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Tekken Tag Tournament 2 |OT| Awaiting the "Final Battle"


TheMainMan feels the same about the costumes.

Pretty much the same things we said on here. Even the point about Kazuya's pants^^
TMM was playing in World Arena yesterday. Missed him unfortunately. I'd love to play some matches with him^^

I may have just located someone (and some people), in my city that play offline. I'm going to try to meet up with them this week.

Awesome! Show them who's boss :D

And good games earlier. Those lag spikes were way worse than usual though.


I really hope they show a gameplay trailer at TGS. It likely won't happen but would be good to be surprised.

Yeah, I know exactly where you are coming from. After you had literally thousands of matches with certain characters, it is understandable that you might want to learn another team or character. I wish I could, but I am very unsatisfied with my secondary characters and it seems like I am not progressing like I should with them(probably my fault for rarely playing). Your secondary characters such as Lili, Jinpachi and Yoshimitsu, etc are miles beyond my secondary characters.


I wish my Lili, Yoshimitsu, and Jinpachi were good. :/

Mostly I'm interested in establishing a Jinpachi/Anna and a Dragunov/Nina team but I suck with both characters.


Bloodborne, Deep Down, Metal Gear Solid V and Final Fantasy XV!

Now I just need Tekken 7 to be discussed at Tokyo Game Show and it'll be epic.
Nice. He'll talk about new characters.

I don't think he'll reveal anyone. Just asking for feedback and maybe show an update to the Arabian guy would be awesome.

And hype went from 100 to 0 lol. We already know about that guy unless it's a 3D model not really interested.
I am interested in what else he has to say though.


So, to the Yellow Rankers in this thread, have you given up, is that where you stop? Are you trying to get out of the Yellows or are you done?

Ayy and before it happens, yeah rank is pointless yadda yadda yadda.


I feel like this OK, the middle, is OK. So when I try to actually go and play ranked with my team, I notice that, patience alone is not going to get me past Warrior. I also found that, patience could get me out of the greens, but not out of the yellows. I came across a lot of people, who played characters that I just was not familiar with, and I was losing, so by that alone I just knew that I was pretty much done with ranked. It required too much work to get past where I am. I've proven myself, before I thought Brawler would be my end goal, but I thought that was small potatoes.

Maybe I'll feel the same way about Warrior later on, who knows?

So when I see people, in this thread, who have been consistently been past the yellow ranks for years, I don't really get it. What I don't get is how you people win so many matches, especially when you have to factor in, solo players, laggy solo players, laggy rage quitters, character familiarity, the randomness in characters you're gonna fight. Actually, I don't think I've ever seen or read one statement from you orange/red rankers, on how you got to where you were. I want to conduct an interview with you people.

And ya boy Anakin has more than half the entire roster past Warrior. Ya boy literally hosts streams on twitch where he just randomly select characters.
I'm of the belief that it's three things: 1) fundamental play, 2) reading your opponents, or 3) strong gimmicks. Everybody has weaknesses, it comes down to how fast you can recognize and exploit them. Winning with the first two requires quite a bit of experience, both versus characters and the styles of play from opponents using them. The third option isn't inherently a bad way to play, but it's the only way frauds can get by.

Someone like Anakin can of course wreck shit in ranked because he has years of tournament experience beating both scrubs in pools and top players higher up, years of playing with and against the same characters who haven't had a great deal of change in about a decade. When you watch Anakin play and he's in an expository mood, you can tell exactly how quickly he recognizes a persons patterns and knows the exact answer to open them up every time. And how quickly he parses through a persons setups because he's probably seen them a billion times. I think it's the same deal for most of the really good players. There are also several players that can do one or two things exceptionally well and get by on that, and I believe those kinds of players make up a good amount of the yellow to red ranks.

