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Tekken Tag Tournament 2 |OT| Awaiting the "Final Battle"

Wondering if were getting Julia or Jaycee in 7. Really conflicted since I surprisingly liked Jaycee in TTT2.

Tekken 4 actually had a lot of good ideas.
Just because it was a giant bomb doesn't mean you should totally abandon what made it interesting.

I wonder if Harada added story in that as well because afterwards....


I always loved that little touch in T4. I also liked how the move names didn't sound so OTT and sounded like realistic moves e.g. Right roundhouse punch.

It's always Right Roundhouse Punch not really Wind Hook Fist, like Wind God Fist is Rising Uppercut in English move lists in the game.

It's funny, I don't remember exactly why we are using different names for like 20 years instead of "official" ones, but presumably they are direct translation from original Japanese move lists that are different from English ones.

Like WGF is WGF because in Japan f,d,df+2 is called Fuujinken but I have no idea if it's official name written by Tekken dev. Likely.

And some are just made up like deathfist was actually Paul's unblockable, not qcf+2, but we came to name every move that looks like that "deathfist".

Now this is interesting.

This Tekken 5 faq has all the move names translated literally from Japanese.

So indeed f n,d,df+2 is Fuujinken and f,n,d,df+1 is Raijinken. Though translator changed "god" to spirit and "fist" to punch.
But it's clear it's not Rising Uppercut and Dragon Uppercut since names include God of Wind and God of Thunder.

Interestingly Jin's movelist seem to be pretty on point with official English moves.


f,N,d,DF+2 is Migi Mawashizuki - "Right Spinning Thrust" so Right Roundhouse Punch basically, there's no "wind" in the name.

Only on replays to help new players out :D

This is a great idea!
Wondering if were getting Julia or Jaycee in 7. Really conflicted since I surprisingly liked Jaycee in TTT2.

She will probably keep her lucha libre move set with a few modifications I would imagine, but I kind of doubt we will see the Tekken 6 Julia. I think she will end up keep her Jaycee persona even though I wouldn't mind seeing her get her Tekken 6 appearance and her TTT2 look. I wouldn't mind seeing Julia return again, but Jaycee grew on me also, so why not both?

They look similar but I'm pretty sure they redrew the sprites to freshen up the look. If I'm wrong then I take it back. Regardless, it is what it is and I'll have to live with it. I just really wished T7 didn't recycle so much.

Well, it could be worst. At least we are not on the fourth iteration of TTT2 in 10 years.
She will probably keep her lucha libre move set with a few modifications I would imagine, but I kind of doubt we will see the Tekken 6 Julia. I think she will end up keep her Jaycee persona even though I wouldn't mind seeing her get her Tekken 6 appearance and her TTT2 look. I wouldn't mind seeing Julia return again, but Jaycee grew on me also, so why not both?

Well, it could be worst. At least we are not on the fourth iteration of TTT2 in 10 years.

Why would they keep her as Jaycee though? Seem as unnecessary as making her JC in the first place. They can still give Julia some of JC's moves but keep her a pure chang.


Honestly though... lets look at the unique moves T6 Julia has that TTT2 Julia doesn't have:


This got changed to b+2,1+2... this is infinitely better since the first 2 hits do more damage while remaining a natural combo but the best part is how the ender is now safe while the previous string used to be unsafe.


This is a mid,low string that's extremely telegraphed and is pretty much useless in higher levels of play. This was replaced with her unblockable shooting star press. The hitbox of this makes it extremely hard to land but it can still be useful for okizeme at the wall giving it much higher utility than the old 1+4


This was a safe mid counter hit launcher but it had paltry range and was 20 frames long so because of its speed and range it was a pretty useless move. In TTT2 Julia got an unblockable clothesline. It's more unsafe but it's unblockable properties and it's relative quickness (for an unblockable attack)make it very useful. It's also super hard to see coming since she can do it from neutral while an equally quick unblockable from say AKing's CD+3 comes from a crouch dash so it's easier to anticipate to duck and punish.


This was an off axis punch that a bunch of characters had mapped to their u/f+2 input. 100% useless move. nothing to gain from it. In TTT2 she got a superman punch which is a safe mid, low crush move that also bounds on impact.


