Thought I would jot down Tekken experience, it mixes with Soul Calibur (I love me some Namco):
TK1: I didn't really play it when it first came out in the arcade. I was an MK2 player back then. We had like 5 MK2 machines at our arcade. One day they replaced MK2 in one of the showcase cabinets with Tekken 1. I was like WTF! Haha. There wasn't a lot of VS play on it from my memory. I remember playing through arcade mode a lot and the different camera angles and the fruit icons. And fighting in the stadium. Damn, I want a stadium stage. I felt clunky kinda, and stiff, but it had a certain charm. I didn't have a PS1, so I didn't get the home port.
TK2: I played this in the arcade ALOT. Lot's of people played VS as well. MK3 was very disappointing for me, and a lot of people at our arcade. Play on that started dwindling and people started playing this when it came out. They had it on of those 25in machines with the wide panel, so more elbow room, hehe. It was fun times. I started using Paul at this point. I am still noobing it up. Lots of 10 hits and unblockables. And those dumb floaty jumps. Lei and King were super popular. Remembering it still felt kind of stiff and the backgrounds got worse I thought. But still a lot of fun. Again, no PS1, so no home play
But I still played a lot in the arcade till T3. I basically dropped MK at this point and just played tekken and SF Alpha series. I played a lot of Darkstalkers 1 as well. Loved that game, lol.
TK3: My arcade remodeled at this point and moved to a smaller spot. We got Tekken 3 on a big showcase cabinet. It was so fucking awesome. I still remember the EGM cover with the new characters on it. So damn hype. Anyways, I played this fucking a lot. It was very popular at our arcade. I was this and the marvel VS games that got all the play. Just kept on the SF Alpha train, along with SF EX, along with Tekken at this point. Also weirdly, I cared about beating arcade mode and the times and getting my initials up there. We would have these weird rivalries with initials we didn't know trying to beat the times. It was a pretty fun side thing. Still played Paul, but loved using Jin and that damn laser scraper and Law doing junkyard strings all day. I remember loving how it looked. I got that great Versus Books strategy guide as well. It was so well written. I learned a lot from that thing. At this time as well, I made my first trip to SHGL for a team tournament. Me and my friend got fucking destroyed. We learned so much that day though and the level of competition out there. Still no PS1, but I do remember renting a PS1 sometimes and tekken to play over weekends. Good times. Also a side note the old 25in tekken 2 machine got Soul Edge put into it. It was a sign....
TTT: I was living in Las Vegas when this came out. This game was big at the arcade I played at. I still remember when the game was first getting released, we were driving around town seeing which places got it. Some sports/kart racing place got it first for some reason. We played it there until our normal arcade got it. Like I said, tons of people played. I understood fighting games at this point, so this was a lot of fun. The TTT machine was next to the Capcom row. 99 was a great year. I just played 3rd strike, Alpha 3 and TTT (and NFL blitz and SF Rush 2049/Scud Race/Crazy Taxi) for hours after work in a smoke filled, dingy place. It was great. Alot of guys at our arcade were into tournaments and this was when I was away of the tournament scene and all the message and newsgroups. We made carpool weekend trips to SHGL a lot for tournaments. And the TTT regional were I choked, haha. I finally got a PS2 when the Matrix came out (dvd made me buy it). The TTT home port was glorious, and of course I put a lot of time into it.
TK4: This is a weird one. I started playing tekken less in this time frame. I got a Dreamcast and got hooked on Soul Calibur. And I was also playing massive amounts of 3rd strike still along with CVS2. I was living in LA now. The impending release still got me hyped though. I remember leaving work early to head down to SHGL when I heard they got a machine alone. It was such a departure from TTT, but I really liked it. I was playing less of tekken, so I liked all these changes (art and gameplay). I like how it felt and everybodys new costumes and what not. Of course I think arcades were dying down at this time. I don't remember a super a lot of people playing it on the weekend at SHGL. The westwood arcade did not even get it I think, so I didn't make the drive a lot and didn't play that much. Then Soul Calibur 2 arcade came out. I think I converted full over to a SC player at the point, haha. It consumed me, I loved it so much. And the home SC2 ports just took over my soul.
