GGs peeps. I've got a chance to test out the beta version of my new jab string offense with Marduk and got some mixed results, but I'll tell you guys how to REALLY punish that stuff.
1,2 ~ 3+4, VTS f1: If the jabs connect, you CANNOT interrupt the VTS f1 outside of maybe some mid ducking stuff (I haven't tested that kind of stuff yet), but you can sidestep the VTS f1. If you block the jabs, this option becomes limited outside of me delaying it a bit to duck jabs, but for people who like to crush a bit too often when they think VTS d1+2 is coming (AAK

), the f1 will float you high enough to allow me to continue a juggle.
1,2, f1: This is the option to stop you from sidestepping. The last hit has CH properties for some nice damage also, so when I train you to start attacking me after 1,2 into VTS, I can start to sneak this in there. The f1 is also delayable, so I can mess with the timing and it is + on block (4 I think?). The answer to punishing this one is that they're all high, so you duck the last hit and punish.
1,2,3,1+2: This is what I occasionally throw out in cast people get a bit too crouch jab happy after 1,2 on block. If the 3 connects, the 1+2 is NC for a nasty amount of damage. The answer to punishing this one is ducking the last 1+2 (headbutt).
1,2 ~ 3+4, VTS d1+2: I think this one is fairly obvious. Fast low that ducks highs even if you blocked the 1,2. If you think this is coming, It also kills sidesteps up close. I recommend just blocking and punishing instead of trying to crush it. It's far less risky since you reward me more if I use the other options and float you than if you just got punished for ducking.
I plan on expanding on this a lot more just to make 1,2 by itself much more scarier for Marduk's opponents, but I like that I saw at least some results from the version I used tonight.
On another note, I REALLY need to learn how to fight Baek, Hwo, and Raven. If only I wasn't such a lazy mofo that wanted to do things other than play Tekken.