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TERA |OT| F2P starting in February! Were you expecting a parade?

Yeah I get the other side of the coin thing, thanks so much. What I'm saying is that the Elin are presented as hyper-sexualized children--"Toddlers in Tiaras" on steroids.

My qualm with the Elin is not because they stir strange and hateful feelings in my loins, my qualm with them is that the developers put them in the game and I don't think that's okay. It's a shame, too, because their background story is pretty interesting.

Well, don't come at it with a preconceived notion of what is "okay" - this is a game that was made in Korea, right? We're talking about an entirely different super ego here, I suppose. The culture, the history, the artistic expression, etc. will most likely clash with etic perspectives.
Well, don't come at it with a preconceived notion of what is "okay" - this is a game that was made in Korea, right? We're talking about an entirely different super ego here, I suppose. The culture, the history, the artistic expression, etc. will most likely clash with etic perspectives.

Uh, how do I not come at it with preconceived notions of what is "okay"? I grew up in America and have relatively standard western mores. What they have presented in the game clashes with said mores. They already toned down the Elin's appearance from the original versions because there was an issue with the clothing, I don't think it's far fetched for me to still say it's inappropriate.
I made a Popori slayer to play around with and when I discovered their emotes I spent about 15 minutes in a state of utter bliss.

Uh, how do I not come at it with preconceived notions of what is "okay"? I grew up in America and have relatively standard western mores. What they have presented in the game clashes with said mores. They already toned down the Elin's appearance from the original versions because there was an issue with the clothing, I don't think it's far fetched for me to still say it's inappropriate.

I grew up in America too, and I'm not feeling that it is inappropriate. I think that it's pretty cool and expressive. But hey, I can totally understand what you mean; although, I don't know how you can explore the demarcations of your preconceptions. Having this discussion seems to be a good start, I suppose.
I agree. GAF's PvE guild in Dragonfall is run by someone with an Elin. What a dirty pedo.

Know what? I've amended my original statement to make it a little less generalizing because I did kind of call all Elin players pedos, didn't I?

I'll clarify by saying that I wouldn't want Elin in a guild I ran because I think they're inappropriate and having them in my guild would reflect upon me. If other people disagree and say they're okay, fine, but we'll just agree to disagree.


Know what? I've amended my original statement to make it a little less generalizing because I did kind of call all Elin players pedos, didn't I?

I'll clarify by saying that I wouldn't want Elin in a guild I ran because I think they're inappropriate and having them in my guild would reflect upon me. If other people disagree and say they're okay, fine, but we'll just agree to disagree.

You're guild probably wouldn't have any female characters either because of their inappropriate armor, right?


Guys, this isn't Area Chat, give the "Elin players are pedophiles" thing a rest.

Hoping to find more time to play this weekend. Still only 23 or so on my warrior, but getting ganked is a lot less frustrating when I have a class mobile enough to actually threaten ranged attackers one-on-one.
You're guild probably wouldn't have any female characters either because of their inappropriate armor, right?

I think the female armor is silly, over-the-top and a little degrading but I'm not particularly upset about it nor do I think that it's inappropriate for the game. It's only the way the Elin are presented that I find inappropriate.
So as my lancer approaches 40 (I ditched Sorcerer for the time being) I'm still very much in love with him; although I wish I had made a Popori ;(

Aman's are cool and the racials are great, but Popori's have a glow about them...


Btw is Time gyre, the sorc's snare working properly?

time gyre description said:
Briefly immobilize up to 3 targets within 18m. Prevents other players from using evasion and movement skills. Effect ends after the target takes damage or is knocked down. Press the skill button once and mouseover to lock on targets, then press the skill

However when it gets used on me I can't do anything except press pickup(my recovery ball didn't cleanse the gyre either for some reason). Since you can activate cancel without getting a cooldown. It's pretty much impossible to dodge and you are pretty much getting slept and Magma bombed(which is more than 50%HP gone in most cases).


Know what? I've amended my original statement to make it a little less generalizing because I did kind of call all Elin players pedos, didn't I?

