Is Gary leaving San Francisco?
This week, Will and Norm discuss the Oculus Rift some more, get clarification on the TF2 control modes, talk about T-Mobile's bold new strategy, and talk about 3D printed "guns".
Posted super early. Still a two man show this week.
We need Whitta or Case 3rd chair ASAP
Whitta used to live in San Francisco, so it was a quick trip for him to get to the office.
Now that he lives all the way in Pacifica, I don't think we'll be seeing much more of him.
We need Whitta or Case 3rd chair ASAP
Loyd also talks about board games, which is painful to listnen to.
One of the guys on Red Letter Media's Best of the worst looks like a brown-haired, balding, happy Will.
It hasn't been the same since Will was on paternity, really. I know they do a lot of longer form stuff so maybe it's coming.Thought the exact same thing watching that last night.
And I have watched a bit more of tested's stuff the last 2 weeks and I cant help get the "this website is about to get shut down or sold" vibe from everything. Something has to be up.
Sometimes I feel like them doing the podcast is just the media equivalent of a couple staying together for the kids.
Adam Savage Growing Up: In Conversation with Adam's Mom
On this week's show, we sit down with Adam in his library and interview his mom about what Adam was like growing up in New York. Learn, from a unique perspective, what Adam was like as a kid, what influences surrounded him at home, and how he started his very first projects.
wait the podcast is already up?
wait the podcast is already up?
Despite a lot of people here complaining, it looks like Tested has been growing like crazy on YouTube as of late. Especially in the last 30 days. Adam videos going viral, maybe?
Compare to Giant Bomb (kind of apples and oranges, not all of their video viewership or growth is on YouTube)
Congrats guys.
Yeah, Occulus rift video alone is 117k.
I'm always amused at how small of an audience giantbomb has on youtube.
I still enjoy their video content, but the website has become useless to me. I just don't care about the majority of what is posted, and the stuff I do care about never goes into enough depth. Podcasts have been generally hit or miss.
To be fair, Tested moved entirely to youtube when they were sold. I'd guess that most of GBs views come through their website.
To be fair, Tested moved entirely to youtube when they were sold. I'd guess that most of GBs views come through their website.