A high, high string that I've never seen any Julia player use. It didn't even do that much damage for a two hit string that takes a relatively long time to come out. To be honest I'm not even sure if it wall splatted. That's how infrequent this move was ever used. In replacement, Julia got her bridge stance in TTT2. This stance will most definitely be useless in T7 since this was an amazing tag cancel for her and it led to her BnB Tag Assault filler hip thrust. So for T7's gameplay the TTT2 version is pretty much as useless as the T6 move.


This is one thing TTT2 Julia lost, the hawk lunge follow ups. I assume they removed it since that would give Julia too many tools and hence had keep them away for balance purposes. The f+3 became her new trooper roll while the old T6 hawk lunge input got changed to d,d/f+3. And now the only follow up she can do is the left punch lunge punch which is a high, she can no longer do the low or mids. I doubt she'll get them back though considering the other buffs she has.


This was her leaping skyscraper stomp, this got replaced with the leg scissors into powerbomb. The chances of ever landing that stomp before was so low And it was super annoying to accidentally get that input when you wanted to do her hopkick. The powerbomb is although high, is an attack throw and if blocked is 0 on block. This has led to some grimey frame traps in the past. It also looks super cool.


These used to be her double lift kicks... I think they only launched on counter hit. I suppose they were useful because of their safety and being a mid... but the reward was only there if it was a counter hit. This move wasn't all that special since there were countless other moves Julia had that were faster and led to more reward for the same input requirement. In TTT2 she got her hurricanrana which is her new max damage wall wall attack, it can even serve as a whiff punisher at certain ranges. Better tool again.

Those are the only unique moves I can think of that T6 Julia has that TTT2 Julia doesn't. Based on this I think it's safe to say that T6 Julia is obsolete and if this character is indeed returning in Tekken 7 it's gonna be the TTT2 variant and not the T6 version :p
I don't see the point in taking away a Chang to make her Jaycee full time for the mainline game.
Unless Michelle or another Chang we don't know about is taking her place.


Hi guys, just checking in. :D

Been busy with Diablo 3, Borderlands: Pre-Sequel, and World of Warcraft. Anyone else here have side games that they like to play when they're not playing Tekken?

The only other game I recently played was Dark Souls II and I still have to beat it but got pretty far along in the game.

I look forward to playing Smash Bros. and Bayonetta once I get my hands on a Wii U.

You're right, if I was only talking about animations then T4 didn't necessarily add that much... BUT T4's system and flow of the match was worlds apart from T3/TTT hence it felt like a very new game.

And yes you're right that Tekken is a very iterative game... and with each iteration Namco kept improving and improving upon what worked and came up with so many wild situations that gave so many moves utility where everything eclipsed with TTT2. Now that with T7 they're getting rid of things they developed after so many years I would have expected them to at least update the things they're retaining.

The exception like Grayfox says is definitely T3. Tekken 3 wasn't just an increment over T2... it substantially changed the fundamentals of Tekken and finally graduated it into the 3rd dimension. There were also a TON of brand new movelists we got to see in T3.

But alas at this point in my life of being a Tekken fan I'm staying for the gameplay. That still looks like a lot of fun but the kid in me who was first wowed by Tekken's presentation and aesthetics can't help but feel disappointed at the lack of wow factor so far.

You have to remember. Back in the PS1 days, development costs were not even close to what they are now.

Maybe they could make drastic changes but that would also require drastic funding. Plus, you're making a comparison to SF, which has a limited moveset per character. I don't know how difficult animating 2D art/moves is but it's kind of unfair regardless to compare to another fighting that has more characters with a lot more animations.

I would be fine if they just updated a select few animations that are really outdated. In the end, the gameplay and balance is what matters more to me anyway.

Technically his T6 ending shouldn't be canon. Any ending where character kills main boss is not canon unless it's Mishima. Baek definitely didn't kill Azazel like his ending shows. Probably what happens in scenario mode is canon.

Still, they could write that Baek fought Azazel and just died trying to protect Hwo.

That would suck.

