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Terrorist attack at Charlie Hebdo magazine. 12 dead. 11 wounded.

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I assume France has no death penalty, correct? What is a reasonable expectation for a sentence, assuming found guilty?

Life in prison, no chance of parole. Most likely in a secured wing due to risk of harm from other prisoners.

No doubt people with no idea how the Human Rights Act is implemented around Europe will throw a fit when they hear about the 20 year term or whatever arbitrary sentence they get on paper.
I assume France has no death penalty, correct? What is a reasonable expectation for a sentence, assuming found guilty?

No death sentence no. Probably prison for life, in a highly-secured block.


Repose en paix, chef.

RIP :(

I hope everybody won't forget about him in the coming days... we are going to need it.
Continuing the conversation from the last thread. Please delete the post if that kind of discussion is considered off-topic.

Let's see.


He has sent down upon you, [O Muhammad], the Book in truth, confirming what was before it. And He revealed the Torah and the Gospel. Before, as guidance for the people. And He revealed the Qur'an. Indeed, those who disbelieve in the verses of Allah will have a severe punishment, and Allah is exalted in Might, the Owner of Retribution. Indeed, from Allah nothing is hidden in the earth nor in the heaven.

Good start.

It is He who forms you in the wombs however He wills. There is no deity except Him, the Exalted in Might, the Wise. It is He who has sent down to you, [O Muhammad], the Book; in it are verses [that are] precise - they are the foundation of the Book - and others unspecific. As for those in whose hearts is deviation [from truth], they will follow that of it which is unspecific, seeking discord and seeking an interpretation [suitable to them]. And no one knows its [true] interpretation except Allah. But those firm in knowledge say, "We believe in it. All [of it] is from our Lord." And no one will be reminded except those of understanding.[Who say], "Our Lord, let not our hearts deviate after You have guided us and grant us from Yourself mercy. Indeed, You are the Bestower. Our Lord, surely You will gather the people for a Day about which there is no doubt. Indeed, Allah does not fail in His promise."

How does that answer my point? It just states my point, namely that the text is ambiguous. And it gives absolutely no justification for that, despite the obvious senseless ness of having ambiguous texts in such a book allegedly written by an all-mighty person. It just states that you should ignore that ambiguity, just believe and shut up. Is that an answer for you?

If you don't believe in the afterlife; why do you care what happens in the afterlife? I'm curious why you would even care if you don't believe in afterlife if you have a punishment or don't which is what this is referring to

Now you can read the verses I referred to


Anyone who believes that these men represent an entire religion is sadly and tragically mistaken.

People should join moderate muslims in fighting using Quran the fundamentalists but no some people want to throw moderate view under the bus along with their Quran while on the way to running over radicalists. There is a better way, without hate.

Now some people just don't care what moderates think, all they want is religion to end so their view is screw religion and even moderates Just end the faith of moderates too. Instead of helping argue the interpretation of moderates we are ignored and sidelined when we suffer the most deaths at the hands of terrorists, just look at deaths in pakistan of 131 children but no it is the religion of those children which is evil not the men, we don't care if men are evil the only excuse is religion itself so screw the moderate Muslim and screw their faith and screw their religion because we don't care how 1.6 billion muslim feel about their faith we will only be able to sleep when the religion is dead and the evil will stop because the only way to stop extremists is to kill the faith of the majority who are not terrorists. This is the view of opportunists today. There are millions who feel sad for the loss of the lives including me but apparently my faith, my life as a Muslim and the book I believe in must be destroyed as per these bigoted individuals, they never want to help moderates they only want to coerce them away from their faith so they will twist words, texts and meaning and try to give utmost importance to how terrorists feel and think because you know how terrorists interpret is more important than how I and a billion plus others interpret it. Hate is the worst thing in the world so for the love of God or for the love for anything you believe and love, stop with your hate and promoting your agenda and start being remorseful to those killed today and help the majority of us defeat the minority and treat them like a minority which is evil and not a minority which needs relevance because that is only giving them power and taking it away from me as a moderate muslims

Good night
My thoughts and prayers are with the families of the deceased. This is terrible and I hope the people responsible for this act are brought to justice.
The sad truth is, there are many people out there that honestly judge a whole religion based on some psychotic extremists' separate actions. It's a shame that ignorance is so easy to accept.

I think what really breaks my heart is that 12 people today are victims of the kind of event that we all thought wouldn't happen. I too thought it was a joke when extremists threatened South Park for showing the Prophet Mohammed and thought no serious action/retaliation would ever occur because of cartoons/satire.

