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TERA |OT| F2P starting in February! Were you expecting a parade?


Hey Guys

So, new to Tera I started a guy over the weekend (thanks Amazon DD sale) and I'm liking it so far. Is there a GAF guild that I could potentially squeeze into? I enjoy the content and wouldn't mind knowing there was a party behind me if I ever get caught up or have questions. IGN is St.Tristram if there is

Thanks in advance


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
These are the GAF servers:
PVP Servers
Valley of Titans [GAF PVP]

PVE Servers
Dragonfall [GAF PVE]

PVP Servers [EU]
Essenia [GAF PVP]
Guild name is "Believe" for Valley of Titans and Dragonfall, not sure about the name for EUTERAGAF. If you're on VoT I can accept you into the guild, no requirements, it's just for funsies.


These are the GAF servers:

Guild name is "Believe" for Valley of Titans and Dragonfall, not sure about the name for EUTERAGAF. If you're on VoT I can accept you into the guild, no requirements, it's just for funsies.

Thanks, I am on Dragonfall. I'll keep an eye out for Believer's
I'm at level 9, liking it so far as a Sorcerer.

Having some issues though:

-Often during combat a message will pop up saying 'can't log out during combat', and I'm like what the fuck, I'm not trying to log out.

-Further on that, often when I'm not in combat I'll often get a message pop up saying 'returning to character screen', again, when I haven't pressed anything to indicate to the game that I wanna log out. I can hit 'cancel' to negate it, but it's damn annoying.

-Sometimes my character will run in a direction without any input for me, lasts for several seconds, even when I push another direction (I'm playing with a 360 wired controller) and it reminds me of when on consoles the analog calibration would be off if you turned on the console while pressing a direction on the analog stick.

Am I the only one experiencing this crap? Playing on a good PC, and the game runs fine performance-wise.

I've got the same issues and it's not the controller that's the problem since it happens on both my 360 and Logitech. I forgot the link, but it has something to do with an autorun option and when you disable it, it'll help the character log out problem, but doesn't fix it. I haven't found a solution yet for that or the running issue.

Does anyone know how I get my CE and Amazon items in the game? I input the codes, but I haven't gotten my mount, the olive bandanna, or any of my necklaces. I thought the mount you get around level 20, but I saw a few level 11's running around with a mount.

So far it's alright, I still hate the dodging cooldowns after playing so much Vindictus, but it's boring as shit so far and I lost a few fights because of it. After taking such weak damage and grinding so much in the earlier levels, I stopped caring to play well, and then some ogre asshole butt stomps and kills me in one hit. A lot.


I just picked this up too, but I still to get 30gb available on one of my drives lol. I might be joining that Dragonfall server too, because I prefer PvE over PvP.
My priest is lvl 36 and soloing with him it's godlike so far. There are a bunch (3 so far) litte AoE spells that demolish anything that I have encountered. And then you just heal yourself.

I cant wait to get my priest to higher levels. There seems to be a lot of improvements in the skills of a priest as you go up.

Ya just watched a video and they were not what I expected. I usually like playing hybrid classes or summoners, but the Mystic doesn't seem like a very fun class to play and none of the others seem to fill that role.

Since I will probably be going with a dps class, are there any which are more valuable in a group situation?

VanillaPMP, I read that originally you were looking for a hybrid between support and dps? If Mystic is not your cup of tea, you can go through the OTHER support route (tanking). Warrior is a great class, but apparently, it's very hard to play well (as an evasion tank).

But in general, you should try sticking with a class until at least mid-20s, cuz that's where each class starts to really solidify in their play styles. Just my two cents : )

:D Thanks!

I see now about BoL. I've run it a few more times and its pretty much cake walk now. I'm pretty confident I should be able to run it on my lancer now. I can't wait to see what the other dungeons are like. Though I'm having fun times grouping up with random people and fighting Bam's in the overworld. :D

I didn't realise it before but my curse can stack x3 dealing (at lvl26) 414 damage every 2 seconds! And all I need to do is keep it up with a curse every now and then :D
Now I know what you mean when you said I had to keep my curses up xD

I really should blow my UI up a bit so I can see my buffs texts :p

Anyway now that I figured that out I bound the curse to my mouse 4 button so I can run and cast it. So glad I can move about and cast it, unlike the dps skills I have. So that stacked with the occasional bolt and/or blasts on a bam greatly increases my DPS from when I was soloing basilisks. Though bam's in general still take fooorrreeevvveerrrrrr, especially when a slayer is fighting the next bam over and killing it in half the time :p

I also found in group play, I can cast my Thrall of vengeance for added dps (ofcourse at the cost of mega MP) but it allows me to contribute a little to dps while I'm spamming balls, removing debuffs and using mana surge. Very nice!

