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Tekken Tag Tournament 2 |OT| Awaiting the "Final Battle"


I think it's pretty obvious that for a fighting game to sell well in the current market it has to have some kind of story mode. Smash is an exception, but nothing can really compete with smash rosters, and even then one of the biggest complaints about smash 4 that I've seen is there are no cinematic or story mode type shit.

I don't give a shit about story modes, especially not in fighting games, but games in general nowadays are very cinematic and that's what people like. An MK9 like story mode would be absolutely huge for Tekken.
DEATH™;137097124 said:
Sorry man, but I do think Tekken Nation is a dying forum either way.

Also, the biggest draw TTT2 has among "Tekken Nation" players are Michelle, Kuni, and Jun... I do think you know what I'm talking about... If those people are still complaining about not having what they wanted, maybe these fanbase really do not know what they want, coz AFAIK everyone is on the TTT2 bandwagon when it's still close on release day...

Oh no I knew that thing was dead but TTT2 didn't save it either like all the mods were hoping. But Tekken Nation really mirrored the Tekken Fandom as a whole from what I'm seeing.


T3 to TTT1 is much different transition than T6 to TTT2 dude. For one the series was seen in a better light at the time and not the stagnant thing the series came into starting around T5DR-T6(long time at the arcade didn't help). So TTT1 had nostalgia and T3 hype behind it. TTT2.....nostalgia...and that's it.

I guess my whole point is that console TTT2 is a minor footnote in the series despite selling as it did. T6 sold well (I think better and made its mark.) but sales kind of hide the public perception of the game which I think most of you saw during the LocTest. While most of the comments can be dismissed, the perception cannot. Yes there are all these factors but constantly seeing the perception of the series on this site and by older fans(many I know who dropped the game) really just paints the picture of how Tekken is slipping a bit. Not that I'm saying that T7 is gonna be more drop off I actually thing its gonna do pretty well being the first mainstream 3D Fighter on next gen systems plus PC

I just think that TTT2 is not where the series should go again because its not feasible as a model. Fanservice should never be completely prioritized. Tag gameplay + T6 is not a very good idea generally speaking. It makes for a very sloppy game momentum wise and complicated an already complicated system. It just too closed in to be anything of note from both spectrums of gameplay. T7 looks to be opening doors.


Mikebreezy, I do think you forgot that TTT1 is the same fanservice game. Actually, if people didn't complain about T2 characters not being in T3, Tag 1 won't even happen...

What I believe right now is TTT2 is an awesome game that came out at the wrong era at the wrong time. It came out on a time where SF4 and Marvel is at its peak, the Capcom stream monster culture is blossoming, coming out with other bunch of fighting games (DOA5 just came out weeks after that), online netcode giving casuals THE ARCADE EXPERIENCE™, and social media amplifying the complaints of the few, while also tackling the changing mainstream gaming culture of games playing themselves. TTT2 will be considered as one of the classics if it went out at 90s and I think it will be considered a classic someday (just not right now), especially when T7 and onwards become so drastically different...


Oh no I knew that thing was dead but TTT2 didn't save it either like all the mods were hoping. But Tekken Nation really mirrored the Tekken Fandom as a whole from what I'm seeing.


T3 to TTT1 is much different transition than T6 to TTT2 dude. For one the series was seen in a better light at the time and not the stagnant thing the series came into starting around T5DR-T6(long time at the arcade didn't help). So TTT1 had nostalgia and T3 hype behind it. TTT2.....nostalgia...and that's it.

I guess my whole point is that console TTT2 is a minor footnote in the series despite selling as it did. T6 sold well (I think better and made its mark.) but sales kind of hide the public perception of the game which I think most of you saw during the LocTest. While most of the comments can be dismissed, the perception cannot. Yes there are all these factors but constantly seeing the perception of the series on this site and by older fans(many I know who dropped the game) really just paints the picture of how Tekken is slipping a bit. Not that I'm saying that T7 is gonna be more drop off I actually thing its gonna do pretty well being the first mainstream 3D Fighter on next gen systems plus PC

I just think that TTT2 is not where the series should go again because its not feasible as a model. Fanservice should never be completely prioritized. Tag gameplay + T6 is not a very good idea generally speaking. It makes for a very sloppy game momentum wise and complicated an already complicated system. It just too closed in to be anything of note from both spectrums of gameplay. T7 looks to be opening doors.

