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Tested.com |OT| Lean Into It If It's Racist


I don't really mind, the one thing that does annoy me is that the best part is often fake outtakes but Norm complains about lunch every time and it's cut to 2 minutes. Got some great suggestions last week from Gary's book talk.


Axel Hertz
Are Will and Norm going to talk about this this week?


Again? They already did, multiple times.

Long Story Short, Will said that the part of the gun that actually fires bullets would probably be good for only one or two shots before disintegrating. And it would be more of a risk to whoever is shooting said gun, because it would probably just explode in their hands as opposed to actually firing.

He also said that, yeah, if the Object Printing materials become harder and more durable, this could become a problem, but it's nothing to worry in the near future. (or something along these lines)


I still use RSS because Twitter just doesn't work for me. I'm on the other side of the world (Australia) and all the news happens while I'm asleep! Outside of NeoGAF, it's very difficult to get a good summation of what's going on outside of that.

Plus it allows me to go through and see new posts of sites that don't update often, like comic books (Sinfest, PVPOnline, Penny Arcade) or unique sites (Brand New).

Twitter only goes so far back in a day.


Still without luck
Posted super early. Still a two man show this week.


Episode 163 - Vader Helmet - 3/28/2013

This week, Will and Norm discuss the Oculus Rift some more, get clarification on the TF2 control modes, talk about T-Mobile's bold new strategy, and talk about 3D printed "guns".


ruh roh, GDC and a lot game talk >_>


Axel Hertz
Whitta used to live in San Francisco, so it was a quick trip for him to get to the office.

Now that he lives all the way in Pacifica, I don't think we'll be seeing much more of him.


Whitta used to live in San Francisco, so it was a quick trip for him to get to the office.

Now that he lives all the way in Pacifica, I don't think we'll be seeing much more of him.

It's not like San Francisco is empty of people who can talk on a tech podcast though.
Again :(

We need Whitta or Case 3rd chair ASAP

As much as I love Lloyd's contributions, I feel having a third all-out techy guy there just does not work well at all.

Whitta works because he is a layman (in he nicest sense of the word). He asks questions that someone listening to the cast might, and acts as a great barrier to stop things getting too techy when they do not need to. He is also not afraid to ask "why" or "what does not mean" after hearing Will and Norm spout a steam numbers and frequencies about products that can sometimes go over people's (read: mine) heads

Norm and Will already get too techy on their own. Lloyd would just send that rocketship into orbit.


I've said it before, I'll say it again, and I'll keep saying it until the end of time: Tested without the Trifecta is imperfect and liable to self-detonate (unless the entire cast are fathers)


formerly cjelly
Thought the exact same thing watching that last night.

And I have watched a bit more of tested's stuff the last 2 weeks and I cant help get the "this website is about to get shut down or sold" vibe from everything. Something has to be up.
It hasn't been the same since Will was on paternity, really. I know they do a lot of longer form stuff so maybe it's coming.


Just watching their Oculus Rift video, and it's clear how much better the dynamic can be with just one other person offering mildly contrary opinions. Tested really needs to hire a permanent third chair.


Subete no aware
Wait, Jeremy Williams left Future and is not working as a game designer?

I know Andy is now apparently working at Giantbomb... I don't think I'd recognize anyone over at Future US now, outside of Gordon Ma Ung.
Norm's warranty talk at the beginning of the podcast was dumb. Companies have never given a single shit about me, you better believe I'll try to bend the rules in my favor in the few instances I have an opportunity

I hope Will gets away with it. Stick it to the man!

wait the podcast is already up?

Its easy to get the podcast up early when you don't need to wait for a third chair :(


I still enjoy their video content, but the website has become useless to me. I just don't care about the majority of what is posted, and the stuff I do care about never goes into enough depth. Podcasts have been generally hit or miss.


If Will was serious during his April Fools rant, then he is a no-fun idiot. It's one day dude, and its probably more of a problem for you 'press' people than normal people.


the holder of the trombone
Despite a lot of people here complaining, it looks like Tested has been growing like crazy on YouTube as of late. Especially in the last 30 days. Adam videos going viral, maybe?


Compare to Giant Bomb (kind of apples and oranges, not all of their video viewership or growth is on YouTube)


Congrats guys.

Yeah, Occulus rift video alone is 117k.

I'm always amused at how small of an audience giantbomb has on youtube.


the holder of the trombone
To be fair, Tested moved entirely to youtube when they were sold. I'd guess that most of GBs views come through their website.

Oh I know, I just find it interesting, especially contrasting with their popularity. Or maybe I overestimate their popularity. I'm always surprised that they can't regularly do the numbers of, for examples, total biscuit or angry joe.
To be fair, Tested moved entirely to youtube when they were sold. I'd guess that most of GBs views come through their website.

This is probably the main reason. Tested has everything on Youtube including the embeds on the site while Giantbomb has their own player+doesn't use Youtube embeds on the site.

I watch everything Tested on Youtube, I barely visit their site, meanwhile I do the complete opposite for GB, even though I'm subscribed to them on Youtube.


I do agree the podcast needs a third. I never really watched the videos but decided to last week and they did look kind of bored. Not sure if that's how it always seems though. It'd be cool to have Adam on as a third once in a while to talk tech stuff.
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