I'll clarify by saying that I wouldn't want Elin in a guild I ran because I think they're inappropriate and having them in my guild would reflect upon me. If other people disagree and say they're okay, fine, but we'll just agree to disagree.

I also feel that they're inappropriate. Whenever I see them, I just wince and wonder why anyone would want to play them. I'm probably wrong, but I wouldn't be surprised if most people who play them do it for trollish or ironic reasons. I just don't understand the appeal, but then again I could say the same for Popori. I guess I would prefer a more serious look and tone to the game.


As a healer my main problem with the elin race is when they roll as lancers. We need to be able to find you in the battles, tank!


I been playing the game for 2 days and have already witnessed, like, 3 different Area chat debates about Elin and pedophily.
I also feel that they're inappropriate. Whenever I see them, I just wince and wonder why anyone would want to play them. I'm probably wrong, but I wouldn't be surprised if most people who play them do it for trollish or ironic reasons. I just don't understand the appeal, but then again I could say the same for Popori. I guess I would prefer a more serious look and tone to the game.

I cannot agree with anyone who doesn't like Popori, sorry. I'm compelled to call you a monster. Again, sorry.


As a healer my main problem with the elin race is when they roll as lancers. We need to be able to find you in the battles, tank!
Agreed. I understand the disparity between "little thing" and "armored baddass that needs to be hit my the BAM" is funny... but damn. There is a reason 5ft tall people aren't receivers in football even if they are phenomenal at catching and YAC.

Alienware. Gw2 vs Tera vs wow vs shitty swtor.
What the hell is with all the Alienware talk? I realize that buying Alienware is silly, but why does everyone get such a kick out of it.

Yesterday, I saw the dreaded "Anal [linked item]" crap from WoW, and I can't wait to finally figure out a main and get it the hell off of newb island. Also, I can't wait to finally join a guild and turn off area chat completely.


Saint Nic
I get that people see Elin as some hyper-sexualized race and whatever, but is it REALLY worth bitching about SO much? Holy shit...


Not sure what this says about me, but when I see Elin, I see anime girls and I see nothing sexual about them whatsoever. Because they're cartoon girls. They're in short skirts and such, but that's not what I pay attention to when I look at them. More noticeable are the animal tails and ears and the big anime eyes. I'm still trying to figure out how people get offended by them.


So I just got in the game!

And... I'm stunned at how much the Elin bother me. I find it extraordinarily vulgar that the developers put something in the game that is so obviously pedo-material and child fetishism. It's revolting.

I don't know about you folks but I wouldn't be okay with having Elin players in a guild I ran. I don't think it's appropriate and I don't want them to be representative of me.

Thank god the Popori are there to make everything okay.

Edit: To make my statement a little less generalizing.

The lady doth protest too much, methinks.


Know what? I've amended my original statement to make it a little less generalizing because I did kind of call all Elin players pedos, didn't I?

I'll clarify by saying that I wouldn't want Elin in a guild I ran because I think they're inappropriate and having them in my guild would reflect upon me. If other people disagree and say they're okay, fine, but we'll just agree to disagree.

Seriously, get over it. It's really not a big deal, there's nothing wrong with Elin.


Saint Nic
it's one of the excuse people use to not play. you should see some of the sites when posting about Tera lol.

That's too bad for them, then! Not to single you out Dave Inc., but you feeling that having an Elin for a guild leader "reflects poorly on you" is unfortunate and somewhat ludicrous.

But, to each their own I guess...
Not sure what this says about me, but when I see Elin, I see anime girls and I see nothing sexual about them whatsoever. Because they're cartoon girls. They're in short skirts and such, but that's not what I pay attention to when I look at them. More noticeable are the animal tails and ears and the big anime eyes. I'm still trying to figure out how people get offended by them.

I'm fine with them being cute, but it's the sexualized outfits that seem reminiscent of the child beauty pagents. Clean up the Elin clothes, if you need sexy outfits, the humans/elves/castanics have that covered.

Wife and I have been running a lancer/priest combo. Duoing BAMs is just to much fun, especially as other players start asking to join.
I love playing an Elin slayer..

I'll never get tired of seeing her wield a great sword that is taller than she is.