For me, I haven't attempted to move beyond Warrior. Not because I don't want to, I just have different goals in mind now. My first thing is wanting to get my secondary team TO Warrior, but I just can't get over the Berserker hump (time before last I was there, lost 13 straight :x). Honestly I feel like my skill level caps out at Avenger or Duelist, so I don't really feel all that compelled to go a great deal further...but I'm kinda itching to get back to my main team in ranked. It's been almost a year!

But really my long term focus has just been leveling up my general character knowledge. I'll get those higher ranks the next game when there are more people to beat up!


I'll post a more detailed response later but you asked the question about how do I get so and so character above yellow rank? To make things simple the best way to win is to let your opponent play as little as possible. Just consistently try to get them into situations where they can do as little as possible and submit them into frustration. And as for when I'm on the defensive, there's just way too much information to take in to understand everything that's going on and what's causing what. To manage that I just broaden my classifications of how I'm getting hurt so my brain can just move rather than thoroughly scrutinize what's going on.

A little busy right now but I'll explain further later. As for hitting a wall... I just lose confidence everytime I enter red ranks, something I need to fix.
I leveled up my Kaz to fighter yesterday after not touching ranked battle for about a year. I at least want to get out of green ranks. I think I can do spacing better than the average green ranker so I'll focus on that. I still lose a lot to Nina players and other gimmicky characters I don't fight as often. I also usually get wrecked by competent players when I'm at the wall, because I can't space my way out and I tend to panic. I'd say that's my biggest flaw.


@boutdown: If I was a Warrior, I wouldn't just stop there. If I had the potential of ranking higher, I would try it and you definitely have the potential.
Even I think of going for yellow ranks, although I don't see myself reaching that goal in the near future.

@AAK: I'd be interested in those tips you got, too, especially as a fellow Hwoarang-player :p


When I'm playing ranked... I can first look at how many games they've played with the current team. If they're above 300 and still in yellow ranks then in my mind there's just something about their game that's not letting them graduate to orange ranks. (I'm also assuming these players are actively trying to get ranked up)
It's strange because once you reach orange ranks you can no longer promote off people in yellow rank or below. Hence no matter how many time you win against a Pugilist you'll never get a promotion chance to a destroyer off a pugilist or lower match.

Now back to the problem at hand, because of the rank to games ratio... my mind has already established a flaw in this player's gameplay. That alone makes me confident and easier to act upon those flaws. From the very beginning of the game I can fish out for these flaws. I can start with doing random Hwoarang strings to see how well they know the matchup. When I do land a hit I can see how they'll react when they're at negative frames. When they successfully block something safe and I'm at negative frames I can assess what kind of offense they're initiating. Based on all this I get a rudimentary picture of how I should approach. But this is actually a bit different than how I usually play with my main team.

With Hwoarang it's all about getting them into the flamingo vortex and with Julia it's all about putting them into the full crouch game. And with the venue being online, it just makes it so much harder for my opponent to deal with it letting the momentum carry me forward to victory most of the time. When I went to Toryuken everyone knew to throw me or get me into the 1p side with Julia and always sidestep right to block to neutralize my Julia FC game. And with Hwoarang, they KNEW that in the vortex I get my damage in but if they make even ONE right guess they know they'll get a free launcher. Both of those things are kind of finnicky online and hence that leads to my rank. The last time I fought the Toronto crew the guys who eliminated me are lower rank than I was haha.

Anyways, I'm digressing from things you want to know. You put up a lot of stuff like character unfamiliarity, solo characters, lag swtichers, character randomness, etc. When it comes to lag switchers and rage quitters there's not much I can do and just have to deal with it. For everything else I have to account for, honestly this is gonna be a cop out answer but I just enjoy playing Tekken. When I see all this randomness I just try to play around it and adapt to the situation when possible. It's just a case of me having played the game for thousands upon thousands of hours and getting a familiarity with the system and trying win in it. And playing Ranked for this long has definitely built up those skills as well. I don't think you play ranked all that much so going through such a diverse set of players game after game must be a foreign feeling for you. It's something I developed over time.
lol, you guys talking about yellow ranks. I've never been past Grand Master. But that's mostly for lack of trying. I'm too afraid of losing a Promotion/Demotion. Sometimes when I can't find a casual match I'll wander desperately into ranked, maybe win a couple and then quit while I'm ahead.

