Israelis are cool, The Art school i went to was full of em foreign student program(dated one

i do question Israel's Motives when it comes to the Territory problem. I think they want(wanted) West Bank and Gaza for themselves. The right wing over there made themselves clear on that issue, but when the government continues to build settlements on disputed territory, Building a Wall(its there right) but right in the disputed territory essentially take more land, and "Giving Gaza Back" after Hamas clearly controlled the strip, which they helped happen in many ways(and i keep wondering why was'nt it offered at Camp David in a similar manner if it was so right). Since Rabin, i dont see an Israeli politician that seriously was ready to conside shit like that.
You have 2 sides that really REFUSE to conside certain things. The Palestinians gotta get it through there heads That unless you WANNA kill what....4? 6..7 million people, "right of Return" has to be redefined. You're NOT gonna return INSIDE israel as Palestinian citizens. And supporting Hamas....urrgh, i understood the anger against PLO lack of leadership, specially after Arafat, They Will NEVER get you your land back.
but hey, whatever, Lebanon is actually in worst shape:lol
...and religious States suck