Now excuse me, while I'm gonna watch some Korean movies and shamelessly beg Harada on twitter to not kill off Baek.

Except with Baek and Wang endings, they die. Alternatively, with the other characters they win and are seen celebrating/absorbing some orb/whatever. Why have these two old characters die off? Why not have them celebrate victory over Azazel too?

From my perspective, at least, the endings have to be looked at individually. Obviously Paul fighting aliens isn't canon or anything but a lot of endings are meant to be portrayed as happening/occurring within the storyline.

Yeah, I'm going to be brutally honest. Pragmatically speaking, I doubt Tekken 7 or any other Tekken will ever dethrone TTT2. I think people will continue to play TTT2 for years to come, especially if Tekken 7 is going in the direction I think it is going. People still play Tekken 6 and even Tekken 5: DR to this day, so even if TTT2 si not represented in tournaments anymore I feel that it will still be around for quite some time. TTT2 will always be for the hardcore, dedicated Tekken fanbase and Tekken 7 will most likely appeal more to the casuals/mainstream players as well as some of the the hardcore who want to try something new. Seems like a lot of my hardcore, more high level Tekken friends are not as thrilled with the direction of Tekken compared to my casual Tekken friends. We'll see what happens.

Of course, people will continue playing TTT2 but its lacking presence in tournaments is certainly going to be a factor in its diminishing relevance in the competitive scene. At least, that's how I perceive it.

Tekken 4 actually had a lot of good ideas.
Just because it was a giant bomb doesn't mean you should totally abandon what made it interesting.

I wonder if Harada added story in that as well because afterwards....

It did.

I loved Tekken 4. Was a casual player back then so didn't even know about/care about balance issues.


I for one look forward to going back to 1v1. They feel more personal to the fight to me. Hell I've been going solo in Tag lately and it's damn fun. The hate mail is delicious full of super Deathfist magic :D Feed me your tears!


I for one look forward to going back to 1v1. They feel more personal to the fight to me. Hell I've been going solo in Tag lately and it's damn fun. The hate mail is delicious full of super Deathfist magic :D Feed me your tears!

Yes, I am really looking forward to getting back to 1v1.

I've had my fun with Tag games (UMvC3, TTT2, SFXTK) and I need a break from them.
Why would they keep her as Jaycee though? Seem as unnecessary as making her JC in the first place. They can still give Julia some of JC's moves but keep her a pure chang.

Personally, I would like it if she goes back to being a Chang with Jaycee's movelist, but I think they changed her in the first place because they wanted a brand new personality or look for her because I think some people found her personality rather dull. Why she received a drastic change in appearance and very few other characters stayed the exact same is a mystery to me even to this day.


Make Bow and Arrow wall splat and give her Mad-Axes back....

T6 Julia was a stupid character though.

Fixed for accuracy. :p

Bow and Arrow wall splatting is beyond Jinpachi levels of stupid. That's not fun. Yes true, her Mad Axes also gave better oki but her WR+1 gave a rollback property during juggles. So after doing her usual 7 hit bound juggle she could end it with the WR+1 and then run up to get a guaranteed slide. This was one of the most damaging yet fairly easy to execute BnB juggles in the game. But if the Julia player wanted to be even more dirty, after the WR+1 don't even bother with the guaranteed slide, torment them with oki. She had enough time to ki charge and dash in for a low, mid mixup. And lastly, her WS+2,1 was a LAUNCHER natural combo. in TTT2 it just knocks down with guaranteed oki. Ducking against T6 Julia wasn't an option but staying standing you'd eat the bow and arrow leading to another possible relaunch unless you eat the oki damage. But at the wall, T6 Julia was just a stupid horribly balanced character.

I do agree T6 Julia was a much higher tiered character. But those tools were too good. TTT2 Julia has more (but normalized) tools replacing the useless tools she had in T6 which IMO makes her a far more fun character to use.
I loved Tekken 4. Was a casual player back then so didn't even know about/care about balance issues.

Balance wasn't the only thing wrong with T4.

