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The 58th Presidential Inauguration Ceremony: President Donald J Trump

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The hyperbole surrounding Trump makes it very clear to me that millions of people don't understand how the American political system works.

Protesting a head of state and/or a government is one of the most important democratic rights that exists. Yes, Trump will still be president after all the protesting the news 24-48 hours, but that doesn't mean people shouldn't go out and protest showing their despite and their head of state/president in the coming years.
I didn't vote for him, nor do I support him in any capacity. I promise every American here that your day to day life will change very little as a result of his election.

You're 18 right? Do you remember a time before the ACA was put into law? Legislation has consequences.


The hyperbole surrounding Trump makes it very clear to me that millions of people don't understand how the American political system works.

People are rightfully scared at the prospect of a Trump led GOP controlled Government. They can and will put through many dream projects they've been going on about for the last 8 years. These policies will do measurable harm to millions of Americans.

However, the abject hyperbole does remind one of the hysteria from the GOP after Obama was elected. Of course, social and economic progress seems firmly rooted in the ideas of liberalism so the fears are not morally equal, but it is funny to see the same kind of hyperbole from the Left side of the aisle this time.
I didn't vote for him, nor do I support him in any capacity. I promise every American here that your day to day life will change very little (if at all) as a result of his election.

because a good chunk of the gaf posters are healthy straight college educated white people, yes they will be mostly fine but some aren't and some of us have empathy with those that aren't.
I have enough faith in the system, that has worked for over 200 years, that it will not allow Trump to become this totalitarian dictator that everyone sees him becoming.
I have enough faith in the system, that has worked for over 200 years, that it will not allow Trump to become this totalitarian dictator that everyone sees him becoming.

The same system that did and does not give women and minorities the same rights as others? Lol you are silly.

I don't think the US will end at all but lives will be affected.


I have enough faith in the system, that has worked for over 200 years, that it will not allow Trump to become this totalitarian dictator that everyone sees him becoming.

He doesnt need to become that to totally fuck over millions of people in many different ways.

Hey, you keep defending him, even tho you "didn't vote for him".

Sure buddy.


I didn't vote for him, nor do I support him in any capacity. I promise every American here that your day to day life will change very little (if at all) as a result of his election.

The LGBTQ Americans will likely be kicked out of stores, hospitals, and so on because of the FADA bill that Trump will sign, causing many of them to suffer.

Millions are going to lose their health insurance, some will definitely die, once ACA is repelled without a replacement.

I have enough faith in the system, that has worked for over 200 years, that it will not allow Trump to become this totalitarian dictator that everyone sees him becoming.



I didn't vote for him, nor do I support him in any capacity. I promise every American here that your day to day life will change very little (if at all) as a result of his election.

Oh cool. My healthcare disappearing wouldn't change my life in any noticeable capacity.



I didn't vote for him, nor do I support him in any capacity. I promise every American here that your day to day life will change very little (if at all) as a result of his election.

People will be uninsured, people with pre-exisiting conditions could be shown the door, the cable companies will be given free reign to divide up the internet and charge whatever they want for access to 1 or 2 websites
Not to mention what could happen to minorities
So nah bruh


People are rightfully scared at the prospect of a Trump led GOP controlled Government. They can and will put through many dream projects they've been going on about for the last 8 years. These policies will do measurable harm to millions of Americans.

However, the abject hyperbole does remind one of the hysteria from the GOP after Obama was elected. Of course, social and economic progress seems firmly rooted in the ideas of liberalism so the fears are not morally equal, but it is funny to see the same kind of hyperbole from the Left side of the aisle this time.
The main difference is that Obama hyperbole was based on him being a secret Kenyan Muslim Socialist, and Trump hyperbole is based on what he said he'd do.


Homeland Security Fail
To the East and West coasts, I wish you good luck and I hope we can survive these next four years.

To the flyover states, fuck y'all.


I didn't vote for him, nor do I support him in any capacity. I promise every American here that your day to day life will change very little (if at all) as a result of his election.