Absolutely nothing sexual about them whatsoever... the leather wearing classes have some of the most covering clothing of any of the playable races.

They are just cute little anime characters with their animal ears and tails.

That isn't to say that there aren't some pedophile types that would be drawn to the race, but I highly doubt that there are more than a handful of people like that playing the game compared to plenty of typical gamers who just think it's cute/funny to play a small character with a large weapon.
It wouldn't be a TERA thread without someone insinuating that it's players are of deplorable character for choosing a certain race.

I spoke to my sister about the Elin thing and we couldn't find a reason to hate it. All the arguments I've seen against them usually seemed forced, like someone going out of their way to let someone know that they are bad for liking something they don't like.

I would understand the comparisons to real children if they actually looked like human children. I think it's safe to say I've never seen a child that looks anywhere close to an Elin and I never will because they don't exist.

But enough about that.

I just finished off STORY SPOILER =
So now I'm doing some stuff in Pora Elinu. Getting close to 42 (Backstab :p).

I'm making extensive use of Blade Draw with the 40% cooldown glyph. From what I've read it's the highest damage Warrior skill. And it shows, you can usually one shot large mobs if you lead it with something else like Charging Slash or Rising Fury.


Yeah, I wonder what Sigmund Freud would say about Elin players... and about you. Supposedly, being bothered by it is the opposite side of the same pervo coin, but I don't know, I'm not a psychologist.

I was going to say the same thing. Someone getting overly agitated over this issue may be legitimate, but could also be a psychologists dream. But I think most people understand that. So to those getting very very angry over this, it may be some time for some serious self reflection.

Personally, I think most people that make a huge issue of the Elin are just looking for anything they can latch onto to dissuade people from playing. Not going to work, as Tera is incredible and more people are playing all of the time. Its been so easy pulling my friends into this game!

My Diablo III marathon will now be mixed with Tera! Tally ho!
Personally, I think most people that make a huge issue of the Elin are just looking for anything they can latch onto to dissuade people from playing. Not going to work, as Tera is incredible and more people are playing all of the time. Its been so easy pulling my friends into this game!

Dislike of Elin's sexualized clothing is now a subconscious desire to want people to stop playing Tera? C'mon now.
I was going to say the same thing. Someone getting overly agitated over this issue may be legitimate, but could also be a psychologists dream. But I think most people understand that. So to those getting very very angry over this, it may be some time for some serious self reflection.

Or it could be that I don't like children, anime character with bunny ears and a tail or not, being presented in such a way. I don't think it's appropriate. At the same time I think Toddlers and Tiaras is seriously messed up but lots of people think it's just the cutest thing and don't have any problems with it.

For the record: I'm really loving the game with the little time I have in it so I'm not trying to dissuade people from playing it. I don't know where you came up with that.
I think the female armor is silly, over-the-top and a little degrading but I'm not particularly upset about it nor do I think that it's inappropriate for the game. It's only the way the Elin are presented that I find inappropriate.

Dave, this reminds me of a guy I once knew in college who was adamantly against gay men being in our fraternity. He openly spoke about inappropriateness of gay men in the fraternity and mentioned things like how they would "reflect upon him and us, etc." He was so outspoken about his disdain that he organized events and such without inviting any of the gay men. Years later, after a divorce, he came out and admitted to being gay. It all made sense to me.


I love how the female and male Castanic armor shows off their sexuality. The world needs a little more embracing of our primal sides. To visually take in the form of beauty given by an almost naked woman or man is wonderful. Some find this degrading, but I find it progressive and yet in "animal-like tradition".


Or it could be that I don't like children, anime character with bunny ears and a tail or not, being presented in such a way. I don't think it's appropriate. At the same time I think Toddlers and Tiaras is seriously messed up but lots of people think it's just the cutest thing and don't have any problems with it.

You certainly seem worked up here! When I look at the Elin, I roll my eyes sometimes because here stands a pint size chick wielding a sword twice its height!

