Atleast we know what Giantbomb does when the week is slow. They just visit other peoples podcasts
Brad talks so naturally on Tested compared to the
Bombcast that it almost seems like he doesn't really care as much about videogames. Haha.
International Space Station.ISS video?
Yeah, I read the quality of the components is suspect but for $8 I figured why not.we have that deck building game at our house. have only played it once though. the images look like low-res screencaps from dvds though.
Combat in the game seemed pretty stupid, and there were definitely a couple times we didn't know how to resolve situations because the rules were ambiguous. It's basically Dominion, though, so at its core it's a good game. Some fun card abilities.Yeah, I read the quality of the components is suspect but for $8 I figured why not.
Sounds to me like someone never played 25th Anniversary or Judgment Rites.This is the only worthwhile Star Trek game IMO.
Played the shit out of it as a kid, and I didn't even watch the series!
This is the only worthwhile Star Trek game IMO.
Played the shit out of it as a kid, and I didn't even watch the series!
Okay its obvious Brad wishes he went to tested. Sheesh man why not bring some of that A-game to the bombcast this week!
Anyway, I have an amusing cord cutting anecdote. I haven't had cable in a long time and almost never turn on over the air TV. Anyway I turned on the Olympics over the weekend and my kid asks, "whats this?" I say its TV and they respond "why does it have so many commercials?"
I had to laugh considering "commercials" to the kid is basically 30 second Hulu ads. Must be amazing growing up in a world almost devoid of commercials. That said, I don't know if TV has changed in recent years or NBC is being a jerk but wow the Olympics really did have a ton of commercials. Terrible ones too, I thought people were over reacting to the Apple ads but I was wrong, they are bad
Having been watching a lot of Hulu lately, they have the whole series of In the Thick of It, they have at least a dozen different commercials. Or at the very least eight if we don't count the hulu commercials.Holy shit, if your kids have only been watching Hulu commercials, broadcast commercials must have seemed like an absolute treat.
There is a new commercial every time?! This is amazing dad! We don't have to watch the same awful minute long Cadillac commercial every ten minutes.
Having been watching a lot of Hulu lately, they have the whole series of In the Thick of It, they have at least a dozen different commercials. Or at the very least eight if we don't count the hulu commercials.
Maybe. I've only been watching stuff they've recently put up. They still need more commercials in the pool, but it's not as bad as it was a year ago.That's the best show I have seen in forever. So freaking good and I was stoked to see that they are doing a 4th season!
I think it's been a year since I cancelled Hulu plus and it was pretty much the same commercial over and over and over. That was on the Roku app and I was watching old shows, maybe it's device/content specific?
The Thick of It is basically the greatest show ever.
Show first, then In the Loop.Yeah, I powered through it over the last week. It's flat amazing. So many great lines. Did In The Loop come first or was the show first?
If that was shown on network TV, they'd have to call it Beep.Show first, then In the Loop.
Anxiously hoping for a Malcolm Tucker cameo on Veep.
Well yeah, apparently the version of The Thick of It shown on BBC America is pretty much one long bleep, what is the point?If that was shown on network TV, they'd have to call it Beep.
It's uncensored on Hulu. All the inappropriate sexual metaphors you can handle.Well yeah, apparently the version of The Thick of It shown on BBC America is pretty much one long bleep, what is the point?
Did that show get better? I watched the first two episodes and was pretty underwhelmed. I really like JLD though so I should probably give it another shot. Is Veep related in any way Thick of It?
Both of them are created by Armando Ianucchi.
I picked it up a couple weeks ago. Still haven't been able to convince anyone to play it with me.The TNG talk on last podcast made me think it was a good idea to pick this up.
Got it for for ~$8 at Barnes and Noble. It was on the clearance table at 75% off.
Hey tested, fucking CATEGORIES
I don't have a problem with that, but without 'embiggen' there's no way to watch videos and easily switch to other tabs. So I've been going straight to youtube for vids, but still read the text content on the site.They've talked on the podcast how they'll go away from a site if it takes too long to load. Im in a similar situation now When I go to tested to watch something now it's not worth lookIng through a huge list of videos.
They've talked on the podcast how they'll go away from a site if it takes too long to load. Im in a similar situation now When I go to tested to watch something now it's not worth lookIng through a huge list of videos.
They've talked on the podcast how they'll go away from a site if it takes too long to load. Im in a similar situation now When I go to tested to watch something now it's not worth lookIng through a huge list of videos.