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Tested.com |OT| Lean Into It If It's Racist


formerly cjelly
Hey GAFers,

I think we can all agree that the current Tested design isn't awesome. It was a crazy rush job, put together in two weeks, and we simply didn't include a bunch of important stuff, like categorization, notifications, PMs, RSS feeds, and a whole bunch more that I'm forgetting.

Over the last few months, we've restored a bunch of the missing functionality (PMs, notifications, user blogs, quoting and replies, RSS, mod tools, etc). Next on the list, we're going to restore categorization to the site, fix the podcast page (include video and audio versions, as well as links to RSS, iTunes, and a direct download) and refresh the overall look and feel of the design.

As I said before, none of us were particularly happy with the previous design. Because everything happened so quickly, Norm and I weren't involved with the current design at all until it was too late to make real changes, and by then the engineers had to move on to the next project. We've fixed the small stuff, and the big changes are coming next.

I wanted to solicit feedback from you guys while we're mapping out changes. Consider this a companion to the thread over at Tested. Feel free to post suggestions, comments, and critiques here or there. I can't promise that we'll address everything, but we'll address as much of it as makes sense. We don't have any plans to change the mix of content on the site.

Here's are the big things that are already on the list.

  • Categorization of all content (videos, news, etc)
  • Podcast page to include video + audio, unify comments, add links
  • Contrast for reading to be improved, no pure white background
  • More posts/page on forums, article comments
  • More granular search options
  • Image/Video embeds in comments/forum posts
  • Promote great user content (forum posts, userblogs) to homepage
  • Attach articles/videos/user blogs to forums
  • pin threads to top of boards
  • Bring polls back to forums
  • Jump to last page on multipage threads
  • Add Will and Norm to the site header
All of this sounds great to me.

It's sad when it is a better experience to go to the YouTube channel and watch videos than the site.


Subete no aware
Fan death!
I thought Norm did keep his duvet in a cover and Will still got all on him for sleeping wrong. lol
Norm has other problems. If I understand correctly, Norm is putting the non fitted sheet under the fitted sheet when making his bed. I can see why he only changes his sheets once a month. I cant imagine how much of a pain in the ass it is to make that bed.


i can't believe what norm does with his sheets.. it just makes no sense. In England we use duvet covers and I was a bit confused the first time I went to Japan and saw the two sheets/comforter thing, but i figured it out in like a minute.. its taken Norm like 20 something years and he's still doing it wrong?!

also wtf at washing pillow covers every 2 days but sheets once a month!

  • Categorization of all content (videos, news, etc)
  • Contrast for reading to be improved, no pure white background

these are the most important things to me. it sounds silly but i honestly think a big part of the reason i don't visit so often is that the way it looks makes it unpleasant to read. I really dislike the all-caps everywhere, especially in the article headers, somehow it makes them much harder to skim through. i don't really care about the branding, I already know its Will and Norm!

thinking about it the core content hasn't changed much, its just the way its presented makes me avoid the site. although i think i would prefer more of the old tested scope articles in the mix (apps,websites,tech etc).


I'd really like to see the return of clearly defined styling differentiating Tested's own content with the reblogs and random Youtube videos.

The old site handled it much better with the reduced size and light blue shading.

It's one of the main reasons I prefer Tested's Youtube channel - it's always original content.


ok that Olympic Village movie is a legit great idea

- topical
- promise of sexual content
- athlete cameos
- lots of beautiful men and women
- lots of physical humor
- making stupid plans and being foiled by some authority figure
- exotic foreign country

get hollywood on the horn


I'd really like to see the return of clearly defined styling differentiating Tested's own content with the reblogs and random Youtube videos.

The old site handled it much better with the reduced size and light blue shading.

It's one of the main reasons I prefer Tested's Youtube channel - it's always original content.

The difference before was that we used our own video player for our own videos, and we didn't for other people's videos. That said, there will be a thing you can click on the video page to show only original content.


Subete no aware
The difference before was that we used our own video player for our own videos, and we didn't for other people's videos. That said, there will be a thing you can click on the video page to show only original content.
I don't know if Jamie and Adam are posting yet, but it'd be nice to be able to find their content as well if they are.


Still without luck
Hey GAFers,

I think we can all agree that the current Tested design isn't awesome. It was a crazy rush job, put together in two weeks, and we simply didn't include a bunch of important stuff, like categorization, notifications, PMs, RSS feeds, and a whole bunch more that I'm forgetting.

Over the last few months, we've restored a bunch of the missing functionality (PMs, notifications, user blogs, quoting and replies, RSS, mod tools, etc). Next on the list, we're going to restore categorization to the site, fix the podcast page (include video and audio versions, as well as links to RSS, iTunes, and a direct download) and refresh the overall look and feel of the design.

As I said before, none of us were particularly happy with the previous design. Because everything happened so quickly, Norm and I weren't involved with the current design at all until it was too late to make real changes, and by then the engineers had to move on to the next project. We've fixed the small stuff, and the big changes are coming next.

I wanted to solicit feedback from you guys while we're mapping out changes. Consider this a companion to the thread over at Tested. Feel free to post suggestions, comments, and critiques here or there. I can't promise that we'll address everything, but we'll address as much of it as makes sense. We don't have any plans to change the mix of content on the site.

Here's are the big things that are already on the list.

  • Categorization of all content (videos, news, etc)
  • Podcast page to include video + audio, unify comments, add links
  • Contrast for reading to be improved, no pure white background
  • More posts/page on forums, article comments
  • More granular search options
  • Image/Video embeds in comments/forum posts
  • Promote great user content (forum posts, userblogs) to homepage
  • Attach articles/videos/user blogs to forums
  • pin threads to top of boards
  • Bring polls back to forums
  • Jump to last page on multipage threads
  • Add Will and Norm to the site header

Highlighted are the most important to me.