On my lancer I spent some time (and cold hard gold) on crafting and enchantment? enchantment!
Boy is it expensive! I think I blew through 10 gold just to make the weapon get it to +3. D:

Yeah I don't think I'll be enchantment? Enchantment! anything again anytime soon :p

Getting close on my mystic to doing the next dungeon (SM?) so I'll report back once that is under my belt.

My mystic high elf discussing the height of elvish fashion during down time fighting bam's:p

Aaah, I didn't realise you didn't know about the stackability of the curse spell! But yea, even when stacked, soloing BAMs as mystic will, undoubtedly, take more time than a dps would (otherwise why would anyone roll as dps).... haha

You havent said much about your experiences as your lancer? Please do! I am considering to alt as lancer next, and I am full with trepidations. It seems like it's a hard class to play well.

I should look at enchanting as well. I haven't been paying attention to that whole other side with enchanting, crafting, potion making.... Actually, a friend is making me sit down and look at my crystals at the moment. I think I will have to review what crystals I am using and when (BAMs versus non-BAMs versus dungeon play), so I can maximise the role of my class for each environment.

I'd be very interested in hearing your first SM impressions! A lot of your experiences bring back so much of my own memories of TERA : )

PS. lol at your fashion discussion screenie !


For you guys who play with a gamepad also, what class do you recommend using? I tried Mystic out for a little bit, but I just feel like if I'm using a gamepad, a magic user may not be the best choice.

I'm one of those people who loved FFXI for many years, and I've been desperately trying to find another MMO that did gamepad controls any good. Sad that 10 years after FFXI's release, we still dont have another MMO that does it as well as that one did (except maybe FFXIV) I just hate the WoW style of playing an MMO using WASD and number buttons for skills. Never been very comfortable to play for me.

I really love the look of this game though. It has a fantastic art style, and is quite visually impressive.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
TERA will be on sale again on Amazon next Saturday I think.


Shaper Divine
You havent said much about your experiences as your lancer? Please do! I am considering to alt as lancer next, and I am full with trepidations. It seems like it's a hard class to play well.

Ahh! Well I only play my lancer with my Hubby who doesn't like to 'waste too much time' playing mmo's when there is xfiles and ps2 rpg backlogs to get through :p

I played a lancer to 22 in beta and re rolled the exact same Elin lancer to duo with my hubby to see how much easier it actually is (as many people in game were telling me it got harder to solo a lancer past a certain level bracket.
I did hit a bit of a wall at 22 with my beta lancer but I attribute that to not following the quest line clearly and missing turtwig mire (hahah I forgot their proper name so now they are pokemans), bol and heading straight to celestial hills, where just the plain red fang orcan duos were annihilating me.

Lancer solo leveling is sloooww, and so terrible at fighting mini creature mobs. The attack chain speed plus their need to have such precision makes for cumbersome gameplay against those mobs.
I haven't had the chance to tank BOL yet (I'm trying to convince my hubby to run a dungeon but he doesn't really like grouping with people, scared from the days of gw1 and forced grouping for story I guess)
But we have gone up against a couple of bams, Spider egg which owned us so bad (it was our first attempt and he didn't really understand his dodge mechanic properly)
But subsequent fights against basilisks has honed our skills as a team and is pretty exciting. Really easy to co-ordinate too, as I can spot the tells easier and let him know what's going to come.

The main item of the lancer is the weapon, as that determines the maximum amount of damage you can block, and any overflow you will then receive. I think that's pretty neat. Mana consumption you need to watch out for as you need it to block. But you can gem your block to take less mana per block and your standard combo attack to generate more MP. I honestly don't find it an issue yet, but I'm still a newb.

I really enjoy both mystic and lancer. I like the difficulty and the challenge and I think if I went and rolled an archer or sorc I would get bored quickly.

