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The 100 S3 |OT| Adventures In Character Assassination - Thursdays 9/8c





It's subtle, but maybe Abby does know the extent of Clarke's feeling for Lexa!. Still, the relationship unfortunately comes off as closeted with the overall lack of acknowledgement, at least from the skyrats.

Hope she can talk about Lexa with another main cast member next season, but feel like Jason is just going to have the show never mention her again until possible Luna return.


It's subtle, but maybe Abby does know the extent of Clarke's feeling for Lexa!. Still, the relationship unfortunately comes off as closeted with the overall lack of acknowledgement, at least from the skyrats.

Hope she can talk about Lexa with another main cast member next season, but feel like Jason is just going to have the show never mention her again until possible Luna return.

It actually kind of lowkey infuriates me that Murphy, the show's resident douchebag, is the only one to truly know the extent of their relationship because he was there when Lexa died. And he'll probably be the only one to really understand.


He gets it. Like he may be an asshole but he's not stupid.


It actually kind of lowkey infuriates me that Murphy, the show's resident douchebag, is the only one to truly know the extent of their relationship because he was there when Lexa died. And he'll probably be the only one to really understand.


He gets it. Like he may be an asshole but he's not stupid.

Oh yeah forgot about murphy knowing, ta. Now gimmie a discussion between him another character about the extent of it.

Rather like Murphy, an actual redemption arc that wasn't a knee-jerk since its been over the course of the show and its still ongoing. Unlike another character >.>


The Octavia Pike ending would've been better if she didn't try to kill him earlier. They should've shown her tempted with an opportunity during a battle and NOT taking it, maybe in a scene later have her save his life during the battle. THEN have the ending where she ganks him the second the battle is over. That would've been sweet.


Best part about next season is Murphy being closer to the main cast again. See how he behaves with Clarke, Bellamy and the others.


Best part about next season is Murphy being closer to the main cast again. See how he behaves with Clarke, Bellamy and the others.

He won't be with them long until he is captured by the new enemy and tortured again. Being tortured is Murphy's thing.


Here is some interesting comments on Maureen Ryan's Variety article, makes some good points as to how Lexa captured hearts and minds. Source

Mike Jamieson says:
April 24, 2016 at 4:00 pm
All writers and actors usually study drama. One thing in particular with respect to character is the psychological aspect of archetypes. I will not bore you here, other than to say they are VERY powerful and can evoke powerful responses in people/audiences who experience them

So, what IS special about Lexa?

If I was a writer, invited into a pitch meeting and was asked for a logline on Lexa’s character, i could do it in FIVE words.

Thats exactly what they have done. Not only that, they have put 50% of Boadicea in there too. Two of the most powerful iconic warrior women in history and powerful archetypes. Joan of arc is being dramatically rebooted every few years, seemingly, we cannot get enough.

On top of that they have made her a Lesbian and a bad ass fighter and a closet sub or bottom. For Goodness sake, its like Supergirl, mixed with Wonder Woman and Xeena on steroids and strapped to a Saturn 5 Launch vehicle.

This character has inspired old and young, gay and straight, male and female alike with equal measure. In addition to the powerful archetypal image she was also a voice for the GBLT community where she made it clear it was nothing to be ashamed of and that it was perfectly acceptable to love another woman, psssionately.

Jason just didn’t realise what was happening and what powerful psychological energies he was pushing on TV. And.. By his own admission, he handled it badly.

That is an understatement. He has possibly broken a dramatic continuity that would have spawned a seperate franchise. Now he has severed the timeline by killing her at this particular point so he is limited to Lexa, prior to the descent of the 100. Lets hope the fake death theory is true.

He has also rough-shod over the GBLT community. Not through desire or choice but by financial necessity and without knowing what a gold-plated bankable asset he had, and boxing clever and keeping his dramatic options open, he has blown it.

A virtual reunion in the City Of light will be 2nd class. Having a different actress portraying Lexa will be unsettling, it takes at least ONE/TWO films to get used to a new James Bond and many episodes to adjust to a new Dr. Who. Going down the New Doctor Who path Is what I feel is what he is thinking about as getting ADC back permanently is unlikely, although her role to date in FTWD is hardly inspiring.

Be careful of archetypes!

