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The 58th Presidential Inauguration Ceremony: President Donald J Trump

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Threw Fox News on in the background to see what nonsense they were spewing out. Huge news alert pops up "PROTESTS ERUPT IN D.C.", preceeded by some rhetoric about protesters disrupting the peace or something..

..cut to this:

People standing around chatting peacefully.

Apologies for the image quality.

If there are any mass of people holding signs critical of right-wing agendas, it's a disruptive protest.

And let some black people get out there and it goes from protest to riot.

Uh . . . that is like, far fewer people than 2009, isn't it?





Yeah fuck one person having the same say as another because they grew up in the country side.

Thanks to the Electoral College, some states with smaller populations have a bigger impact on the election than states with larger populations, effectively giving the rural people a much stronger vote.

That is not democracy. If it was democracy it would be only the Popular Vote that counted, as in the number of people. Countries with parliaments have this, like Sweden, where we count the votes and give out chairs in the Riksdag depending on the percentage of votes a party got. The Party with most votes in percentage, as in more people voted for them, is the one's who's most popular Prime Minister candidate gets chosen (also chosen by popular vote in the same election).


There are by-elections in 2018 right? Chance that Trump gets kneecapped in two years?


The senate we would be lucky to not lose more seats. It's an incredibly hostile maps for democrats, as this is the wave of senators that got elected when Obama win in 2016. There's something like 3 potential republicans who might be at risk, and then 10+ democrats.

In the house, probably a better chance - but the issue is gerrymandering. It creates a huge barrier for the democrats, in that they can get the highest number of votes but still not control the house.

Now, all cards off the table if Trump is revealed to be a Russian agent, launches a nuke or something truly catastrophic and unprecedented. But if he's merely a bad, racist, benefit cutting rich people rewarding republican I wouldn't be surprised at all if the democrats came off worse in 2018 than they did 2016.


It sucks, it's going to be a bitter pill to swallow seeing Obama board executive one, but now I look at our next President. A 70 year old man, will his health hold up?


26% voted for Trump.

And that's not even of all Americans, that's 26% of eligible voters.

Honestly, just stop with the math gymnastics. It doesn't change anything. America elected a racist fascist.

Apparently the American people did not have it in them to go out and vote against a fascist. There is no way you can spin that to make it look good.


There's not enough alcohol in the world.
My closest movie theater screened The World's End last night and combined it with a beer-tasting event.
Rather appropriate for the date, IMO.
Afterwards they screened Moonlight... a film I can guarantee Donald Trump will never watch and most of his supporters would be sickened by.
I mean the actual codes. They usually do that early in the morning, sometimes before they go to the church even.

I guess it's a classified meeting so there is no way to know.

Yeah I assume they already have the gold codes already from the current Sec.Def. Though I assume it's a special schedule for today.
I think I reached insanity.

I want to see trump, his cabinet, and the GOP fuck this country so badly, that the conservative baby boomers and old fucks that go us here finally realize they are the ones that have fucked this country for the past 50 years.

Burn it all down so we can rebuild.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
i still cant believe America chose this for itself. its just humiliating


I think I reached insanity.

I want to see trump, his cabinet, and the GOP fuck this country so badly, that the conservative baby boomers and old fucks that go us here finally realize they are the ones that have fucked this country for the past 50 years.

Burn it all down so we can rebuild.

That's a fun dream.
I think I reached insanity.

I want to see trump, his cabinet, and the GOP fuck this country so badly, that the conservative baby boomers and old fucks that go us here finally realize they are the ones that have fucked this country for the past 50 years.

Burn it all down so we can rebuild.

this will never happen.
fucking this country up badly will end up hurting minorities the most and then they will blame them for all of this.
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