TK5: I was just playing Soul Calibur at this point with 3rd strike on the side. I was kinda hyped for it. The arcade in westwood got a machine with the card reader, which kinda blew my mind. It also had sanwa parts, which kinda pissed me off. I was playing FGs with a Happ parts to this point. I was busy with work life at this point and couldn't make it to the arcade a lot. I did get the home port and played it a good amount. I used a lot of Law with Paul at this point. Lot's of Law vs my friends Nina. I was still playing a lot of SC2 and were just waiting for SC3 to release later that year. I still entered at the EVOs (along with all the EVO tekkens) and loved watching tournies. I know a lot of people hated SC3, but I loved it, along with the group I played with and we basically dropped TK5 and kept playing SC3 for a long time. I got the DR PS3 port eventually, but didn't play much to be honest, plus it was super laggy at first.
TK6: Didn't play this much when it first came out. I tried to get to Super arcade and Vid94 as much as I could, but work was making it hard. It looked really great, but I wasn't motivated to play for some reason. Maybe it was boring me, idk. SC4 came out, and it really disappointed me, along with the bad online code. SF4 arcade came out, and like a lot of people, I got back into SF. Was going to AI a lot on the way home from work and going to tournaments a lot. It didn't help that the TK6 home port was so much later. I bought it day 1 like I always do, but it didn't consume me. Felt more of the same or stale maybe, if I had to describe why I felt this way.
TTT2: It's a really good game. I tried to go to Round1 to play arcade. Glad the home port came faster. I played the home port a lot when it first came out. But SC5 came out earlier that year and was playing that a ton, and I was still playing SF4 a lot. Tekken kind of got pushed out. I am older, so have less free time I guess.
I am basically just playing SF4: Ultra a lot, and SC5 when I can find a match online, and boot up TTT2 once in a while. That is why I had these high hopes of TK7 being really overhauled, especially visually. I have been playing this series a lot of years. I guess my eyes yearned for something new, but was still tekken. I have been playing more recently (both TR and TTT2), because of the T7 anticipation though.
TK1: I didn't really play it when it first came out in the arcade. I was an MK2 player back then. We had like 5 MK2 machines at our arcade. One day they replaced MK2 in one of the showcase cabinets with Tekken 1. I was like WTF! Haha. There wasn't a lot of VS play on it from my memory. I remember playing through arcade mode a lot and the different camera angles and the fruit icons. And fighting in the stadium. Damn, I want a stadium stage. I felt clunky kinda, and stiff, but it had a certain charm. I didn't have a PS1, so I didn't get the home port.
TK2: I played this in the arcade ALOT. Lot's of people played VS as well. MK3 was very disappointing for me, and a lot of people at our arcade. Play on that started dwindling and people started playing this when it came out. They had it on of those 25in machines with the wide panel, so more elbow room, hehe. It was fun times. I started using Paul at this point. I am still noobing it up. Lots of 10 hits and unblockables. And those dumb floaty jumps. Lei and King were super popular. Remembering it still felt kind of stiff and the backgrounds got worse I thought. But still a lot of fun. Again, no PS1, so no home play
TK3: My arcade remodeled at this point and moved to a smaller spot. We got Tekken 3 on a big showcase cabinet. It was so fucking awesome. I still remember the EGM cover with the new characters on it. So damn hype. Anyways, I played this fucking a lot. It was very popular at our arcade. I was this and the marvel VS games that got all the play. Just kept on the SF Alpha train, along with SF EX, along with Tekken at this point. Also weirdly, I cared about beating arcade mode and the times and getting my initials up there. We would have these weird rivalries with initials we didn't know trying to beat the times. It was a pretty fun side thing. Still played Paul, but loved using Jin and that damn laser scraper and Law doing junkyard strings all day. I remember loving how it looked. I got that great Versus Books strategy guide as well. It was so well written. I learned a lot from that thing. At this time as well, I made my first trip to SHGL for a team tournament. Me and my friend got fucking destroyed. We learned so much that day though and the level of competition out there. Still no PS1, but I do remember renting a PS1 sometimes and tekken to play over weekends. Good times. Also a side note the old 25in tekken 2 machine got Soul Edge put into it. It was a sign....