And here is another one of his comments:

Mike Jamieson says:
April 21, 2016 at 3:12 pm
Hi Maureen,
Thank you for a great article..

I am a 65 year old heterosexual male. The love scene between Clarke and Lexa moves me to tears on every occasion I watch it, and I watch it constantly.

Like most of the LGBTQ community and probably Hetero too, I was shocked and dismayed by the total shabbiness and amateurish dispatch of Lexa from the story. As a writer myself, I can tell it reeks of haste and perhaps a sense of panic. I agree with most commentators, Alica’s conflict of schedules could have been overcome.

However, this is not as straight forward as it seems. And, on the face of it, although it may seem to be a lesbian bashing exercise, I do not think it is. If so, they would not have had Clarke engaging again in such a relationship with another character early in S3. They would have steered her back to a male again. Did CW exploit the LGBTQ (and hetero) community for the sake of ratings? Certainly!

But Lexa was not killed for not for homophobic reasons.

The basic truth is this. Alicia’s character, Lexa was beginning to eclipse Elizah’s Clarke. She was becoming increasingly more loved and popular. What was the reason for this?

The reason is simple. Anyone who has studied writing will have also studied archetypes and their psychological significance. CW had in fact created a powerful archetype in Lexa. A warrior princess with the same qualities of historical figures such as Boadicea and Joan of Arc.There are others but we have statues to these two in particular to this day, thousands and hundreds of years after their deaths respectively. Remakes of Joan Of Arc are being made on almost a depressingly regular basis.

Put this together with the makeup, streaky mascara enhancing the already large eyes and you reinforce this into an even more powerful image that will galvanise at the first sight of it. Clarke, didn’t stand a chance. It didn’t matter if later she donned this make up too. Lexa had captured us mind and soul, in a way Clarke’s character never quite convincingly accomplished. So, what of the previous commander, why didn’t she have the same effect?

Ah, this is where it becomes more interesting and complex. Even though you may think so, Clarke is not so dualistic or as complex in nature. Neither was the first commander. Both were ‘TOPS’.

It becomes clearer throughout Season two that Lexa is a BOTTOM. Despite the fact she can fight and kill without any emotion, betray an alliance for her own people’s needs, her vulnerability with respect to another woman she finds attractive is laid bare with almost effortless ease. This dualistic nature becomes intoxicatingly intriguing. This is how she stole the show, for hetero men and gay/bi women alike

The other reason may cause contention. Basically, Alicia’s range of expression in her acting as Lexa is far more expansive than Elizah’s, at least as far as Clarke’s character is concerned. This is not a comparison of acting skills, but more of Directorial requirements.

However, if you are watching the first Season of ‘Fear the Walking Dead, Alicia’s character is far from engaging and totally uninspiring, unless at some future point she learns to fight and dons warpaint. Which reinforces my previous point.

Alicia/Lexa’s range of facial expression during the love scene in Episode 7 totally outshone her lover’s. The point at which she was sat on the bed looking up at Clarke with those big eyes and parted mouth in a total expression of love, consent and submission in comparison to Clarke’s almost steely masculine look said it all. Alicia/Lexa had captured the production of CW’s The 100… completely. And, like Joan Of Arc it became unbearable for her to even exist either in a cell or a convent or in the story of The 100, banished as some fans would have preferred. She had to ‘Go To The Stake’ and her body totally destroyed, even to the point of having her ‘Spirit’ cut from her body as Joan’s ashes were scattered beyond reach.

So, the studio saw what was happening. It is totally unacceptable for a guest star to eclipse the Main Permanent Protagonist She had to go. But not for the reasons many think.

So, where do we go from here?

Jason is now locked in, as far as Clarke’s character is concerned. If Clarke re-bonds with Bellamy, as many would like, or anyone else further down the road, then Clarke’s love for Lexa, her parting words on her death bed would become empty and faithless. The audience would see her as such and fail to trust her.

This is why either Lexa has to be returned or the Season will end at the conclusion of Season 4.

My guess is, Clarke will continue to fight the battles to the end and deliver her people and unite the Clans but will remain chaste. She has to.

But, like Moses who was forbidden to enter the Holy land and, like Frodo Baggins whose wounds were too deep she will travel wearily to the Grey Havens and board the Ship to the Isles of the West and into Legend, together with Lexa who (through whatever plot machinations Jason can imagine) will be there at the very end when she cannot do any further damage to the show and where Clarke and Her Love can be fully and permanently consummated in such a way that the LGBTQ community may and I stress MAY be overjoyed and satisfied.

