Interesting study, just adds further proof to there being stupid people out there.
I was in a starbucks once getting a coffee, there was a long line, about six people ahead of me. As I was getting a bit closer to ordering...the staff kept telling me specifically, "we're sorry for the wait sir, we'll be right with you!" This was repeated to me three times, my response to them was, no problem, it's okay, no worries.
I've been in starbucks plenty of times with plenty of lines...even the same one before that I'm telling you guys about.
Only during that time, I was wearing a full suit because I had been on an interview prior to entering into that Starbucks.
Suits = power to many people. The way you dress, regardless of race, will automatically change perception and how people treat you.
It's a strange world we live in.
Things like this are interesting, they go well beyond race, it goes right down to the psychology of people.
Anyone seen the movie Pretty Woman where Julia Robert's character tries to shop on Rodeo Drive in Hollywood? Even though it was a fictional's still true to today. My wife and I have been in high-end shops all the time and if you're not dressed the way the staff think you should be dressed to shop there...they look at you funny, and even approach you asking why you're there.
It's hilarious in my opinion and sad at the same time.