-19 characters was honestly shocking to me coming off of TTT.
-The 2 new characters were, at that point, the worst in the series and they replaced Eddy with some random slut.
-The final boss was Heihachi in a thong. What the fuck. I was flabbergasted.
-They got rid of half the throws and replaced them with a universal shove thing. What the fuck.
-Jin wasn't Jin anymore. Again, what the fuck.
-Walls and elevation changes were weird.
-Music was trash compared to previous games (though I now recognize the airport theme as a bop)
-I wasn't a fan of the redesigned characters. Paul's hair might seem refreshing looking back on it, but at the time, it just seemed like they took away what made him unique.
-I don't remember any of the ending movies so I'll just assume they were crap too.
-Lack of Tekken Ball/Tekken Bowl style minigame.

I was so disgusted by Tekken 4 back then. No game has ever left such a sour taste in my mouth.


-Jin wasn't Jin anymore. Again, what the fuck.
Jin kinda replaced Kazuya in Tekken 3. Now that they brought back Kazuya, they gave Jin a new fighting style (Karate with some Mishima elements). TTT2 Jin is the best Jin yet.
-Walls and elevation changes were weird.
I think they were ingenious. Way better than the square stages we got in every other Tekken. If they kept that idea and refined the stages in future titles, this could have become really great.
-Music was trash compared to previous games (though I now recognize the airport theme as a bop)
That's your opinion, although I disagree.
-I wasn't a fan of the redesigned characters. Paul's hair might seem refreshing looking back on it, but at the time, it just seemed like they took away what made him unique.
I think most of TekkenGAF will disagree with you on this point. The characters need a redesign, and Tekken 4 had great character design (except for Christie).
-I don't remember any of the ending movies so I'll just assume they were crap too.
Tekken 4, in my opinion, had the best endings in the series. I could rewatch Hwoarang's or Jin's ending over and over again. Tekken 4 was a great game story-wise.

By the way, what's so bad about Marduk and Steve? Christie is a weird character, but the other two are great!
This is just how I felt about the game as a 12 year old. Obviously retrospect changes some things, but I have no positive memories of T4. To me, there was no reason to play it when TTT was a thing. Once I unlocked all the content I never touched it again.
The redesigns are still some of the best in the series and Xiaoyu actually regressed from Tekken 4. Her storyline felt like more of a friendship with Jin and just wanted to know what happened to him.

Sure, there were undertones that she may have liked him in her ending but was not over the top. She held her emotions in check because Jin was always on the move.

Tekken 5 onward she was this lovesick kawaii schoolgirl.
Her CG design for TTT2? simply yuck.

The music was really good in 4 in different ways and the stage designs were cool it just needed refinement.
Tekken 4 had its Virtua Fighter 3 moment, the uneven stages were badly implemented so they gave up on it entirely.
I do agree T6 Julia was a much higher tiered character. But those tools were too good. TTT2 Julia has more (but normalized) tools replacing the useless tools she had in T6 which IMO makes her a far more fun character to use.

Lol too good pshh? I played Julia in T6 and she was actually fun. She's so boring in TTT2. The tools she did have weren't pushing her past top 5 so I had no issue with her excellent wall splat capabilities and wall carry. She was just a really solid character.

With T6 Law, DJ, Steve, BOB, etc. She's quite alright lol


When I played Tekken 4 back then, I were also just a casual player. I totally digged the style and design, and absolutely loved the gameplay. Jin were the coolest fighter in any fighting game, and I loved the new characters besides Marduk, which I have never liked.

I have great memories of it but have also since learned, it had balancing issues and many other issues.
Lol too good pshh? I played Julia in T6 and she was actually fun. She's so boring in TTT2. The tools she did have weren't pushing her past top 5 so I had no issue with her excellent wall splat capabilities and wall carry. She was just a really solid character.

With T6 Law, DJ, Steve, BOB, etc. She's quite alright lol

Yeah, as someone who used Julia a lot in 6 it didn't feel as fun in TTT2.
The Jaycee persona was odd and it fucked with the flow from 6 since they added those moves.

When I played Tekken 4 back then, I were also just a casual player. I totally digged the style and design, and absolutely loved the gameplay. Jin were the coolest fighter in any fighting game, and I loved the new characters besides Marduk, which I have never liked.