Why would you think it was a joke? An European Cartoonist was already killed before for drawing Mohamed before the South Park thing. I believe it was a distasteful drawing of Mohamed with a bomb turban. I was really scared for the veiled threads that guy made to them, you could feel he was for real.

I believe the guy was sent to Somalia or something. I wish I had the complete details.
Youngest suspect, 18, surrender to Police after seeing his name all over social media.

source : AFP

Crazy. Twitter got him faster than Police. If he panic for such a thing, time to squeeze him like a lemon as much as possible for EVERY bit of intel

Dead Man

Charlie Hebdo survivors defiant in the face of terror

Former Charlie Hebdo journalist Caroline Fourest has promised that the fatal terrorist attack on the satirical newspaper’s offices will not silence free speech in France.

Twelve people, including eight of Ms Fourest’s former colleagues, were killed when gunmen stormed Charlie Hebdo’s Paris offices on Wednesday morning, local time.

‘All the time when we met we tried to make fun and joke about the crazy stupid people who were violent enough to be afraid of a simple cartoon,’ Ms Fourest said. ‘They can continue to be afraid, because there will be more cartoons.’

‘We have all decided, the journalists who survived and their ex-colleagues, that we are going to have a meeting tomorrow to publish the next Charlie Hebdo, because there is no way, even if they killed 10 of us, that the newspaper won't be out next week.’

Ms Fourest said that self-censorship and fear would be precisely the wrong reaction.

‘This is what the jihadis want. They know that this is the way. You just have to kill a few people in every country, which is the easiest thing to do in the world,’ she said.

‘To have an automatic weapon and kill people is really easy. You don't need any talent to do that. You need talent to be a cartoonist. You need talent to be a journalist.’

‘Those people without any talent killed many talented people today just to create this emotion, this shock, this reaction of panic and hatred.’

Ms Fourest worked for the newspaper in 2011, when a different set of offices were firebombed after the newspaper named the Prophet Muhammad as editor in chief.

She paid tribute to her former colleagues, and noted that many had been living under police protection for many years because they would not compromise.

‘Many of my friends who died today were very sweet people, very funny people and very brave people, because they knew that they had to continue to smile and make others smile while defending freedom of the press,’ she said.

‘Many of my colleagues were under police protection for many years. Their lives changed completely after the Cartoon Affair. They were just dealing with that—there is no choice when you are a journalist and you want to be free and you refuse to be silenced just because a violent, stupid guy wants you to be silent.’

‘You continue to do what you do, what you know how to do, which is to be free.’
Youngest suspect, 18, surrender to Police after seeing his name all over social media.

source : AFP

Crazy. Twitter got him faster than Police. If he panic for such a thing, time to squeeze him like a lemon as much as possible for EVERY bit of intel

Good, they need to know about what they did. That they didn't avenged anyone but they just did a mass murder of innocent people. And that they will be consequences of their actions, hopefully no one else get hurt in the arrest.


It's closed and administration will be going through each and every post with a fine tooth comb. Some accounts are going into the ether. Don't bother PMing to "explain" your position. That shit was shameful.

This cowardly killing was a horrific act of terror. People are angry, hurt, scared. That's fine. What's not fine is using it as an opportunity to spew racist, jingoistic, prejudicial crap under the cover of "this is what these people do".

I am glad of that.


From the otther thread I was about to reply:

Isn't he just saying that Muslims in general shouldn't feel they should apologise for something they haven't done? What's wrong with that?

Done in bad taste i think. To me sounds like "Dont feel bad though, France was trying to start shit up here!"

Muslims in general though shouldnt have to apologize to anyone which like many said is true. Humanity/everyone should feel bad about this event in Paris though. The fact we have to put up with murders like this is sad. Hate the fact the terrorist pull this shit with masks and shit then flee. If you are gonna take other peoples lives like that you better man up and deal with the system and not run off like a little bitch cunt you are.

I really hope America and the world doesnt let this shit fly and protects its people from these assholes trying to place fear into out lives.
Jon Passantino ‏@passantino 3m3 minutes ago
NBC appears to be walking back Pete Williams report Paris suspects were killed, arrested http://www.thewrap.com/paris-terror-attack-suspect-killed-2-others-arrested-report/ …

Update at 8:15 EST: NBC’s Pete Williams, who reported that the suspects were killed and arrested, said he was no longer certain of the status of the suspects. “To be fair here we just don’t know exactly what the situation is in France,” he said on MSNBC.

Damn NBC news ..egg all over


Report me for trolling ND/TLoU2 threads
today is terrible for everyone, i feel bad for the muslim community again because they will have to come out and condemn the attacks. People will paint them all and their religious as terrorists again, i was looking through some youtube comments my god feel ill. RIP to everyone who suffered you are in my thoughts.


