I thought that was well-known. In fact, I thought that was how we knew the name of Heihachi's wife.
Ah, I get it. Cool origins you have, man. I love hearing about nations and culture. You gotta tell me more someday. Love this stuff. Shame I never left country to see more of the world.
Never really saw much of the country since our trips to Morocco were more about fulfilling duties to our family living there, and today I'm a poor student with no holidays
I'd be glad to share some stories though.
Can someone decipher what was added above? Is it because of Kasumi's death?
Our Legend and Savior Wonkey already did just that
It means "Love Love Umbrella"
Missed mentioning the thing above the umbrella though!
I think it looks like kanji for the year 1955. Or 1935. Image is too small to tell.
Doomshine, boutdown, GrayFoxPL or any other Jin-player: How do some people cancel Jin's bf2,3 into db2,2,3? It must be one consistent combo, because they used as a TA! filler in front of walls.
You probably have to go into stance after bf2,3, df to get out of it and then ss cancel to do the db2,2,3.
Thanks. Can that be used as a TA! filler or did I confuse it with a combo ender?
Thanks. Can that be used as a TA! filler or did I confuse it with a combo ender?
In the mood for more nostalgia... T1 vs TTT2
Although it does suck.... after looking at it, it does look fairly challenging to completely land.
I'll look for a video with someone using it. Maybe I confuse it with sommething else.Only use I see for it is as a short wall carry if you happen to TA! close to wall.
GGs Sasuke, that guy was not bad but I did not have a good connection with him.
Never really saw much of the country since our trips to Morocco were more about fulfilling duties to our family living there, and today I'm a poor student with no holidays
I'd be glad to share some stories though.
Doomshine, boutdown, GrayFoxPL or any other Jin-player: How do some people cancel Jin's bf2,3 into db2,2,3? It must be one consistent combo, because they used as a TA! filler in front of walls.
Very cool. Never would've made the connection. (Tekken 2 stages in Tekken 7 pls).
In the mood for more nostalgia... T1 vs TTT2
Although it does suck.... after looking at it, it does look fairly challenging to completely land.
Doesn't mean you shouldn't ask, of course. If there's anything you wanna know, drop a PM or somethingI understand. Guy must make a living first.
That would require bf2,3~f, df, b, db+2,2,3 never tried it but maybe shortcut like bf2,3 f half circle back db2,2,3 would work.
Doesn't mean you shouldn't ask, of course. If there's anything you wanna know, drop a PM or something![]()
Sounds like something I won't be able to pull off 70% of times. I can't even do Steve's duck cancel juggles (gotta learn that though). I'll see if that works, thanks.
Sorry for long post I just spent so many hours analyzing duck cancel combos I went little insane.
Interesting find but that's not an infinite. The loop eventually ends.
Damage must also be scaled since it's in midair. Will check this out over the weekend to see how viable it can be in an actual match.
The loop ended because I believe the guy dropped the combo. The opening statement saying "This combo is guaranteed (not escapable)" is pretty much claiming that it is possible to go on forever without escaping.
I just watched TEKKEN 2: Kazuya's Revenge
I just watched TEKKEN 2: Kazuya's Revenge
One of the worst movies I ever seen. It's so so so so bad, dumb and painful to watch.
First movie looks like Spielberg's mega production in comparison.
It's clear that it was just some random straight to dvd movie that was just rebranded for Tekken in the last minute. The story is total shit and nonsense as is direction and dialogs.
Kane Kosugi definitely knows how to fight, but on over 2 hour shit there are only few very short fights and the best with Gary Daniels that last about 30 seconds. Btw only Gary Daniels clearly gave a shit(like in the first) about what he was doing while fighting and he had only tiny role.
This movie is so incredibly dumb, but what's worse it's inexplicably dull and boring.
Like there are just never ending scenes of Kazuya walking, walking, walking in slowmotion and even they copy paste those scenes several times. Other time Kazuya is just laying on bed having the same flashback montage played dozens of times.
And that retarded ending when Heihachi suddenly without any fucking sense, teleports after french kissing young girl almost to death in really disgusting "old man-she could be your granddaughter" fashion. Yes, you read that right.
What? What? WHAT?
This movie causes physical pain and damage to the brain. ><.
So what you're saying is that it's like playing Tekken Tag 2 online.
How the hell did you notice that one? lol
EDIT: looks like it's been discovered before:
More like DR with zero bars.
I don't know if this is known, but screwing around with Lei I uncovered weird just frame or a bug.
If you do df+1:1 the move has the same animation but hits twice for 34 damage.
It's easier to do after a jab but I also managed to hit it first try.
Recorded clip:
What do you guys think?
Damn, I forgot to tell mom to record left side, but you can see double middle.
Wow, what TV is that? Game is looking extra crisp.
@AAK: There don't seem to be many Offline Sessions in my area, but it looks like there's going to be a small Fighting Game tournament in Frankfurt in Octobre. Some guys want to organize one for TTT2. They call it Hessen Crash.
I think of going there. Who wants to help me get ready until then?^^