I have great memories of it but have also since learned, it had balancing issues and many other issues.

I too was a casual back then and looking back I have fond memories for the story and overall stage designs.
Minus that one stage that had the phone booths, even then I didn't care for that.
Yeah, as someone who used Julia a lot in 6 it didn't feel as fun in TTT2.
The Jaycee persona was odd and it fucked with the flow from 6 since they added those moves.

I flet like most of the changes were so she could better compliment the tag system which is ok for TTT2 but she didn't feel like a proper chang so I typically stuck with sorry ass Michelle.


God damn, that Asuka reversal looked bad enough in full speed but it looks fucking terrible in slow motion.

T4 was the first Tekken game I ever played at like 8 years old so I never payed attention to its supposed shortcomings. It made me fall in love with Tekken so I guess it did something right. :p

On that note, in what order did you guys play the Tekken games? I went from T4 -> Tekken Advance -> T5DR PSP -> T5 -> T4 again -> TTT1 -> T5DR PS3 -> T6 then TTT2.
God damn, that Asuka reversal looked bad enough in full speed but it looks fucking terrible in slow motion.

T4 was the first Tekken game I ever played at like 8 years old so I never payed attention to its supposed shortcomings. It made me fall in love with Tekken so I guess it did something right. :p

On that note, in what order did you guys play the Tekken games? I went from T4 -> Tekken Advance -> T5DR PSP -> T5 -> T4 again -> TTT1 -> T5DR PS3 -> T6 then TTT2.

From T2 on to TR
God damn, that Asuka reversal looked bad enough in full speed but it looks fucking terrible in slow motion.

T4 was the first Tekken game I ever played at like 8 years old so I never payed attention to its supposed shortcomings. It made me fall in love with Tekken so I guess it did something right. :p

On that note, in what order did you guys play the Tekken games? I went from T4 -> Tekken Advance -> T5DR PSP -> T5 -> T4 again -> TTT1 -> T5DR PS3 -> T6 then TTT2.

I played Tekken as soon as it came out I was like 7 at the time Tekken 1 was out.
Tekken 1 > Tekken 2 (arcade) then bought it on release for console. > Tekken 3 (same as 2) TTT (same as the previous two) > Tekken 4 >> Tekken 5 > Tekken 6.etc


dridista;134602042]When I played Tekken 4 back then, I were also just a casual player. I totally digged the style and design, and absolutely loved the gameplay. Jin were the coolest fighter in any fighting game, and I loved the new characters besides Marduk, which I have never liked.

I have great memories of it but have also since learned, it had balancing issues and many other issues.[/QUOTE]
I'm telling you guys

T4 deep voice Lee
T4 normal hair Paul
T4 military Hwoarang
T4 hair coming out the back of the mask King
T4 pimp gear Eddy
T4 shades on a default costume Kazuya
T4 Mokujin style Combot
T4 t-shirt Kuma
T4 nonexistent Lars

Everyone was how they always should have been


T4 deep voice Lee
T4 normal hair Paul
T4 military Hwoarang
T4 hair coming out the back of the mask King
T4 pimp gear Eddy
T4 shades on a default costume Kazuya
T4 Mokujin style Combot
T4 t-shirt Kuma
T4 nonexistent Lars

Everyone was how they always should have been

You also forgot a mature looking Xiaoyu. I miss that Xiaoyu :(


On that note, in what order did you guys play the Tekken games? I went from T4 -> Tekken Advance -> T5DR PSP -> T5 -> T4 again -> TTT1 -> T5DR PS3 -> T6 then TTT2.

Tekken 3 was my first Tekken game. I bought Tekken 4 when I got a PS2 in 2004 and Tekken 5 a few months after it came out.
I didn't like Tekken 6 and only borrowed it from a friend sometimes. A bit more than a year ago, I finally decided to buy TTT2.
I only played Tekken 1 and 2 because it was on the T5 disc and to this day, believe it or not, I never played TTT1^^


I went from Tekken 2 and up through all the games. Somewhere in there I randomly played Tekken 1. I think it was after Tekken Tag.

