Jamie Hyneman and Adam Savage are champions of science and technology, who worked on special effects for seminal Hollywood films before teaming up ten years ago to educate and entertain millions of viewers around the world. Through the course of his 25 years of work in the effects industry, Jamie has had his hand in producing effects for over 800 commercials, dozens of feature films, and has built hundreds of prototypes. Adam has multiple hobbies and is passionate about restoring his vintage four-wheel drive vehicle, and researching and accruing new pieces for his movie prop collection. When not shooting shows or working on pet projects, Adam and Jamie travel the country to corporate events, museums, and colleges, for groups as small as 20 and as large as 20,000, telling tales of experiments, explosions, and hijinks. Tested is their home on the web.
Will Smith and Norman Chan have been covering consumer electronics and the Internet for the past ten years, the last two of which were spent building Tested as a place for users to learn about technology and share their passions. Will works to master many coffee brewing techniques, is learning novel and traditional cooking styles, and keeps trying to expand his dogs vocabulary beyond 150 words. Norm loves learning new photography tricks, is fascinated by comic book and cosplay culture, and is still on the hunt for the perfect pair of headphones. Both Will and Norm are unabashed adult fans of LEGO. As the curators and producers of everyday stories and video on Tested, trust Will and Norm to bring the off-beat enthusiasm and pragmatic coverage that long-time Tested readers have come to expect, infused with Jamie and Adams sensibilities and hallmark inquisitiveness.