scale, doesn't mean that you should ignore that.

- No kidding VF is struggling. It's ALWAYS been a small competitive community. That has zero to do with them showing frame data in training mode. Thing is, it as almost universally heralded as the standard bearer for great training modes for a pretty good reason.

- Having the frame data available in training mode would only improve the community. It's not just about growing the community. It's about keeping the community that's already in place happy. One of the most frustrating aspects that most people often site is the lack of solid frame data. This goes back to my League of Legends example. Harada should get his head out of his ass and stop treating Tekken like it's Mortal Kombat 1 and 2. Tekken doesn't need a stupid gimmick like hiding frame data to foster a community. Tekken is a deep and solid enough fighting to stand on it's own without that sort of nonsense. What Tekken needs to do is to be far less obtuse about its mechanics so noobs can stop with the lasers and 10 hit strings, and actually learn how to play the damn game without having to watch hours of tutorials and read hundreds of blog posts just to learn the simple basics.

EDIT: So I figured that this was an interesting enough topic to make a new thread about and get some other opinions in there. Feel free to chat it up here:


Is your old one done? should I delete it?

BTW Kadey I'm online now. Currently playing a Fujin rnaked Asuka/Jun player.
Saw the new thread, thanks for the shoutout Mannybigs haha! I'm hoping to see that all the discussion and reactions to the topic gets seen by Harada and co over at Namco HQ.

Hi guys. Could soembody tell me who are some of the top Leo players that I could look up for match vids? Need some inspiration.

Hey, just saw this post now but If you're still interested in some good Leo players to watch then I'd suggest....

Genkids (JP) - A Japanese 13 year old Bob/Leo player that managed to get to Tekken Emperor rank in arcades and make it to semi/grand finals in Mastercup tournaments. (I kinda want to see him vs AK)


Yuu (JP) - One of Japan's best Tekken players period, (He was considered Top 3 in Japan with Nobi and Deku at one stage of TTT2) He plays Feng/Leo and is really damn solid with his mix-ups, offensive approach and combos.


Only Practice (KR) - This guy pretty much showed how dominating Leo partnered up with Lars could be early in TTT2's life. Every single launchers he does will pretty much always do a billion damage especially if there's walls involved.



Everyone upset about lack of Tekken at EVO and for Harada, it was Tuesday. Something about that personality you just have to admire.

It's unfortunate Tekken won't be there but mad respect for Markman trying to set up a tourney there.


Everyone upset about lack of Tekken at EVO and for Harada, it was Tuesday. Something about that personality you just have to admire.

It's unfortunate Tekken won't be there but mad respect for Markman trying to set up a tourney there.

He's like "Evo? Puh-leeaaaaase!" Dude got bigger fish to fry...

Final Round got a boost in entrance rigt now lol


DEATH™;99929090 said:
I want to right now, but doing homework...

Add me though...


I'll jump on. Gotta knock off some rust. PSN: Jo_Jo_X
Just added you two, if that's okay^^

Last night I ranked Tekken Lord offline and noticed that I needed just one trophy for Platinum. So I did that annoying thing with Combot and got it^^
I don't collect trophies, normally. But sometimes, I just feel like doing it :p

I feel like my defense got significantly worse. I try blocking low attacks more and I even manage doing it quite often. But when I think my opponent does a low attack and he doesn't, I get launched and have to endure his 80-90 damage combo.
Should I just forget on trying to block low attacks or should I try something else? Losing just got SO MUCH more annoying, especially Online :/


Is there a reason as to WHY TTT2 isn't at the EVO this year?

They gave a bullshit excuse: Because this year is Tekken's 20th anniversary, they are afraid that Namco releases a new Tekken, thus making TTT2 at EVO outdated. They said that and TTT has been dropping in the community support, and much more people play Revolution now...


Jinpachi is so unfair LOL. I was getting rolled up by this random dude online that kept grabbing me and would get insane damage off okizeme. So I decided to hit up practice mode.

Both his 1+3 and 2+4 grabs give ridiculous okizeme. If you stay grounded you eat a d+4 and all the follow ups, You can do a quick getup to reduce the damage... but if the Jinpachi player knows you'll do the quick get up he can do d+1 to bound you or tag assault you to more insane damage. This stuff was destroying me. I knew that there had to be a way to escape this mixup and thankfully after testing there was a solution. If you are grabbed and you land on the 2P side, always sideroll into the background. If you are grabbed and you land on the 1P side, always sideroll into the foreground. This way you can always escape the d+4, d+1, f,f+3, d+3 okizeme he gets.