Somehow I went dark on the series while Tekken 5 and 6 released but I did get them and played them. Just not as much. I were disappointed they didn't evolve the Tekken 4 ideas.

Tekken Tag 2 is probably my favorite so far. It's so awesome.

Tekken Tag 1 is the only one I have played on an Arcade machine and I were so impressed and hyped on it. I went to play it everywhere and loved the idea of so many characters together in one package.

Of course I'll always have fond memories of Tekken 2 with those iconic Devil vs Angel laser battles.


Having twitch archives is so much easier than uploading to YouTube. I'm tempted to buy turbo so that the archives stay longer, but that's a big stretch.


Lol too good pshh? I played Julia in T6 and she was actually fun. She's so boring in TTT2. The tools she did have weren't pushing her past top 5 so I had no issue with her excellent wall splat capabilities and wall carry. She was just a really solid character.

With T6 Law, DJ, Steve, BOB, etc. She's quite alright lol

Julia was as stupid as Steve... and definitely better than Devil Jin IMO. Bow and Arrow wall splatting was as stupid as Steve having d/b+3,2 allowing a combo at the wall. No other character other than those 2 could get that kind of damage off an unseeable low. If you played Julia you should remember how stupid easy it was when you got someone at the wall you could simply do a shotgun to close the distance and begin to mix them up. Whatever they guessed wrong led to a wall splat. AND if you knew they had a very twitchy finger she had a safe magic 4 to make sure they stayed in check. Bob was stupid for an insane amount of reasons I'll give you that. Law had autoparry which was another carnival of madness. Lars just had every tool and REALLY good versions of every tool making him up there. After that it was a toss up between Steve, Bryan, and Julia for me. Nina was probably the best character in that game, but in a fair way where no one humanely possible could execute all her tools flawlessly for it to factor in tier lists.

I flet like most of the changes were so she could better compliment the tag system which is ok for TTT2 but she didn't feel like a proper chang so I typically stuck with sorry ass Michelle.

Via Purifico said:
Yeah, as someone who used Julia a lot in 6 it didn't feel as fun in TTT2.
The Jaycee persona was odd and it fucked with the flow from 6 since they added those moves.

The ONLY change that was utilized for tag was the bridge stance and the hurricanrana attack throw. None of the other changes factor in at all for Tag Assaults. Other than that, the neutral game of how she deals with offense and her tools for defense play exactly the same as in T6. The new things like b+2,1+2 just gave her a powerful 13 frame punisher, juggle enders were different, and the grabs changed her okizeme game. But other than that her playstyle is identical to Tekken 6.

On that note, in what order did you guys play the Tekken games? I went from T4 -> Tekken Advance -> T5DR PSP -> T5 -> T4 again -> TTT1 -> T5DR PS3 -> T6 then TTT2.

Saw T1 being played on family friend's PS1 back in the day and played a bunch of it. Eventually got a PS1 by the time T2 was released and I've played every Tekken except DR since I didn't have a PS3 then.... and bought a PS3 when T6 came out.


I think AAK's right, everyday I just find myself wanting to play more Tag 2. It's a good game.

AAK hope off of that SoulCalibur.
On that note, in what order did you guys play the Tekken games? I went from T4 -> Tekken Advance -> T5DR PSP -> T5 -> T4 again -> TTT1 -> T5DR PS3 -> T6 then TTT2.

My entire Tekken experience:

1) T1: Watched friends play this a bit on PS1. It was "the game with Bruce Lee in it" to me.
2) T2: Fiddled with this a bunch at PS1 demo stations in department stores. Was sad Law wasn't in it.
3) T5: Friend brought this over to my house to show me the character with Ippo's Dempsey Roll. I mashed buttons with Hwo for a little bit.
4) T5DR: Bought a month before SFxT to see what the Tekken characters were like in prep of that game.
5) T6: Came away from SFxT more interested in Tekken, bought this to prep for TTT2 but didn't play much due to spending most of my time with VF5:FS.
6) TTT2: Last fighting game I've purchased and pretty much the only PS3 game I play now.




