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Tested.com |OT| Lean Into It If It's Racist


intangibles, motherfucker
Oh man Jeff Green went real dark a little after the 65 minute mark lol. I appreciate the honesty though.

Aruarian Reflection

Chauffeur de la gdlk
I finally listened to last week's episode. Norm's bitterly salty comments about Joshua Topolsky were amazing. Will quickly realized it was turning a dark corner and steered the conversation elsewhere.

Topolsky's article on testing Google Glass is just a written version of how the Tested guys talk about testing things on their podcast (adding extraneous details and tangents).

Being self-aware is hardly one of Tested's assets


Dad cast was amazing, even not being a dad it's really interesting to listen to.

And holy shit at Jeff green teenage girls talk wow


Vinny's family sounds amazing. That and working for Giant Bomb, sounds like his life would be a solid sitcom. Somebody Kickstart it!


Loved the show this week. Nice to hear normal dads talk on this show for once. Dave's rips on Gary were fantastic.

"No water birth hippie bullshit, we'll be going with science"


Super Sleuth
Tested's site has pretty much completely lost me. I just don't find the articles interesting anymore.

I need apps of the day/week back. I need product quick looks. I need more videos in general.


Tested's site has pretty much completely lost me. I just don't find the articles interesting anymore.

I need apps of the day/week back. I need product quick looks. I need more videos in general.

They lost me after the Whiskey Media split. Sorry, it's just the way it is.

The podcast has suffered for lack of what Ana brought: someone who is reasonably outside of the bubble enough to have some perspective.
They lost me after the Whiskey Media split. Sorry, it's just the way it is.

The podcast has suffered for lack of what Ana brought: someone who is reasonably outside of the bubble enough to have some perspective.

Yeah same here. The only reason I keep coming back is the hope of podcasts featuring Gary and/or Brad. The dad cast is the best thing they've done since the split. The split was all "Hey look we're going to do awesome stuff with Jamie and Adam!" which turned into, "Once in a while we'll talk about movies or props or something with Adam...and Jamie will be basically non-existent...?" I know I lot of people might think I'm crazy but I also have zero interest in makerbot stuff right now and that seems to be half of their focus.


The big problem with being a "site for whatever the fuck we feel like talking about" is that I never really have a reason to go there. It's in my RSS feed so occasionally I will check out a story but in general, there is never any news or event that I feel like Tested is the place to go. It used to be that I would go there asap when tech news broke. Now, a Nexus 4 review in March. Great, thanks.

I suppose and hope that they are big in "maker culture" but that whole scene is just weird to me. Will can build a third person camera backpack but can't do electrical work on his house? That kind of seems to be the theme with a lot of folks I've met that call themselves "makers." They can do frivolous shit but ask them to chop down a tree or change their oil and they are lost.


Yeah they lost me a couple of months ago too. The site is now mostly about Cameras (when Norm is running it) and Makerbot (when Will is running it). The rest of the content is Redit/Twitter reposts.

Adam can be interesting from time to time but then again I don't have an infinite love for everything that is Adam like the two guys have.

I still listen to the podcast everyweek but simply because I don't have anything else to listen to on fridays. All the errors and inaccuracies (especially when they are talking about video games) are REALLY bugging me, it's getting ridiculous. They always had an anti-factcheck stance since the beginning but maybe they should start doing a little bit more of that instead of saying ridiculus stuff every weeks.

Weirdly enough I still go to the site multiple times a day but simply because it's still on my favorite bar and part of my normal "rotation" that I go through every hour or so. Most of the time I load the website I don't even scroll down past the header tho...
Exactly eznark. You'd think after spending time right next to Giant Bomb they would see this. I go back to Giant Bomb all the time because they've created a suite of content that I can expect and look forward to with I Love Mondays and TNT and Quick Looks everyday and Patrick's articles and so on.


Exactly eznark. You'd think after spending time right next to Giant Bomb they would see this. I go back to Giant Bomb all the time because they've created a suite of content that I can expect and look forward to with I Love Mondays and TNT and Quick Looks everyday and Patrick's articles and so on.

I appreciate what they are doing and I am sure it's roughly 1000x more personally fulfilling than writing about Intel leaving the mobo market so I hope it's working out.


Yeah, aside from the odd long-form article, I rarely view any of their content any more.

I respect the type of eclectic approach the site tries to take with technology/art/'making'/etc, but without a real, reliable focus, everything just comes across as an erratic "Hey, this is what we're into this week, guys!" mess. That approach can work on TV (where they usually have the budget and presenter charisma to make it work), but not so much on the internet.

