Thank you. This comes from playing a lot of ranked lately, especially with Jin. I try to predict my opponent's next attack in certain situations. You kinda go into matrix mode after some time^^
Heihachi's db+2 is a bit easier to block because he shouts "Ashi" before hitting. The funny thing is, "ashi" means "leg", so he actually tells me that he's gonna hit low
Yeah, b+1 hits way more often than it should. I don't know of any crushing properties, but if there are, that move is definitely overpowered^^
You mean those reversals? I don't remember if I was mashing 1 or 2, but I was like "I got him!", but there comes another reversal from you... or did you grab me again? Those Kuma/Heihachi matches were hilarious in general, like when I was lying on the ground trying to tech (into the wall like the genius I am) and you just smashed me into the ground again with Kuma. I was facepalming and laughing at the same time
What? Heihachi says "leg" for db+2?! Mind blown! Hei, you old fool, don't betray your strategies.
Yeah, you definitely were in matrix mode. Ducking random highs on reaction, blocking all lows, if you start sidestepping all mids, I'm calling quits. Gonna go and live in the forest with bears.
Yeah Kuma and Hei are funny together. But I must say Kuma is the most difficult character I used. I got Hei demoted hard and lost many matches because of the bear. You have to have a specific mindset to play this character that I don't have. His frames are terrible, his legs have zero reach. You have super high risk and random reward. You literally have to troll your opponent to death with stance, rolls and unblockables. I was watching his videos and more then 50% of his gameplay is setting opponent to let him eat unblockable.
There's this easy setup: db+4(bear sweep), ws,4 and instantly b+1+2. Opponent techrolls and gets hit by unblockable. I did it 3 or 4 times on you and it whiffed. Every time. What am I doing wrong? It's like it's hitting too late and to linear. On youtube even warriors get caught in this.
I need to figure Kuma out.
I need to think like a bear, feel like a bear, act like a bear and eat like a bear!
Please advanced next gen fur rendering for Kuma in T7!
Headbutt Carnival is Hei's ff+1+4 special throw, you can reverse it with 1 and 2 and I can reverse it back, then you can. Until one of us is out of health

Trivia: This throw works only on males....
...and Leo.
I forgot to add. That Kuma's 1+2,1+2,1+2 has some weird property. When done at wall to grounded opponent it doesn't let him escape. Massive stun and spike on last hit. I think toe kick d+3 and tag crash may be option to get out. Rolling won't work.