Yes I canny wait for SM :D

What characters are you leveling? How do things pan out at higher levels?


I've gotten lucky finding randoms to party with for quests as a lancer although when I can't find anyone, I tend to just skip a lot of quests.


For you guys who play with a gamepad also, what class do you recommend using? I tried Mystic out for a little bit, but I just feel like if I'm using a gamepad, a magic user may not be the best choice.
No, a magic user is not the best choice for a gamepad.

Your best choices would be one of the melee DPS(Slayer, Berserker or Warrior).

Magic users aim their spells with the cursor and while their is an option to switch it to attack in the direction you are facing thats probably not a good idea.
For you guys who play with a gamepad also, what class do you recommend using? I tried Mystic out for a little bit, but I just feel like if I'm using a gamepad, a magic user may not be the best choice.

I'm one of those people who loved FFXI for many years, and I've been desperately trying to find another MMO that did gamepad controls any good. Sad that 10 years after FFXI's release, we still dont have another MMO that does it as well as that one did (except maybe FFXIV) I just hate the WoW style of playing an MMO using WASD and number buttons for skills. Never been very comfortable to play for me.

I really love the look of this game though. It has a fantastic art style, and is quite visually impressive.

I play a Warrior and Sorcerer and both play fine or better than a keyboard, but that may be because I don't play a lot of MMO's. I can pull off combo strings quicker using a gamepad than hitting numbers on the top of the keyboard. Controller support is pretty glitchy so far though, so it may or may not work for you until they patch things up.


I messed around with archer some, and I find it to be alright with the gamepad. The precision is not perfect with the gamepad, but works well enough so far.

I was just afraid to go straight into a melee class, because when I think of my time with MMOs, everyone plays melee, but not enough play mages. I dunno how to go about it.

Wish I knew who to contact to get in the GAF guild though. I'm kinda lonely without knowing anyone else when I play, lol.
Yes I canny wait for SM :D

What characters are you leveling? How do things pan out at higher levels?

Oh, thanks for the inputs about lancer : ) I'm quite excited about rolling a lancer next ! I can't seem to really get the hang of playing a dps, so support classes interest me a lot (both tank and healer).

I am levelling Mystic and alt Priest atm. My mystic is at 43, he's very fun. Challenging to play well, but fun : ). My Priest is still noob atm, but I did levelled him up to 33 at beta.

I've been mostly duo-ing with my friend, so I can give you some impressions about my mystic at my current level. My friend is an archer, and he's really good at dodging attacks. I hardly have to target heal him. I drop some balls (more blues than reds for BAMs), and I just curse and contribute with some minor attacks. I slow and sleep the BAMs when they got enraged. The auras are still useless, more or less, at this level, so I don't really bother with the Aura of the Swift at all.

Last night we ran to a lancer who was having a tough time taking down Kumas and Teraliths. He had a mystic with him, but they kept getting wiped. Anyway, he disbanded party and joined ours, cuz I offered, and then we took the BAMs down easy peasy. He even went afk for awhile and collected the quest, no problems. The thing that I observed that a lancer really changed group dynamics.

With duo, the monster aggro at the mystic and at the dps interchangeably (monster rarrrrghh at me when I drop red balls). So gotta learn to watch monster's behaviours well, and have the teleport jaunt downpat.

The mystic's spells are not as damaging as the priest's though, and soloing at a higher level as a mystic takes patience. Still, this is definitely my favourite play style, hands down : )

Tonight we are going to take down some Nagas at the frosty place : D


I'm not sure. I might try the big sword class.

The slayer? The slayer didn't feel good until level 16 when you unlock that Overhead Strike or w/e it's called which is combo'd into by a lot of things. Then when you glyph it for a chance to reset cooldown, it becomes even more awesome. Slayer to me is basically chaining 3 or more skills for a lot of damage, and then roll out of the way or do your leap back stun and set up for another combo.


Is there no way to get rep outside of dailies for majority of the factions?

Pretty much. Do all the yellow quests in the area as those give rep too. For the accessories you need to be on the revered level and getting to that will take you about a month.

With each new rep level you unlock more daily quests and gain slightly more rep/credit from those quests.