So, here we have a typical example of Dr. Frankenstein (CW) creating a Monster (Lexa) that they couldn’t control. They didn’t know what the hell to do. They panicked and killed her quickly and then got embroiled in the ‘dead Lesbian’ dispute which they were completely unprepared for as that was not their reason, hence the panic on the social networks and conflicting interviews. They could hardly admit that they thought Lexa was taking over the show could they?

So, this is why they are totally screwed. The 100 will be lucky to see the completion of Season 4 and there certainly will not be a season five, unless Lexa plays a dominant part at the expense of Clarke.

Do not be surprised if Lexa appears in her own future independent show and goes the whole way to provide the LGBTQ community with everything they ever dreamed of and go where Xena only dreamed of.

Thank you for reading.


So ALIE fucks the world with her nukes and she's still asking Clarke to give her a chance with her cult pills? And Clarke was thinking about it? What the fuck, Clarke?

Anyway, I have a feeling Luna's little town will be one of those safe areas on Earth and Clarke and the gang are just gonna fail to save the earth and conquer Luna's village and kill everyone in there to "save" her people or something. Throw in a couple of redemption arcs and all is forgiven.

Fuck Bellamy.


Lol? It actually sounds pretty realistic to me. I think the only thing I disagree with is Lexa coming back for her own show. There isn't a big enough following for that.

Some completely ridicolous choice quotes.

For Goodness sake, its like Supergirl, mixed with Wonder Woman and Xeena on steroids and strapped to a Saturn 5 Launch vehicle.

He has possibly broken a dramatic continuity that would have spawned a seperate franchise.

Not through desire or choice but by financial necessity and without knowing what a gold-plated bankable asset he had.

The basic truth is this. Alicia’s character, Lexa was beginning to eclipse Elizah’s Clarke. She was becoming increasingly more loved and popular. What was the reason for this?

So, the studio saw what was happening. It is totally unacceptable for a guest star to eclipse the Main Permanent Protagonist She had to go. But not for the reasons many think.
Some completely ridicolous choice quotes.

I'm talking about what happens to Clarke next season regarding love interests and season four being the last season.

It's true that I don't think Jason realized what he had until he experienced the backlash over her death. I disagree that she had to go because she was becoming more popular that Eliza; that just doesn't make sense. If that were the case, they should have kept her around and capitalized on that following of the character. I mean, from my experience, Lexa WAS more popular, but that's not why she died.

I mean either way it works out because ADC is making fucking bank off of FTWD, and it's an infinitely more popular show, so good on her. Does that make what happened to Lexa any less stupid? Of course not.


Lexa had to go both because of the actress and because Lexa had been written from the start with an expiration date in mind.
What's done is done. I'm probably going to be salty about it until the day I die but there's no bringing her back in the physical sense so afterlife hijinks are all I can hope for now.


I'm talking about what happens to Clarke next season regarding love interests and season four being the last season.
They would get into syndication territory with a fifth season, so it would be strange to see them cancel it next year. Could happen, but it would be strange.

It's true that I don't think Jason realized what he had until he experienced the backlash over her death. I disagree that she had to go because she was becoming more popular that Eliza; that just doesn't make sense. If that were the case, they should have kept her around and capitalized on that following of the character. I mean, from my experience, Lexa WAS more popular, but that's not why she died.
It is however 3/4 of the guy's thesis which is why I consider it ridicolous fanfiction.
They would get into syndication territory with a fifth season, so it would be strange to see them cancel it next year. Could happen, but it would be strange.

I mean we'll see how season 4 plays out plot wise, but I don't see how they can get any bigger than literally saving the world from another nuclear apocalypse. And it would be fitting to end it there; everything would've kind of come full circle with the crew doing what Becca couldn't.


Binge watched the series the last week or so.

S1 was mostly bad, S2 was enjoyable (Murphy and Jaha arc was great) but the show still made some questionable decisions (i.e. Finn's turn that did not feel earned) and I did not enjoy season three much at all. Bellamy's character arc in particular, probably bothered me the most. Just way too much inconsistency and I can't remember how many times I shaked my head in disgust at some of the decisions the show producers made. Not sure if others are in the same boat, but i honestly wished death upon 90% of the characters. For a show with a pretty large cast, that's a problem IMO.