TTT: I was living in Las Vegas when this came out. This game was big at the arcade I played at. I still remember when the game was first getting released, we were driving around town seeing which places got it. Some sports/kart racing place got it first for some reason. We played it there until our normal arcade got it. Like I said, tons of people played. I understood fighting games at this point, so this was a lot of fun. The TTT machine was next to the Capcom row. 99 was a great year. I just played 3rd strike, Alpha 3 and TTT (and NFL blitz and SF Rush 2049/Scud Race/Crazy Taxi) for hours after work in a smoke filled, dingy place. It was great. Alot of guys at our arcade were into tournaments and this was when I was away of the tournament scene and all the message and newsgroups. We made carpool weekend trips to SHGL a lot for tournaments. And the TTT regional were I choked, haha. I finally got a PS2 when the Matrix came out (dvd made me buy it). The TTT home port was glorious, and of course I put a lot of time into it.
TK4: This is a weird one. I started playing tekken less in this time frame. I got a Dreamcast and got hooked on Soul Calibur. And I was also playing massive amounts of 3rd strike still along with CVS2. I was living in LA now. The impending release still got me hyped though. I remember leaving work early to head down to SHGL when I heard they got a machine alone. It was such a departure from TTT, but I really liked it. I was playing less of tekken, so I liked all these changes (art and gameplay). I like how it felt and everybodys new costumes and what not. Of course I think arcades were dying down at this time. I don't remember a super a lot of people playing it on the weekend at SHGL. The westwood arcade did not even get it I think, so I didn't make the drive a lot and didn't play that much. Then Soul Calibur 2 arcade came out. I think I converted full over to a SC player at the point, haha. It consumed me, I loved it so much. And the home SC2 ports just took over my soul.
TK5: I was just playing Soul Calibur at this point with 3rd strike on the side. I was kinda hyped for it. The arcade in westwood got a machine with the card reader, which kinda blew my mind. It also had sanwa parts, which kinda pissed me off. I was playing FGs with a Happ parts to this point. I was busy with work life at this point and couldn't make it to the arcade a lot. I did get the home port and played it a good amount. I used a lot of Law with Paul at this point. Lot's of Law vs my friends Nina. I was still playing a lot of SC2 and were just waiting for SC3 to release later that year. I still entered at the EVOs (along with all the EVO tekkens) and loved watching tournies. I know a lot of people hated SC3, but I loved it, along with the group I played with and we basically dropped TK5 and kept playing SC3 for a long time. I got the DR PS3 port eventually, but didn't play much to be honest, plus it was super laggy at first.
TK6: Didn't play this much when it first came out. I tried to get to Super arcade and Vid94 as much as I could, but work was making it hard. It looked really great, but I wasn't motivated to play for some reason. Maybe it was boring me, idk. SC4 came out, and it really disappointed me, along with the bad online code. SF4 arcade came out, and like a lot of people, I got back into SF. Was going to AI a lot on the way home from work and going to tournaments a lot. It didn't help that the TK6 home port was so much later. I bought it day 1 like I always do, but it didn't consume me. Felt more of the same or stale maybe, if I had to describe why I felt this way.
TTT2: It's a really good game. I tried to go to Round1 to play arcade. Glad the home port came faster. I played the home port a lot when it first came out. But SC5 came out earlier that year and was playing that a ton, and I was still playing SF4 a lot. Tekken kind of got pushed out. I am older, so have less free time I guess.
I am basically just playing SF4: Ultra a lot, and SC5 when I can find a match online, and boot up TTT2 once in a while. That is why I had these high hopes of TK7 being really overhauled, especially visually. I have been playing this series a lot of years. I guess my eyes yearned for something new, but was still tekken. I have been playing more recently (both TR and TTT2), because of the T7 anticipation though.