Also, the Dadcast really emphasizes just how badly Tested needs a larger group of 'site friends' who can appear regularly - hell, use some of that BermanBraun money to pay people to appear if they're uncomfortable constantly asking for favors. Will and Norm can get too comfortable in their own echo-chamber, having a rotation of guests every week will help alleviate that (exactly as someone else mentioned above - like the Ana effect on the podcast).
I think their video content is still strong. They've done a heck of a lot of videos on interesting places and subjects such as the Space Shuttle museum and recently the bridge lights project that are more compelling to me than the latest aeropress method and a late phone review. I agree though that there is a lack of consistency with the content in that I have no idea what to expect from week to week, podcasts aside, whereas with, say, GiantBomb there are set times when I know I can tune in and see relevant content. I guess it's just the nature of the site now with their fingers in so many pies, it'd be hard to stick to a routine. I do miss App of the week. And more guests is very much welcome!


The big problem with being a "site for whatever the fuck we feel like talking about" is that I never really have a reason to go there. It's in my RSS feed so occasionally I will check out a story but in general, there is never any news or event that I feel like Tested is the place to go. It used to be that I would go there asap when tech news broke. Now, a Nexus 4 review in March. Great, thanks.

I suppose and hope that they are big in "maker culture" but that whole scene is just weird to me. Will can build a third person camera backpack but can't do electrical work on his house? That kind of seems to be the theme with a lot of folks I've met that call themselves "makers." They can do frivolous shit but ask them to chop down a tree or change their oil and they are lost.

Leaving electrical work to professionals is not a bad idea for safety reasons.


Leaving electrical work to professionals is not a bad idea for safety reasons.

It's simple to learn though and as long as you turn off the power there is generally little risk. I'm way more comfortable doing electrical work than plumbing since the costs of a fuck-up are generally a lot cheaper!


It's simple to learn though and as long as you turn off the power there is generally little risk. I'm way more comfortable doing electrical work than plumbing since the costs of a fuck-up are generally a lot cheaper!

Not really... if you install things yourself and your house burns down, the insurance company might notice that you've done the wiring yourself and tell you to suck it. Even though the fire didn't have anything to do with the wiring.


Not really... if you install things yourself and your house burns down, the insurance company might notice that you've done the wiring yourself and tell you to suck it. Even though the fire didn't have anything to do with the wiring.

If you do it properly there should be no difference. I'm not saying to jury rig some daisy chained outlets. It's shockingly easy to install things like a light fixture, ceiling fan, extra wall outlet, etc. to code. The hardest part is probably running the cables or patching the drywall. It's a hell of a lot easier than building a person out of cardboard.


The dad cast was kind of boring for a father of twins. A lot of the complaints felt forced. And I don't get Wills complaints of the appendix, that was literally an annoyance for me and nothing more. The worst part was waiting for the CT scan and surgery.

Deleted member 13876

Unconfirmed Member
And I don't get Wills complaints of the appendix, that was literally an annoyance for me and nothing more. The worst part was waiting for the CT scan and surgery.

I imagine much like any medical procedure or problem the amount of pain can wildly vary. Whether that's because of your pain threshold, the anxiety of feeling something you've never felt before or other latent medical issues multiplying the pain I will never belittle someone who's complaining about pain because you really can't know what the person is actually feeling at that moment.
Nice to see other people have the same feelings on the site I have. I really havent had any interest in there recent videos. The show and tell videos I have watches have just made me hate the site even more. A 50 dollar pen? REALLY? And I dont care about maker bot.

And the podcast has almost completely fallen out of my rotation and the only tested casts I have listen to in 2013 have been the Dad cast and that time Brad was on.

And when did Will get his appendix out? I had mine done as a kid and I would be interested in hearing his experience.


this is too perfect to not be a shot at eznark

When have I complained about an injury? And why would I have done it in this thread?!

Who the fuck is Eznark?

That name reeks of Sconi. You have to be careful around them folk.

Speaking of careful I better get back to sports GAF before I get banned.



Complaints really gets this thread moving.

I wanted App if the week/day back because I also miss regular content. I also find hidden treasures through that series. I appreciate their longer features with Adam and on trips like Las Vegas, Aerospace museum and Paper airplane guy but the problem with those is that it is just 1 day's worth of content for us.

I've skipped over so much of their written content because it just doesn't interest me. Like that model gun thing they're running. The last thing I read was Loyd Case's APU article.

Also Gary is coming back to the podcast this week and he seems to be filled with stuff to talk about


Also Gary is coming back to the podcast this week and he seems to be filled with stuff to talk about
The podcast is so much better when Gary is on it.

I can't really complain when he is not on there because I get this shit for free and it is not even that bad when he is not on there, but there does not seem to be a replacement for whatever Gary brings to the table.


And then the LORD David Bowie saith to his Son, Jonny Depp: 'Go, and spread my image amongst the cosmos. For every living thing is in anguish and only the LIGHT shall give them reprieve.'
Gary, Will and Norm are a really good combo of personalities. Take one away and it suffers. Like Voltron, or something.
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