The best Tekken only sold 1 Mio. copies

I blame Call of Duty and FIFA
PS3 Online is pretty active. I never have to wait too long to find a player.
Good games GrayFoxPL and Doomshine. Sorry I had to go so suddenly.
My defence was kind of sloppy today and I did a lot of mistakes. I also dropped most of my combos. I have no idea why^^
Maybe it sold very little but it's most active online game I know, not comparing to cod of course. I'm sure DOA sold better but I stopped playing as getting a decent match is a chore. I'll might get back to it after recent patches.
Good games guys. I drop combos against Doomshine all day, don't worry. Besides your dropped combos were with Steve, I told you it's all his fault, not a team player that guy, lol.
You need to go to workshop with your Ling. You got her up to strong character but it feels like your hwoarang when we first met - lacks those consistent combos, when you learned those, you started destroying me with hwo, you must do the same with Ling.
I played Ling only a little for fun, but I'm pretty sure from ch uf+4 you can get full bound combo, and you hit me a lot with these. Same with fff+3 it's a great move as it crushes lows, but your follow up is wrong. I cant remember right now but when ling goes into AOP after ff+3 you can follow up with 1,2 and 2,1 and one of them will knock back but the other will make ling backturn for a 2,2 bound combo.
Also Ling has quite a lot of cancels, there are Lings that destroyed me online with those.
Like u+1+2,2,1 you can hold back and Ling cancels last hit to backturn and it's hella hard to react to it online, it like she does the animation an is suddenly backturned, your brain is like: "Wh..what? I can hit her now!" and I get shot to the moon with ch backturn 4. I can't even count how many times I got hit by that. Similar with ff+2,1 you can cancel this by holding back too.
In art of phoenix use her best tools - uf+3,1 scary move bound and she gets back to aop instantly. uf+3,3 is also very good for pure damage. f+4,4 double sweeps, very annoying too. You do it and hold df and do 2,1 for another 2 low slaps that can end up backturned (by still holding df I think) and you got yourself mixup. uf+4,4 can annoy too in mixups. There's also some low with one that turns into hit throw on counter hit, ppl forget about it(d+1?). Scissors 4~3 still as good as in T3.
From mid distance in AOP d+1+2 and 1+2 can be good, by doing d+1+2 she ducks really low and trying to eg. deathfist her is a bad idea, lol. 1+2 is fast not used at close range because if some tries a launcher at the same time you'll fly. Not that it's bad idea because if you annoy someone with 4-5 lows in a row, he'll crouch so you can 1+2 him. But from some distance she rushes forward really fast and afaik on ch gives crumple stun for a big combo.
Finally imho her scariest shit is that fake hop from aop - u or uf,n, she has moves from this like 3 that back turns opponent on ch. This can be turned in low launcher for a combo =
Depending on how long you hold uf it turns into regular jump to further confuse!
She has so many tools I can't even note half of them right away. Don't forget about her lows from backturn, not that sweep because it is easy to block but d+3 and ff+3 - she suddenly hops to you with backturned ankle kick, how do you react to that? You don't.
Backturn 1+2 is sabaki, parries punches, but it's slow, but against Steve, worth a shot, besides most ppl instinctively punch backturned ling because eg, hopkick can be wonky. Backturn ff+1 d+1+2 might be a low that switches Ling to aop, not too quick but useful. Also throws, Ling can hop in from backturn with ff+1+3, 2+4 and from AOP 1+3, 2+4, are the roll throws that usually end up as a side throw. I swear I get hit by this since Tekken 3 every time, if someone says he doesn't - he lies!
Oldschool and funny Hypnotist stance b+1+2 is not something you base your offense on but is another tool in what Ling "ShowYou" is best at - total mindfuck. So it's good to just go in Hypnotist after eg knocking down opponent and change walk directions with 1+2 to just make him think: "What is he going to do? What is happening? This is madness!" Haha.
Ah I forgot one amazing move she has ff+1~D I know ff+1,3 has good damage, but forget it. ff+1 is bound move so by constantly doing 3 extension your combo is lost.
If you're missing bound with combos with ff+1+2,1+2 or weird floats then ff+1 is sure to bound. ff+1~D goes instantly into phoenix and is her best transition move, no way someone that gets hit by it won't get scared by aop mixup.
Also now in Tekken every character has some kind of shoulder, butt or head smash that should work like Paul's d+1+2. I think Ling's is f+1+4. What do you do with Ling after you knocked opponent close to wall and you aim for hard wall stun? She only has bd+1 and f+1+4 that does it on normal hit. But you can't counter the second one. So yeah smash at the wall for stun.
Seriously in terms of pure gameplay mechanics Ling is my favorite female character. In terms of looks - it's a very pretty girl but way too old to play that childish schoolgirl shit.(I bet she's a tiger in bed

) T6 customs made her look killer btw.