I would not be cut out for tournaments. Too stressful.


lol, you guys talking about yellow ranks. I've never been past Grand Master. But that's mostly for lack of trying. I'm too afraid of losing a Promotion/Demotion. Sometimes when I can't find a casual match I'll wander desperately into ranked, maybe win a couple and then quit while I'm ahead.

I would not be cut out for tournaments. Too stressful.

LOL I'm the same. Stuck at Grand Master with my main team and just fight my friend in player match is basically how I play Tekken now.


Gambit and cookiepants. You can get past Grand Master. Don't sweat it. :)

Anyways, I would say best way to improve is to play offline. When you do 50 matches straight against the same person offline, you learn a lot more and a lot better. Eventually, you stop falling the same shit over and over and learn how to counter your opponent's strategies. Even if you're on a 20 game losing streak or something, you learn a ton. You're motivated to head into practice and see what moves are troubling you and how to react against them better for the next time you play 50 matches straight.

Alternatively, in ranked matches, you play the person once and then never may see them again. Whatever strategies they used, whatever setups you fell for are sidelined. And it would be cumbersome to go back to practice after every single ranked match.

I would actually highly recommend playing Tekken 6 offline with someone that is slightly above your level. Tekken 6 skills will transfer directly over into TTT2. With 1v1, concentrated play, and smaller stages, you can focus more on improving your core skills without the additional need for focusing on tag crashes, assaults, two characters, etc.

At least, that's how I improved from a personal perspective. A LOT of local Tekken 6 play.


Offline play with someone who plays seriously? That's a luxury.

Like dating a magazine cover model is doable next to that. ;)

I have a friend who plays Tekken seriously. He lives ~90 km away though, so I don't get to play him offline that often.
He's the Avenger I was talking about. I play him often enough to see through his little mind games, and after following Tera's advice and turtling against him our matches are on par very often.

EDIT: Should I try dating a magazine cover model now?

About to play in an offline Tekken tournament in about 4 hours, speaking of

Well... there you got your way of escaping the yellow ranks. Good luck bro.

Sasuke crank your game up!
We all have bad days.

I will! :D Yeah these days I play a little bad, but I'll get the hang of it.
Funny enough ranking didn't go that bad today. My goal was to rank Jin up to Brawler, but instead I managed to rank up Violet from Beginner to Brawler in less time. Ranking hates Jin, I already said it.
I also got Leo from Disciple to Grand Master and Kaz/Hei to Brawler. The problem is that Heihachi now appears on my player card because he has a 70% win ratio, but I only play Mishimas for fun because I like to spam electrics :p Gotta rank up Steve to Marauder again.


I think we're due for a tekken lobby.

What time?

I'm actually feeling like procrastinating today so I'll play.

About to play in an offline Tekken tournament in about 4 hours, speaking of

Good luck. :)

Edit: And why is the tournament so late?
Offline play with someone who plays seriously? That's a luxury.

Like dating a magazine cover model is doable next to that. ;)



Here's the stream (only shows casuals) http://www.twitch.tv/javastout/b/570269778, I'm the guy talking about Tekken 4 and asking about OBS. I show up on the camera at 35:00

I didn't get to play on this stream a lot since the tournament involved more than one PS3. I think I got 4th place, I lost to a Mishima player.

These dudes play a lot of Street Fighter IV.
How long until Harada visits Madcatz?

Here's the stream (only shows casuals) http://www.twitch.tv/javastout/b/570269778, I'm the guy talking about Tekken 4 and asking about OBS. I show up on the camera at 35:00

I didn't get to play on this stream a lot since the tournament involved more than one PS3. I think I got 4th place, I lost to a Mishima player.

These dudes play a lot of Street Fighter IV.

*skips to 34:00 and sees close up of bout's crotch*

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