Why would you think it was a joke? An European Cartoonist was already killed before for drawing Mohamed before the South Park thing.

Dutch filmmaker Theo van Gogh was killed after he made a short movie criticizing Islam.

The Danish cartoonist Kurt Westergaard is still alive, despite several attempts on his life.
Life in prison, no chance of parole. Most likely in a secured wing due to risk of harm from other prisoners.

No doubt people with no idea how the Human Rights Act is implemented around Europe will throw a fit when they hear about the 20 year term or whatever arbitrary sentence they get on paper.

According to Wikipedia, life without parole is only applicable to the following crimes:

  • Murder with rape or torture on person younger than 15
  • Murder as part of an organized group or assassination of a person holding public authority (policeman, magistrate, etc.) because of his functions.
For everything else, the maximum sentence is life in prison with a possibility of parole after 22 years.


the most mindblowing thing about all of this to me is that there are still people in 2015 are willing to kill others over a fucking cartoon.
Jon Passantino ‏@passantino 3m3 minutes ago
NBC appears to be walking back Pete Williams report Paris suspects were killed, arrested http://www.thewrap.com/paris-terror-attack-suspect-killed-2-others-arrested-report/ …

Update at 8:15 EST: NBC’s Pete Williams, who reported that the suspects were killed and arrested, said he was no longer certain of the status of the suspects. “To be fair here we just don’t know exactly what the situation is in France,” he said on MSNBC.

Damn NBC news ..egg all over

NBC has done nothing but drop the ball on this story. I want to say I hope this means they'll look at how they reported on this and figure out how to change, but they won't and that's... depressing.
I don't have much to say other than this is a terrible tradgedy. I hope those who did this get brought to justice and I hope the families of those that were killed get all the support they need.


Neo Member
I'm really afraid for the future of what happened yesterday in Paris. Because now, the movment "Je suis Charlie" represents the good part, but what's going on? Political guys will take that, and for what?
Ah, la politique...


Fully learned about this in the last hour.:( How horrible this was, and I hope the terrorists will pay for their crimes.


The youngest terrorist apparently gave himself up near the border of belgium. I guess the other two aren't even in france anymore.


Kills Photobucket
The youngest terrorist apparently gave himself up near the border of belgium. I guess the other two aren't even in france anymore.

Will be just terrible if those two get away. Is there really no way to lock down exits to the country with how open Western Europe travel is?


Sadly lots of people thought it could happen as millions of people were crying blood when the cartoons first hit. The newspaper even had a security guard and police protection.



That is the beauty of free speech, if something is offensive and terrible you can scream about it and make yourself heard.

We can get angry, we can get passionate about this, you can be completely wrong too, but losing lives is simply unacceptable.
I'm really afraid for the future of what happened yesterday in Paris. Because now, the movment "Je suis Charlie" represents the good part, but what's going on? Political guys will take that, and for what?
Ah, la politique...

Politics is involved, yes. How are those guys able to walk in Paris seeing as they came back from Syria? Why is the approach in Europe such a soft one?

Gilles de Kerchove: I fully share that concern. I think you have three elements. Those who are joining the fight will learn how to use a bomb, how to use a Kalashnikov or how to build a bomb. They will most likely be indoctrinated even more and so get more radical; and, not insignificantly, they will have friends from all over the world. It is a huge magnet for would-be jihadists coming from all over the world, so they will be connected to friends in Libya, Indonesia and everywhere from the Muslim world. Therefore, I think it is likely that among those returning to Europe, some will get back with bad feelings, so may even be directed by groups in Syria to mount an attack in Europe. It is a very legitimate concern. That is why we try to be prepared, to design mechanisms to assess-and I think this will be necessary for each and every returnee-whether this person poses a threat, and whether they need psychological support, because many have been confronted with a really ugly war, or social support to help them get back to normal life, to find a job or to retrain for that. Some will have to be sent to a court, because if they have joined ISIS or al-Nusra, they are violating the law. Some will have to be monitored discreetly, so we will have to design a response for each and every returnee.

What? Social support? Those people made a choice. A choice that is contrary to everything Western society stands for. They should go to jail.


Jon Passantino ‏@passantino 3m3 minutes ago
NBC appears to be walking back Pete Williams report Paris suspects were killed, arrested http://www.thewrap.com/paris-terror-attack-suspect-killed-2-others-arrested-report/ …

Update at 8:15 EST: NBC’s Pete Williams, who reported that the suspects were killed and arrested, said he was no longer certain of the status of the suspects. “To be fair here we just don’t know exactly what the situation is in France,” he said on MSNBC.

Damn NBC news ..egg all over

Wow, what a joke...
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