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The 58th Presidential Inauguration Ceremony: President Donald J Trump

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Anyone knows what's gonna happen to the @POTUS Twitter account.

Will that change to be Obama's account with a different @ name or will the Donald be using it from now on?


I sincerely do apologize if I offended anyone in this thread. I am a White male so my view is clearly somewhat one'sided. I do still have faith in the system to protect people's rights.

That system is under complete control of a party who doesn't want to protect the people's rights and actively campaigns to remove them. There is no hope, not unless the democrats take over in 2018 and 2020.


i just saw "alpaca protesters" on H street (shown on CBS). what the hell are alpacas protesting for. literally alpacas.
Out of curiosity, I looked up where is the exact opposite location on the globe from Washington D.C.

To get away as far as we can from Trump, we'd have to live 300 miles off the western coast of Australia.


I sincerely do apologize if I offended anyone in this thread. I am a White male so my view is clearly somewhat one'sided. I do still have faith in the system to protect people's rights.

Why not stop yourself and think about that before your last 3-5 posts?

I guess you just wanted the reactions you got.


Watching the coverage and laughing at how pathetic the turnout is, especially by comparison. At this time during Obama the entire field was packed. I at least can take some comfort in that.


I sincerely do apologize if I offended anyone in this thread. I am a White male so my view is clearly somewhat one'sided. I do still have faith in the system to protect people's rights.

The system has done a shit job. Read a history book. Or the news.

And try some empathy.
I didn't vote for him, nor do I support him in any capacity. I promise every American here that your day to day life will change very little (if at all) as a result of his election.

If you think that then you clearly have no idea what him or his cabinet are proposing.
Watching the coverage and laughing at how pathetic the turnout is, especially by comparison. At this time during Obama the entire field was packed. I at least can take some comfort in that.

Well, your average Trump fan is from the deep south, so I assume it's too damn cold for them to trek up to DC.


The vast majority of the foreclosures happened under the Obama Administration. See, e.g., Ryan Coooper: "This is Obama's biggest failure"
Of course they did. It takes time for financial catastrophes to filter through the system. George Bush was president when it happened, over the course of months massive firing started happening. Then Obama took office. By now, people had basically used up their savings and they were behind on their payments. That's when you get foreclosed on.


So I assume you are doing everything you can yourself to encourage change and awareness to these issues in your communities? Or are you just whining online about how fucked we are watching everything unfold?

That's what I'm tired of.
Conveniently, there's been an ever present push to keep citizens as distracted, uninformed, divided, afraid/unable to miss work from the right over the past 5 decades. Being outraged, and doing something about it, is a luxury very few Americans can afford these days.


Unconfirmed Member
I sincerely do apologize if I offended anyone in this thread. I am a White male so my view is clearly somewhat one'sided. I do still have faith in the system to protect people's rights.
The 'system' that is supposed to protect people's rights is completely and fully in the hands of the Republican party. They have all the power. I mean, I appreciate your optimism but please don't let it blind you.
The vast majority of the foreclosures happened under the Obama Administration. See, e.g., Ryan Coooper: "This is Obama's biggest failure"

and why do you think that happened? Man republicans are really good at making a mess and then blaming the guy that inherits it. Even the guy who was famous for forclosures is a Republican who is now going to be our Treasurer. Could Obama been stiffer with penalties? Yes, but that wasn't going to give those people their homes back. And it certainly wasn't his policies that enabled it.


I didn't vote for him, nor do I support him in any capacity. I promise every American here that your day to day life will change very little (if at all) as a result of his election.

My brother in law is having to find a new job (he's in his 50s btw) because he is about to lose his insurance (Obamacare)
This interview is very telling

Highlights from written articles about this for those who can't watch videos at work:

“You’ve got to understand that members of Congress have a lot of information that the public does not have,” Cummings said. “And I can tell you over the last week or two, the classified briefings that I have been to, and if the public knew what members of Congress know…”
Cummings argued that Congress needed to move forward with an investigation into the role both Russia and FBI Director James Comey played in influencing the U.S. election so that more information could be released to the public.
“...I also want it understood that this our watch and we’ve got to protect this democracy. This, to me, is bigger than President-elect Trump. I’m concerned that we are moving slowly but surely towards a crisis of a legitimacy with regard to our core institutions: CIA, FBI, NSA.”

“Even our Office of Government Ethics has been attacked by the Republicans,” the lawmaker pointed out. “At some point a lot of information is going to come to me as the top person on the Oversight and Government Reform committee and I don’t want anybody to say, ‘Well, he was just one the people that was protesting.’ I want them to understand, this is not about Democrat or Republican.”


My only solace is that Trump will realize (or already did) very quickly just how much work being President actually entails. Even if he delegates shit, there's still tons of stuff he HAS to do.

I bet he thought this was gonna be some sort of side job he could keep while running his shitty business.


The main difference is that Obama hyperbole was based on him being a secret Kenyan Muslim Socialist, and Trump hyperbole is based on what he said he'd do.

To be completely fair to the Right, the hyperbole was also based on what Obama said he'd do. It was the end of their world 8 years ago.

And here we are, at the end of our world.
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