I think you're attributing TTT2 slipping again too much on "casual fans don't like this" and not taking into consideration the general trends for fighting games. Or, as I mentioned, the fact that this game released at the very end of a console generation on old, aging hardware and had a lot of competition in the same year.

Of course, your remarks about casual interest dropping should not be ignored. There are legit people who are dropping the series.

However, back to the original topic, it isn't the game's fault for being non-cannon and story not being a big focus here. It's you, as a player, that has no interest in it because it lacks a story. The game did almost everything right as a non-canon spin off title. And still had the longst cutscene endings in franchise history to boot

I guess wait for Tekken 7 if you want story emphasis so much.
DEATH™;137103310 said:
Mikebreezy, I do think you forgot that TTT1 is the same fanservice game. Actually, if people didn't complain about T2 characters not being in T3, Tag 1 won't even happen...

Never said it wasn't, I'm saying now its no longer a proper selling point to prioritize. It didn't "need" it is what I'm getting at. TTT1 was just built on the high that was T3. That is what really made that game so significant. Time and a place for fanservice.

What I believe right now is TTT2 is an awesome game that came out at the wrong era at the wrong time. It came out on a time where SF4 and Marvel is at its peak, the Capcom stream monster culture is blossoming, coming out with other bunch of fighting games (DOA5 just came out weeks after that), online netcode giving casuals THE ARCADE EXPERIENCE™, and social media amplifying the complaints of the few, while also tackling the changing mainstream gaming culture of games playing themselves. TTT2 will be considered as one of the classics if it went out at 90s and I think it will be considered a classic someday (just not right now), especially when T7 and onwards become so drastically different...

Honestly I'm not looking at general public perception as much as I care about the fan perception. I do not think most people think TTT2 is anything particularly special and as such its future reception relies on T7 being good or not. If T7 is good? TTT2 is only worth something to those who liked the game. Its gonna be a small footnote otherwise. If T7 is bad? TTT2 will be heralded as the best Tekken and real Tekken. Based on the reaction to TR, I could be right.

BUT....TR is getting some love now since its now confirmed to have a bigger hand in T7 than we thought and its being reevaluated so I could be talking out of my ass lol.


Honestly, I know this forum has a pretty heavy US weighting, but I think the idea that Tekken is dying is completely wrong.

I'm in the northwest UK, and we have as many Tekken players as Streetfighter here.

I can always get games with players of all abilities online, any time of day.

Now I do really hope 7 makes it easier for new players to get into the game, the smaller roster and armor moves are definitely going to help. Paid for customisations I'm not against, and SF/League etc have shown people are more than willing t pay for purely visual customisation.

I'd really like them to do their best with 7 to make the game look as flashy and next gen as possible, drag more casuals in again :)


Honestly, I know this forum has a pretty heavy US weighting, but I think the idea that Tekken is dying is completely wrong.

I'm in the northwest UK, and we have as many Tekken players as Streetfighter here.

I can always get games with players of all abilities online, any time of day.

Now I do really hope 7 makes it easier for new players to get into the game, the smaller roster and armor moves are definitely going to help. Paid for customisations I'm not against, and SF/League etc have shown people are more than willing t pay for purely visual customisation.

I'd really like them to do their best with 7 to make the game look as flashy and next gen as possible, drag more casuals in again :)
Yeah, Tekken is doing really well elsewhere but US is also a big market that's declining. A lot of what is being said is definitely based on this US perspective.
Tiny Disclaimer from me, I really don't pay attention to online that much when it comes to the grand scheme of things. I'm mostly talking about offline and stuff. SCV still has people playing that online but that game is mainly done for.


I play in World Arena sometimes and Europe has the highest amount of lobbies and players. Sometimes players from USA/Asia join European lobbies because they don't find players in their own.