Aside from those, I would just really like a better designed home page. There is a lot of wasted space like the grey bar across the very top of the site and other spots where functionality could be added. I don't really like the look of the site very much. The grid pattern doesn't look nice at all and the grey text on harsh white background it a pain to look at, but it sounds like that'll all be fixed. And something that is maybe a bit unimportant, but I really hope there is a new logo. The current one looks like it was made in 10 minutes with no care and just looks bad. Testacleese (or however it's spelled) was so great. If he can't come back, at least give a new one a shot. And yes, take "Jamie and Adam" out of it. But you guys know good design when you see it. I'm sure you'll figure this all out.

On to the other things I would like to be added though.

  • Headline layout option for the articles on the homepage, like how it was before
  • Better video player layout where I can enlarge the video without going to youtube

But in terms of content I would like, after you guys get settled of course.

  • Apps of the Week to return, that's weekly not daily
  • More Quick Looks of anything really

Also, one thing I think would be really useful would be review aggregate articles. Since reviews from you guys are such a rarity, I think if you took excerpts from reviews around the internet that you guys trust and put them into one big article to give an idea of the common opinion of a product or service would be very helpful.

That's all I can think of right now and I'm pretty tired so apologizes is something doesn't make sense. Hope this helps!
Changes sound great. Looking forward to seeing them.

And make sure you get on Norms ass about sleeping like a damn barbarian. Sheet under fitted sheet? What on earth? And tell him bedbugs are real. Wash your sheets once a week son!


After stumbling across these...


I have decided if Will re-cuts his beard down to a mustache for October (Octoberkast), I will donate €100+ to good causes.

I think others would too. Do it for the Kids!


Still without luck
After stumbling across these...


I have decided if Will re-cuts his beard down to a mustache for October (Octoberkast), I will donate €100+ to good causes.

I think others would too. Do it for the Kids!

I second this.

unless there's a live audience. PLEASE NO LIVE AUDIENCE


What are the chances that Ewan McGregor in The Island would be discussed in this podcast and a Giant Bomb quick look within days of one another?


Should've just got rid of the eyebrows:


well if you're taking off eyebrows he might as well finish the job.

[B]DO IT FOR THE KIDS WILL. [/B] (you can keep sideburns if you like)


After stumbling across these...


I have decided if Will re-cuts his beard down to a mustache for October (Octoberkast), I will donate €100+ to good causes.

I think others would too. Do it for the Kids!

Am I crazy, or do I see a bit of Ron Swanson in that picture?



Still catching up on the show with Gary. Norm is super strict with pooping, lol. Sometimes you might have the runs or maybe you're constipated. Not everyone takes lightning fast poops.
Guys don't be angry at me but I have a backlog of 10 episodes right now. My beautiful 2012 macbook air was stolen at gunpoint. :( Thankfully I was able to remote wipe and lock it.


Something about having Will and Norm in the header

There are massive benefits to having Jamie & Adam in the header. When we reach out to a PR company for product or to visit some crazy location and they come to the site and see the guys from Mythbusters, the conversation immediately gets much friendlier, if you know what I mean.

That said, we'll have some alternate options for logged-in users.


There are massive benefits to having Jamie & Adam in the header. When we reach out to a PR company for product or to visit some crazy location and they come to the site and see the guys from Mythbusters, the conversation immediately gets much friendlier, if you know what I mean.

That said, we'll have some alternate options for logged-in users.

How has traffic been post acquisition? It kind of stinks that on their shows they never direct folks to Tested. I get it for Mythbusters as those are pre-existing contracts (and I think separate from the current B/B deal) but that Rube Goldberg show not having a presence on Tested seems odd.

Really though, and this is one of the reasons I liked just paying you guys, your content is just better consumed elsewhere. I don't listen to podcasts from a webpage and your videos are generally good enough that I watch them on the TV. I personally don't have a huge use for the website. I know that's how you generate revenue though and prove engagement to advertisers but there just isn't a ton there to compel me to keep coming back.

Sell me a Roku app or something!


Subete no aware
How has traffic been post acquisition? It kind of stinks that on their shows they never direct folks to Tested. I get it for Mythbusters as those are pre-existing contracts (and I think separate from the current B/B deal) but that Rube Goldberg show not having a presence on Tested seems odd.

Really though, and this is one of the reasons I liked just paying you guys, your content is just better consumed elsewhere. I don't listen to podcasts from a webpage and your videos are generally good enough that I watch them on the TV. I personally don't have a huge use for the website. I know that's how you generate revenue though and prove engagement to advertisers but there just isn't a ton there to compel me to keep coming back.

Sell me a Roku app or something!

If they were allowed to move all that discovery channel website stuff to Tested, then they'd be set. I guess that'd be impossible, but god, the DC channel forums are an antiquated mess.


I actually stopped visiting tested and unsubscribed from the rss feed after the whiskey media split, or whatever it was that happened.

When I went to check out Tested, seeing completely new people on the header just confused the hell out of me, especially since there was no mention at all of Will and Norm.

Just though I'd mention that as some sort of anecdotal data.

Really though, and this is one of the reasons I liked just paying you guys, your content is just better consumed elsewhere. I don't listen to podcasts from a webpage and your videos are generally good enough that I watch them on the TV.

Whoa, I did not know Tested was on TV now, who bought them?


There are massive benefits to having Jamie & Adam in the header. When we reach out to a PR company for product or to visit some crazy location and they come to the site and see the guys from Mythbusters, the conversation immediately gets much friendlier, if you know what I mean.

That said, we'll have some alternate options for logged-in users.

Oh yeah no doubt. To be clear I never really minded the whole header thing.
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