I went from Tekken 1-Tag 2 in that order. Tekken was the first console game I ever had played and I was hooked when I saw marshall do a backflip kick. (I extremely into power rangers and flips) The only game I never played was Vanilla Tekken 6

EDIT: I forgot I bought Tekken 3 after I bought Tag 1 as we used to rent ps1's until my parents bought us a n64

Ranking them it would probably go

Tag 2>Tekken 5+DR> Tag 1> Tekken 2 >Tekken 3>Tekken 4> Tekken 1

Please bring back Jins Tekken 4 costume :(


Yo, the last episode of Diggin in the Carts talks about the music in Tekken series. Check it out :)


That was a great watch. Thanks for sharing.

My entire Tekken experience:

1) T1: Watched friends play this a bit on PS1. It was "the game with Bruce Lee in it" to me.
2) T2: Fiddled with this a bunch at PS1 demo stations in department stores. Was sad Law wasn't in it.
3) T5: Friend brought this over to my house to show me the character with Ippo's Dempsey Roll. I mashed buttons with Hwo for a little bit.
4) T5DR: Bought a month before SFxT to see what the Tekken characters were like in prep of that game.
5) T6: Came away from SFxT more interested in Tekken, bought this to prep for TTT2 but didn't play much due to spending most of my time with VF5:FS.
6) TTT2: Last fighting game I've purchased and pretty much the only PS3 game I play now.
So TTT2 is really your first Tekken game. Wonder why you didn't pick up Tekken earlier.

Wow. Interesting. I'm sure there's still a lot of other things you can discover in this game.

God damn, that Asuka reversal looked bad enough in full speed but it looks fucking terrible in slow motion.

T4 was the first Tekken game I ever played at like 8 years old so I never payed attention to its supposed shortcomings. It made me fall in love with Tekken so I guess it did something right. :p

On that note, in what order did you guys play the Tekken games? I went from T4 -> Tekken Advance -> T5DR PSP -> T5 -> T4 again -> TTT1 -> T5DR PS3 -> T6 then TTT2.

Tekken 3 --> Tekken Tag Tournament --> Tekken 4 --> Tekken 5 --> Tekken 6: BR --> TTT2

Skipped out on DR. Played Tekken 1 and 2 thanks to them being included with Tekken 5 but they aged terribly and I didn't enjoy them or play them for more than 10 minutes. I also barely played Tekken Revolution. Not including it in the list for that reason.

Balance wasn't the only thing wrong with T4.

-19 characters was honestly shocking to me coming off of TTT.
-The 2 new characters were, at that point, the worst in the series and they replaced Eddy with some random slut.
-The final boss was Heihachi in a thong. What the fuck. I was flabbergasted.
-They got rid of half the throws and replaced them with a universal shove thing. What the fuck.
-Jin wasn't Jin anymore. Again, what the fuck.
-Walls and elevation changes were weird.
-Music was trash compared to previous games (though I now recognize the airport theme as a bop)
-I wasn't a fan of the redesigned characters. Paul's hair might seem refreshing looking back on it, but at the time, it just seemed like they took away what made him unique.
-I don't remember any of the ending movies so I'll just assume they were crap too.
-Lack of Tekken Ball/Tekken Bowl style minigame.

I was so disgusted by Tekken 4 back then. No game has ever left such a sour taste in my mouth.
Yeah, I have to agree with Sasuke. :p


They didn't get rid of throws in T4 the 1+3 ones were done by 2+4 F. But I can't remember what the break was. Like if it was also 2, that made them pretty useless.


They didn't get rid of throws in T4 the 1+3 ones were done by 2+4 F. But I can't remember what the break was. Like if it was also 2, that made them pretty useless.

Based on TZ movelist, 2+4F is still a 2 break... so unless its a command throw, you dont have to worry about 1 break aside near wall


DEATH™;134680879 said:
Based on TZ movelist, 2+4F is still a 2 break... so unless its a command throw, you dont have to worry about 1 break aside near wall

The 1 grab variations in T4 still gave frame advantage and (I think) were harder to break. So they still had their uses. AV can correct me if I'm wrong.
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