I have a new controller now. Bought a PS4 controller because I could as well buy one for when I get a PS4. I have to get used to using a PS4 controller anyway. Only con is that the home button doesn't work so I have to use my broken controller for that.
The PS4 controller is great for Tekken. The digipad feels great. I have to get used to it, though. Movement feels very stiff, which makes some actions hard to do on reaction. My execution is better than I expected.
Tekken is declining as a whole because the sales are down as whole, I thought? It is certainly selling less.

I guess we could break it down by region. As for active tournament player base That's another thing. For online, if namco would release how many people are playing on each platform recently, we could have a picture there.

The thing that irks me about the DS4 is that it doesn't work right with the PS3 if it's blutooth paired. The diagonals don't work. So I have to be wired and close to the console.


I don't like using the PS4 pad for Tekken because the d-pad will end up cutting into my thumbs.

This is true. Tekken 7 will be very painful...

The thing that irks me about the DS4 is that it doesn't work right with the PS3 if it's blutooth paired. The diagonals don't work. So I have to be wired and close to the console.
Oh yeah, forgot to mention this. I sit very close to the console though, so it doesn't bother me too much.


On Vacation?

I'll try to jump on in a little bit.

Oh nah, I wish haha. I'm moving back and forth from new york and new jersey due to school, work, family, etc.

I try not to bring my PS3 to the apartment because it'll only lead me into playing video games instead of getting work done.
anyone from Australia got PSN?

add me yiggs_au

You can play with Flying_Wonkey. He's from Australia.


Shit, my heart sped up when I noticed AAK's post on AVP about new Virtua Fighter

Then I read it's new version of old Final Showdown.


Really Sega? Maybe this will add little jolt to revive VF, but you really should try harder.


I just bought a PS4 pad to try it out. This thing IS THE WORST for claw players like myself. The USB cable is protruding at the very edge of the bottom base of the pad. Being a claw player I use the pad just like JFJ where I rest the pad on my right thigh while I play. The microUSB entry just keeps getting shoved in since it's at an angle and always pressing against my thigh. It's getting plastically deformed and eventually keeps falling out every time I play. I'm super pissed right now because I was having the complete intention of switching back to pad for Tekken 7 since I don't want to invest in another arcade stick. I have huge doubts that Namco will be as philanthropic as Lab Zero and include the drivers in their game. I'll definitely get T7 for PC but I also want the PS4 version to play the community that's on that system as well.

EDIT: Forgot to mention that I'm only having this problem since I'm playing wired on PS3 and I probably won't have this problem if I was on PS4 playing wirelessly... but this assumes that I'll always have battery which most certainly won't be the case a good majority of the time going by anecdotal evidence. Plus if I travel they'll definitely ban the wireless pads again so if I was to go pad again I'd like to remove the battery.

One last thing:

Off-topic rant: Just submitted a paper a minute before its due. Started a section, wrote a sentence for it, and forgot to delete it since I didn't have time to complete it. Now the professor will see it and be like "what is this?" -10 points. The rest of the paper is pretty good, though. Just wished I had given myself ample time. :(

I really need to stop procrastinating in the free time I have.

Just wanted to say thank you for posting this.... Last night I was just about to go to bed and for whatever reason this post you made a few days ago rung in my head, I just got up and did some work until 3 AM and I am here right now breathing a HUGE sigh of relief because an insane amount of work that JUST got piled on me right now.... Let's just say you contributed to relieving quite a bit of stress off me somehow :)

Character data for Mastercup 7. Lars >>>>>>>>>>> Bob >>>>>>>>>>> everyone else :/

Was expecting a lot more Bruce and Jinpachi to be honest... but still some good representation. Very surprised at how popular Bryan is.

Watching my first completely lag free Tekken stream, I made it.


Looking great bro! Following. :)

I caught some of the beginning last night... his Miguel play is really something.


PS4 controller can't even do diagonals wirelessly, I really can't play Tekken at all with that controller. Looking for an adapter for the PS3 pad.