Of coarse this doesn't mean you're scott free, if the Jinpachi player knows that you're going to sideroll, he can simply dash forward to realign himself and continue his crazy okizeme game. So... this only works for brainless flowchart people online. Playing a legit Jinpachi in a tournament will still result in a grueling battle of wits to get off unscathed... stupid character.

But there was something interesting that happened during this practice mode! I randomly chose Lars as the player who was going to sidreoll... and no matter what happened he would always get hit by Jinpachi's d+4 regardless of the direction of my sideroll. I'm not sure if I was just pressing the sideroll too slow or what but maybe certain characters sideroll slower or have a bigger hitbox than others while siderolling? I tried Julia/Hwoarang/Leo/Jinpachi and I could do it easily with any of them... weird.


They gave a bullshit excuse: Because this year is Tekken's 20th anniversary, they are afraid that Namco releases a new Tekken, thus making TTT2 at EVO outdated. They said that and TTT has been dropping in the community support, and much more people play Revolution now...

Maybe they know something. :O


Maybe Revolution is getting a xbone/ps4 port :0


It's gotta be TxSF or my head will explode.


It's gotta be TxSF or my head will explode.

Ohhhh, that would be so awesome!!

This would REALLY be the Tekken-Game with the biggest roster of playable characters. TTT2 is a little bit cheated. 3 Eddys, 2 Laws, 2 Xiaoyus, 2 Lilis and so on :p

ehmm.. my question above still needs an answer :p


Ohhhh, that would be so awesome!!

This would REALLY be the Tekken-Game with the biggest roster of playable characters. TTT2 is a little bit cheated. 3 Eddys, 2 Laws, 2 Xiaoyus, 2 Lilis and so on :p

ehmm.. my question above still needs an answer :p

I'd rather bet on small roster. Game will probably run on new engine. 22 characters. 10 each side + 1 SF overpowered boss + 1 TK boss (Mecha Heihachi).
I feel like my defense got significantly worse. I try blocking low attacks more and I even manage doing it quite often. But when I think my opponent does a low attack and he doesn't, I get launched and have to endure his 80-90 damage combo.
Should I just forget on trying to block low attacks or should I try something else? Losing just got SO MUCH more annoying, especially Online :/

Trying to duck every low is not wise. Defensively you want to be stand blocking and reacting to lows whenever possible. If your opponent is spamming unseeable lows, even then you only want to duck if you have a solid read on it or if the punish potential is worth the risk. Maybe your low parry combo can carry them to the wall for additional wall damage and oki setup. In that case, hell yeah duck and parry it. The safer play against low spammers is to simply stay out of the range of their lows, or sidestep if it doesn't track. If you can move around just outside of that range and dare them to press it, you may get a potential whiff punish opportunity. Or since it's online, they'll whiff the low then hopkick, THEN you can go in and punish that. Online is a grimey world.

Alternatively, you can interrupt low spammers with quick mids since many lows in the game leave the opponent at a negative advantage on hit. Your knowledge of the lows they're using has to be on point to utilize this tactic with minimal risk though.


I'd rather bet on small roster. Game will probably run on new engine. 22 characters. 10 each side + 1 SF overpowered boss + 1 TK boss (Mecha Heihachi).
Mecha Heihachi would be pretty interesting :D

Trying to duck every low is not wise. Defensively you want to be stand blocking and reacting to lows whenever possible. If your opponent is spamming unseeable lows, even then you only want to duck if you have a solid read on it or if the punish potential is worth the risk. Maybe your low parry combo can carry them to the wall for additional wall damage and oki setup. In that case, hell yeah duck and parry it. The safer play against low spammers is to simply stay out of the range of their lows, or sidestep if it doesn't track. If you can move around just outside of that range and dare them to press it, you may get a potential whiff punish opportunity. Or since it's online, they'll whiff the low then hopkick, THEN you can go in and punish that. Online is a grimey world.

