GGs Doomshine. Bruce is so overpowered

Also, I should definitely follow AAK's advice: Never do Hwo's d4,4 outside of a juggle!
@AAK: I created an account on that forum you showed me. Seems like Offline sessions around my area are pretty rare. I'll see if I can revive the scene

The community is pretty nice though and I played (probably) one of the best active German players, IronJin (Leo/Steve player). Here's a
video of him playing against Sephiblack.
He destroyed me of course, but one always benefits from playing better players.
So after we played a bit he suggested to go into practice mode to show me some proper punishing against his characters. My punishing is probably my biggest deficit and the fact that I don't really know most characters I don't play myself makes this even worse. People can catch me in some pretty cheap mix ups and I actually can't blame them, it's my own fault for not knowing what to do in certain situations. I only came as far as Marauder in ranked because I maintain my spacing and rely on whiff punishing.
This is also the reason why I should probably drop Kazuya. He's a character built for people who really know how to punish accordingly. I'm not one of them.
Until a few months ago I didn't even know what frames were all about. The discussions about +/- frames you always had were uncomprehensible for me, until I actually read into all this and studied my own characters a bit more. Now I know what I can throw out without concern and which moves I should be careful with, so even if I don't really know how to punish my opponent, I make myself less vulnerable. Progress is made in that regard, even if it's slow.
So, yeah... bear with me, guys. I'll probably still do a lot of dumb stuff in the future, but I promise to make it less.