I caught some of the beginning last night... his Miguel play is really something.
He's unpredictable when it comes to SAV stuff


@AAK:I'm a claw player myself, but I'm not having that problem since I rest my arms on my thighs and hold the controller in the air.
The digipad really is a problem though. My thumbs hurt when I play Tekken and my movement is super stiff. Hwoarang/Steve got demoted to Marauder yesterday. I hope I'll get used to this or I'll have to search for a cheap PS3 controller...


Yeah, I also heard about the diagonals not working for PS3 if you go wirelessly. Fighting games really are a complete oversight for Sony now.

Really Sasuke? You have more arm strength than I :p

Doesn't your left arm get fatigued from stabilizing the pad from the torque created by the pressing the buttons with your right hand?

Didn't play enough to feel the digipad's roughness... I'll try again soon.

Also, my favorite weekly Tekken stream: TnT from HoG streamed by thewonderpark happened yesterday again. It was really cool to see some Asim gameplay again. Love their commentary.

And check out the ultimate Jin tech trap!
@AAK:I'm a claw player myself, but I'm not having that problem since I rest my arms on my thighs and hold the controller in the air.
The digipad really is a problem though. My thumbs hurt when I play Tekken and my movement is super stiff. Hwoarang/Steve got demoted to Marauder yesterday. I hope I'll get used to this or I'll have to search for a cheap PS3 controller...

Why would you play ranked when testing a new pad?

Not liking the digipad hurting thumbs though. I'll get my PS4 pad soon though.

PS. I play claw without resting my arm so none of that sounds like an issue on second thought lol


Really Sasuke? You have more arm strength than I :p

Doesn't your left arm get fatigued from stabilizing the pad from the torque created by the pressing the buttons with your right hand?

Didn't play enough to feel the digipad's roughness... I'll try again soon.

How do you grab the controller? Do you hold it in your left hand and rest it on your right thigh without grabbing anything with your right hand?

Why would you play ranked when testing a new pad?

Not liking the digipad hurting thumbs though. I'll get my PS4 pad soon though.

PS. I play claw without resting my arm so none of that sounds like an issue on second thought lol
I felt confident enough in playing with the controller and wanted to test it in a "real" fight. Bad idea, I guess^^
About the digipad hurting thumbs... just try it out yourself sometime.


Fab's kind of mastered SAV just like how James has mastered DSS, the mastery of these two stances opens up the characters a lot, and it makes Marshall > Forest easily.
Fab's kind of mastered SAV just like how James has mastered DSS, the mastery of these two stances opens up the characters a lot, and it makes Marshall > Forest easily.

Its the only thing that makes Marshall > Forest but I do agree with Aris that its not by much.

And yeah Imma try out the pad for myself.


I bought a Wii U recently and there's one used TTT2 at an EB Games near me. Is Wii U's online still active?

Not sure if it's still active.

I think Wii U version is worth it for Tekken Ball alone. If only, there was online Tekken Ball on PS3 version.

Anyone who wants to play right now? Haven't played any GAF members in almost 2 weeks

I probably won't play until two weeks or so. :(

Hey guys! Just plugging our new Australian Tekken new site/blog


Hope you enjoy

Nice. Thanks for the share.

Just wanted to say thank you for posting this.... Last night I was just about to go to bed and for whatever reason this post you made a few days ago rung in my head, I just got up and did some work until 3 AM and I am here right now breathing a HUGE sigh of relief because an insane amount of work that JUST got piled on me right now.... Let's just say you contributed to relieving quite a bit of stress off me somehow :)

Well, at least some good came out of it, haha.

But yeah, professor was quick with returning grade. I got an A-, which is good but there's always that thought it could have been an A if I had given myself more time.


How do you grab the controller? Do you hold it in your left hand and rest it on your right thigh without grabbing anything with your right hand?

I don't hold the controller at all, the entire weight of the controller is on my lap. I just rest my thumb on the dpad for whatever direction I want. Same thing with my 2 fingers on the face buttons:

This is a personal thing, but if I grip the Dual shock pad, my ring and pinkie phalanges get numb really fast (I feel the DS design isn't ergonomic at all) which forced me to play that way.

