Is it just me or does Norm's mic turn off an hour in to the podcast?
I hear a quite bit of static so I assume Norm messed up mic check and recorded too low.
Is it just me or does Norm's mic turn off an hour in to the podcast?
I hear a quite bit of static so I assume Norm messed up mic check and recorded too low.
It sounds like his mic is almost turned off compared to the others.
Loyd: "This is a tech podcast, right?"
Norm: What have you been testing?
Loyd: Boardgames.
Norm sounded like he was talking through a pillow for most of the episode.
Tested is so clearly not a tech-only site that it seems almost a internal joke to ask if it's a Tech podcast. I believe at one point Gary even answers "no", which should be the default answer.
Norm's mic was probably way down or actually, was said earlier, backwards. Still "listenable" enough.
Norm called it a tech podcast on this very episode.
Maybe, but custom dictates that veering off into tangents on the podcast is completely fair game.
The sound quality of this episode was such trash.
Anyone catch the name of that microphone Loyd was raving about, sounded amazing, is it bundled in with a sound card?
PSA This week’s podcast is delayed til tomorrow due to travel. We wanted to include PS4 talk, which wouldn’t be possible otherwise.
Guys, there will be a podcast:
On this week's (day late) show, Norm and Will discuss the PlayStation 4, the GeForce Titan, the HTC One, and the problem with vestigal organs. Enjoy!
Agreed that was terrible. Also if they are going to delay the podcast by a day, they should have really read up on all the specs. They didn't really know much about the specs of the new dualshock, besides hey it's got a light on it that acts as a player indicator, i mean will was surprised that it had a touchpad.lmao
'What if developers said they don't need as much of this super fast ram'
The Sony discussion was difficult to listen to as expected, but I did like Will calling HD rereleases a "HD remixes".
Agreed that was terrible. Also if they are going to delay the podcast by a day, they should have really read up on all the specs. They didn't really know much about the specs of the new dualshock, besides hey it's got a light on it that acts as a player indicator, i mean will was surprised that it had a touchpad.
Could've been worse. Literally every podcast I've heard talking about the PS4 got at least one major fact wrong, by omission or otherwise. At least they didn't say it was a touchscreen.
'What if developers said they don't need as much of this super fast ram'
The Sony discussion was difficult to listen to as expected, but I did like Will calling HD rereleases a "HD remixes".
'What if developers said they don't need as much of this super fast ram'
The Sony discussion was difficult to listen to as expected, but I did like Will calling HD rereleases a "HD remixes".
Using a $50 pen chassis for cheap pen refills, Field Notes notebooks, dat beard...
Can we safely say the Will has entered hipsterdom?
This is coming from a stationary geek too.
Who knows the model number of their pen
I love this pen it is fantastic but it looks cheap and other people judge me for using it so I bought this crazy expensive pen.
Apple mindset infecting the Tested supply closet.
Will fixed the toilet and didn't have to call a plumber? Way to go! That beard is making you more manly!
The toilet still totally works without a handle though.
The lever arm is above the water line in the tank. Yes, I did just have to fix a toilet yesterday thank you very much.
Though maybe Will has some fancy hipster toilet.
This is what happens when Gary isn't around. He would have dozed off during that stuff.
Also, they say "Gaikai" weird.