Episode 18 when Vegeta realized Gohan stole the last Dragon Ball.
Oh yeah, LOL. Amazing.
Episode 18 when Vegeta realized Gohan stole the last Dragon Ball.
Continuity error. In the episode, Trunks hears the scream and addresses it, while in the movie he ignores it and the conversation is different.
DBZAbridged is ruined forever.
That was fantastic. I honestly would've loved a more serious spin on this because the promo they made was sooooo good (especially the bit where Gohan tells Trunks how his anger simply explodes), but this being TFS and all, it was bound to be humorous, and it was, but I think they did a great job at nailing the more dramatic scenes whilst maintaining an overall comedic tone. This is probably their best work yet.
If they get too close to the source material, I'd imagine it's a little harder to defend their work on the grounds of fair use and parody.
I couldn't catch some of the dialogue at the beginning - What were Trunks' first (and second) words? And what did Krillin say before he went "OH GOD MY EYES!" when he was killed? Thought I made out something that sounded like he was hitting on 18 but he was speaking too fast.
Now I want to see how they're going to handle when Trunks comes back and kills them, if they get to that.
It's kind of weird how the timeline shenanigans work in DBZ in the first place.
Timeline A: Goku kills Frieza and King Cold and dies of a heart illness ~1-1.5 years later. The androids kill everyone else. Bulma builds a time machine which Trunks uses. Trunks jumps to another timeline (timeline C). Trunks returns from timeline C and defeats Androids 17, 18, and later, Cell.
Timeline B: Goku kills Frieza and King Cold and dies of a heart illness ~1-1.5 years later. The androids kill everyone else. Bulma builds a time machine which Trunks uses. Trunks jumps to another timeline (timeline D). Trunks returns from timeline D and de-activates Androids 17 and 18. Trunks prepares to go back and tell everyone, but before he can, Cell kills Trunks, steals the time machine, and travels to timeline C, arriving probably somewhere around Vegeta and Nappa's arrival.
Timeline C: The main Z timeline. A year before Frieza and King Cold come to earth, Cell from timeline B arrives, hibernating. Trunks from timeline A arrives and defeats frieza and king cold and gives goku the antidote. Goku doesn't fall ill until 3 years later. androids 19 and 20 attack the island, then androids 17, 18, and 16 are activated. 17 and 18 are way stronger than those from Timeline A. Cell from timeline B absorbs the androids, Cell from timeline C is destroyed along with Gero's secret lab by krillin and trunks. Cell from timeline B is defeated by Gohan.
Timeline D: A hidden timeline, mostly shrouded in mystery. All that's known is that Trunks from timeline B warns everyone of the androids and provides goku with an antidote for his illness. Somehow the Z fighters find a way to deactivate the androids, Trunks travels back to timeline B now knowing how the androids of his own timeline can be defeated (perhaps the plans were not in the secret lab in this timeline, but the main one?). Gero's secret lab remains undetected, and cell continues to be created as gero's computer watches on for years to come. Fate of the world unknown.
My guess? History of Trunks is timeline A, and Trunks going "Daddy?" and acknowledging vegeta's scream is timeline B![]()
My guess? History of Trunks is timeline A, and Trunks going "Daddy?" and acknowledging vegeta's scream is timeline B![]()
His scream was so loud it ripped through the multiverse.
I need these fanarts.... for researchJust finished watching history of trunks abridged and came to the sudden realization that I ship future gohan with future bulma.
I need these fanarts.... for research
Holy shit I'm crying.MasakoX has a side-series called Bad Fanfiction Theatre where he reads bad fanfiction in his poshest voice.
The latest is DBZ related and gets Lani and LittleKuriboh to guest star
If you want to hear Vegeta speak in broken English, here you go.
I forgot to ask this when History of Trunks was released but I didn't get the joke about Dr. Briefs...
Why was he off looking for Fake Namek all those years?
If they could get the Namek Dragon Balls they can fix everything.
...Was he looking for NEW namek or Fake Namek, because I thought it was FAKE Namek and they didn't have dragon balls.
And then throw in how he gets his sword, the various OVA/movie specials, and DB Online/Xenoverse. ;P
Speaking of the sword, it just occurred to me. The origin of it wasn't revealed until movie 13 came out and that was well after the Cell saga finished. Toriyama, as far as I know, had nothing to do with the movies. So that being the case, what the hell was Toriyama thinking giving Trunks a sword to begin with?
It looked cool?
Sure, but it also killed Frieza and King Cold. So clearly it's a special sword, but one that Toriyama didn't bother to explain.
It looked cool?
Sure, but it also killed Frieza and King Cold. So clearly it's a special sword, but one that Toriyama didn't bother to explain.
This is the creepiest thing I've seen in a while.
what the hell?
How is this relevant to anything?This is the creepiest thing I've seen in a while.
How is this relevant to anything?