After thinking about it, I do know they changed the ergonomics considerably for the DS4... so maybe I can finally grip the controller again lifting it above my lap resolving my issues. Will give it a try :p

Hey guys! Just plugging our new Australian Tekken new site/blog


Hope you enjoy

YO this is some passion! Will definitely follow :)

Well, at least some good came out of it, haha.

But yeah, professor was quick with returning grade. I got an A-, which is good but there's always that thought it could have been an A if I had given myself more time.

Damn this reminds me...I can give you some crazy procrastination stories I've done in my past... some things that I secretly want to brag about.... This is probably my most famous one, long post incoming:

In my final year of undergrad... I completed my capstone project in the second last semester... so for the last semester I was COMPLETELY burned out and I didn't care anymore, just wanted everything to end. I had this course called artificial organ transplants. A course that I couldn't care about AT ALL and the Professor was horrid (her English was terrible, she gave no direction about what was expected, and her notes were randomly be in french at certain points). Had a design project for the course that was worth 50% of the marks where we had to write 10-12 pages in scientific journal format along with a 30 minute presentation at the end of the year.

I paid no attention to this project AT ALL. The submission and presentation date was at 7:30 AM on a Monday. I STARTED my report at 12:30 AM Monday. I wrote 10 pages worth of bullshit in the most sophisticated English I could think of.... I finished writing and formatting it by around 5:30 AM. I still needed to start writing the powerpoint of my presentation.... I tell myself I need a 15 min power nap.... I end up sleeping for 1.5 hours. I wake up all, "F***, I have my presentation in an hour AND I have to print the damned report. I scramble to put a suit on, run to the library, get it printed and decide to try to get to the presentation hall and try to work on my presentation there. I get there, put my report on the front desk and sit at the far corner of the room. I open my laptop and I open a blank powerpoint. ENTER ALGORITHM MODE: I look at my report--> for every paragraph I think of a picture that represents that paragraph--> Google image search such picture--> Paste that picture on powerpoint--->make new slide-->repeat. I did this WHILE all the 6 other people in my class went up and presented. I finished JUST in time to be last, save the powerpoint to the my USB. I get up in front of the auditorium, plug my USB into the computer. I Close my eyes and look at the first slide--> see the picture-->Blurt out as much BS as I can of why I put that picture there using the most complicated English I knew so my proff wouldn't understand --> close my eyes and go to the next slide--> Repeat for all 25-ish slides until it was done. I don't remember at all WTF I said or what I was looking at. Cool thing about being last is that by then my own proff is burnt out and doesn't care anymore. She didn't have that many questions which I couldn't pretend I knew an answer for answering her in the most cryptic way possible to make it seem like I did work.

Class average was a B, I got a B+.... Made quite a few enemies that day :p

But trust me guys, never do this to yourselves LOL, I think I lost 5 year of my life from the stress because I was cursing myself throughout the whole ordeal thinking my procrastination would cause me to delay my graduation by a year!



Damn this reminds me...I can give you some crazy procrastination stories I've done in my past... some things that I secretly want to brag about.... This is probably my most famous one, long post incoming:

In my final year of undergrad... I completed my capstone project in the second last semester... so for the last semester I was COMPLETELY burned out and I didn't care anymore, just wanted everything to end. I had this course called artificial organ transplants. A course that I couldn't care about AT ALL and the Professor was horrid (her English was terrible, she gave no direction about what was expected, and her notes were randomly be in french at certain points). Had a design project for the course that was worth 50% of the marks where we had to write 10-12 pages in scientific journal format along with a 30 minute presentation at the end of the year.

