So....ummm....I basically killed myself today. Too much pride.
I had played 4 or 5 hours (doubles), and my partner STILL wanted to play (even though he had only been playing half as long).
I told him that my legs were dead and I can't play anymore. And he called me a "wuss" or something. I playfully said, "How about we play SINGLES. Right now."
And this motherfucker got the tennis balls, his racquet, and was ready to go
Ego match? OK, let's do it.
I won the first set
6,3. And OF COURSE he wanted to go best of 3. At this point, I was on the verge of death. It was kinda unrelated, but I threw up 4 times. This happens to me for some reason when I don't get enough sleep: I develop a massive gag reflex. Typically, I'll start gagging. But since I was running around so much, I was too tired to suppress the barf (which was only Gatorade and water).. I was totally fine afterwards. Like Nadal, I was running like a rabbit ^_^
Then my legs gave out >_< Like,
gave the fuck completely out. I pride myself on running down 99% of drop shots, but stopping and starting killed my legs even more. I had to concede the point if he hit a drop shot.
Then I realized that I couldn't use my legs to serve >_< But fortunately, when I started playing tennis, I learned how to hit a powerful serve without using my legs. So I just went back to that.
I was up 3-0, but after my body started failing, he came back to make it 4-3*.
So I had to make some adjustments: moving around is killing me and the longer the ball was in play, the less chance I had to win the points. He saw that I wasn't getting to balls like I normally did, so he started going for lines more often. I made a decision:
shorten these fucking points. So if I had a shot lined up (and sometimes when I didn't), I pulled the trigger (especially on his 2nd serves).
I won
I was in too much pain to be happy

I'm STILL in pain, lol
But he was one of those guys that talks a lot of crap (usually playfully, but still). This was a statement match. Me to him: "I am better than you." I always knew it, and he maybe knew it, but now he knows for sure