Alternatively, you can interrupt low spammers with quick mids since many lows in the game leave the opponent at a negative advantage on hit. Your knowledge of the lows they're using has to be on point to utilize this tactic with minimal risk though.
Okay, so I have to work on Spacing and sidesteps.
Trying to block every low attack was pretty dumb. Blocking obvious lows has got to be enough^^
Thank you :)


Stud Buddha accomplishes what I completely failed to do over the course of one year.
I know you were looking for a Nina/Anna tutorial Rhazer so I'm sure this'll be useful. It'll be very useful for me too. Will have to watch it as soon as I get time.
Anyone ever read the Korean Wikipedia site sometimes? I never realized they had some good pages on Korean Tekken events on there.

Tekken Strike: http://ko.wikipedia.org/wiki/TEKKEN_STRIKE
S1: http://ko.wikipedia.org/wiki/TEKKEN_STRIKE_2013_Season1
S2: http://ko.wikipedia.org/wiki/TEKKEN_STRIKE_2013_Season2
S3: http://ko.wikipedia.org/wiki/TEKKEN_STRIKE_2013_Season3

Tekken Crash: http://ko.wikipedia.org/wiki/TEKKEN_CRASH

JDCR's page: http://ko.wikipedia.org/wiki/김현진_(1989년)
Knee's page: http://ko.wikipedia.org/wiki/배재민

Hmmm I guess putting Tekken player info up on English Wikipedia wouldn't be such a bad idea.


Anyone ever read the Korean Wikipedia site sometimes? I never realized they had some good pages on Korean Tekken events on there.

Tekken Strike: http://ko.wikipedia.org/wiki/TEKKEN_STRIKE
S1: http://ko.wikipedia.org/wiki/TEKKEN_STRIKE_2013_Season1
S2: http://ko.wikipedia.org/wiki/TEKKEN_STRIKE_2013_Season2
S3: http://ko.wikipedia.org/wiki/TEKKEN_STRIKE_2013_Season3

Tekken Crash: http://ko.wikipedia.org/wiki/TEKKEN_CRASH

JDCR's page: http://ko.wikipedia.org/wiki/김현진_(1989년)
Knee's page: http://ko.wikipedia.org/wiki/배재민

Hmmm I guess putting Tekken player info up on English Wikipedia wouldn't be such a bad idea.
Kim, Hyun - Jin ( 1989 Jan. 18 ~) in the Republic of Korea 's Tekken professional gamer is. Heihachiro, ahmeoking using a variety of characters, and use the grapple nickname Carrick, JDCR is. Only in the event since winning the Tekken series of sometimes referred to as beans.

Jae times ( 1985 June 24 ~) of the Republic of Korea 's Tekken professional gamer is. Bryan Fury is used as the main character, using a nickname is the Knee. Nickname of the knee

The ability of the incumbent is good Tekken strongest pro-gamer, the name rather than his nickname is often referred to as the knee.

lmao, Google translation fail
Stud Buddha accomplishes what I completely failed to do over the course of one year.
I know you were looking for a Nina/Anna tutorial Rhazer so I'm sure this'll be useful. It'll be very useful for me too. Will have to watch it as soon as I get time.

Thanks man. Appreciate it. I will definitely check these videos out. Looks like they have some very informative stuff in there and they appear to be well organized. Heh, I actually remember playing Studbuddha a long time ago online and he was talking to me about Anna in one of the player match rooms.



Put together some Lili/Kunimitsu combos real fast. Sorry for the lazy quality. Watch in HD to avoid the blurry youtube mess.
Thanks man. Appreciate it. I will definitely check these videos out. Looks like they have some very informative stuff in there and they appear to be well organized. Heh, I actually remember playing Studbuddha a long time ago online and he was talking to me about Anna in one of the player match rooms.

Yeah, I had StudBuddha added as a friend several months ago. He's really significantly progressed since the first time that I played against him.


You can fill Kuni combos with f+3+4 after launch, (1, f+3+4 after some launchers)

Also launch eg df+2, df+1,3, f+3,1,2,4 works.

You can bound after df+1+2 with DB+2, ws+1,1
Similar with uf+2ch


Mrs. Harvey
Done the overlays and everything. Had to use a different art because it doesn't look right with it. Tekken artwork is very hard to find, seems to be more official stuff than anything.
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