I'm currently on trusted. Need 15 000 rep for next level and can grind ~2800 rep/day. I'm assuming the next level will be 18 000 rep and I'll be able to do 5 quests - gaining around 3500 rep/day.

Keep in mind that you can only do 10 quests per day and as the rep levels get higher and you can do more quests in each zone you'll have to limit yourself to 2 zones. It will take me about 17 more days until I have enough credit for all the stuff I want from rep stores.


Kelsaik's Lair



so my mate bought a Tera key off amazon, only to find out its US only, i said i'd have a go at selling it on here for him, he wants $20 paypal gift, pm me if you're interested


How exactly does a Sorcerer kill a Slayer in PVP? We were both 42 and I swear that class has no weakness except for maybe running out of mana. They have ranged attacks that do sizeable damage, gap closers, and knockdown/stun pretty damn often. Not to mention the fact that the dodge takes their hitbox out of the game. What are my options?


How exactly does a Sorcerer kill a Slayer in PVP? We were both 42 and I swear that class has no weakness except for maybe running out of mana. They have ranged attacks that do sizeable damage, gap closers, and knockdown/stun pretty damn often. Not to mention the fact that the dodge takes their hitbox out of the game. What are my options?

Pray your sleep lands, cast that stun area effect under yourself as a defensive measure and blast slayer with strongest attack(s) you got. At the same time when Slayer's backstab lands you're most likely dead as there is no real escape from In Cold Blood - Overpower - Backstab - Startling kick - Kockdown Strike - OVerhand Strike - Leaping Strike.


Really enjoying my Slayer so far for my first character.

Level 14ish, can't wait for the combo skill at 16. Handles mobs well which is a plus.

The scenery is pleasant and they handle the population control really well with the channels. My only gripe is, every once and awhile I get booted from the game and an error message pops up ffff.ffff crashed blah blah. I spoke to 2 separate support people and gave them the requested logs and neither of them could figure out why I was getting kicked :(
It dropped for me in the "Brokered Purchases" tab on the AH.

Never actually seen one drop in all of my Fane/BT runs, unfortunately - got tired of waiting.

I was told it only drops in BT but I haven't seen one yet either. I'm guessing it's somewhat rare as it is currently going for around 6,000G on Valley of Titans. I'm going to keep trying. ; ;


Hit 27 with my archer and headed out into Poporia for the ordinary quest line. OK, the armor that looked good has taken a turn for the worse - I am now wearing a pink-ish unitard armor set that looks like a cross between a gimp costume and a ballet dancer's tutu.


I was told it only drops in BT but I haven't seen one yet either. I'm guessing it's somewhat rare as it is currently going for around 6,000G on Valley of Titans. I'm going to keep trying. ; ;

Yea, enigmatic weapons are from BT boss, armor is from Fane. With the Fane boss there is a 1/3 chance that it will drop armor for your class. With the BT boss the chance is much smaller as there are 8 different weapon drops and also a chance that no enigmatic weapon drops. BT boss is also much harder to beat, especially if you're doing it with pugs. I'm rather curious of what's the % of groups who actually finish the last boss as there have been quite a few times where the party I've been in has just failed to kill it and people have given up.

There have been people in my party who have gotten their weapon on the first run, I've yet to get mine after 18+ runs.


Neo Member
Hit 27 with my archer and headed out into Poporia for the ordinary quest line. OK, the armor that looked good has taken a turn for the worse - I am now wearing a pink-ish unitard armor set that looks like a cross between a gimp costume and a ballet dancer's tutu.

I hate when I get good armor that is ugly. : (


Hit 27 with my archer and headed out into Poporia for the ordinary quest line. OK, the armor that looked good has taken a turn for the worse - I am now wearing a pink-ish unitard armor set that looks like a cross between a gimp costume and a ballet dancer's tutu.

You're stuck with that model of armor until 40s, unless you can get some superior stuff from CR.


Is there any race where the females actually wear clothes? I liked my demon lady until she decided to go basically naked.


Is there any race where the females actually wear clothes? I liked my demon lady until she decided to go basically naked.

Ironically(atleast in terms of complaints about Tera) the most clothed female race is Elins.

Humans would be in second.

Maybe try Aman female, they are just as naked but you dont notice it because they aren't "pretty".
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