For the hell of it, I'll save this post and if a time comes where a change has occurred to my life directly because of him and his administration, I'll be sure to let you know.

But, of course, let's hope that won't be the case.
I didn't vote for him, nor do I support him in any capacity. I promise every American here that your day to day life will change very little (if at all) as a result of his election.

Sure....just like people didn't have their homes foreclosed and their 401k drained after a Bush administration. But yea let's pretend a person promising to deport millions and put muslims on a registry and bringing back stop and frisk and repeal ACA and defund many beneficial institutions will have next to zero impact on people.


I have enough faith in the system, that has worked for over 200 years, that it will not allow Trump to become this totalitarian dictator that everyone sees him becoming.

The system is broken because the majority of people didn't vote for him, having faith is a terrible idea, you should KNOW, THINK and QUESTION everything.

You're right, he might not become a totalitarian dictator, but he has showed opinions and character of a totalitarian dictator for a very long time.
I've already seen Trump supporters claim the photo with barely anyone there is fake and altered. They're in a world of their own.
The livestream didn't even show any panning shots of the crowd for the half hour or so that I followed last night. Guess they didn't want to show off then /s

I have enough faith in the system, that has worked for over 200 years, that it will not allow Trump to become this totalitarian dictator that everyone sees him becoming.
Well, if the system was followed, he wouldn't even have become the President Elect, since the electoral college should have blocked it based on the conflicts of interest alone.


I have enough faith in the system, that has worked for over 200 years, that it will not allow Trump to become this totalitarian dictator that everyone sees him becoming.

No one seriously thinks he is going to become a totalitarian dictator. But he, along with the rest of the GOP-controlled government, are going to pass a lot of laws that shit all over minorities and the poor.
I didn't vote for him, nor do I support him in any capacity. I promise every American here that your day to day life will change very little (if at all) as a result of his election.

Unless you're gay, or Muslim, or Latino, or black, or ...Well, you get the idea.

No one seriously thinks he is going to become a totalitarian dictator. But he, along with the rest of the GOP-controlled government, are going to pass a lot of laws that shit all over minorities and the poor.

My girlfriend thinks that. She's actually terrified of that or all out nuclear war.
I have enough faith in the system, that has worked for over 200 years, that it will not allow Trump to become this totalitarian dictator that everyone sees him becoming.

The fucking system hasn't always worked out best for a lot of people, especially minority groups, but I guess you're okay with that cause no affect on you then and no affect on you now..

The great thing about great political photos is they only get better with time. With any luck we'll survive long enough to look back at this in 20 years.

Anyone know what's with the white platform/tile covering the ground on the Mall? Never seen that before. Is just it to stop the grass from getting so torn up, maybe?

Is a white dot on a blue background our new flag under Trump?

Shouldn't it be orange?


I didn't vote for him, nor do I support him in any capacity. I promise every American here that your day to day life will change very little (if at all) as a result of his election.

This line of thinking is what allows policy makers to get away with eroding rights and programs that ultimately do effect millions. If they can't see it immediately they placate themselves with 'nothing changes' edgy, 'above it all' bullshit in the meantime.

Completely ignoring that Trump as a whole is an example of the repercussions of the long con at work.
I didn't vote for him, nor do I support him in any capacity. I promise every American here that your day to day life will change very little (if at all) as a result of his election.

I have type 1 diabetes that will now be a pre existing condition? This effects my life.


Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
Sure....just like people didn't have their homes foreclosed and their 401k drained after a Bush administration. But yea let's pretend a person promising to deport millions and put muslims on a registry and bringing back stop and frisk and repeal ACA and defund many beneficial institutions will have next to zero impact on people.

The vast majority of the foreclosures happened under the Obama Administration. See, e.g., Ryan Coooper: "This is Obama's biggest failure"
I sincerely do apologize if I offended anyone in this thread. I am a White male so my view is clearly somewhat one'sided. I do still have faith in the system to protect people's rights.
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