I paid no attention to this project AT ALL. The submission and presentation date was at 7:30 AM on a Monday. I STARTED my report at 12:30 AM Monday. I wrote 10 pages worth of bullshit in the most sophisticated English I could think of.... I finished writing and formatting it by around 5:30 AM. I still needed to start writing the powerpoint of my presentation.... I tell myself I need a 15 min power nap.... I end up sleeping for 1.5 hours. I wake up all, "F***, I have my presentation in an hour AND I have to print the damned report. I scramble to put a suit on, run to the library, get it printed and decide to try to get to the presentation hall and try to work on my presentation there. I get there, put my report on the front desk and sit at the far corner of the room. I open my laptop and I open a blank powerpoint. ENTER ALGORITHM MODE: I look at my report--> for every paragraph I think of a picture that represents that paragraph--> Google image search such picture--> Paste that picture on powerpoint--->make new slide-->repeat. I did this WHILE all the 6 other people in my class went up and presented. I finished JUST in time to be last, save the powerpoint to the my USB. I get up in front of the auditorium, plug my USB into the computer. I Close my eyes and look at the first slide--> see the picture-->Blurt out as much BS as I can of why I put that picture there using the most complicated English I knew so my proff wouldn't understand --> close my eyes and go to the next slide--> Repeat for all 25-ish slides until it was done. I don't remember at all WTF I said or what I was looking at. Cool thing about being last is that by then my own proff is burnt out and doesn't care anymore. She didn't have that many questions which I couldn't pretend I knew an answer for answering her in the most cryptic way possible to make it seem like I did work.

Class average was a B, I got a B+.... Made quite a few enemies that day :p

But trust me guys, never do this to yourselves LOL, I think I lost 5 year of my life from the stress because I was cursing myself throughout the whole ordeal thinking my procrastination would cause me to delay my graduation by a year!

This is a great story.

At least the ending has a nice outcome, hahahaha.

My procrastinating story:

I was taking an elective class on the Middle East during undergrad years that I didn't pay much attention to. Had a 20 page paper due during the last class along with a presentation on the research. Start writing it the night before it's due. Pretty much spend my time from around 1 a.m. that day up to around 7:30 p.m. (around 18.5 hours?) that day writing this paper NON-STOP (class started at 5:30 p.m. and ended around 8:00 p.m. if I'm remebering right). My train commute to school, my time on the bus......the entire day.....I had my laptop open writing this damn paper. The research took forever cause I had to do a whole lot of reading and citing of previous work. Pretty much half the time I spent was on doing preliminary reading/research.

I was also typing the paper in class up until around 7:30 p.m. (2 hours of class time) while everyone was presenting their research. I requested to go last for the presentation for this reason.

Just before the person before me is getting to ready to present, I excuse myself and pretend like I need to go to the restroom. I go two buildings away to the computer lab. Print my paper. Bring the hardcopy and hand it in after doing my presentation. I also had played around with the margins and spacing and had some paragraph-long quotes to get it to 20 pages.

I got an A on the paper. lol.

That was one of the most stressful days ever.

The professor later recommended that I publish the paper. I'm thinking "hell no.....I wrote that in less than a day."

I write well under pressure for some reason, though,.


Oh MAN the similarities between our stories are so uncanny haha. But congrats on the A! Time to get off GAF and sleep so I can wake up early to get work done :p


Those procrastination + good grade stories you two have makes me wanna hate you guys...


(I wish I can get away with that someday lol)


Guys, does anyone of you still have a copy of tekken 6? It will be appreaciated if anyone take pics of AK's 2P outfit from front, profile left, right and back. I need some reference for both the pants (especially the tribal pattern) and the gauntlets. (Practicing drapery)...

It will be greatly appreaciated!


DEATH™;137581414 said:
Guys, does anyone of you still have a copy of tekken 6? It will be appreaciated if anyone take pics of AK's 2P outfit from front, profile left, right and back. I need some reference for both the pants (especially the tribal pattern) and the gauntlets. (Practicing drapery)...

It will be greatly appreaciated!

You wanna build a custom in Tag2 or make real pants?


No, rest of GAF is occupied with life. When you came online I was about to turn off my PS3 because no one was online.

Well, Wednesdays are probably not the right time to ask for a session. I always play at night after coming back from the library. I have no idea what time it was for you. And good games. Fun as always, although my Hwo/Steve gameplay felt horrible!
Good games to Doomshine, too. Totally forgot how annoying Bosco can be :D

@AAK, Sayah: When I procrastinate, it normally ends with a bad grade. I don't have any papers to turn in, though. It's just exam after exam until I write my bachelor thesis...
Great stories, you two!
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