With the particular clothing that they are wearing, I'm not seeing the over sexualization, (although I haven't played the Korean version). I suppose if I was to scrutinize all their clothing and uncovered bits I could start to get a complex. But I'll leave it to you offended people to scour every inch for indecency. :)

I will however agree with you on the Toddlers and Tiaras, but I despise it for even more reasons than you I'd imagine!

Tally Ho!
Dave, this reminds me of a guy I once knew in college who was adamantly against gay men being in our fraternity. He openly spoke about inappropriateness of gay men in the fraternity and mentioned things like how they would "reflect upon him and us, etc." He was so outspoken about his disdain that he organized events and such without inviting any of the gay men. Years later, after a divorce, he came out and admitted to being gay. It all made sense to me.

So anyone who doesn't like the exploitation and sexualization of children in the media is a pedophile? Really?

Maybe I'm over-reacting with my rejection of Elin players. If some people think they're just cute as a button or funny, fine, but that doesn't mean I have to like the way the developers portrayed them.

Edit: I think a good portion of my problem with the Elin is that I'm aware that it's kind of a *wink* *wink* *nudge* *nudge* thing going on. Something Awful used to do comedy bits where they'd review hentai games and it came up pretty frequently where there would be children in the games but a warning at the start saying "All characters depicted are 18 years or older." Okay game, sure.

So basically I see the Elin, get reminded of that bullshit and make a connection that maybe isn't there. Then again, after seeing the original versions of the Elin costumes it's a little blatant what's going on. The westernized versions, I suppose, aren't too much worse than kids dressing up as ballerinas or something.


Dislike of Elin's sexualized clothing is now a subconscious desire to want people to stop playing Tera? C'mon now.

....Ok, you really haven't been on the internet long if you think this doesn't happen.

Leason of the day: People will latch onto whatever they can when cognitive dissonance raises its head.
....Ok, you really haven't been on the internet long if you think this doesn't happen.

Leason of the day: People will latch onto whatever they can when cognitive dissonance raises its head.

I don't think you understand what cognitive dissonance means.

Lesson for you: It's quite possible that someone doesn't like things you like and it's also possible their reasons for not liking it are justifiable. As Dave said, if you're fine with the Elin, fine, but doesn't mean we have to like them.

Dave, this reminds me of a guy I once knew in college who was adamantly against gay men being in our fraternity. He openly spoke about inappropriateness of gay men in the fraternity and mentioned things like how they would "reflect upon him and us, etc." He was so outspoken about his disdain that he organized events and such without inviting any of the gay men. Years later, after a divorce, he came out and admitted to being gay. It all made sense to me.

This one's rich, implying Dave may secretly be a pedophile? So does that mean mean he secretly wants to play an Elin? So then those who are already playing Elin are already pedophiles? Silly huh?

With the particular clothing that they are wearing, I'm not seeing the over sexualization, (although I haven't played the Korean version). I suppose if I was to scrutinize all their clothing and uncovered bits I could start to get a complex. But I'll leave it to you offended people to scour every inch for indecency. :)
I will however agree with you on the Toddlers and Tiaras, but I despise it for even more reasons than you I'd imagine!

That's cognitive dissonance.
Hit 60 last night and I'm tired as fuck. 2 weeks of sleeping 4 hours at night while working a full time job was really difficult but I'm finally done. Until I start leveling alts, anyway.


That's cognitive dissonance.

Uh, no is certainly is not. But seeing as this is the internet, you can have your definition. Just this once! I'll require a quarter for each subsequent misuse :)

And as for me, you clearly didn't read my post.

I'll repeat for you: There are those people who are legitimately offended by what they deem to be overly sexualized clothing or lack there of on the Elin race. This can be due to many factors, which we don't need to go over. However, there will be a subset who is angry at their own feelings about the subject, and will tend to be quite vocal. /simplified

Oh, and I'm not accusing anyone of being a pedophile....Or criticizing their fascination with spandex for that matter.... :)


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
It's not really possible to miss quests if you just follow the quest breadcrumb trail. You may outlevel them but moving to a new area before finishing all the quests in an old area is a personal choice :p

There's nothing wrong with Elins beyond the typical oversexualization in all Korean games. Deal with it.
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