Gary Whitta
The Tested crew came out to my panel at Comic-Con, it was great to see some friendly faces in the audience, made me much less nervous to be up there! Thanks to Will, Norm and Joey!

So comicon is paternity leave these days... I kid!
What was the whitta announcements at comicon?
So comicon is paternity leave these days... I kid!
What was the whitta announcements at comicon?
is Alien Blue the go to reddit app for ipad?
Gary Taubes, author of Why We Get Fat, talks with EconTalk host Russ Roberts about why we get fat and the nature of evidence in a complex system. The current mainstream view is that we get fat because we eat too much and don't exercise enough. Taubes challenges this seemingly uncontroversial argument with a number of empirical observations, arguing instead that excessive carbohydrate consumption causes obesity. In this conversation he explains how your body reacts to carbohydrates and explains why the mainstream argument of "calories in/calories out" is inadequate for explaining obesity. He also discusses the history of the idea of carbohydrates' importance tracing it back to German and Austrian nutritionists whose work was ignored after WWII. Roberts ties the discussion to other emergent, complex phenomena such as the economy. The conversation closes with a discussion of the risks of confirmation bias and cherry-picking data to suit one's pet hypotheses.
Finally had the chance to listen today on my way home from Nashville. Another great episode. Two in a row where I have no complaints! Joey was awesome and I definitely want you guys to expand the coffee coverage to the kitchen in general. It looked like the office might have some semblance of a kitchen? Cooking videos!
Norm, is Alien Blue the go to reddit app for ipad?
Norm looks tense.
I think she had just sharted, which is why I gave her to Norm.babby looks tense.
Kickstarter is also supposed to fund a project to completion. It isn't supposed to be a fund my life program that needs to be renewed every year. The $250,000 goal only removes one ad. That is the minimum for them getting money from this KickStarter. Removing one top banner ad for $250,000. It's a joke that Kickstarter is allowing Penny Arcade to use Kickstarter as a means to get competitive bids for ad space on their website. It will be much cheaper for Penny Arcade who no longer need to build advertisements and find advertising partners. Penny Arcade is a lucrative for-profit business that is using their fan loyalty to remove one top banner ad. The only reason Kickstarter allowed this project is PA's negotiations with Kickstarter.
Loyd Case was on Tech News Today. For all you other Loyd groupies out there.
(see, I'm positive about lots of stuff)
I have been listening since day 1 because I know as soon as tom left BOL that it would go down hill from there.I started listening to that recently and definitely fills a void after the death of Buzz Out Loud. I skip the first seven or eight minutes of each episode where they summarize all the upcoming stories.
Will the mythbusters comic con panel be going up on tested?
on mythbusters Jamie is really good but here he has to come in his element more he talks and looks nervous.
on mythbusters Jamie is really good but here he has to come in his element more he talks and looks nervous.
Witch is strange because he does tv stuff all the time.
Liked his first video but I guess he needs a little more time to get a grove for these kinds of videos.
and NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO @ lik ban luckily its only a temp one.
Jamie got the introduction right on the first time, though. So he has that going for it.
And I thought the video was pretty solid either way.
What i don't get is that, unless it's processed in some kind of pill or something like that then any normal human being would most probabaly throw it all back out after eating... What's the point then?
It's not like people were doing that before and it's coming back in fashion. I put it in the same category of people thinking that drinking their own urine has medicinal purposes.
On this week's show, Norm grips a tablet, Joey reviews whisky, and Will makes soft grunting noises. All that, plus stories from Comic-Con 2012, Windows 8's general availability date, the problem with cyborgs, and another episode of fake outtakes.
and my god 125mb episode.
What happened?
He's still not done? Unacceptable Norm, it's a short game too.The Portal 2 shaming should absolutely continue until Norm finally finishes it. Unbelievable.
Seriously, that's the perfect food porn show idea right there.The TESTED TOURS THE MODERNIST CUISINE LABORATORY KITCHEN video is great.
These guys should have a TV show. Extreme Cooking! Make it!!
These guys should have a TV show. Extreme Cooking! Make it!!