Raven seems like one of the fan favorites, but I can not get behind her largely in part because I feel the actress playing her is absolutely terrible. Some other shitboxes that need to get got next season too.

Murphy's character and story is the most enjoyable tbh. He's a piece of shit no doubt, but I find him compelling and he's been the highlight of the show for me. Hoping the writers don't fuck him up next season.


It actually kind of lowkey infuriates me that Murphy, the show's resident douchebag, is the only one to truly know the extent of their relationship because he was there when Lexa died. And he'll probably be the only one to really understand.


He gets it. Like he may be an asshole but he's not stupid.

I love that scene. One could say that it was rather



What's done is done. I'm probably going to be salty about it until the day I die but there's no bringing her back in the physical sense so afterlife hijinks are all I can hope for now.

I'm still delusional enough to hold out hope for her full time season 4!

I mean we'll see how season 4 plays out plot wise, but I don't see how they can get any bigger than literally saving the world from another nuclear apocalypse. And it would be fitting to end it there; everything would've kind of come full circle with the crew doing what Becca couldn't.

But with the true north love of Clarke & Bellamy to see it through..... T_T please god no
Clarke was also second choice for Lexa.

I mean in a literal sense, sure. But think about it. Costia died in part because Lexa refused to risk the safety of her people by trying to rescue her. Everything she did in season 3, from her vow, to having the nightbloods and Titus swear to protect Clarke, showed that she'd treat her differently. That she wouldn't make the same mistake twice.


I mean in a literal sense, sure. But think about it. Costia died in part because Lexa refused to risk the safety of her people by trying to rescue her. Everything she did in season 3, from her vow, to having the nightbloods and Titus swear to protect Clarke, showed that she'd treat her differently. That she wouldn't make the same mistake twice.




In order for them to "get back together", they would've needed to be a thing in the first place.

Ok. Just to annoy you... Bellamy will save Clarke from dying. They will look into each others eyes, awkwardly at first but then lovingly. Then they will kiss and then probably pull away confused about their feelings. Then a few more episodes they will get it on.


Still think Bellamy and Clarke will get back together.

I hope they do, But take it slow next season. Don't make it cheesy and rush it. Make it all out dramatic and epic with an awesome song in backdrop.

This is my first time posting since the season finale, I'll say this, The end of that episode really killed my mood. Like I understand O is pissed off (who wouldn't be) But even still sometimes the direction of the character gets repetitive. All season watching her mean mug face expressions and frowning ass walk aways. Do not want that shit next year.

Also I like the actress who plays the mom, But the writers really need to evolve her character because trying to baby her daughter especially after all the bullshit that has gone down is ridiculous.

And please kill Jasper. For the love of everything kill him! Ever since his girlfriend for 1.5 seconds got killed He's became completely useless.

One last thing, I hope we get some cool new locations next season. The city of light (aka Vancouver?) was refreshing to see. I want more of that or something kinda close to it.
Ok. Just to annoy you... Bellamy will save Clarke from dying. They will look into each others eyes, awkwardly at first but then lovingly. Then they will kiss and then probably pull away confused about their feelings. Then a few more episodes they will get it on.

Will be kinda out of fucking nowhere considering they haven't had a lick of romantic tension since season 1. If you could even call it that.

Just consider for a second that Clarke has more chemistry with a little blue chip than she does with Bellamy. We've never seen her look at Bellamy the way she looks at that thing.


Will be kinda out of fucking nowhere considering they haven't had a lick of romantic tension since season 1. If you could even call it that.

Just consider for a second that Clarke has more chemistry with a little blue chip than she does with Bellamy. We've never seen her look at Bellamy the way she looks at that thing.

Have you read the books?
Have you read the books?

No. But if your argument is going to be that Bellarke is canon in the books, then I am very much aware. I am also aware that the show has yet to really follow the books outside of the characters and I highly doubt they have any plans to do so in the future.
I want Bellamy to jump on a grenade just before it explodes and they roll him over to reveal his nearly blown out chest cavity. He lives just enough time to hear Clarke say "I'm sorry" one last time.
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